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  1. Lies in Art.Daisy Dixon - 2022 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 100 (1):25-39.
    This paper aims to show that any account of how artworks lie must acknowledge (I) that artworks can lie at different levels of their content—what I call ‘surface’ and ‘deep’—and (II) that, for an artwork to lie at a given level, a norm of truthful communication such as Grice’s Maxim of Quality must apply to it. A corollary is that it’s harder than you might think for artworks to lie: Quality is not automatically ‘switched on’ during our engagement with art. (...)
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  • “The Mind Is Its Own Place”: Science and Solitude in Seventeenth-Century England.Steven Shapin - 1991 - Science in Context 4 (1):191-218.
    The ArgumentIt is not easy to point to the place of knowledge in our culture. More precisely, it is difficult to locate the production of our most valued forms of knowledge, including those of religion, literature and science. A pervasive topos in Western culture, from the Greeks onward, stipulates that the most authentic intellectual agents are the most solitary. The place of knowledge is nowhere in particular and anywhere at all. I sketch some uses of the theme of the solitary (...)
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  • Bourdieu and organizational analysis.Mustafa Emirbayer & Victoria Johnson - 2008 - Theory and Society 37 (1):1-44.
    Despite some promising steps in the right direction, organizational analysis has yet to exploit fully the theoretical and empirical possibilities inherent in the writings of Pierre Bourdieu. While certain concepts associated with his thought, such as field and capital, are already widely known in the organizational literature, the specific ways in which these terms are being used provide ample evidence that the full significance of his relational mode of thought has yet to be sufficiently apprehended. Moreover, the almost complete inattention (...)
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  • Perception in Practice.Dominic McIver Lopes & Madeleine Ransom - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (2):387-400.
    A study of culturally-embedded perceptual responses to aesthetic value indicates that learned perceptual capacities can secure compliance with social norms. We should therefore resist the temptation to draw a line between cognitive processes, such as perception, that can adapt to differences in physical environments, and cognitive processes, such as economic decision-making, that are shaped by social norms. Compliance with social norms is a result of perceptual learning when that same compliance modifies perceptible features of the physical environment.
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  • Visibility, creativity, and collective working practices in art and science.Claire Anscomb - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (1):1-23.
    Visual artists and scientists frequently employ the labour of assistants and technicians, however these workers generally receive little recognition for their contribution to the production of artistic and scientific work. They are effectively “invisible”. This invisible status however, comes at the cost of a better understanding of artistic and scientific work, and improvements in artistic and scientific practice. To enhance understanding of artistic and scientific work, and these practices more broadly, it is vital to discern the nature of an assistant (...)
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  • Deconstructing the algorithmic sublime.Morgan G. Ames - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (1).
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  • But Is It really Art? The Classification of Images as “Art”/“Not Art” and Correlation with Appraisal and Viewer Interpersonal Differences.Matthew Pelowski, Gernot Gerger, Yasmine Chetouani, Patrick S. Markey & Helmut Leder - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  • Tears and transformation: feeling like crying as an indicator of insightful or “aesthetic” experience with art.Matthew John Pelowski - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:134761.
    This paper explores a fundamental similarity between cognitive models for crying and conceptions of insight, enlightenment or, in the context of art, “aesthetic experience.” All of which center on a process of initial discrepancy, followed by schema change, and conclude in a personal adjustment or a “transformation” of one’s image of the self. Because tears are argued to mark one of the only physical indicators of this cognitive outcome, and because the process is particularly salient in examples with art, I (...)
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  • The Sociology of the Local: Action and its Publics.Gary Alan Fine - 2010 - Sociological Theory 28 (4):355 - 376.
    Sociology requires a robust theory of how local circumstances create social order. When we analyze social structures not recognizing that they depend on groups with collective pasts and futures that are spatially situated and that are based on personal relations, we avoid a core sociological dimension: the importance of local context in constituting social worlds. Too often this has been the sociological stance, both in micro-sociological studies that examine interaction as untethered from local traditions and in research that treats culture (...)
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  • Beauty, The Social Network.Dominic McIver Lopes - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (4):437-453.
    Aesthetic values give agents reasons to perform not only acts of contemplation, but also acts like editing, collecting, and conserving. Moreover, aesthetic agents rarely operate solo: they conduct their business as integral members of networks of other aesthetic agents. The consensus theory of aesthetic value, namely that an item’s aesthetic value is its power to evoke a finally valuable experience in a suitable spectator, can explain neither the range of acts performed by aesthetic agents nor the social contexts in which (...)
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  • Looking Back to See Ahead: Institutions and Interactions in Goudlner's Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy.Timothy Hallett & Marc Ventresca - 2006 - Theory and Society 35:213-236.
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  • Advertising morality: maintaining moral worth in a stigmatized profession.Andrew C. Cohen & Shai M. Dromi - 2018 - Theory and Society 47 (2):175-206.
    Although a great deal of literature has looked at how individuals respond to stigma, far less has been written about how professional groups address challenges to their self-perception as abiding by clear moral standards. In this paper, we ask how professional group members maintain a positive self-perception in the face of moral stigma. Drawing on pragmatic and cultural sociology, we claim that professional communities hold narratives that link various aspects of the work their members perform with specific understanding of the (...)
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  • Street Art, the Discontinuity Thesis, and the Artworld.Jeanette Bicknell - forthcoming - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.
    The topic of this article is the relationship of street art to both the street and the artworld. I take it as significant that philosophers have turned their attention to “street art” and not, say, “urban outdoor art” or “site-specific art in urban settings.” The “street” in street art seems to imply more than a location or geographic modifier. I consider the further significance of the “street” in street art, and the view, argued or assumed, of the street when philosophers (...)
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  • Pragmatism and the study of large-scale social phenomena.Neil Gross - 2018 - Theory and Society 47 (1):87-111.
    Pragmatism has recently gained ground as a theoretical perspective in sociology. The approach is not without its critics, however. One common charge is that pragmatism is oriented toward the micro and not well suited for the explanation of meso- or macro-level events, processes, or outcomes. In this paper—a review essay—I consider whether the charge has merit. I examine four studies that draw heavily on pragmatism and give some indication of its explanatory potential. Taken together, these studies suggest that pragmatism has (...)
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  • How to model an institution.John W. Mohr & Harrison C. White - 2008 - Theory and Society 37 (5):485-512.
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  • The City as the (Anti)Structure: Fearscapes, social movement, and protest square.Asma Mehan - 2020 - Lo Squaderno 1 (57):53-56.
    The fear of the other is the main focus of this paper, which analyse Tehran protest squares as inside-out spaces where the state attempts to maintain some form of control, and where the public attempts to occupy it. The fear of ‘others’ can lead to exclusion from the public space of those who are seen as threatening. This process of ‘otherness’ renders fear as an arena of conflict and highlights the political utility of fear by particular groups and individuals.
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  • Dueling with Dual-Process Models: Cognition, Creativity, and Context.Gordon Brett - 2022 - Sociological Theory 40 (2):179-201.
    Sociologists increasingly draw on dual-process models of cognition to account for the ways context, cognition, and action interrelate. Drawing from 40 interviews with improvisers and observations from improvisational theater, I find that dual-process model scholarship is limited in three respects: It does not consider how cognition operates in situations where order and disruption are concurrent, it fails to realize there is interindividual variation in cognitive processing, and it underestimates the creativity emerging through automatic processes. Interactions in improv contain elements of (...)
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  • The Territorial State as a Figured World of Power: Strategics, Logistics, and Impersonal Rule.Chandra Mukerji - 2010 - Sociological Theory 28 (4):402 - 424.
    The ability to dominate or exercise will in social encounters is often assumed in social theory to define power, but there is another form of power that is often confused with it and rarely analyzed as distinct: logistics or the ability to mobilize the natural world for political effect. I develop this claim through a case study of seventeenthcentury France, where the power of impersonal rule, exercised through logistics, was fundamental to state formation. Logistical activity circumvented patrimonial networks, disempowering the (...)
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  • What Is Art Good For? The Socio-Epistemic Value of Art.Aleksandra Sherman & Clair Morrissey - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
    Scientists, humanists, and art lovers alike value art not just for its beauty, but also for its social and epistemic importance; that is, for its communicative nature, its capacity to increase one's self-knowledge and encourage personal growth, and its ability to challenge our schemas and preconceptions. However, empirical research tends to discount the importance of such social and epistemic outcomes of art engagement, instead focusing on individuals' preferences, judgments of beauty, pleasure, or other emotional appraisals as the primary outcomes of (...)
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  • Becoming public characters, not public intellectuals: Notes towards an alternative conception of public intellectual life.Lambros Fatsis - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (3):267-287.
    Research into the sociology of intellectual life reveals numerous appeals to the public conscience of intellectuals. The way in which concepts such as ‘the public intellectual’ or ‘intellectual life’ are discussed, however, conceals a long history of biased thinking about thinking as an elite endeavour with prohibitive requirements for entry. This article argues that this tendency prioritizes the intellectual realm over the public sphere, and betrays any claims to public relevance unless a broader definition of what counts as intellectual life (...)
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  • An “amorphous mist”? The problem of measurement in the study of culture.Amin Ghaziani - 2009 - Theory and Society 38 (6):581-612.
    Sociological studies of culture have made significant progress on conceptual clarification of the concept, while remaining comparatively quiescent on questions of measurement. This study empirically examines internal conflicts (or “infighting”), a ubiquitous phenomenon in political organizing, to propose a “resinous culture framework” that holds promise for redirection. The data comprise 674 newspaper articles and more than 100 archival documents that compare internal dissent across two previously unstudied lesbian and gay Marches on Washington. Analyses reveal that activists use infighting as a (...)
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  • Introduction to Pragmatist Legacies in Aesthetics.Roberta Dreon - 2021 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 13 (1).
    This paper aims to map and highlight the diverse heritage of Pragmatism in aesthetics. It argues that pragmatist aesthetics represents an interesting third way of doing aesthetics beyond the analytic philosophy of art and continental aesthetics. It offers a first, provisional sketch of existing research trends in pragmatist aesthetics, such as somaesthetics, environmental aesthetics, everyday aesthetics, and social aesthetics. Furthermore, it identifies some “family resemblances” connecting most pragmatist “relatives” in the field of aesthetics: the idea that (1) aesthetics is broader (...)
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  • The emergence of creativity.R. Keith Sawyer - 1999 - Philosophical Psychology 12 (4):447 – 469.
    This paper is an extended exploration of Mead's phrase the emergence of the novel. I describe and characterize emergent systems-complex dynamical systems that display behavior that cannot be predicted from a full and complete description of the component units of the system. Emergence has become an influential concept in contemporary cognitive science [A. Clark Being there, Cambridge: MIT Press], complexity theory [W. Bechtel & R.C. Richardson Discovering complexity, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press], artificial life [R.A. Brooks & P. Maes Artificial (...)
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  • The Ad Hoc Collective Work of Building Gothic Cathedrals with Templates, String, and Geometry.David Turnbull - 1993 - Science, Technology and Human Values 18 (3):315-340.
    Gothic cathedrals like Chartres were built in a discontinuous process by groups of masons using their own local knowledge, measures, and techniques. They had neither plans nor knowledge of structural mechanics. The success of the masons in building such large complex innovative structures lies in the use of templates, string, constructive geometry, and social organization to assemble a coherent whole from the messy heterogeneous practices of diverse groups of workers. Chartres resulted from the ad hoc accumulation of the work of (...)
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  • Knowledge and valuation in markets.Patrik Aspers - 2009 - Theory and Society 38 (2):111-131.
    The purpose of this theoretical article is to contribute to the analysis of knowledge and valuation in markets. In every market actors must know how to value its products. The analytical point of departure is the distinction between two ideal types of markets that are mutually exclusive, status and standard. In a status market, valuation is a function of the status rank orders or identities of the actors on both sides of the market, which is more entrenched than the value (...)
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  • The practices of collective action: Practice theory, sustainability transitions and social change.Daniel Welch & Luke Yates - 2018 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (3):288-305.
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  • Philosophy of Street Art: Identity, Value, and the Law.Andrea Lorenzo Baldini - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (9):e12862.
    We are living in the era of street art. Since Nick Riggle’s pivotal work on the definition of street art, several philosophers have addressed issues in the philosophy of street art. The goal of this paper is to summarize the literature. I consider the following matters, which have been at the core of philosophical discussions on street art: demarcation, value, illegality, and the ethical foundation of intellectual property (IP) protection. In answering the question ‘What is street art?,’ philosophers have generally (...)
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  • The Artwork Made Me Do It: Introduction to the New Sociology of Art.Eduardo De La Fuente - 2010 - Thesis Eleven 103 (1):3-9.
    The sociology of art has experienced a significant revival during the last three decades. However, in the first instance, this renewed interest was dominated by the ‘production of culture’ perspective and was heavily focused on contextual factors such as the social organization of artistic markets and careers, and displays of ‘cultural capital’ through consumption of the arts. In this article, I outline a new mode of approaching art sociologically that begins with Alfred Gell’s (1998) Art and Agency, but comes to (...)
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  • When women play the Bass: Instrument specialization and gender interpretation in alternative rock music.Mary Ann Clawson - 1999 - Gender and Society 13 (2):193-210.
    Drawing on interviews with women and men musicians, this study examines women's overrepresentation in an instrumental specialty, the electric bass, in alternative rock music. Structurally, this phenomenon may be explained by the instrument's greater ease of learning and lesser attractiveness to men, yet women bassists frequently advance an alternative theory of “womanly” affinity. The entrance of women into rock bands via the bass may provide them with new opportunities and help legitimate their presence in a male-dominated site of artistic production, (...)
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  • Web‐Based Experiments for the Study of Collective Social Dynamics in Cultural Markets.Matthew J. Salganik & Duncan J. Watts - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (3):439-468.
    Social scientists are often interested in understanding how the dynamics of social systems are driven by the behavior of individuals that make up those systems. However, this process is hindered by the difficulty of experimentally studying how individual behavioral tendencies lead to collective social dynamics in large groups of people interacting over time. In this study, we investigate the role of social influence, a process well studied at the individual level, on the puzzling nature of success for cultural products such (...)
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  • Field Creativity and Post-Anthropocentrism.Stanislav Roudavski - 2016 - Digital Creativity 27 (1):7-23.
    Can matter, things, nonhuman organisms, technologies, tools and machines, biota or institutions be seen as creative? How does such creativity reposition the visionary activities of humans? This article is an elaboration of such questions as well as an attempt at a partial response. It was written as an editorial for the special issue of the Digital Creativity journal that interrogates the conception of Post-Anthropocentric Creativity. However, the text below is a rather unconventional editorial. It does not attempt to provide an (...)
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  • The Phenomenal Field: Ethnomethodological Perspectives on Collective Phenomena.Giolo Fele - 2008 - Human Studies 31 (3):299-322.
    The aim of my paper is twofold. First, I show how the notion of phenomenal field can be used to examine, describe and understand particular collective patterns pertaining to the everyday domain of our common social experience. Secondly, I outline the role of the notion of "phenomenal field" in ethnomethodology. I briefly discuss Gurwitsch's notion of functional meaning. After presenting the argument, I show "the locally achieved ordinariness of a common task", that is the lining up of the player of (...)
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  • Sportworld.Andrew Edgar - 2013 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 7 (1):30 - 54.
    (2013). Sportworld. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy: Vol. 7, Sport and Art: An Essay in the Hermeneutics of Sport, pp. 30-54. doi: 10.1080/17511321.2013.761881.
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  • Music Lovers.Antoine Hennion - 2001 - Theory, Culture and Society 18 (5):1-22.
    This article presents the implications, objectives and initial results of a current ethnographic research project on music lovers. It looks at problems of theory and method posed by such research if it is not conceived only as the explanation of external determinisms, relating taste to the social origins of the amateur or to the aesthetic properties of the works. Our aim is, on the contrary, from long interviews and observations undertaken with music lovers, mostly in the classical field, to concentrate (...)
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  • The Glass Runway: How Gender and Sexuality Shape the Spotlight in Fashion Design.Allyson Stokes - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (2):219-243.
    Fashion design is a feminized occupation, but there is a widespread perception that gay male designers are advantaged in receiving awards, publicity, and praise. This article develops the notion of a “glass runway” to explain this inequality. First, using design canons and lists of award recipients, I show that men, especially gay men, receive more consecration than women. Second, I show how men and women are consecrated differently by analyzing the content of 157 entries in Voguepedia’s design canon and 96 (...)
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  • Stories as Artworks: Giving Form to Felt Dignity in Connections at Work.Jason Kanov & John Paul Stephens - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (2):235-249.
    This paper is a conceptual essay rooted in two basic observations. First, felt dignity—the subjective sense people have of their own autonomy and self-worth—ultimately emerges from, and is thus most evident in the connective space between people. Second, stories are everyday works of art that afford unique insight into the subtle complexities of the socio-emotional realities of work. Building on these observations, we describe how personal stories about episodes of interpersonal connections and disconnections at work—moments in which we feel mutual (...)
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  • Music and mediation : Toward a new sociology of music.A. Hennion - 2003 - In Martin Clayton, Trevor Herbert & Richard Middleton, The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction. Routledge. pp. 80--91.
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  • Envisioning Autonomy through Improvising and Composing: Castoriadis visiting creative music education practice.Panagiotis A. Kanellopoulos - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (2):151-182.
    Do psychological perspectives constitute the only way through which the role of musical creativity in education can be addressed, researched and theorised? This essay attempts to offer an alternative view of musical creativity as a deeply social and political form of human praxis, by proposing a perspective rooted in the thought of the political philosopher and activist Cornelius Castoriadis (1922–1997). This is done in two steps. First, an attempt is made to place the pursuit of the concept of musical creativity (...)
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  • Creative Ageing Policy: Mixing of Silver, Creative, and Social Economies.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2015 - In Esa 12th Conference: Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination: Abstract Book. European Sociological Association; Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. pp. 59--60.
    In Esa 12th Conference: Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination: Abstract Book. European Sociological Association; Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. pp. 59--60 (2015) .
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  • The Reality of Dreaming.Eugene Halton - 1992 - Theory, Culture and Society 9 (4):119-139.
    Dreaming is a communicative activity between the most sensitive archive of the enregistered experience of life on the earth, the brain, and the most plastic medium for the discovery and practice of meaning, the mind or culture. Both love and war have been made on the basis of dreams, not to mention scientific discoveries. In ancient Greece dreams were medicinal parts of curative sleeping or "incubation" rites in the temple of Aesculapius, and many psychoanalytic physicians today still consider dreams as (...)
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  • Introduction: Social Studies of Technical Work at the Crossroad.Kathryn Henderson - 1991 - Science, Technology and Human Values 16 (2):131-139.
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  • Market Fashioning.Patrik Aspers, Petter Bengtsson & Alexander Dobeson - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (3):417-438.
    How do markets come about? This article offers a first systematic analysis of three different ideal types of market fashioning: mutual adjustment, organization, and fields. Although aspects of these are identifiable in most empirical markets, these three ideal types provide analytic tools for students of real markets and marketplaces. After going through this comprehensive literature, it is argued that mutual adjustment, which refers to non-planned processes, is affinity with markets in which products are differentiated, for example, producer markets. Organization refers (...)
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  • The sale of heritage on eBay: Market trends and cultural value.Tasoula Georgiou Hadjitofi & Mark Altaweel - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    The marketisation of heritage has been a major topic of interest among heritage specialists studying how the online marketplace shapes sales. Missing from that debate is a large-scale analysis seeking to understand market trends on popular selling platforms such as eBay. Sites such as eBay can inform what heritage items are of interest to the wider public, and thus what is potentially of greater cultural value, while also demonstrating monetary value trends. To better understand the sale of heritage on eBay’s (...)
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  • The Sociology of Vocational Prizes.Nathalie Heinich - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (5):85-107.
    Artistic and scientific activities pertain to the world of ‘vocation’, which demonstrates a close relationship with recognition issues. Referring to recent trends in French, German and American sociology and political philosophy, this article addresses both the status of recognition in present-day sociology and the necessity of prizes in vocational activities. Grounded on two empirical surveys about literary and scientific prizes, it displays the various axiological problems raised by such a mode of recognition, as the ‘felicity conditions’ of this mode of (...)
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  • Genre-Appropriate Judgments of Qualitative Research.Justin Lee - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (3):316-348.
    Focusing on the production of lists of evaluative criteria has oversimplified our judgments of qualitative research. On the one hand, aspirations for global criteria applicable to “qualitative” or “interpretive” research have glossed over crucial analytic differences among specific types of inquiry. On the other hand, the methodological concern with appropriate ways of acquiring trustworthy data has led to an overly narrow proceduralism. I suggest that rational evaluations of analytic worth require the delineation of species of analytic tasks and the exercise (...)
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  • The Cultic Roots of Culture.Eugene Halton - 1992 - In Richard Münch & Neil J. Smelser, Theory of Culture. pp. 29-63.
    Current conceptions of meaning and culture tend toward extreme forms of disembodied abstraction, indicating an alienation from the original, earthy meaning of the word culture. I turn to the earlier meanings of the word and why the “cultic,” the living impulse to meaning, was and remains essential to a conception of culture as semeiosis or sign-action. Culture and biology are often treated by social scientists as though they were oil and water, not to be mixed. I am fully aware of (...)
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  • Configuring Reception.C. Heath - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (6):43-65.
    Despite the growing sociological interest in the object, and the long-standing tradition in the humanities and social sciences concerned with the creation of art and artefacts, there is relatively little research about how people in ordinary day-to-day circumstances explore and respond to exhibits in museums and galleries. In this article, we address the conduct and interaction of visitors to museums and galleries and consider how they examine and experience objects and artefacts in collaboration with each other. In particular, we address (...)
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  • Uncertainty, Art and Marketing - Searching for the Invisible Hand.Romain Laufer - 2017 - Philosophy of Management 16 (3):217-240.
    The development of art marketing as a new field of management occurs in a context of great confusion as to what constitutes the very definition of art, one aspect of this confusion being nothing else but the confusion between art and marketing itself. This confusion leads to conflicts between those who consider that art should be defined by a clear aesthetic criterion and those who accept the absence of such a criterion as a legitimate consequence of the principle of freedom (...)
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  • Ups and downs of art commerce: narratives of “crisis” in the contemporary art markets of Russia and India.Nataliya Komarova - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (4):319-352.
    This article develops an analytical framework to study the role of narratives in markets and argues that there is a relationship between the structure and composition of narratives produced by market actors and market dynamics. With respect to theory, the article bridges the perspectives that study markets as cultures and as fields and draws from the organizational studies approach to the analysis of narratives. Two empirical cases of the crises narratives in the emerging contemporary art markets of Russia and India (...)
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  • The Wounded Lion – Ageism and Masculinity in the Israeli Film Industry.Shlomit Aharoni Lir & Liat Ayalon - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    One of the intriguing issues connected to power relations in the world of cinema that has yet to be adequately explored is what has happened over the years concerning the dominance and privilege of masculinity as signifying preferred social status. This qualitative study explores this subject based on transcribed semi-structured interviews with 13 award-winning Israeli directors over the age of 55. The research examines two questions: How has the film industry changed its relation to leading, award-winning film directors as they (...)
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