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Naturalism, Quietism, and the Threat to Philosophy.Thomas J. Spiegel - 2021 - Basel: Schwabe Verlagsgruppe.details
Williams’s Debt to Wittgenstein.Matthieu Queloz & Nikhil Krishnan - forthcoming - In Marcel van Ackeren & Matthieu Queloz (eds.), Bernard Williams on Philosophy and History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.details
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Notre héritage du scepticisme n'est précédé d'aucun testament.Par-delà les vicissitudes de l'épistémologie traditionnelle et de l'anti-scepticisme, le spectre du "scepticisme à visage humain" selon Thompson Morgan Clarke, entre contextualisme, perspectivisme, pragmatisme et pyrrhonisme.Stéphane Cormier - 2021 - Sképsis 11 ((23)Clarke's Legacy and Hinge Ep):122-147.details
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Changing Politics: Thoreau, Dewey and Cavell, and Democracy as a Way of Life.Naoko Saito - 2018 - Contemporary Pragmatism 15 (2):179-193.details
Thinking emergence as interaffecting: approaching and contextualizing Eugene Gendlin’s Process Model.Donata Schoeller & Neil Dunaetz - 2018 - Continental Philosophy Review 51 (1):123-140.details
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Modeling Expressing on Demonstrating.Maura Tumulty - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Research 36:43-76.details
Wittgenstein’s Distinction between Primary and Secondary Sense Reconsidered.Cato Wittusen - 2010 - Journal of Philosophical Research 35:259-274.details
Chains of Life: Turing, Lebensform, and the Emergence of Wittgenstein’s Later Style.Juliet Floyd - 2016 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 5 (2):7-89.details
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Of Dreams, Demons, and Whirlpools: Doubt, Skepticism, and Suspension of Judgment in Descartes's Meditations.Jan Forsman - 2021 - Dissertation, Tampere Universitydetails
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Deferred Prosecution Agreements and the Presumption of Innocence.Roger A. Shiner & Henry Ho - 2018 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 12 (4):707-723.details
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Contemporary ordinary language philosophy.Nat Hansen - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (8):556-569.details
Politics of Vulnerability and Responsibility for Ordinary Others.Sandra Laugier - 2016 - Critical Horizons 17 (2):207-223.details
More than a feeling: Wittgenstein and William James on love and other emotions.Thomas McNally - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (4):720-741.details