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The Renunciation Paradox: an Analysis of Vulnerability and Intimacy in Nietzsche’s Anti-Humanism.Stefan Lukits - 2021 - Philosophia 50 (3):1311-1325.details
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Where are Jacques and Ernesto when you need them? Rancière and Laclau on populism, experts and contingency.Thomas Claviez - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (9-10):1132-1143.details
Jacques Derrida in Agamben's Philosophy.Virgil W. Brower - 2017 - In Adam Kotsko & Carlo Salzani (eds.), Agamben's Philosophical Lineage. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 252-261.details
The Foreign Body Within the Body Politic: Derrida, Schmitt and the Concept of the Political.Jacques de Ville - 2015 - Law and Critique 26 (1):45-63.details
The Question of Political Responsibility and the Foundation of the National Transitional Council for Libya.Daniel Matthews - 2012 - Law and Critique 23 (3):237-252.details
Jacques Derrida’s (Art)Work of Mourning.Eva Antal - 2017 - Perichoresis 15 (2):25-39.details
An Act of Methodology: A document in madness—writing Ophelia.Jenny Steinnes - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (8):818-830.details
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Finding Time for Philosophy.Michelle Bastian - 2013 - In Katrina Hutchison & Fiona Jenkins (eds.), Women in Philosophy: What Needs to Change? New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 215.details
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Political apologies and the question of a ‘shared time’ in the Australian context.Michelle Bastian - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (5):94-121.details
Eckhart, Derrida, and The Gift of Love.David Newheiser - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (6):1010-1021.details
Taking Turns: Democracy to Come and Intergenerational Justice.Matthias Fritsch - 2011 - Derrida Today 4 (2):148-172.details
Difference, boundaries and violence : a philosophical exploration informed by critical complexity theory and deconstruction.Lauren Hermanus - unknowndetails
Addressing the dead of friendship, community, and the work of mourning.Roger Starling - 2002 - Angelaki 7 (2):107 – 124.details
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(1 other version)Philosophy of education in a new key: Cultivating a living philosophy of education to overcome coloniality and violence in African universities.Yusef Waghid, Nuraan Davids, Thokozani Mathebula, Judith Terblanche, Philip Higgs, Lester Shawa, Chikumbutso Herbert Manthalu, Zayd Waghid, Celiwe Ngwenya, Joseph Divala, Faiq Waghid, Michael A. Peters & Marek Tesar - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1099-1112.details
Decolonial AI: Decolonial Theory as Sociotechnical Foresight in Artificial Intelligence.Shakir Mohamed, Marie-Therese Png & William Isaac - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (4):659-684.details
Towards an Ubuntu Philosophy of Higher Education in Africa.Yusef Waghid - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (3):299-308.details
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Towards a philosophy of academic publishing.Michael A. Peters, Petar Jandrić, Ruth Irwin, Kirsten Locke, Nesta Devine, Richard Heraud, Andrew Gibbons, Tina Besley, Jayne White, Daniella Forster, Liz Jackson, Elizabeth Grierson, Carl Mika, Georgina Stewart, Marek Tesar, Susanne Brighouse, Sonja Arndt, George Lazaroiu, Ramona Mihaila, Catherine Legg & Leon Benade - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (14):1401-1425.details
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Jacques Derrida on the secular as theologico-political.Andrea Cassatella - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (10):1059-1081.details
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Systematic Thinking on Dialogical Education.Ariel Sarid - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (9):926-941.details
The Logic of the ''as if'' and the (non)Existence of God: An Inquiry into the Nature of Belief in the Work of Jacques Derrida.Colby Dickinson - 2011 - Derrida Today 4 (1):86-106.details
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