Results for 'resumption'

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  1. Rapid resumption of interrupted visual search: New insights on the interaction between memory and vision.Alejandro Lleras, Ronald A. Rensink & James T. Enns - 2005 - Psychological Science 16 (9):684-688.
    A modified visual search task demonstrates that humans are very good at resuming a search after it has been momentarily interrupted. This is shown by exceptionally rapid response time to a display that reappears after a brief interruption, even when an entirely different visual display is seen during the interruption and two different visual searches are performed simultaneously. This rapid resumption depends on the stability of the visual scene and is not due to display or response anticipations. These results (...)
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  2. Business as usual and Ovsyankina effect.Andrej Poleev - 2020 - Enzymes 18.
    Die Wiederaufnahme unterbrochener Handlungen nach der Aussetzung der Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung von CoVid19 veranschaulicht Unveränderlichkeit und Unvergänglichkeit regressives Zustandes, in dem sich weite Teile der Bevölkerung befinden. Nach kurzer Unterbrechung kommt alles in gewöhnten Kreis alltäglicher Routine und Gedankenlosigkeit, mit denen solche Aufgaben erledigt werden. Nichts, aber gar nichts änderte sich nach dem Unglück, das eigentlich, wie in meisten solchen Fällen, die Gelegenheit bietet, über sich selbst und die Welt nachzudenken.
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  3. The Timaeus and the Longer Way.Mitchell Miller - 2003 - In Gretchen J. Reydams-Schils (ed.), Plato's Timaeus as Cultural Icon. University of Notre Dame Press. pp. 17-59.
    A study of the significance of Plato's resumption of the simile of model and likeness in the Timaeus, with attention to the place of the Timaeus in the "longer way" that Plato has Socrates announce in the Republic. The reader embarked on the "longer way," I argue, will find in the accounts of the elements and of the kinds of animals unannounced but detailed exhibitions of the "god-given" method of dialectic that Plato has Socrates announce in the Philebus.
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  4. Система знания — от каталогизации к генетизации. Об историческом контексте формирования аналитически-синтетического метода у Фихте.Stahl Jürgen - 2019 - Esse Studies in Philosphy and Theology 2 (4):65 - 97.
    В развитии своего аналитико-синтетического метода Фихте восходил к диэрезису, методически отраженному со времен Платона. Если Платон несомненно указывает на историческое происхождение диэрезис, то у Фихте нет прямого указания на его концептуальную дифференциацию. Таким образом, в эссе исследуется, какие современные научные и философские проблемы привели к возобновлению и новому формированию диэрезиса. Далее показано, как Фихте развил диэрезис в особый трансцендентально-философский метод и таким образом обозначил решающий поворот в философии. Разнообразные методологические и гносеологические размышления о понимании единства и многообразия явлений природы и (...)
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  5. Decolonizing the History of Pre-Columbian Art in Brazil.Alex Pereira De Araújo - 2023 - International Journal of Humanities and Education Development (Ijhed) 5 (6):73-78.
    This study resumes the discussion undertaken by Ulpiano Bezerra de Menezes, historian, archaeologist and museologist at the University of São Paulo, the first to “decolonize the history of Art in the Americas”. At the same time, this resumption is in charge of paying homage to this researcher who found the mistakes and gaps left by European scholars who were at the service of Eurocentric colonialism and its Eurocentric culture. However, the central objective of this text is to contribute to (...)
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  6. Ernst Cassirers Kritik an der modernen Anthropologie und die Bestimmung des Menschen als animal symbolicum.Tobias Endres - 2021 - In Christoph Asmuth & Simon Helling (eds.), Anthropologie in der klassischen Deutschen Philosophie. Würzburg, Germany: Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 301-316.
    The article examines Cassirer's complete works as well as his posthumous writings with regard to Heinz Paetzold's thesis that Cassirer's philosophy undergoes a transformation to anthropology in his late work as well as Guido Kreis' thesis that such a transformation of the philosophy of symbols is not possible because it cannot guarantee its own ground. The author demonstrates a continuity in Cassirer's thinking with regard to the topic of anthropology, according to which Cassirer has been dealing with the problem of (...)
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  7. Learning Recovery: Teacher’s Strategies and Challenges.Janekin Hamoc - 2023 - Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches 3 (2):1-5.
    This study aimed to explore the teachers' experiences in addressing the learning gaps during the resumption of in-person classes post-pandemic. Specifically, it sought to determine the learning recovery strategies implemented and the challenges encountered by the teachers. Six (6) teachers from DepEd Zamboanga City Division were involved in this study employing a qualitative-phenomenological research design. The participants were purposively selected based on the criteria defined in this paper. The data were collected through in-depth interviews with semi-structured interview questions. The (...)
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  8. Introduction: Examined Live – An Epistemological Exchange Between Philosophy and Cultural Psychology on Reflection.Felipe Santos, Luca Tateo & Waldomiro Silva-Filho - 2019 - In Waldomiro J. Silva-Filho & Luca Tateo (eds.), Thinking About Oneself: The Place and Value of Reflection in Philosophy and Psychology. Berlin: Springer Verlag. pp. 1-18.
    Besides the general agreement about the human capability of reflection, there is a large area of disagreement and debate about the nature and value of “reflective scrutiny” and the role of “second-order states” in everyday life. This problem has been discussed in a vast and heterogeneous literature about topics such as epistemic injustice, epistemic norms, agency, understanding, meta-cognition etc. However, there is not yet any extensive and interdisciplinary work, specifically focused on the topic of the epistemic value of reflection. This (...)
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  9. Alcuni motivi della ripresa dell'etica economica nella seconda metà del Novecento.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 2005 - Bollettino Della Società Filosofica Italiana (186 (nuova serie)):5-19.
    I reconstruct a few themes of the early twentieth-century discussion that headed to the claim of a value-free character of economic theory and of the subsequent discussion that headed to a resumption of a rich discussion of economic ethics and of applied ethics with regard to economic practices. I examine the discussion on value-freedom from classical political economy to Robbins, the role played by utilitarianism in economic theory and the puzzles connected to the idea of utility and several recent (...)
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    The purpose of this study is to explore, gauge and identify the criterion of selecting qualified applicants in Hotel and Tourism Industry amongst graduates from selected SUC’s and HEI’S: Basis for Employability. The data are collected from different hotel and tourism companies who are also considered partners of some SUC’S and HEI’s on On-the- Job Training where students are deployed to undergo trainings in different areas of hotel and tourism sector specifically asked 10 (ten) Five Star Hotels, 10 (ten) Travel (...)
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  11. الإصلاحية الإسلامية والنص القرآني.Mohamed Zekkari - 2021 - المستقبل العربي 513:85-99.
    أَخَذَ النصُّ القرآنيُّ حيّزاً وافراً من الاهتمامِ والتّأليف، على امتدادِ القَرنِ التّاسع عَشَر وبداية القرنِ العشرين. تَقَعُ مُحَاوَلةُ الإصلاحيّةِ الإسْلاميّةِ في إعَادَةِ تَفْسِيرِ القُرْآنِ وفق شُرُوطٍ عَصْريَّةٍ، في مدارِ ما يمكنُ الاصطلاحُ عليه بـــ "التّفسير العقلاني"، وتعني العَقْلَنَةُ، في هذا المقام، إخْراجَ تَفْسِيرِ القرآنِ، وأشكالِ فهمه وتلقّيهِ، من دوائر الأسْطَرةِ التي غلّفتهُ لردحٍ طويل من الزّمنِ، حَيْثُ بلغتْ العَقْلَنَةُ ذروةَ نشاطها معَ بعضٍ من أَعْلَام الفكر الإصلاحيِّ، خاصَّةً معَ محمّد عبده. لكنّ، هذه المحاولة الإصلاحيّة، سرعان ما انكفتْ على أعقابها، وَوَلَجَتْ (...)
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  12. Gilles Deleuze and the Philosophy of Difference: Toward a Transcendental Empiricism.Daniel W. Smith - 1997 - Dissertation, The University of Chicago
    The dissertation presents a systematic analysis of the work of the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze , using two interrelated themes as its guiding threads. The first is the concept of "difference," which is normally conceived as an empirical relation between two terms each of which have a prior identity of their own . In Deleuze, this primacy is inverted: identity persists, but it is now a secondary principle produced by a prior relation between differential elements. Difference here becomes a transcendental (...)
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  13. A ciência econômica como retórica: por uma nova ontologia.Gustavo Ruiz da Silva & Pedro Almeida Meniconi - 2021 - Alabastro 1 (14):38-51.
    This article aims to contribute to the economic science’s discourse analysis, bringing the concepts of Foucault’s post-structuralism to this debate. We seek to understand the epistemological change in the economy, started in the 80s, without having to resort to a split in social interpretation in abstract cultural spheres (postmodernism) and other material-economic spheres (neoliberalism). The field of rhetoric in economics has sparked an intense debate in the social sciences. The abandonment of Keynesian theses, empirically tested throughout the 20th century, due (...)
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  14. The Communism according to Boris Groys.Giuseppe Raciti - 2009 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 22.
    Boris Groys’ suggestion is that after the historical experience of the Soviet Union and the passage to the market economy in China, the communism goes back to the state of theory. Such theoretical communism is not a theory of the communism though, nor a resumption and reinterpretation of the great theoretical apparatuses of the communism. It is instead a theory melted from the facts, literally ab-solute: not because the facts are “idealistically” resolved into the concept, but simply because they (...)
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