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How Societies Remember

Cambridge University Press (1989)

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  1. Más allá de las operaciones del pensamiento salvaje entre los shuar de la Amazonía ecuatoriana.Luis Gregorio Abad Espinoza - 2022 - In Tania González, Catalina Campo Imbaquingo, José E. Juncosa & Fernando García (eds.), Antropologías hechas en Ecuador. El quehacer antropológico-Tomo IV. Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología; editorial Abya-Yala; Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) y la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO-Ecuador). pp. 274-286.
    Al tratar de disolver la neta separación entre una mente racional y la materia inerte abogada por el dualismo Cartesiano, el monismo lucha por reunificar estas distintas realidades ontológicas. Tal como para Claude Lévi-Strauss y Baruch Spinoza, esa dicha unificación no puede prescindir de la trascendencia de la mente humana como locus del pensamiento y conocimiento de la naturaleza externa. A través de una discusión entre las abstracciones de la etnología Amerindia (animismo-perspectivismo), las teorizaciones del estructuralismo y las relaciones que (...)
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  • Why Machines Will Never Rule the World: Artificial Intelligence without Fear.Jobst Landgrebe & Barry Smith - 2022 - Abingdon, England: Routledge.
    The book’s core argument is that an artificial intelligence that could equal or exceed human intelligence—sometimes called artificial general intelligence (AGI)—is for mathematical reasons impossible. It offers two specific reasons for this claim: Human intelligence is a capability of a complex dynamic system—the human brain and central nervous system. Systems of this sort cannot be modelled mathematically in a way that allows them to operate inside a computer. In supporting their claim, the authors, Jobst Landgrebe and Barry Smith, marshal evidence (...)
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  • (1 other version)Collective Memory: Metaphor or Real?Premjit Laikhuram - forthcoming - Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science.
    Collective memory researchers predominantly in the cultural and social sciences have commonly understood the concept of collective memory as a mere metaphor, as something not existing in itself as memory but useful only as a tool for referring to the way groups construct shared representations of their past. Few have however addressed the question of whether it is a metaphor or literal in its own right. This paper looks at the plausibility of the claim that collective memory is a mere (...)
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  • Towards a Standard Model of the Cognitive Science of Nationalism – the Calendar.Michal Fux & Amílcar Antonio Barreto - 2020 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 20 (5):432-457.
    The Cognitive Science of Nationalistic Behavior, presented in this paper, integrates the political sciences of nationalities as invented communities with an evolutionary cognitive analysis of social forms as products of the human mind. The framework is modeled after the Cognitive Science of Religion, where decades of cross-disciplinary work has generated standards, predictions, and data about the role of individual cognitive tendencies in shaping societies. We study the nationalistic calendar as a cultural attractor and draw on cue-based behavioral motivation and differential (...)
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  • The importance of social memory in biblical texts.Roman Ostrovskyy - 2020 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 90:34-51.
    The article deals with the phenomenon of "social memory" in the light of current research studies. The next step is to see the recovery of the people's memory through the lens of biblical texts. The book of the prophet Jonah and the passage from the book of the prophet Amos 2:1-3 are the main texts the study is based on. The author emphasizes the main aspects of the text of the prophet Amos: condemnation of those who destroy the memory of (...)
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  • The Embodied and Situated Nature of Moods.Giovanna Colombetti - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1437-1451.
    In this paper I argue that it is misleading to regard the brain as the physical basis or “core machinery” of moods. First, empirical evidence shows that brain activity not only influences, but is in turn influenced by, physical activity taking place in other parts of the organism. It is therefore not clear why the core machinery of moods ought to be restricted to the brain. I propose, instead, that moods should be conceived as embodied, i.e., their physical basis should (...)
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  • Philosophy and Memory Traces: Descartes to Connectionism.John Sutton - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Philosophy and Memory Traces defends two theories of autobiographical memory. One is a bewildering historical view of memories as dynamic patterns in fleeting animal spirits, nervous fluids which rummaged through the pores of brain and body. The other is new connectionism, in which memories are 'stored' only superpositionally, and reconstructed rather than reproduced. Both models, argues John Sutton, depart from static archival metaphors by employing distributed representation, which brings interference and confusion between memory traces. Both raise urgent issues about control (...)
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  • `Tools for the Hand, Language for the Face': An Appreciation of Leroi-Gourhan's Gesture and Speech.Tim Ingold - 1999 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 30 (4):411-453.
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  • Muisti.Jani Hakkarainen, Mirja Hartimo & Jaana Virta (eds.) - 2013 - Tampere: Tampere University Press.
    Proceedings of the annual congress of the Finnish Philosophical Association in 2013. Theme: memory.
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  • Remembering as Public Practice: Wittgenstein, memory, and distributed cognitive ecologies.John Sutton - 2014 - In V. A. Munz, D. Moyal-Sharrock & A. Coliva (eds.), Mind, Language, and Action: proceedings of the 36th Wittgenstein symposium. pp. 409-444.
    A woman is listening to Sinatra before work. As she later describes it, ‘suddenly from nowhere I could hear my mother singing along to it … I was there again home again, hearing my mother … God knows why I should choose to remember that … then, to actually hear her and I had this image in my head … of being at home … with her singing away … like being transported back you know I got one of those (...)
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  • Collective remembering.James V. Wertsch - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (173):233-247.
    Renewed interest in collective memory has raised the need for conceptual elaboration of the topic and how it can be studied. In an attempt to clarify how it fits into interdisciplinary discussion the following conceptual oppositions are laid out: memory versus remembering, collective versus individual remembering, history versus collective memory, and strong versus distributed versions of collective remembering. Collective memory is then analyzed from the perspective of M. M. Bakhtin's understanding of ‘text’ in which a ‘language system’ is contrasted with (...)
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  • Doing Memory, Doing Identity: Politics of the Everyday in Contemporary Global Communities.Michalis Kontopodis & Vincenzo Matera - 2010 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 12 (2):1-14.
    The special issue Doing Memory, Doing Identity: Politics of the Everyday in Contemporary Global Communities draws on anthropological theory, performance studies, feminism, post-colonial studies and other theoretical traditions for an insightful examination of the everyday practices of doing memory. A series of ethnographies and qualitative studies from locations as diverse as Italy, Norway, Greece, France, Brazil and China complement profound theoretical analyses to investigate the multiple links between individual and collective pasts, futures and identities, especially focusing on emotions, embodiment, the (...)
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  • Urban Middle‐Class Japanese Women and Their White Faces: Gender, Ideology, and Representation.Mikiko Ashikari - 2003 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 31 (1):3-37.
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  • Memory: Philosophical issues.John Sutton - 2002 - In Lynn Nadel (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Macmillan. pp. 1109-1113.
    Memory is a set of cognitive capacities by which humans and other animals retain information and reconstruct past experiences, usually for present purposes. Philosophical investigation into memory is in part continuous with the development of cognitive scientific theories, but includes related inquiries into metaphysics and personal identity.
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  • Autobiographical Forgetting, Social Forgetting and Situated Forgetting.Celia B. Harris, John Sutton & Amanda Barnier - 2010 - In Sergio Della Sala (ed.), Forgetting. Psychology Press. pp. 253-284.
    We have a striking ability to alter our psychological access to past experiences. Consider the following case. Andrew “Nicky” Barr, OBE, MC, DFC, (1915 – 2006) was one of Australia’s most decorated World War II fighter pilots. He was the top ace of the Western Desert’s 3 Squadron, the pre-eminent fighter squadron in the Middle East, flying P-40 Kittyhawks over Africa. From October 1941, when Nicky Barr’s war began, he flew 22 missions and shot down eight enemy planes in his (...)
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  • (1 other version)From individual memory to collective memory: Theoretical and empirical perspectives.Amanda Barnier & John Sutton - 2008 - Memory 16 (3):177-182.
    Very often our memories of the past are of experiences or events we shared with others. And ‘‘in many circumstances in society, remembering is a social event’’ (Roediger, Bergman, & Meade, 2000, p. 129): parents and children reminisce about significant family events, friends discuss a movie they just saw together, students study for exams with their roommates, colleagues remind one another of information relevant to an important group decision, and complete strangers discuss a crime they happened to witness together. Psychology (...)
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  • (1 other version)Embodied remembering.Kellie Williamson & John Sutton - 2014 - In Lawrence A. Shapiro (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Embodied Cognition. New York: Routledge. pp. 315--325.
    Experiences of embodied remembering are familiar and diverse. We settle bodily into familiar chairs or find our way easily round familiar rooms. We inhabit our own kitchens or cars or workspaces effectively and comfortably, and feel disrupted when our habitual and accustomed objects or technologies change or break or are not available. Hearing a particular song can viscerally bring back either one conversation long ago, or just the urge to dance. Some people explicitly use their bodies to record, store, or (...)
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  • Carrying as Method: Listening to Bodies as Archives.Nirmal Puwar - 2021 - Body and Society 27 (1):3-26.
    This article unpacks the notion of ‘carrying’ as an embodied set of influences that bear upon our research practices and journeys. It is widely recognised that we acquire and carry a body of books as intellectual companionship. It is not however readily acknowledged how we as researchers carry sounds, aesthetics, traumas and obsessions, which stay with us and take time to appear before us, as methodological projects within our grasp. Researchers are carriers embarked on exchanges in a double sense. Firstly, (...)
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  • Sospechas maricas de la cueca democrática: arte, memoria y futuro en “Las Yeguas del Apocalipsis”.Juliana Sandoval Álvarez - 2018 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 58:9-39.
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  • Recuerdo y comunicación: sociohermenéutica de rituales de memoria.Bernt Schnettler & Alejandro Baer - 2013 - Arbor 189 (761):a041.
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  • Motivating Donors to Genetic Research? Anthropological Reasons to Rethink the Role of Informed Consent.Klaus Hoeyer & Niels Lynöe - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (1):13-23.
    In this article we explore the contribution from social anthropology to the medical ethical debates about the use of informed consent in research, based on blood samples and other forms of tissue. The article springs from a project exploring donors’ motivation for providing blood and healthcare data for genetic research to be executed by a Swedish start-up genomics company. This article is not confined to empirical findings, however, as we suggest that anthropology provides reason to reassess the theoretical understanding of (...)
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  • Rituals of Infant Death: Defining Life and I slamic Personhood.Alison Shaw - 2013 - Bioethics 28 (2):84-95.
    This article is about the recognition of personhood when death occurs in early life. Drawing from anthropological perspectives on personhood at the beginnings and ends of life, it examines the implications of competing religious and customary definitions of personhood for a small sample of young British Pakistani Muslim women who experienced miscarriage and stillbirth. It suggests that these women's concerns about the lack of recognition given to the personhood of their fetus or baby constitute a challenge to customary practices surrounding (...)
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  • A Question of Guilt.Jens Meierhenrich - 2006 - Ratio Juris 19 (3):314-342.
    . This article inquires into the social function of guilt, especially collective guilt, and the implications thereof for collective violence and collective memory. The focus is on the relationship between collective violence and collective memory in countries that have experienced cultural trauma, defined as a dramatic loss of identity and meaning, a tear in the social fabric. Analyzing the dynamics—the mechanisms and processes—of remembering and forgetting such trauma, I argue that the idea of collective guilt is essential for making sense (...)
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  • The cognitive basis of material engagement: Where brain, body and culture conflate.Lambros Malafouris - 2004 - In [Book Chapter].
    In this paper I attempt to sketch a preliminary framework for understanding the cognitive basis of the engagement of the mind with the material world. I advance the hypothesis that contrary to some of our most deeply-entrenched assumptions the relationship between the world and human cognition is not one of abstract representation or some other form of action at a distance but one of ontological inseparability. That is, what we have traditionally construed as an active or passive but always clearly (...)
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  • Farmers, planners and the moral message of landscape and nature.Gunhild Setten - 2001 - Ethics, Place and Environment 4 (3):220 – 225.
    This paper seeks to elucidate how morality, landscape and environmental pratice are related as played out in a dialogue between farmers and the planning apparatus. Differing views on landscape and nature reveal differing but ever present moral messages inscribed in the land. It is argued that constructions of past, present and future time produce moral messages about landscape and nature. The Jaeren district on the south-western coast of Norway serves as the empirical base for this paper.
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  • The Stranger to Time: What a Collector Stands for in a Hurried Society.Sertaç Timur Demir - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (1):43-59.
    City-dwellers who are threatened by the risk of natural or social disasters are in search of safer houses. Each attempt to satisfy their need for safety, however, turns into another version of the security problem; so much so that, escaping from risk itself turns into different risks. The film 10 to 11 focuses on the socio-spatial conflict between a stranger and his neighbours who are anxious about a possible earthquake risk in Istanbul. Mithat, the protagonist of the film, is a (...)
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  • The Vibrations of Affect and their Propagation on a Night Out on Kingston’s Dancehall Scene.Julian Henriques - 2010 - Body and Society 16 (1):57-89.
    This article proposes that the propagation of vibrations could serve as a better model for understanding the transmission of affect than the flow, circulation or movement of bodies by which it is most often theorized. The vibrations (or idiomatically ‘vibes’) among the sound system audience (or ‘crowd’) on a night out on the dancehall scene in Kingston, Jamaica, provide an example. Counting the repeating frequencies of these vibrations in a methodology inspired by Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis results in a Frequency Spectrogram. This (...)
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  • Jurus, jazz riffs and the constitution of a national martial art in Indonesia.Lee Wilson - 2009 - Body and Society 15 (3):93-119.
    Pencak Silat is a martial art, performance practice and system of body cultivation prevalent throughout much of Indonesia and the Malay-speaking world. This article compares different modalities of the practice and pedagogy of Sundanese Pencak Silat in West Java with more recent attempts to standardize practice at a national level under the auspices of the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association. Drawing on David Sudnow’s seminal account of learning how to play jazz piano, it is suggested that learning how to improvise is (...)
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  • Demolished Houses, Monumentality, and Memory in Roman Culture.Matthew B. Roller - 2010 - Classical Antiquity 29 (1):117-180.
    This article examines the tradition of punitive house demolition during the Roman Republic, but from a sociocultural rather than institutional-legal perspective. Exploiting recent scholarship on the Roman house, on exemplarity, and on memory sanctions, I argue that narratives of house demolition constitute a form of ethically inflected political discourse, whose purpose is to stigmatize certain social actors as malefactors of a particular sort . The demolition itself is symbolically resonant, and the resultant stigma is propagated by subsequent monuments—various structures, toponyms, (...)
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  • Language, memory, and concepts of memory: Semantic diversity and scientific psychology.John Sutton - 2007 - In Mengistu Amberber (ed.), The Language of Memory in a Crosslinguistic Perspective. John Benjamins. pp. 41-65.
    There are many different ways to think about what has happened before. I think about my own recent actions, and about what happened to me a long time ago; I can think about times before I lived, and about what will happen after my death. I know many things about the past, and about what has happened because people did things before now, or because some good or bad things happened to me.
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  • Memories in Motion: The Irish Dancing Body.Helena Wulff - 2005 - Body and Society 11 (4):45-62.
    The aim of this article is to explore the Irish dancing body by combining the growing social science interest in mobility with the established area of the body as a site of culture. On the basis of ethnographic observations and interviews about dance and culture in Ireland, I will discuss the Irish dancing body in relation to the construction of social memory, the embodiment of values linked to Irish national identity, mobility, dance competitions and global touring. First, I will detail (...)
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  • Embodiment, Collective Memory and Time.Rafael F. Narvaez - 2006 - Body and Society 12 (3):51-73.
    Although there are exceptions, most researchers on collective memory have neglected the idea that collective mnemonics involve embodied aspects and practices. And though the corpus of Collective Memory Studies (CMS) has helped us better understand how social groups relate to time, especially to the past, it has taken little notice of how embodied social actors collectively relate to time. In contrast, expanding upon the French School and the French sociological tradition, I argue for an approach that, on the one hand, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Archiving bodies: Kalinga batek and the im/possibility of an archive.Mark Joseph Calano - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 112 (1):98-112.
    An archive is an integral part of literate and social life and is in the custody of political institutions for their historical value. It is argued that societies who lack the faculty of recording histories contribute to the archive-making process in a different context. To advance this, the work of anthropologists on the Igorots, more specifically the Kalingas, of the Philippine Cordilleras, and their tattooing practices are considered for heuristic purposes. It is in these societies, where the concept of the (...)
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  • Risky businesses: economic crisis in Argentina and the generative power of generations.Sonia Prelat - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (4):653-684.
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  • The seductions of the archive: voices lost and found.Harriet Bradley - 1999 - History of the Human Sciences 12 (2):107-122.
    The archive can take many forms but all are marked by a connective sequence: archive, memory, the past, narrative. The author explores this sequence through an account of her engagement with four different types of archive, constructing a phenomenology of the archive which highlights the promises and seductions offered to the researcher. Postmodern questioning may throw in doubt older conceptions, whereby the archive is used to legitimate knowledge claims about the past of a nomological nature. However, in a context where (...)
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  • Agreeing to Disagree on the Legacies of Recent History: Memory, Pluralism and Europe after 1989.Siobhan Kattago - 2009 - European Journal of Social Theory 12 (3):375-395.
    Since 1989, social change in Europe has moved between two stories. The first being a politics of memory emphasizing the specificity of culture in national narratives, and the other extolling the virtues of the Enlightenment heritage of reason and humanity. While the Holocaust forms a central part of West European collective memory, national victimhood of former Communist countries tends to occlude the centrality of the Holocaust. Highlighting examples from the Estonian experience, this article asks whether attempts to find one single (...)
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  • Memory, media, and museum audience’s discourse of remembering.Chaim Noy - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 15 (1):19-38.
    ABSTRACTThis study joins a prolific line of critical research on collective memory in relation to museums as ‘sites of memory’. It takes the political relations between museums and memory as the background against which audience production of discourses of remembering is analyzed. Collective memory is approached not as a passive ‘retainer’ of information, but as sets of public mnemonic practices which transpire in specific material and semiotic settings. The analysis is comparative and takes place in two Jewish history museums in (...)
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  • Theory and Empiricism of Religious Evolution (THERE): Foundation of a Research Program (Part 2).Volkhard Krech - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 26 (2):215-263.
    This two-part article presents the research program for a theory and empirical analysis of religious evolution. It is assumed that religion isprimarilya co-evolution to societal evolution, which in turn is a co-evolution to mental, organic, and physical evolution. The theory of evolution is triangulated with the systems theory and the semiotically informed theory of communication, so that knowledge can be gained that would not be acquired by only one of the three theories: The differentiation between religion and its environment can (...)
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  • Material culture: an inquiry into the meanings of artefacts.Timothy James Peter Holt - unknown
    The main purpose of the following inquiry is to emphasise the importance of a phenomenon long neglected by the majority of the human sciences, the artefact; each one of us, no matter what age, sex or culture, is in contact with artefacts every moment of our lives yet despite this they have received scant attention. The study begins by outlining a definition of the artefact, highlighting those characteristics which, in combination, ensure its centrality to social life before, through a discussion (...)
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  • Religion and media: A critical review of recent developments. [REVIEW]David Morgan - 2013 - Critical Research on Religion 1 (3):347-356.
    This article considers recent changes in the definition of religion and of media as the basis for framing the study of their relation to one another and recent research in the intersection they have come to form over the last two decades or so. The history, materiality, and reception of each have colored scholarly work, and made ethnography, practice, material culture, and embodiment key aspects of scholarship. A new paradigm for some scholars for studying mediation is aesthetics—no longer understood as (...)
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  • Enactive becoming.Ezequiel A. Di Paolo - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (5):783-809.
    The enactive approach provides a perspective on human bodies in their organic, sensorimotor, social, and linguistic dimensions, but many fundamental issues still remain unaddressed. A crucial desideratum for a theory of human bodies is that it be able to account for concrete human becoming. In this article I show that enactive theory possesses resources to achieve this goal. Being an existential structure, human becoming is best approached by a series of progressive formal indications. I discuss three standpoints on human becoming (...)
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  • ‘They say Islam has a solution for everything, so why are there no guidelines for this?’ Ethical dilemmas associated with the births and deaths of infants with fatal abnormalities from a small Sample of pakistani muslim couples in Britain.Alison Shaw - 2011 - Bioethics 26 (9):485-492.
    This paper presents ethical dilemmas concerning the termination of pregnancy, the management of childbirth, and the withdrawal of life-support from infants in special care, for a small sample of British Pakistani Muslim parents of babies diagnosed with fatal abnormalities. Case studies illustrating these dilemmas are taken from a qualitative study of 66 families of Pakistani origin referred to a genetics clinic in Southern England. The paper shows how parents negotiated between the authoritative knowledge of their doctors, religious experts, and senior (...)
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  • Forgiveness, commemoration, and restorative justice: The role of moral emotions.Jeffrey Blustein - 2010 - Metaphilosophy 41 (4):582-617.
    Abstract: Forgiveness of wrongdoing in response to public apology and amends making seems, on the face of it, to leave little room for the continued commemoration of wrongdoing. This rests on a misunderstanding of forgiveness, however, and we can explain why there need be no incompatibility between them. To do this, I emphasize the role of what I call nonangry negative moral emotions in constituting memories of wrongdoing. Memories so constituted can persist after forgiveness and have important moral functions, and (...)
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  • Intimacy in research: accounting for it.Carolyn Steedman - 2008 - History of the Human Sciences 21 (4):17-33.
    Historical practice is described in terms of the intimacies involved in reading archival material and the fashioning of it into historical argument. Research into the domestic service relationship in 18th-century England, using household account books, underpins the historian's construction of imaginary relationships with the dead and gone. Other readers intervene in the writing process, and shape the history that is produced out of archival research.
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  • Geography's place in time.Robert Dodgshon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    This text was first published in Geografiska Annaler, Series B, Human Geography, vol. 90 , March 2008 : 1–15. We thank gratefully Professor Robert Dodgshon for granting us the permission to reproduce it. ABSTRACT : From the moment it began to engage with time in a considered way, human geography has employed a variety of analytical and conceptual approaches to it. Recent work especially has greatly extended the range of these different approaches by stressing the innate - Géographie – Nouvel (...)
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  • Re/Covered Bodies: The Sites and Stories of Illness in Popular Media.Andrea T. Wagner - 2000 - Journal of Medical Humanities 21 (1):15-27.
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  • AI and representation: A study of a rhetorical context for legitimacy. [REVIEW]Lynette A. C. Hunter - 1993 - AI and Society 7 (3):185-207.
    Theoretical commentaries on AI often operate as a metadiscourse on the way in which science represents itself to a wider public. The sciences and humanities do the same kind of work but in different fields that encourage them to talk about their work differently: science refers to a natural world that does not talk back, and the humanities refer continually to a world with communicative people in it. This paper suggests that much AI commentary is misconceived because it models itself (...)
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  • Talking Minds: The Scholastic Construction of Incorporeal Discourse.María Julia Carozzi - 2005 - Body and Society 11 (2):25-39.
    One of the assumptions that impregnate academic discourse, even that of social scientists committed to the re-incorporation of their disciplines, is its extra-corporeal character. This article analyzes the scholastic construction of producing and perceiving oral, written or silent discourses as non-corporeal acts. First, it argues that there is a certain continuity between monastic rituals that build the spirit as something different from and higher than the body and academic rituals that train people to place the source of discourse in the (...)
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  • A Lesson in Patriotism: Lycurgus' Against Leocrates, the Ideology of the Ephebeia, and Athenian Social Memory.Bernd Steinbock - 2011 - Classical Antiquity 30 (2):279-317.
    This paper seeks to contextualize Lycurgus' use of the historical example of King Codrus' self-sacrifice within Athenian social memory and public discourse. In doing so, it offers a solution to the puzzle of Lycurgus' calling Codrus one of the ἐπώνυμοι τῆς χώρας . I make the case that Codrus was one of the forty-two eponymous age-set heroes who played an important role in the Athenian military and socio-political system. I contend that devotion to the city's gods and heroes and knowledge (...)
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  • Theatre and the materialities of communication.Michael Darroch - unknown
    This dissertation is situated within the field of media studies, with a particular focus on the "materialities of communication." The concept of "materialities" is oriented to the underlying conditions that allow communication to take place: the places, carriers and modes of communication that serve to shape and even alter meaning. My dissertation asks how this "material turn" can usefully be applied to and help develop the study of theatre.
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