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Analytical Philosophy of History

Philosophy 45 (172):163-164 (1965)

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  1. Actions as Events and Vice Versa: Kant, Hegel and the Concept of History.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2014 - In Jürgen Stolzenberg & Fred Rush (eds.), Geschichte/History. De Gruyter. pp. 175-197.
    The aim of this paper is to show how concern with agency, expressed in the idea that history is the doing of agents, shapes both Kant’s and Hegel’s conceptions of history and, by extension, the roles they accord philosophical historiography.
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  • Consigning to History.Alfred Archer - 2024 - Philosophers' Imprint 24.
    How might a society wrong people by the way in which it remembers its past? In recent years, philosophers have articulated serval ways in which people may be wronged by dominant historical narratives. The aim of this paper will be to investigate an answer to this question which has yet to be explored by philosophers: a society may do wrong by employing historical narratives that consign people to history. The stories a society tells about its history may place certain identities, (...)
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  • Transgenerational actions and responsibility.Tiziana Andina - 2018 - Journal of Critical Realism 17 (4):364-373.
    ABSTRACTThe Imperative of Responsibility, by the German philosopher Hans Jonas, is a work that aspires to a re-foundation of ethics based on an analysis of the contemporary world as well as on a prediction about the fate of globalized humanity. Through a discussion of the fundamental concepts of Jonas’ work, the essay shows that the central themes of his research, which are still very relevant today, should be addressed by moving from the ethical level to that of ontology and social (...)
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  • (1 other version)Geschichte und die literarische Dimension Narrativik und Historiographie in der anglo-amerikanischen Forschung der letzten Jahrzehnte Ein Bericht.Gerhild Scholz Williams - 1989 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 63 (2):315-392.
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  • (1 other version)Some Remarks on the Logic of Explanation in the Social Sciences.Albrecht Wellmer - 1970 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 4:64-81.
    If one were to write a history of the philosophy of science in the spirit of T. S. Kuhn, one would have to consider the model of scientific explanation which Popper proposed and Hempel and Oppenheim developed to be one of the great paradigms of contemporary analytical philosophy of science. This analogue to the historically important paradigms of the individual sciences seems to me to be justifiable for the following reasons: first, the Hempel—Oppenheim model claims universal methodological validity; second, discussions (...)
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  • Neurath on Verstehen.Thomas Uebel - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):912-938.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  • Philosophy of History and History of Philosophy of Science.Thomas Uebel - 2017 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 7 (1):1-30.
    hilosophy of history and history of philosophy of science make for an interesting case of “mutual containment”: the former is an object of inquiry for the latter, and the latter is subject to the demands of the former. This article discusses a seminal turn in past philosophy of history with an eye to the practice of historians of philosophy of science. The narrative turn by Danto and Mink represents both a liberation for historians and a new challenge to the objectivity (...)
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  • Acts, Events, and Stories. On the History of Danto’s Compatibilist Narrativism.Thomas Uebel - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 14 (1):47-79.
    The response given to C.G. Hempel’s well-known challenge by Arthur Danto in his Analytical Philosophy of History of 1965 – that deductive-nomological and narrative explanations are logically compatible yet employ incommensurable schemata – is here investigated from a historical perspective. It is shown that the developmental trajectory that emerges from an analysis of Danto’s previous writings – including not only a forgotten paper of 1958 but also his PhD dissertation of 1952 – contains distinctive step-changes with publications of 1953 and (...)
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  • Descriptive Accuracy in History: The Case of Narrative Explanations.Leonidas Tsilipakos - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (4):283-312.
    This article discusses the issue of the conceptual accuracy of descriptions of social life, which, although fundamental for the social sciences, has in fact been neglected. I approach this task via an examination of Paul Roth’s recent work, which recapitulates reflection in analytic philosophy of history and sets out a view of the past as indeterminate until retrospectively constructed in historical narratives. I argue that Roth’s position embraces an overly restricted notion of historical significance and underestimates how anachronistic descriptions vitiate (...)
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  • Minimal Metaphysics vs. Maximal Semantics: A Response to Paul Roth and Fons Dewulf.Daniel Swaim & Adrian Currie - 2022 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 16 (2):226-236.
    In our article, “Past Facts and The Nature of History”, we unpack a broadly realist view of the nature of history and historical narratives. Paul Roth’s The Philosophical Structure of Historical Explanation serves as our primary foil. Fons DeWulf and Roth have replied, and this is our response to their response.
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  • The Identity of the History of Ideas.John Dunn - 1968 - Philosophy 43 (164):85 - 104.
    Two types of criticism are frequently levelled at the history of ideas in general and the history of political theory in particular. The first is very much that of historians practising in other fields; that it is written as a saga in which all the great deeds are done by entities which could not, in principle, do anything. In it, Science is always wrestling with Theology, Empiricism with Rationalism, monism with dualism, evolution with the Great Chain of Being, artifice with (...)
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  • Kitcher's two cultures.Paul A. Roth - 2003 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 33 (3):386-405.
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  • Historia Conceptual y Filosofía de la Historia desde una perspectiva leibniziana.Concha Roldán Panadero - 2016 - Endoxa 38:217-238.
    El presente trabajo pretende entablar un diálogo crítico entre la historia conceptual y la filosofía de la historia. Por una parte, en lo tocante al supuesto inicio de la “identidad semántica” de la modernidad; por otra, en la propia noción de “saber histórico” y con ella las experiencias históricas colectivas e individuales que lo conforman: no podemos olvidar que el sujeto del saber histórico no es sólo –o fundamentalmente- el estudioso de la historia, sino también quienes “hacen” esa historia o (...)
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  • On the independence of singular causal explanation in social science: Archaeology.Thomas Nickles - 1977 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 7 (2):163-187.
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  • The Ethics of Historic Preservation.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (12):786-794.
    This article draws together research from various sub-disciplines of philosophy to offer an overview of recent philosophical work on the ethics of historic preservation. I discuss how philosophers writing about art, culture, and the environment have appealed to historical significance in crafting arguments about the preservation of objects, practices, and places. By demonstrating how it relates to core themes in moral and political philosophy, I argue that historic preservation is essentially concerned with ethical issues.
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  • Individualisme, subjectivisme et mécanismes économiques.Maurice Lagueux - 2001 - Dialogue 40 (4):691-.
    The economists of the Austrian School count among the most consistent supporters of methodological individualism, but they were for the most part strongly opposed to clearly anti-holist trends such as constructivism, reductionism, and positivism. This article discusses why the sort of methodological individualism defended by the Austrians could not, for interconnected reasons, be rendered compatible with any one of these philosophical trends. The manner in which the Austrians managed to reconcile their analysis of economic mechanisms with a strictly subjectivist approach (...)
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  • Semiotics of natural disaster discourse in post-tsunami world.Sungdo Kim - 2006 - Sign Systems Studies 34 (1):231-243.
    The study of natural disaster and its discursive dimensions from a semiotic perspective can provide a theoretical frame for the scientific communication of global catastrophes. In this paper I will suggest two models; one is a semiotic model on the natural catastrophic events and the other is a hexagon model composed of semiotic dimensions of natural disaster discourse. The six main modules include narration, description, explication, visualization, prevention, and recovery action.
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  • Sunk costs, rationality, and acting for the sake of the past.Thomas Kelly - 2004 - Noûs 38 (1):60–85.
    If you are more likely to continue a course of action in virtue of having previously invested in that course of action, then you tend to honor sunk costs. It is widely thought both that (i) individuals often do give some weight to sunk costs in their decision-making and that (ii) it is irrational for them to do so. In this paper I attempt to cast doubt on the conventional wisdom about sunk costs, understood as the conjunction of these two (...)
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  • 行為理由はなんのために.Yusuke Kaneko - 2021 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 53 (2):215-238.
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  • The Significance of the Past.Guy Kahane - 2021 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 7 (4):582-600.
    The past is deeply important to many of us. But our concern about history can seem puzzling and needs justification. After all, the past cannot be changed: we can help the living needy, but the tears we shed for the long dead victims of past tragedies help no one. Attempts to justify our concern about history typically take one of two opposing forms. It is assumed either that such concern must be justified in instrumental or otherwise self-centered and present-centered terms (...)
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  • The Copernican Revolution revisited: paradigm, metaphor and incommensurability in the history of science- Blumenberg's response to Kuhn and Davidson.David Ingram - 1993 - History of the Human Sciences 6 (4):11-35.
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  • Narrative Identity and Diachronic Self-Knowledge.Kevin J. Harrelson - 2016 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2 (1):164-179.
    Our ability to tell stories about ourselves has captivated many theorists, and some have taken these developments for an opportunity to answer long-standing questions about the nature of personhood. In this essay I employ two skeptical arguments to show that this move was a mistake. The first argument rests on the observation that storytelling is revisionary. The second implies that our stories about ourselves are biased in regard to our existing self-image. These arguments undercut narrative theories of identity, but they (...)
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  • On Certainty on the Foundations of History as a Discipline.Andy Hamilton - 2022 - Topoi 41 (5):979-985.
    Wittgenstein had little to say directly on philosophy of history. But some pertinent remarks in _On Certainty_ have received little attention, apart from in Elizabeth Anscombe's short article on Hume and Julius Caesar. That article acknowledges its debt to _On Certainty,_ which responses to Anscombe have failed to recognise. Wittgenstein focuses in _On Certainty_ on apparently empirical propositions that seem to be certainties, but in fact form a rule-like framework for judging. I have called these _Moorean propositions_, and the present (...)
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  • Why Study History? On Its Epistemic Benefits and Its Relation to the Sciences.Stephen R. Grimm - 2017 - Philosophy 92 (3):399-420.
    I try to return the focus of the philosophy of history to the nature of understanding, with a particular emphasis on Louis Mink’s project of exploring how historical understanding compares to the understanding we find in the natural sciences. On the whole, I come to a conclusion that Mink almost certainly would not have liked: that the understanding offered by history has a very similar epistemic profile to the understanding offered by the sciences, a similarity that stems from the fact (...)
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  • Paul A. Roth and the Revival of Analytical Philosophy of History.Jonathan Gorman - 2018 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 14 (1):104-117.
    Krzysztof Brzechczyn’s important collection around Roth’s “revival” stimulates thought about the approaches adopted by analytical philosophers of history. Roth revives Danto’s 1965 pragmatic “constructivist” insights: in a narrative, earlier “events under a description” are described in terms of possibly unknowable later ones and, following Mink, in terms of possibly unknowable later concepts. Roth thinks of the resulting narrative explanation as justified in virtue of its constituting the object explained. However, earlier analytical philosophers of history faced different issues and adopted two (...)
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  • The miraculous end of political hope.Loren Goldman - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (6):974-990.
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  • Our relations with the past.Mark Day - 2008 - Philosophia 36 (4):417-427.
    The approach that philosophers have taken to history has too often been one-dimensional. It is my aim in this paper to map out a future multi-dimensional philosophy of history, by invoking the notion of a relation with the past, and by arguing for the philosophical relevance of multiple such relations.
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  • Derrida as philosopher.David Carrier - 1985 - Metaphilosophy 16 (2-3):221-234.
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  • Historical narrative, identity and the Holocaust.Steve Buckler - 1996 - History of the Human Sciences 9 (4):1-20.
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  • La intuición en la filosofía de Arthur Schopenhauer.Clara Zimmermann - 2021 - Logos Revista de Filosofía 137:6-29.
    In the present work, we will analyze the concept of intuition mainly in relation to the epistemological and the metaphysical theses of Schopenhauerian theory. In the first section, we will discuss the central axes of Schopenhauer’s metaphysical system, especially regarding the concept of will (Wille) and the relationship that this entails with his theory of knowledge. Then, we will examine the difference that the German philosopher establishes between representative —or mediated— rational knowledge and direct —or immediate— intuitive knowledge. Likewise, we (...)
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  • The journey from language to experience: Frank Ankersmit's lost "historical" cause.Peter P. Icke - unknown
    My purpose in the researching and the writing of this thesis has been to investigate, and to try to explain, Frank Ankersmit's curious shift from his well expressed and firmly held narrativist position of "Narrative Logic", to an arguably contradictory, yet passionately held counter belief in the plausibility of a form of direct historical experience - an authentic unmediated relationship with the past. I am, accordingly, presenting here what I believe to be the most adequate explanatory account of/for Ankersmit's intellectual (...)
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  • El pasado histórico y el container de Danto.María Inés Mudrivcic - 2015 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 16 (19):11-32.
    El objetivo del trabajo es mostrar que la revisión que los historiadores llevan a cabo en su disciplina se debe, en parte, porque se ha puesto en cuestión el presupuesto temporal sobre el que se construyó la historia como ciencia: el “pasado histórico”. En primer lugar, intento señalar de qué modo en Analytical Philosophy of History Danto expresa, en la estructura temporal de las oraciones narrativas, las características del “tiempo histórico” que subyace a la historiografía. La separación y distinción entre (...)
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  • El lugar común de la transfiguración. Historia, representación y filosofía de las asimetrías en Arthur Danto.Nicolás Lavagnino - 2015 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 16 (19):33-57.
    El presente artículo se propone mostrar la vinculación conceptual que se establece en el conjunto de la obra de Arthur Danto –un autor clave en la consideración analítica del concepto de representación- entre asimetrías cognitivas, teoría de la representación y criterio transfigurativo de realidad. Esa articulación nos entrega un modelo de particular predilección por las asimetrías cognitivas vinculadas a la estructura trágica, que es limitativa de las posibilidades aventuradas por el mismo Danto respecto de nuestra capacidad para captar la apertura (...)
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  • Danto y lo sublime: el valor que el arte perdió para la vida.Daniel Scheck - 2015 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 16 (19):176-197.
    Danto sostiene que el fin del arte ha llegado, pero también afirma que el arte sigue siendo importante para nuestras vidas. Las obras de arte pueden encarnar significados que nos conmueven, nos motivan a actuar y nos transforman de alguna manera. El efecto que tiene el arte sobre nosotros depende, en gran medida, de las cualidades estéticas que revisten y modulan el significado de las obras. En el presente trabajo analizaré, puntualmente, el rol que Danto le atribuye a lo bello (...)
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