Results for 'icelandic'

16 found
  1. Narrativization of human population genetics: Two cases in Iceland and Russia.Vadim Chaly & Olga V. Popova - 2024 - Public Understanding of Science 33 (3):370-386.
    Using the two cases of the Icelandic Health Sector Database and Russian initiatives in biobanking, the article criticizes the view of narratives and imaginaries as a sufficient and unproblematic means of shaping public understanding of genetics and justifying population-wide projects. Narrative representations of national biobanking engage particular imaginaries that are not bound by the universal normative framework of human rights, promote affective thinking, distract the public from recognizing and discussing tangible ethical and socioeconomic issues, and harm trust in science (...)
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  2. Thợ săn cá voi tại Iceland: “Tôi cần được ghi công vì giảm phát thải CO2”.Nguyễn Minh Hoàng & Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh Yến - 2023 - Tạp Chí Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Cá voi là loài động vật được Tổ chức Quốc tế về Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên (WWF) liệt vào danh sách có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng, và được những nhà hoạt động môi trường đấu tranh qua hàng thập kỷ qua để bảo vệ khỏi bị săn bắt do mức độ tàn bạo và lợi ích kinh tế không đáng kể.
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  3. Experts, Democracy, and Covid-19.Victor Karl Magnússon - 2022 - Philosophy of Medicine 3 (1).
    Two challenges have faced policymakers during the Covid-19 pandemic: First, they must determine the reliability of expert testimony in the face of uncertainty; second, they must determine the relevance of different kinds of expertise with regard to particular decisions. I argue that both these problems can be fruitfully analyzed through the lens of trust by introducing an in-depth case study of Iceland’s handling of the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. I contend that the problem of relevance highlights the limited (...)
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  4. The text-building function of names and nicknames in 'Sverris saga' and 'Boglunga sogur'.Anton Zimmerling - 1994 - In Sverrir Tómasson, The Ninth International Saga Conference. The Contemporary sagas. Akureyri, 1994. Reykjavík: Stofnun Árna Magnússonar. pp. 892-906.
    This paper explores the hypothesis that proper names serve as anchors identifying the individuals in the possible or real world. This hypothesis is tested on Old Icelandic narratives. A prominent feature of Old Icelandic sagas is that the narrative matter is not quite new. A Saga is reliable iff it refers to the events relevant for its audience and accepted as true by the whole community. I argue that proper names must be regarded as references to the background (...)
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  5. Aesthetic Autonomy and Praxis: Art and Language in Adorno and Habermas.Jennifer A. McMahon - 2011 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19 (2):155-175.
    Aesthetic autonomy has been given a variety of interpretations, which in many cases involve a number of claims. Key among them are: (i) art eludes conventional conceptual frameworks and their inherent incompatibility with invention and creativity; and (ii) art can communicate aspects of experience too fine‐grained for discursive language. To accommodate such claims one can adopt either a convention‐based account or a natural‐kind account. A natural‐kind theory can explain the first but requires some special scaffolding in order to support the (...)
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  6. Democratic Constitutional Change: Assessing Institutional Possibilities.Christopher Zurn - 2016 - In Thomas Bustamante and Bernardo Gonçalves Fernandes, Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspectives on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism. pp. 185-212.
    This paper develops a normative framework for both conceptualizing and assessing various institutional possibilities for democratic modes of constitutional change, with special attention to the recent ferment of constitutional experimentation. The paper’s basic methodological orientation is interdisciplinary, combining research in comparative constitutionalism, political science and normative political philosophy. In particular, it employs a form of normative reconstruction: attempting to glean out of recent institutional innovations the deep political ideals such institutions embody or attempt to realize. Starting from the assumption that (...)
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  7. Gagnrýnin og vísindaleg hugsun [English title: "Scientific versus Critical Thinking"].Finnur Dellsén - 2016 - Skírnir 190:321-342.
    English summary: This paper engages with a tradition in Icelandic philosophy of theorizing about critical thinking. The central thesis of the paper is that critical thinking should not be identified with scientific thinking, since scientific research is often (and inevitably so) based on a kind of epistemic trust in other scientists' testimony that is incompatible with critical thinking. The paper also criticizes the idea that critical thinking should be associated with any of Charles Peirce's four ways of forming beliefs (...)
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  8. Lost in Transition: Puzzles of Reconciliation.Jón Ólafsson - 2015 - Res Cogitans 10 (1).
    This paper discusses reconciliation as a strategy to heal social wounds caused by dictatorial regimes or deep economic crises. The paper treats two such examples: The failed attempts of the Icelandic government to reach a deal with the UK and the Netherlands about the repayment of debts incurred by the bankrupt Landsbanki Íslands and the prosecution of Mr. Geir Haarde, formerly Prime Minister of Iceland. It is argued that although reconciliation strategies have in some cases been partially successful, it (...)
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  9. Matthew Lipman: testimonies and homages.David Kennedy & Walter Kohan - 2010 - Childhood and Philosophy 6 (12):167-210.
    We lead off this issue of Childhood and Philosophy with a collection of testimonies, homages, and brief memoirs offered from around the world in response to the death of the founder of Philosophy for Children, Matthew Lipman on December 26, 2010, at the age of 87. To characterize Lipman as “founder” is completely accurate, but barely evokes the role he played in conceiving, giving birth to, and nurturing this curriculum cum pedagogy that became a movement, and which has taken root (...)
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  10. Pynchon’s Against the Day: Bilocation, Duplication, and Differential Repetition.Ali Salami & Razieh Rahmani - 2018 - ACADEMY PUBLICATION 9 (5):953-960.
    In Against the Day, Pynchon is obsessed with twoness, double worlds, as well as dual realities, and like Deleuze’s concept of repetition, these duplications and twinships are not merely repetition of the same, rather they allow for creativity, reinvention, and becoming. Pynchon’s duplication of fictional and spectral characters intends to critique the notion of identity as does Deleuzian concept of repetition. Not attached to the representational concept of identity as the recurrence of the same, Pynchon’s duplications decenter the transcendental concept (...)
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    The Advantages of Self-Sufficient Countries with Manageable Populations and Minimal Import Dependence.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Advantages of Self-Sufficient Countries with Manageable Populations and Minimal Import Dependence -/- Introduction -/- In a world where globalization has connected economies, many nations remain highly dependent on imports for essentials such as food, energy, and industrial materials. While trade brings benefits, over-reliance on imports exposes nations to risks such as supply chain disruptions, inflation, and geopolitical pressures. However, some countries have successfully built self-sufficient economies, allowing them to thrive with minimal reliance on foreign resources. -/- Self-sufficient countries benefit (...)
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  12. Lý do săn bắt cá voi: Để “giảm phát thải CO2”.Nguyễn Minh Hoàng & Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh Yến - manuscript
    Ông Loftsson – người đứng đầu doanh nghiệp săn bắt cá voi thương mại cuối cùng tại Iceland lại không hề lo lắng về phán quyết này, dù nhiều người cho rằng nó có thể khiến doanh nghiệp của ông lao đao. Ông tin tưởng vào việc mình vẫn có thể tiếp tục đánh bắt vào năm sau và đưa ra những lập luận của riêng mình khi bị cáo buộc phá hoại môi trường.
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  13. Some Theoretical Implications of the Study of NP-Movement in Some Scandinavian Languages.Pierre Pica - 1981 - In Thorstein Fretheim & Lars Hellan, Papers from the sixth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics.
    We argue that there exist two kinds of passive structures, a) one generated in the base b) the other transformationally derived by the structure preserving-rule of move-NP. Assuming a Case theory along the lmines of Chomsky (1978), we want to argue a) that some oblique Cases are assigned in the base b) that NP movement can move an oblique Case assigned in the base c) that movement should not be defined in terms of Case but in terms of Government.
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  14. Siðrænar dygðir og læknismenntun.Svanur Sigurbjörnsson - 2020 - Dissertation,
    In this MA-thesis in applied ethics a conceptual basis or framework is examined for teaching programs in medicine to be able to enhance strengths of character, skills and virtues – clinical maturity of future healthcare professionals. Concepts of virtue ethics and human understanding are sought from Aristotle‘s rich theory of ethics and applied theories from philosophy, psychology, education and medicine over the last 50 years to construct a conceptual framework of virtue and character education. As input to that construction, a (...)
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  15. A healthy, innovative, sustainable, transparent, and competitive methodology to identify twenty benchmark countries that saved people lives against Covid-19 during 180 days.Jonas Gomes da Silva - 2020 - International Journal for Innovation Education and Research 8 (10):541-577.
    Since the “last day” of 2019, a new virus emerged in Asia, which in Feb./2020 was called by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2020) as Coronavirus disease (Covid-19). Due to its fast transmission, after eight months since the first global official case, at 23:59 (GMT) on August 31, 2020, the world has accounted for about 25,620,737 new confirmed cases with 854,222 deaths and 17,921,063 recovered cases (WORLDOMETERS, 2020). The pandemic is the newest challenge for all nations, most of them eager (...)
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  16. United Humanity: from "UN 2.0" to "UN 3.0" The conceptual model of the United Nations for the XXI century.Vladimir Rogozhin - 2018 - Academia.
    The conceptual model of United Nations reform - "UN 3.0" includes the General Program of Action on UN Reform, consisting of two stages. The first stage for 2020-2025 envisages the transformation of the main organs of the UN - the General Assembly and the Security Council with measures to improve the effectiveness of the management system, address the "veto problem", problem of financing, improve staff work and administrative and financial control, strengthen UN media, improvement of work with the global civil (...)
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