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Hannah Arendt: a reinterpretation of her political thought

New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press (1992)

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  1. ‘A Sense of the World’: Hannah Arendt’s Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Common Sense.Marieke Borren - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 21 (2):225 - 255.
    (2013). ‘A Sense of the World’: Hannah Arendt’s Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Common Sense. International Journal of Philosophical Studies. ???aop.label???. doi: 10.1080/09672559.2012.743156.
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  • The Real Promise of Federalism: A Case Study of Arendt’s International Thought.Shinkyu Lee - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (3):539-560.
    For Hannah Arendt, the federal system is an effective mode of organizing different sources of power while avoiding sovereign politics. This article aims to contribute two specific claims to the burgeoning scholarship on Arendt's international federalism. First, Arendt's international thoughts call for balancing two demands: the domestic need for human greatness and flourishing and the international demand for regulation and cooperation. Second, her reflections on council-based federalism offer a nuanced position that views the dual elements of equality in politics (intra-state (...)
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  • Creative Activity and Alienation in Hegel and Marx.Sean Sayers - 2003 - Historical Materialism 11 (1):107-128.
    For Marx, work is the fundamental and central activity in human life and, potentially at least, a ful lling and liberating activity. Although this view is implicit throughout Marx’s work, there is little explicit explanation or defence of it. The fullest treatment is in the account of ‘estranged labour’ [entfremdete Arbeit] in the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts;1 but, even there, Marx does not set out his philosophical assumptions at length. For an understanding of these, one must turn to Hegel. Marx (...)
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  • Simone de Beauvoir and Hannah Arendt on Labor.Andrea Veltman - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (1):55 - 78.
    Comparing the typologies of human activities developed by Beauvoir and Arendt, I argue that these philosophers share the same concept of labor as well as a similar insight that labor cannot provide a justification or evaluative measure for human life. But Beauvoir and Arendt think differently about work (as contrasted with labor), and Arendt alone illuminates the inability of constructive work to provide non-utilitarian value for human existence. Beauvoir, on the other hand, exceeds Arendt in examining the ethical implications of (...)
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  • The Right to Have Rights as a Right to Enter: Addressing a Lacuna in the International Refugee Protection Regime.Asher Lazarus Hirsch & Nathan Bell - 2017 - Human Rights Review 18 (4):417-437.
    This paper draws upon Hannah Arendt's idea of the 'right to have rights' to critique the current protection gap faced by refugees today. While refugees are protected from refoulement once they make it to the jurisdiction or territory of a state, they face an ever-increasing array of non-entrée policies designed to stymie access to state territory. Without being able to enter a state capable of securing their claims to safety and dignity, refugees cannot achieve the rights which ought to be (...)
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  • Invisible streams: Process-thinking in Arendt.Ari-Elmeri Hyvönen - 2016 - European Journal of Social Theory 19 (4):538-555.
    For Hannah Arendt, some of the most distinctive features of the modern age derived from the adoption of a process-imaginary in science, history, and administration. This article examines Arendt’s work, identifying what it calls the ‘process-frame’ in her criticism of imperialism, economy, and the biologization of politics. It discusses an interpretation in which ‘natality’ presents a completely alternative mode of temporality, a resistance to the process-frame. This interpretation, it is argued, needs to be specified by taking into account that political (...)
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  • Visiting exemplars. An Arendtian exploration of educational judgement.Morten Timmermann Korsgaard - 2020 - Ethics and Education 15 (2):247-259.
    ABSTRACTThe role of exemplification and exemplars is receiving increasing attention in educational theory. Usually, this is connected to emulation models in character and moral education. Exemplars in this framework are those who show us how to act and what to do, and inspire us emotionally to improve. In Hannah Arendt’s unfinished work on judgement, the exemplar plays a different role. Instead of functioning as an inspiration for behavioural change, the exemplar inspires thinking. In Men in Dark Times and the lecture (...)
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  • La cuestión judía Y la carencia de mundo en la modernidad desde la perspectiva de Hannah Arendt.Anabella Di Pego - 2020 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 61 (145):7-30.
    RESUMEN En este trabajo esperamos mostrar la relevancia del análisis arendtiano de la cuestión judía, y en particular de las políticas de asimilación y del proceso de secularización, para abordar el problema de la carencia de mundo en la época moderna. De este modo, la cuestión judía nos permite delinear una incisiva crítica a la configuración del mundo moderno, a la vez que esbozar una concepción ampliada del mundo a través de la reconstrucción de la tradición oculta de los judíos (...)
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  • Skepticism and Critique in Arendt and Cavell.Andrew Norris - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (1):81-99.
    In this article I compare and contrast Hannah Arendt’s and Stanley Cavell’s understandings of critique, focusing in each case upon the role played in it by skepticism. Both writers are decisively influenced by the later Heidegger’s thought that thinking as such is, first, the necessary turn to a practice adequate to our situation and, second, something that we shun. They also share the desire to take up this Heideggerian thought in Kantian terms: what is at stake is critical thinking. It (...)
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  • The Human Condition as social ontology: Hannah Arendt on society, action and knowledge.Philip Walsh - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (2):120-137.
    Hannah Arendt is widely regarded as a political theorist who sought to rescue politics from ‘society’, and political theory from the social sciences. This conventional view has had the effect of distracting attention from many of Arendt’s most important insights concerning the constitution of ‘society’ and the significance of the social sciences. In this article, I argue that Hannah Arendt’s distinctions between labor, work and action, as these are discussed in The Human Condition and elsewhere, are best understood as a (...)
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  • Hannah Arendt.Maurizio Passerin D'Entreves - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Hannah Arendt, Feminism, and the Politics of Alterity: “What Will We Lose If We Win?”.Joanne Cutting-Gray - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (1):35-54.
    Hannah Arendt's early biography of Rahel Varnhagen, an eighteenth-century German-Jew, provides a revolutionary feminist component to her political theory. In it, Arendt grapples with the theoretical constitution of a female subject and relates Jewish alterity, identity, and history to feminist politics. Because she understood the "female condition" of difference as belonging to the political subject rather than an autonomous self, her theory entails a "politics of alterity" with applications for feminist practice.
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  • The Ways That Nature Matters: The World and the Earth in the Thought of Hannah Arendt.Anne Chapman - 2007 - Environmental Values 16 (4):433-445.
    One of the many sets of distinctions made by Hannah Arendt was that between the world and the earth. I give two different interpretations of this distinction then set out four different ways in which nature matters to us, depending on whether nature is regarded as world or as earth, and whether humans are seen as biological beings or as beings who create and inhabit a world. These different ways are represented in different forms of environmentalism and theories of environmental (...)
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  • Cosmopolitan Citizenship: Virtue, Irony and Worldliness.William Smith - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (1):37-52.
    In this article, it is argued that cosmopolitans should elucidate the qualities and dispositions, or ‘virtues’, associated with the ideal of cosmopolitan citizenship. Bryan Turner's suggestion that cosmopolitan virtue should be identified as a type of ‘Socratic irony’, which enables individuals to achieve distance from their homeland or way of life, is explored. While acknowledging the attractions of his account, certain limitations which indicate the need to generate a richer theory of cosmopolitan virtue are identified. To that end, an alternative (...)
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  • Language and Loneliness: Arendt, Cavell, and Modernity.Martin Shuster - 2012 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 20 (4):473-497.
    Many have been struck by Hannah Arendt’s remarks on loneliness in the concluding pages of The Origins of Totalitarianism, but very few have attempted to deal with the remarks in any systematic way. What is especially striking about this state of affairs is that the remarks are crucial to the account contained therein, as they betray a view of agency that undergirds the rest of the account. This article develops Arendt’s thinking on loneliness throughout her corpus, showing how loneliness is (...)
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  • World-building and the predicaments of our time.Dianna Taylor - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (8):960-973.
    Throughout his contributions to an expanding body of scholarship on the work of Hannah Arendt, James Bernauer has maintained that the concept of amor mundi, or love of the world, is foundational in...
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  • The concept of violence in the work of Hannah Arendt.Annabel Herzog - 2016 - Continental Philosophy Review 50 (2):165-179.
    Arendt claimed that violence is not part of the political because it is instrumental. Her position has generated a vast corpus of scholarship, most of which falls into the context of the realist-liberal divide. Taking these discussions as a starting point, this essay engages with violence in Arendt’s work from a different perspective. Its interest lies not in Arendt’s theory of violence in the world, but in the function that violence performed in her work, namely, in the constitutive role of (...)
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  • The Lost Treasure of Arendt's Council System.James Muldoon - 2011 - Critical Horizons 12 (3):396 - 417.
    Hannah Arendt’s On Revolution offers a critique of modern representative democracy combined with a manifesto-like treatise on council systems as they have arisen over the course of revolutions and uprisings. However, Arendt’s contribution to democratic theory has been obscured by her commentators who argue that her reflections on democracy are either an aberration in her work or easily reconcilable within a liberal democratic framework. This paper seeks to provide a comprehensive outline of Arendt’s writing on the council system and a (...)
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  • Patriotism and Human Rights: An Argument for Unpatriotic Patriotism.Andrew Vincent - 2009 - The Journal of Ethics 13 (4):347-364.
    This paper centres on the question as to whether human rights can be reconciled with patriotism. It lays out the more conventional arguments which perceive them as incommensurable concepts. A central aspect of this incommensurability relates to the close historical tie between patriotism and the state. One further dimension of this argument is then articulated, namely, the contention that patriotism is an explicitly political concept. The implicit antagonism between, on the one hand, the state, politics and patriotism, and, on the (...)
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  • The End of Action: An Arendtian Critique of Aristotle’s Concept of praxis.Jussi Backman - 2010 - Hannah Arendt: Practice, Thought and Judgement.
    The article re-examines the Aristotelian backdrop of Arendt’s notion of action. On the one hand, Backman takes up Arendt’s critique of the hierarchy of human activities in Aristotle, according to which Aristotle subordinates action (praxis) to production (poiesis) and contemplation (theoria). Backman argues that this is not the case since Aristotle conceives theoria as the most perfect form of praxis. On the other hand, Backman stresses that Arendt’s notion of action is in fact very different from Aristotle’s praxis, to the (...)
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  • Hannah Arendt and International Relations.Shinkyu Lee - 2021 - In Nukhet Sandal, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. Oxford University Press. pp. 1-30.
    International relations (IR) scholars have increasingly integrated Hannah Arendt into their works. Her fierce critique of the conventional ideas of politics driven by rulership, enforcement, and violence has a particular resonance for theorists seeking to critically revisit the basic assumptions of IR scholarship. Arendt’s thinking, however, contains complexity and nuance that need careful treatment when extended beyond domestic politics. In particular, Arendt’s vision of free politics—characterized by the dualistic emphasis on agonistic action and institutional stability—raises two crucial issues that need (...)
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  • Technology as world building.Anne Chapman - 2004 - Ethics, Place and Environment 7 (1):59 – 72.
    This paper addresses the question of 'What is technology?' in order to develop a framework for the assessment and regulation of technology. I suggest that technology is how we build our world, drawing on the distinctions between the world and the earth, and between the human activities of labour, work and action, made by Hannah Arendt. Arendt's thought has a number of implications for how we should think about and assess the world, and thus technology: the world should not be (...)
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  • La dimensión política del mal radical y de la banalidad del mal en el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt.María Wagon - 2020 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 16.
    Radical evil and the banality of evil are the two ways in which Arendt has cataloged totalitarian evil at different stages of his work. The aim of this paper is to approach the different Arendtian conceptions of evil from a political perspective in order to determine whether there are continuities or whether, on the contrary, there is an abrupt change in Arendt's thinking. The difficulty that must be faced is that the problem of evil and the political question are not (...)
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  • Hannah Arendt’s International Agonism.Shinkyu Lee - 2021 - Korean Review of Political Thought 27 (2):215-244.
    Hannah Arendt’s fierce critique of sovereignty, along with her excavation of Greek agonism, has gained much traction among critical theorists of international politics who revisit the basic assumptions of conventional international theories, such as state sovereignty and power as domination. This paper engages with an increasingly popular stream within such critical international studies that appropriates Arendt’s agonism to envision a form of a global public acting in concert. I argue that Arendt’s thoughts cannot be reduced to a radical vision of (...)
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  • The Political vs. the Theological: The Scope of Secularity in Arendtian Forgiveness.Shinkyu Lee - 2022 - Journal of Religious Ethics 50 (4):670-695.
    The conventional interpretation of Hannah Arendt's accounts of forgiveness considers them secularistic. The secular features of her thinking that resist grounding the act of forgiving in divine criteria offer a good corrective to religious forgiveness that fosters depoliticization. Arendt's vision of free politics, however, calls for much more nuance and complexity regarding the secular and the religious in realizing forgiveness for transitional politics than the secularist rendition of her thinking allows. After identifying an area of ambiguity in Arendt's thoughts that (...)
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  • On Public Action: Rhetoric, Opinion, and Glory in Hannah Arendt’s The Human Condition.Andrew Norris - 2013 - Critical Horizons 14 (2):200-224.
    This essay explores Hannah Arendt’s contribution to our understanding of the rhetorical as opposed to the aesthetic quality of public speech, with an emphasis upon her conception of opinion and glory. Arendt’s focus on the revelatory quality of public action in speech is widely understood to preclude or seriously limit its communicative aspect. I argue that this is a misunderstanding, and that accepting it would reduce speech not merely to the discussion of a sharply limited set of topics, but to (...)
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  • A common world? Arendt, Castoriadis and political creation.Ingerid S. Straume - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (3):367-383.
    Among the many parallels between Hannah Arendt and Cornelius Castoriadis is their shared interest in the kind of politics that is characteristic of the council movements, revolutionary moments and the political democracy of ancient Greece. This article seeks to elucidate how the two thinkers fill out and complement each other’s thought, with special attention to political creation—an ambiguous theme in Arendt’s thought. While critical of the notion of ‘making’ in the political field, Arendt also emphasizes the importance of building institutions. (...)
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  • Hannah Arendt.Kei Hiruta - 2023 - In Manjeet Ramgotra & Simon Choat, Rethinking Political Thinkers. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 331-348.
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  • Hannah Arendt on the evil of not being a person.Martin Shuster - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (7):e12504.
    This article presents Hannah Arendt's novel conception of evil, arguing that what animates and undergirds this conception is an understanding of human agency, of what it means to be a person at all. The banality of evil that Arendt theorizes is exactly the failure to become a person in the first place—it is, in short, the evil of being a nobody. For Arendt, this evil becomes extreme when a mass of such nobodies becomes organized by totalitarianism. This article focuses on (...)
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  • Adorno and Arendt: Evil, Modernity and the Underside of Theodicy.Terence Holden - 2019 - Sophia 58 (2):197-224.
    The point of departure for this article is a comparative study of Adorno and Arendt on the question of evil and modernity. To be precise, I observe how Adorno and Arendt present us with very different ways of understanding radical evil as an expression of the modern project of acceleration. This divergence presents us with a problematic which does not fit easily into the framework of the contemporary post-metaphysical engagement with evil. The latter projects a relational, non-substantive concept of evil (...)
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  • Agonistic Recognition in Education: On Arendt’s Qualification of Political and Moral Meaning.Carsten Ljunggren - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (1):19-33.
    Agonistic recognition in education has three interlinked modes of aesthetic experience and self-presentation where one is related to actions in the public realm; one is related to plurality in the way in which it comes into existence in confrontation with others; and one is related to the subject-self, disclosed by ‘thinking. Arendt’s conception of ‘thinking’ is a way of getting to grips with aesthetic self-presentation in education. By action, i.e., by disclosing oneself and by taking initiatives, students and teachers constitute (...)
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  • Historia de la voluntad y banalidad del mal.Ángel Prior Olmos - 2010 - Arbor 186 (742):211-226.
    El artículo plantea las conexiones entre la tesis de la banalidad del mal y la historia de la voluntad presente en La vida del espíritu. Interpreta Eichmann en Jerusalén como una obra sobre el mal burocrático, pero sobre todo como estudio acerca de la responsabilidad, tanto jurídica como moral. De la historia de la voluntad resalta tres aspectos que pueden ser puestos en conexión con el problema de la responsabilidad: la ontología de la contingencia, la idea de individualidad vinculada a (...)
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  • Between the Social and the Political: Feminism, Citizenship and the Possibilities of an Arendtian Perspective in Eastern Europe.Vlasta Jalusic - 2002 - European Journal of Women's Studies 9 (2):103-122.
    In this article, I try to explore some of the elements of the potential for active citizenship, as conceptualized by Hannah Arendt. Inspired by, but not limited to her work, I attempt to find some important common points of the Arendtian reconceptualization of politics and the prospects for a feminist analysis of the conditions for active citizenship and gender equality within a post-socialist context. On the other hand, I would like to show how, within an East European context, the feminist (...)
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  • (1 other version)Terror, labor y consumo: la sociedad de los seres superfluos según H. Arendt.María José López Merino - 2015 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 71:93-112.
    En el pensamiento de H. Arendt, las lecturas sobre el totalitarismo de The Origins of Totalitarianism, pueden ser leídas en paralelo a sus lecturas sobre la sociedad de masas, de la labor y el consumo en The Human Condition. Nos interesa mostrar en este artículo que se trata de lecturas convergentes, que se encuentran ligadas en la evolución del pensamiento de la autora y conservan algunas notas temáticas comunes como la preocupación por: el aislamiento, la soledad, el desarraigo y el (...)
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  • Disclosure and responsibility in Arendt’s The Human Condition.Garrath Williams - 2015 - European Journal of Political Theory 14 (1):37-54.
    Hannah Arendt is one of the few philosophers to examine the dynamics of political action at length. Intriguingly, she emphasises the disclosure of who the actor is as a specific distinction of political action. This emphasis is connected with some long-standing worries about Arendt’s account that centre on its apparent unconcern for political responsibility. In this paper, I argue that Arendt’s emphasis on disclosure actually harbours a profound concern with responsibility. I do so by examining three questions. The main part (...)
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  • Entre Arendt y Zerilli: algunas observaciones sobre el concepto de entre.Edgar Wilfried Straehle - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 63:65.
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  • Uma república para os modernos. Arendt, a secularização e o republicanismo.Helton Adverse - 2012 - Filosofia Unisinos 13 (1).
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  • Philosophy, Democracy and Tyranny: Michael Walzer and Political Philosophy.Alan Apperley - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (1):7-23.
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  • Divergierende Konzepte Politischen Handelns in der Politikwissenschaft.Hubertus Buchstein - 2012 - In Georg Weisseno & Hubertus Buchstein, Politisch Handeln: Modelle, Möglichkeiten, Kompetenzen. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. pp. 18--38.
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  • (6 other versions)Quaderns de filosofia V, 1.Quad Fia - 2018 - Quaderns de Filosofia 5 (1).
    Quaderns de filosofia V, 1 Número complet / Número completo / Full Issue.
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  • The Crisis of Modernity in The Works of Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss. Differences That Clarify Common Problems.Dolores Amat - 2019 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (15):81-106.
    Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss were contemporary with each other; they shared courses, readings and taught at the same universities. Their lives were also affected by the same historical events, both tried to understand the crisis of Modernity, and the same thinkers and philosophical ideas influenced their works. However, their conclusions differ completely and understanding both their coincidences and their differences can illuminate not only the specificities of two of the most important works of political thought of last century, but (...)
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  • República, narración histórica y pensamiento.Laura Arese - 2021 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 17.
    Throughout her work, Hannah Arendt develops from different angles a persistent interest in the link between thought, historical narrative and politics. More precisely, she wonders about the possibility and importance of reaching, through a certain exercise of thought, a political perspective of history that can be appropriated by the field of praxis. The present work focuses on a particular moment in this line of thought, located in the book On Revolution, of 1963. We argue that in this work it is (...)
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  • Educational Leadership with an Ethics of Plurality and Natality.Iris Berger - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (5):475-487.
    This paper aims to impregnate the concept of educational leadership with new meanings and new possibilities. I draw on Hannah Arendt’s political thought, particularly, her concepts of plurality and natality alongside the distinction she made between who and what we are, to propose a new ethics for educational leadership. An ethics of plurality and natality resists a dominant understanding of education as developing a what, namely, producing persons with particular qualities and talents. I include a research story from the field (...)
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  • Principles, dialectic and the common world of friendship.Kieran Bonner - 2014 - History of the Human Sciences 27 (2):3-25.
    In the Crito, a dialogue that is highly influential for the traditions both of philosophy and of political thinking, Socrates resists the pleading of his friend Crito to escape the city that has condemned him. For Arendt, the dialogue instantiates the separation between humans as thinking beings and humans as acting beings, and so between political theory and philosophy. For others, the dialogue shows Socrates’ reasoning to be self-contradictory. Socrates’ introduction of the Athenian Laws as a world of greater moral (...)
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  • Hannah Arendt: Athens or Perhaps Jerusalem?Danielle Celermajer - 2010 - Thesis Eleven 102 (1):24-38.
    As a political thinker nurtured in early 20th-century German, Hannah Arendt is most often identified with the Greek philosophical tradition. This article argues that the crisis in reality that threw her into politics also, though unacknowledgedly, threw her into ‘Jewish modes of thinking’ as an alternative source where she found the Greek tradition lacking. This claim is controversial, given Arendt’s vehement criticisms of any recourse to the absolute, or metaphysical truths in the realm of politics. Nevertheless, and consistent with a (...)
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  • Hannah Arendt contra a differentia specifica.Thiago Dias - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (141):921-941.
    RESUMO O presente artigo apresenta a crítica arendtiana à differentia specifica. Mostra-se aqui que o procedimento de definir ser humano por meio da differentia specifica constitui um dos elementos totalitários que Arendt afirma existir na tradição. Em um percurso que vai do projeto de pesquisa elaborado por Arendt, em 1952, às primeiras páginas de A condição humana, o artigo mostra como o problema da differentia specifica se vincula a Marx e Heidegger e termina oferecendo a Arendt a possibilidade de elaborar (...)
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  • The Structure of the Concept of Political Freedom in Hannah Arendt’s Philosophy.Katarzyna Eliasz - 2019 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 10 (1):29-42.
    This paper is devoted to clarifying Hannah Arendt’s concept of political freedom by the means of analysing its structure. My analysis proceeds in three steps. Firstly, I distinguish a pre-political concept of freedom as exercising spontaneity, which is at the root of Arendt’s understanding of political freedom. Secondly, I analyse her account of freedom as exercising action and indicate its relationship to the elementary freedom of spontaneity. Arendt endowed action with a distinguished importance, since she assumed that it is the (...)
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  • Is a Universal Morality possible?Ferenc Horcher (ed.) - 2015 - L’Harmattan Publishing.
    This volume - the joint effort of the research groups on practical philosophy and the history of political thought of the Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences - brings together scholarly essays that attempt to face the challenges of the contemporary situation. The authors come from rather divergent disciplinary backgrounds, including philosophy, law, history, literature and the social sciences, from different cultural and political contexts, including Central, Eastern and Western Europe, (...)
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  • The Reader and the Redeemer.Callum Ingram - 2015 - Contemporary Pragmatism 12 (2):232-250.
    I examine the effort that some theorists make to write to, and inspire a new sense of agency in, their readers. I will consider the work of John Dewey and Hannah Arendt, two theorists who attempt to close the gap between political reality and a theoretically informed politics by using their texts to rethink and recreate their reader. By working between a determined past and the possibility of a redeemed future, Dewey and Arendt use their theory to implant a sense (...)
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  • The American Republic, Executive Power and the National Security State: Hannah Arendt's and Hans Morgenthau's Critiques of the Vietnam War.Douglas B. Klusmeyer - 2011 - Journal of International Political Theory 7 (1):63-94.
    There is nothing new or even faintly original in the neoconservative foreign policy vision. It simply recycles the old national security ideology for a post-Cold War era. Consistent with this ideological agenda, conservatives have also been advancing the case for the strong executive who operates above the law. In championing the principle of the strong executive, they are seeking to re-define the meaning of modern republicanism around this principle. During the 1960s Hannah Arendt and Hans Morgenthau developed a broad critique (...)
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