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Slurs and register: A case study in meaning pluralism.Justina Diaz-Legaspe, Chang Liu & Robert J. Stainton - 2020 - Mind and Language 35 (2):156-182.details
How literature expands your imagination.Antonia Peacocke - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (2):298-319.details
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Who's Afraid of Mathematical Diagrams?Silvia De Toffoli - 2023 - Philosophers' Imprint 23 (1).details
Why metaphors make good insults: perspectives, presupposition, and pragmatics.Elisabeth Camp - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (1):47--64.details
Sarcasm, Pretense, and The Semantics/Pragmatics Distinction.Elisabeth Camp - 2011 - Noûs 46 (4):587 - 634.details
Metaphor and what is said: A defense of a direct expression view of metaphor.Anne Bezuidenhout - 2001 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 25 (1):156–186.details
Two Varieties of Literary Imagination: Metaphor, Fiction, and Thought Experiments.Elisabeth Camp - 2009 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 33 (1):107-130.details
Metaphor and that certain 'je ne sais quoi'.Elisabeth Camp - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 129 (1):1 - 25.details
Understanding metaphorical comparisons: Beyond similarity.Sam Glucksberg & Boaz Keysar - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (1):3-18.details
The causal metaphor account of metaphysical explanation.Jonathan L. Shaheen - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (3):553-578.details
Poetry and the Possibility of Paraphrase.Gregory Currie & Jacopo Frascaroli - 2021 - The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (4):428-439.details
Argument is War... And War is Hell: Philosophy, Education, and Metaphors for Argumentation.Daniel H. Cohen - 1995 - Informal Logic 17 (2):177-188.details
Potentiality.Jessica Leech - 2017 - Analysis 77 (2):457-467.details
Reason and Language.Richard Heck - 2006 - In Cynthia Macdonald & Graham Macdonald, Mcdowell and His Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 22--45.details
Imagery, expression, and metaphor.Mitchell Green - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (1):33--46.details
Against Metaphorical Meaning.Ernest Lepore & Matthew Stone - 2010 - Topoi 29 (2):165-180.details
Showing, telling and seeing.Elisabeth Camp - 2007 - The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 3 (1):1-24.details
Metaphor and contextual coherence: it’s a match!Inés Crespo, Andreas Heise & Claudia Picazo - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.details
Category mistakes are meaningful.Ofra Magidor - 2009 - Linguistics and Philosophy 32 (6):553-581.details
Do Racists Speak Truly? On the Truth‐Conditional Content of Slurs.Ralph DiFranco - 2015 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):28-37.details
The Return of Moral Fictionalism.Nadeem J. Z. Hussain - 2004 - Philosophical Perspectives 18 (1):149–188.details
Mental Imagery and Poetry.Michelle Liu - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 81 (1):24-34.details
Metaphor and contextual coherence: it's a match!Inés Crespo, Andreas Heise & Claudia Picazo - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1–35.details
Are There Non-Propositional Implicatures?Arthur Sullivan - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (2):580-601.details
Creative Argumentation: When and Why People Commit the Metaphoric Fallacy.Francesca Ervas, Antonio Ledda, Amitash Ojha, Giuseppe Antonio Pierro & Bipin Indurkhya - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.details
What malapropisms mean: A reply to Donald Davidson.Marga Reimer - 2004 - Erkenntnis 60 (3):317-334.details
A Unitary Schema for Arguments by Analogy.Lilian Bermejo-Luque - 2012 - Informal Logic 32 (1):1-24.details
The land of make-believe: metaphor, explanation, and fiction in Toon’s psychological world.Tamás Demeter, László Kocsis & Krisztián Pete - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.details
Metaphor, ignorance and the sentiment of (ir)rationality.Francesca Ervas - 2019 - Synthese.details
(1 other version)The mental simulation debate.Martin Davies - 1994 - Philosophical Issues 5:189-218.details
In the brightness of place: topological thinking in and after Heidegger.Jeff Malpas - 2022 - Albany: The State University of New York Press.details
A Deranged Argument Against Public Languages.Robert J. Stainton - 2016 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 59 (1):6-32.details
The Nature of Appearance in Kant’s Transcendentalism: A Seman- tico-Cognitive Analysis.Sergey L. Katrechko - 2018 - Kantian Journal 37 (3):41-55.details
Envy and us.Alessandro Salice & Alba Montes Sánchez - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):227-242.details
Metaphor and ambiguity.Elek Lane - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (11):3059-3087.details
Evidence, Defeasibility, and Metaphors in Diagnosis and Diagnosis Communication.Pietro Salis & Francesca Ervas - 2021 - Topoi 40 (2):327–341.details
Demystifying metaphor: a strategy for literal paraphrase.Megan Henricks Stotts - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (1):113-132.details
Personification without Impossible Content.Craig Bourne & Emily Caddick Bourne - 2018 - British Journal of Aesthetics 58 (2):165-179.details
The Yummy and the Yucky: Expressive Language and the Agreeable.Nick Zangwill - 2018 - The Monist 101 (3):294-308.details
Unger's Argument from Absolute Terms.Gregory Stoutenburg - 2017 - Philosophical Papers 46 (3):443-461.details
How can metaphors communicate arguments?Fabrizio Macagno - 2020 - Intercultural Pragmatics 3 (17):335-363.details
The Shape of Things to Come? Reflections on the Ontological Turn in Anthropology.Akos Sivado - 2015 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 45 (1):83-99.details
Convention Before Communication.Ernie Lepore & Matthew Stone - 2017 - Philosophical Perspectives 31 (1):245-265.details
Davidson's Derangement: Of the Conceptual Priority of Language.Karen Green - 2001 - Dialectica 55 (3):239-258.details
Two Kinds of Mental Realism.Tamás Demeter - 2009 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 40 (1):59-71.details
Meaning Transfer Revisited.David Liebesman & Ofra Magidor - 2018 - Philosophical Perspectives 32 (1):254-297.details
Ignorance-Preserving Mental Models Thought Experiments as Abductive Metaphors.Selene Arfini, Claudia Casadio & Lorenzo Magnani - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (2):391-409.details