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The Physics and Metaphysics of Pure Shape Dynamics.Antonio Vassallo, Pedro Naranjo & Tim Koslowski - 2022 - In The Foundations of Spacetime Physics: Philosophical Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.details
Quantum gravity, timelessness, and the folk concept of time.Andrew J. Latham & Kristie Miller - 2020 - Synthese 198 (10):9453-9478.details
Temporal Fictionalism for a Timeless World.Sam Baron, Kristie Miller & Jonathan Tallant - 2019 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 102 (2):281-301.details
Is our naïve theory of time dynamical?Andrew J. Latham, Kristie Miller & James Norton - 2021 - Synthese 198 (5):4251-4271.details
A Scientific Metaphysical Naturalisation of Information.Bruce Long - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Sydneydetails
Quantum gravity, timelessness, and the contents of thought.David Braddon-Mitchell & Kristie Miller - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (7):1807-1829.details
The Everett Interpretation.David Wallace - unknowndetails
(1 other version)Times Two.Andrew Soltau - manuscriptdetails
What is temporal error theory?Samuel Baron & Kristie Miller - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (9):2427-2444.details
Change in Hamiltonian general relativity from the lack of a time-like Killing vector field.J. Brian Pitts - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 47:68-89.details
A Unified Framework for Relativity and Curvilinear-Time Newtonian Mechanics.D. J. Hurley & M. A. Vandyck - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (4):395-408.details
From Quantum Gravity to Classical Phenomena.Michael Esfeld & Antonio Vassallo - 2013 - In Tilman Sauer & Adrian Wüthrich (eds.), New Vistas on Old Problems. Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge.details
Can Physics Coherently Deny the Reality of Time?Richard Healey - 2002 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 50:293-.details
Ajankulku virheteoreettisesta näkökulmasta.Matias Slavov - 2023 - Ajatus 80:25-49.details
An error in temporal error theory.Jonathan Tallant - 2018 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 4 (1):14-32.details
Three denials of time in the interpretation of canonical gravity.Karim P. Y. Thébault - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 43 (4):277-294.details
On the recovery of geometrodynamics from two different sets of first principles.Edward Anderson - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (1):15-57.details
Calling time on digital clocks.David Sloan - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 52 (Part A):62-68.details
The Role of Time in Relational Quantum Theories.Sean Gryb & Karim Thébault - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (9):1210-1238.details
Relationalism rehabilitated? I: Classical mechanics.Oliver Pooley & Harvey R. Brown - 2002 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 53 (2):183--204.details
Change in Hamiltonian General Relativity with Spinors.J. Brian Pitts - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (6):1-30.details
The Metaphysical Challenge of Loop Quantum Gravity.Martin Calamari - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 86 (C):68-83.details
Back to Parmenides.Henrique Gomes - unknowndetails
Radical Pluralism.Aaron Segal - 2020 - Noûs 54 (1):24-53.details
Ψ-epistemic quantum cosmology?Peter W. Evans, Sean Gryb & Karim P. Y. Thébault - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 56:1-12.details
In Defence of Naiveté: The Conceptual Status of Lagrangian Quantum Field Theory.David Wallace - 2006 - Synthese 151 (1):33-80.details
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From Timeless Physical Theory to Timelessness.Samuel Baron, Peter Evans & Kristie Miller - 2010 - Humana Mente 4 (13):35-59.details
A theory of the universe from contemporary physics: Evaluating smolin's argument for the elimination of 'ideal elements'.Joshua Harris Cooperman - unknowndetails
Causation in a timeless world?Jonathan Tallant - 2019 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 62 (3):309-325.details
Timeless Configuration Space and the Emergence of Classical Behavior.Henrique Gomes - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (6):668-715.details
Critical notice.Jeremy Butterfield - 2002 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 53 (2):289-330.details
Does time differ from change? Philosophical appraisal of the problem of time in quantum gravity and in physics.Alexis de Saint-Ours - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 52 (Part A):48-54.details
On Mach on time.Karim P. Y. Thébault - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 89 (C):84-102.details
Causation in a timeless world.Sam Baron & Kristie Miller - 2014 - Synthese 191 (12):2867-2886.details
Interpretations of Quantum Theory in the Light of Modern Cosmology.Mario Castagnino, Sebastian Fortin, Roberto Laura & Daniel Sudarsky - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (11):1387-1422.details
A Conceptual Analysis of Julian Barbour's Time.Maria Kon - 2012 - Dissertation, University of Leedsdetails