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  1. Listy Gottloba Fregego. Uwagi o polskim wydaniu [rec. Gottlob Frege: Korespondencja naukowa]. [REVIEW]Krystian Bogucki - 2023 - Folia Philosophica 48:1-24. Translated by Andrzej Painta, Marta Ples-Bęben, Mateusz Jurczyński & Lidia Obojska.
    The present article reviews the Polish-language edition of Gottlob Frege’s scientific correspondence. In the article, I discuss the material hitherto unpublished in Polish in relation to the remainder of Frege’s works. First of all, I inquire into the role and nature of definitions. Then, I consider Frege’s recognition criteria for sameness of thoughts. In the article’s third part, I study letters devoted to the principle of semantic compositionality, while in the fourth part I discuss Frege’s remarks concerning the context principle.
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  2. Frege’s Epistemic Criterion of Thought Individuation.Nathan Hawkins - 2022 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 99 (3):420-448.
    Frege believes that the content of declarative sentences divides into a thought and its ‘colouring’, perhaps combined with assertoric force. He further thinks it is important to separate the thought from its colouring. To do this, a criterion which determines sameness of sense between sentences must be deployed. But Frege provides three criteria for this task, each of which adjudicate on different grounds. In this article, rather than expand on criticisms levelled at two of the criteria offered, the author focuses (...)
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  3. الثقافة بين الأنا والآخر-مقاربات للتفكير.الصديق الصادقي العماري & Seddik Sadiki Amari - 2021 - Errostomiya Journal مجلة الرستومية 1:27-49.
    عنوان المقالة: الثقافة بين الأنا والآخر-مقاربات للتفكير.. الاسم الكامل: الصديق الصادقي العماري... .جامعة سيدي محمد بن عبد الله، فاس، المغرب.... ....التخصص: علم الاجتماع...... ...ملخص: .... لكل أمة ثقافة تعبر عن كينونتها، وتعكس طبيعتها، وتسجل إنتاجاتها المتراكمة عبر التاريخ، فتخلق منها أمة ذات تفردات تميزها عن غيرها من الأمم. وكذلك هي الثقافة في تميزها عن الثقافات السائدة، سواء في الزمن الواحد، أو في أزمنة متطاولة، وإن كانت تأخذ عنها، وتقتبس منها، وتتلاقح معها، فتتقارب، وتتحاور، وتتفاعل بطرق متباينة، فتكتسب قوة في المناعة، (...)
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  4. Sense, reference, and computation.Bruno Bentzen - 2020 - Perspectiva Filosófica 47 (2):179-203.
    In this paper, I revisit Frege's theory of sense and reference in the constructive setting of the meaning explanations of type theory, extending and sharpening a program–value analysis of sense and reference proposed by Martin-Löf building on previous work of Dummett. I propose a computational identity criterion for senses and argue that it validates what I see as the most plausible interpretation of Frege's equipollence principle for both sentences and singular terms. Before doing so, I examine Frege's implementation of his (...)
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  5. Slicing Thoughts.Vojislav Bozickovic - 2017 - American Philosophical Quarterly 54 (1):3-13.
    According to a criterion of difference for thoughts derived from Frege, two thoughts are different if it is at the same time possible for a rational subject to take conflicting epistemic attitudes toward them. But applying this criterion to perception-based demonstrative thoughts seems to slice thoughts too finely and lead to their proliferation which makes the criterion implausible. I argue that such a proliferation of thoughts is blocked by transforming this criterion into a related one that is shown to be (...)
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  6. Freges Kriterien der Sinngleichheit.Thorsten Sander - 2016 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 98 (4):395-432.
    Frege's mature writings apparently contain two different criteria of sense identity. While in "Über Sinn und Bedeutung" (1892) and in "Kurze Übersicht meiner logischen Lehren" (1906?) he seems to advocate a psychological criterion, his letter to Husserl of December 12, 1906 offers a thoroughly logical criterion of sense identity. It is argued that the latter proposal is not a "momentary aberration", but rather Frege's official criterion; his psychological criteria only serve as a way of illustrating questions of sense identity by (...)
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  7. Sameness of Fregean sense.Susanna Schellenberg - 2012 - Synthese 189 (1):163-175.
    This paper develops a criterion for sameness of Fregean senses. I consider three criteria: logical equivalence, intensional isomorphism, and epistemic equipollence. I reject the first two and argue for a version of the third.
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  8. (1 other version)Frege, sense and limited rationality.Carlo Penco - 2003 - History of Modern Logic 9:53-65.
    In this paper, I will discuss a well-known oscillation in Frege’s conception of sense. My point is only partially concerned with his two different criteria of sense identity, and touches upon a more specific point: what happens if we apply Frege’s intuitive criterion for the difference of thoughts to logically equivalent sentences? I will try to make a schematic argument here that will preempt any endeavor to make Frege more coherent than he really is. In sections A and B, I (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Frege: Two theses, two senses.Carlo Penco - 2003 - History and Philosophy of Logic 24 (2):87-109.
    One particular topic in the literature on Frege’s conception of sense relates to two apparently contradictory theses held by Frege: the isomorphism of thought and language on one hand and the expressibility of a thought by different sentences on the other. I will divide the paper into five sections. In (1) I introduce the problem of the tension in Frege’s thought. In (2) I discuss the main attempts to resolve the conflict between Frege’s two contradictory claims, showing what is wrong (...)
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