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  1. Moral Distress and the Contemporary Plight of Health Professionals.Wendy Austin - 2012 - HEC Forum 24 (1):27-38.
    Once a term used primarily by moral philosophers, “moral distress” is increasingly used by health professionals to name experiences of frustration and failure in fulfilling moral obligations inherent to their fiduciary relationship with the public. Although such challenges have always been present, as has discord regarding the right thing to do in particular situations, there is a radical change in the degree and intensity of moral distress being expressed. Has the plight of professionals in healthcare practice changed? “Plight” encompasses not (...)
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  • Nurses’ Ethical Conflicts: what is really known about them?Barbara K. Redman & Sara T. Fry - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (4):360-366.
    The purpose of this article is to report what can be learned about nurses’ ethical conflicts by the systematic analysis of methodologically similar studies. Five studies were identified and analysed for: (1) the character of ethical conflicts experienced; (2) similarities and differences in how the conflicts were experienced and how they were resolved; and (3) ethical conflict themes underlying four specialty areas of nursing practice (diabetes education, paediatric nurse practitioner, rehabilitation and nephrology). The predominant character of the ethical conflicts was (...)
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  • Refining moral agency: Insights from moral psychology and moral philosophy.Aimee Milliken - 2018 - Nursing Philosophy 19 (1):e12185.
    Research in moral psychology has recently raised questions about the impact of context and the environment on the way the human mind works. In a 2012 call to action, Paley wrote: “If some of the conclusions arrived at by moral psychologists are true, they are directly relevant to the way nurses think about moral problems, and present serious challenges to favoured concepts in nursing ethics, such as the ethics of care, virtue, and the unity of the person” (p. 80). He (...)
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  • Nurses’ contributions to the resolution of ethical dilemmas in practice.Nichola Ann Barlow, Janet Hargreaves & Warren P. Gillibrand - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (2):230-242.
    Background: Complex and expensive treatment options have increased the frequency and emphasis of ethical decision-making in healthcare. In order to meet these challenges effectively, we need to identify how nurses contribute the resolution of these dilemmas. Aims: To identify the values, beliefs and contextual influences that inform decision-making. To identify the contribution made by nurses in achieving the resolution of ethical dilemmas in practice. Design: An interpretive exploratory study was undertaken, 11 registered acute care nurses working in a district general (...)
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  • Practical wisdom in complex medical practices: a critical proposal.C. M. M. L. Bontemps-Hommen, A. Baart & F. T. H. Vosman - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (1):95-105.
    In recent times, daily, ordinary medical practices have incontrovertibly been developing under the condition of complexity. Complexity jeopardizes the moral core of practicing medicine: helping people, with their illnesses and suffering, in a medically competent way. Practical wisdom (a modification of the Aristotelian phronèsis) has been proposed as part of the solution to navigate complexity, aiming at the provision of morally good care. Practical wisdom should help practitioners to maneuver in complexity, where the presupposed linear ways of operating prove to (...)
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  • Integrity and moral residue: nurses as participants in a moral community.Lorraine B. Hardingham - 2004 - Nursing Philosophy 5 (2):127-134.
    This paper will examine the concepts of integrity and moral residue as they relate to nursing practice in the current health care environment. I will begin with my definition and conception of ethical practice, and, based on that, will go on to argue for the importance of recognizing that nurses often find themselves in the position of compromising their moral integrity in order to maintain their self‐survival in the hospital or health care environment. I will argue that moral integrity is (...)
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  • A study of nurses’ ethical climate perceptions.Anne Humphries & Martin Woods - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (3):265-276.
    Background: Acting ethically, in accordance with professional and personal moral values, lies at the heart of nursing practice. However, contextual factors, or obstacles within the work environment, can constrain nurses in their ethical practice – hence the importance of the workplace ethical climate. Interest in nurse workplace ethical climates has snowballed in recent years because the ethical climate has emerged as a key variable in the experience of nurse moral distress. Significantly, this study appears to be the first of its (...)
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  • Ethics and Rural Healthcare: What Really Happens? What Might Help?Ann Freeman Cook & Helena Hoas - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (4):52-56.
    Relatively few articles discuss the ethical issues that accompany healthcare in rural areas. This article presents and discusses the key findings obtained from multi-method research studies conducted over a 9-year period of time in a multi-state rural area. It challenges the efficacy of current models for bioethics, shows what kinds of ethical issues develop in rural communities, and offers a framework for envisioning resources and approaches that may be more appropriate.
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  • How Can We Help? From “Sociology in” to “Sociology of” Bioethics.Raymond De Vries - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (2):279-292.
    The relationship between sociology and bioethics has been an uneasy one. It has been described as contentious and adversarial, and at least some of the sociologists who have ventured into the territory of medical ethics report back on unfriendly natives. This bioethical ill will toward sociology is not without cause. Sociologists have been quite critical of what they call the bioethical project. Two decades ago - when bioethics was just getting up on its organizational feet - Renée Fox and Judith (...)
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  • Nursing Students' Experience of Ethical Problems and Use of Ethical Decision-Making Models.Miriam E. Cameron, Marjorie Schaffer & Hyeoun-Ae Park - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (5):432-447.
    Using a conceptual framework and method combining ethical enquiry and phenomenology, we asked 73 senior baccalaureate nursing students to answer two questions: (1) What is nursing students’ experience of an ethical problem involving nursing practice? and (2) What is nursing students’ experience of using an ethical decision-making model? Each student described one ethical problem, from which emerged five content categories, the largest being that involving health professionals (44%). The basic nature of the ethical problems consisted of the nursing students’ experience (...)
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  • How Can We Help? From "Sociology in" to "Sociology of" Bioethics.Raymond Vries - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (2):279-292.
    The relationship between sociology and bioethics has been an uneasy one. It has been described as contentious and adversarial, and at least some of the sociologists who have ventured into the territory of medical ethics report back on unfriendly natives. This bioethical ill will toward sociology is not without cause. Sociologists have been quite critical of what they call (with not-so-subtle pejorative overtones) the bioethical project.Two decades ago - when bioethics was just getting up on its organizational feet - Renée (...)
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  • Potato Ethics: What Rural Communities Can Teach Us about Healthcare.Malin Fors - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (2):265-277.
    In this paper I offer the term “potato ethics” to describe a particular professional rural health sensibility. I contrast this attitude with the sensibility behind urban professional ethics, which often focus on the narrow doctor–patient treatment relationship. The phrase appropriates a Swedish metaphor, the image of the potato as a humble side dish: plain, useful, versatile, and compatible with any main course. Potato ethics involves making oneself useful, being pragmatic, choosing to be like an invisible elf who prevents discontinuity rather (...)
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  • The incommensurability of nursing as a practice and the customer service model: an evolutionary threat to the discipline.Wendy J. Austin - 2011 - Nursing Philosophy 12 (3):158-166.
    Corporate and commercial values are inducing some healthcare organizations to prescribe a customer service model that reframes the provision of nursing care. In this paper it is argued that such a model is incommensurable with nursing conceived as a moral practice and ultimately places nurses at risk. Based upon understanding from ongoing research on compassion fatigue, it is proposed that compassion fatigue as currently experienced by nurses may not arise predominantly from too great a demand for compassion, but rather from (...)
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  • Professional advocacy: widening the scope of accountability.Pamela J. Grace - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (2):151-162.
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  • Political Practices of Care: Needs and Rights.Julie A. White & Joan C. Tronto - 2004 - Ratio Juris 17 (4):425-453.
    In this paper the authors argue that the exploration of the nature of needs and rights should begin with the actually existing organization of care and of justice in society. The authors raise two key concerns with this organization: 1) the invisibility of care to some, and 2) the inaccessibility of rights to others. Recent work by care scholars has called attention to the ways the current organization of care work perpetuates the myth of self-sufficiency for some, while reducing others (...)
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  • Re‐reading nursing and re‐writing practice: towards an empirically based reformulation of the nursing mandate.Davina Allen - 2004 - Nursing Inquiry 11 (4):271-283.
    This article examines field studies of nursing work published in the English language between 1993 and 2003 as the first step towards an empirically based reformulation of the nursing mandate. A decade of ethnographic research reveals that, contrary to contemporary theories which promote an image of nursing work centred on individualised unmediated caring relationships, in real‐life practice the core nursing contribution is that of the healthcare mediator. Eight bundles of activity that comprise this intermediary role are described utilising evidence from (...)
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  • On making a cultural turn in religious ethics.Richard B. Miller - 2005 - Journal of Religious Ethics 33 (3):409-443.
    This essay critically explores resources and reasons for the study of culture in religious ethics, paying special attention to rhetorics and genres that provide an ethics of ordinary life. I begin by exploring a work in cultural anthropology that poses important questions for comparative and cultural inquiry in an age alert to "otherness," asymmetries of power, the end of value-neutrality in the humanities, and the formation of identity. I deepen my argument by making a foundational case for the importance of (...)
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  • Explorations of a trust approach for nursing ethics.Elizabeth Peter & Kathryn Pauly Morgan - 2001 - Nursing Inquiry 8 (1):3-10.
    Explorations of a trust approach for nursing ethicsTrust has long been acknowledged as central to nurse–patient relationships. It, however, has not been fully explored nor‐matively. That is, trust must be examined from a perspective that encompasses not only reliability and competence, but also good will within nursing relationships. In this paper, we explore how a trust approach, based on Annette Baier’s work on trust in feminist ethics, could help inform future developments in nursing ethics. We discuss the limitations of other (...)
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  • Compassion and Responsibility in Surgical Care.Kirsti Torjuul, Ingunn Elstad & Venke Sørlie - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (4):522-534.
    Ten nurses at a university hospital in Norway were interviewed as part of a comprehensive investigation into the narratives of nurses and physicians about being in ethically difficult situations in surgical units. The transcribed interview texts were subjected to a phenomenological-hermeneutic interpretation. The main theme in the narratives was being close to and moved by the suffering of patients and relatives. The nurses' responsibility for patients and relatives was expressed as a commitment to act, and they needed to ask themselves (...)
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  • Whistleblowing and Organizational Ethics.Susan L. Ray - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (4):438-445.
    The purpose of this article is to discuss an external whistleblowing event that occurred after all internal whistleblowing through the hierarchy of the organization had failed. It is argued that an organization that does not support those that whistle blow because of violation of professional standards is indicative of a failure of organizational ethics. Several ways to build an ethics infrastructure that could reduce the need to resort to external whistleblowing are discussed. A relational ethics approach is presented as a (...)
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  • Differences in Ethical Attitudes Between Registered Nurses and Medical Students.Ruth Elder, John Price & Gail Williams - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (2):149-164.
    In this study we compared the ethical attitudes of a group of experienced, predominantly female, registered nurses (n = 67) with those of a group of final year, mixed sex, medical students (n = 125). The purpose was to determine the basis of differences in attitudes that could lead to ethical disagreements between these two groups when they came to work together. A questionnaire developed to explore ethical attitudes was administered and the responses of the two groups were compared using (...)
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  • No Body to Kick, No Soul to Damn: Responsibility and Accountability for the Financial Crisis.Olivia Nicol - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (1):101-114.
    This article takes the 2008–2010 financial crisis as a case study to explore the tension between responsibility and accountability in complex crises. I analyze the patterns of attribution and assumption of responsibility of thirty-three bankers in Wall Street, interviewed from fall 2008 to summer 2010. First, I show that responsibility for complex failures cannot be easily attributed or assumed: responsibility becomes diluted within the collective. Actors can only assume collective responsibility, recognizing that they belong to an institution at fault. Second, (...)
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  • Expanding Nurses' Participation in Ethics: an empirical examination of ethical activism and ethical assertiveness.Sarah-Jane Dodd, Bruce S. Jansson, Katherine Brown-Saltzman, Marilyn Shirk & Karen Wunch - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (1):15-27.
    This research project investigated the extent to which nurses engage in two important kinds of ethical behaviours: ethical activism (where they try to make hospitals more receptive to nurses’ participation in ethics deliberations) and ethical assertiveness (where they participate in ethics deliberations even when not formally invited). This research probed not only the extent to which nurses engage in these ethical behaviours but also whether this is influenced by professional, training and organizational factors. A random sample of 165 nurses from (...)
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  • Ethics education for professionals in japan: A critical review.Yasushi Maruyama & Tetsu Ueno - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (4):438-447.
    Ethics education for professionals has become popular in Japan over the last two decades. Many professional schools now require students to take an applied ethics or professional ethics course. In contrast, very few courses of professional ethics for teaching exist or have been taught in Japan. In order to obtain suggestions for teacher education, this paper reviews and examines practices of ethics education for engineers and nurses in Japan that have been successfully implemented. The paper concludes that difficulties in professional (...)
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  • Toward a sociology of finitude: life, death, and the question of limits.Roi Livne - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (6):891-934.
    Progressing beyond the given has been a key modern tendency. Yet modern societies are currently facing the problem of how to put limits on progress, expansion, and growth, live within them, and preserve (rather than transcend) the present. Drawing on economic sociology scholarship on valuation and morality in economic life, this article develops and applies the term economization to analyze the enactment of limits on progress. The question of end-of-life care—when to stop medical efforts to prolong life, postpone death, and (...)
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  • Patients as `Safeguard' and Nurses as `Substitute' in Home Health Care.Stina Öresland, Sylvia Määttä, Astrid Norberg & Kim Lützén - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (2):219-230.
    One aim of this study was to explore the role, or subject position, patients take in the care they receive from nurses in their own home. Another was to examine the subject position that patients say the nurses take when giving care to them in their own home. Ten interviews were analysed and interpreted according to a discourse analytical method. The findings show that patients constructed their subject position as `safeguard', and the nurses' subject position as `substitute' for themselves. These (...)
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  • The search for the good in nursing? The burden of ethical expertise.Sioban Nelson - 2004 - Nursing Philosophy 5 (1):12-22.
    This paper examines the increasing trend by nursing scholars such as Patricia Benner to conceptualize ethics as a contextual and embodied ‘way of knowing’, embedded in nursing expertise. The intellectual origins of this development and its debt to neo‐Aristotelian thinkers such as philosopher Charles Taylor are discussed. It will be argued that rather than revealing a truth about ethical expertise, the emergence of the ‘expert’ nurse as a moral and ethical category is the result of the elaboration of neo‐Thomist discourses (...)
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  • Ethics in the Minutiae: Examining the Role of the Physical Laboratory Environment in Ethical Discourse.Louise Bezuidenhout - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (1):51-73.
    Responsibility within life science research is a highly scrutinised field. Increasingly, scientists are presented with a range of duties and expectations regarding their conduct within the research setting. In many cases, these duties are presented deontologically, forgoing extensive discussion on how these are practically implemented into the minutiae of daily research practices. This de-contextualized duty has proven problematic when it comes to practical issues of compliance, however it is not often considered as a fundamental aspect of building ethics discourse. This (...)
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  • From delegation to specialization: nurses and clinical trial co‐ordination.Mary-Rose Mueller - 2001 - Nursing Inquiry 8 (3):182-190.
    From delegation to specialization: nurses and clinical trial co‐ordinationThis paper considers an area of clinical research that has been delegated by physician‐researchers to nurses and others in the United States, that of clinical trials co‐ordination. It uses interviews with nurse trial co‐ordinators to explore the occupational processes by which the boundaries of work enactment and the definition of work have been established by nurses and others. It then discusses the occupational processes that have been established to formalize a role for (...)
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  • The Uses and Abuses of Moral Theory in Bioethics.Raymond De Vries - 2011 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14 (4):419-430.
    Moral theory is an important guide to bioethical decision-making, but it can confuse and mislead those who offer ethical advice to clinicians and researchers, delaying decisions that must be made in a timely fashion. In this paper I examine the ways moral theory can lead bioethicists astray. Absent a sensitivity to the empirical realities of ethical problems, moral theory 1) contributes to the disappearance of the persons caught in an ethical quandary, 2) focuses on the puzzle-solving rather than examining the (...)
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  • The institutionalization of expertise in university licensing.Jason Owen-Smith - 2011 - Theory and Society 40 (1):63-94.
    This article draws on ethnographic data from a field leading university licensing office to document and explain a key step in the process of institutionalization, the abstraction of standardized rules and procedures from idiosyncratic efforts to collectively resolve pressing problems. I present and analyze cases where solutions to complicated quandaries become abstract bits of professional knowledge and demonstrate that in some circumstances institutionalized practices can contribute to the flexibility of expert reasoning and decision-making. In this setting, expertise is rationalized in (...)
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  • The power of routine and special observations: producing civility in a public acute psychiatric unit.Bridget Hamilton & Elizabeth Manias - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (3):178-188.
    The power of routine and special observations: producing civility in a public acute psychiatric unit This study directly addresses controlling aspects of psychiatric nursing practice, which are currently marginalised in practice and research. We first consider the discursive tensions surrounding the mandated goal of social control in public acute psychiatric units, particularly referring to those units located within medical hospitals. We attest to the enduring social control mandate in psychiatric nursing and explore ways in which it is enacted.Specific nursing practices (...)
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  • Social science and linguistic text analysis of nurses’ records: a systematic review and critique.Niels Buus & Bridget Elizabeth Hamilton - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (1):64-77.
    The two aims of the paper were to systematically review and critique social science and linguistic text analyses of nursing records in order to inform future research in this emerging area of research. Systematic searches in reference databases and in citation indexes identified 12 articles that included analyses of the social and linguistic features of records and recording. Two reviewers extracted data using established criteria for the evaluation of qualitative research papers. A common characteristic of nursing records was the economical (...)
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  • Using a Buddhist Sangha as a Model of Communitarianism in Nursing.Karen L. Rich - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (4):466-477.
    In spite of a continuing long and rich history of caring for patients, many nurses have not been satisfied with their work. One cause among others for this dissatisfaction is that nurses often do not care for one another. The philosophy of a Buddhist Sangha, or community, is similar to the philosophy of western communitarian ethics. Both philosophies emphasize the importance of people working together harmoniously towards a common good. In this article, unsatisfactory nurse-nurse relationships have been considered and a (...)
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  • Exxon at Grand Bois, Louisiana: A Three-Level Analysis of Management Decision Making and Corporate Conduct.J. Brooke Hamilton Iii & Eric J. Berken - 2005 - Business Ethics Quarterly 15 (3):385-408.
    In the early 1990s, managers at Exxon decided to seek lower cost disposal in Louisiana for oil-field wastes declared hazardous in Alabama. This decision resulted in injuries to the residents of Grand Bois, Louisiana; the disposal company; Exxon; and the oil industry in the state. Given the need for business and society to manage business operations for mutual benefit, it is essential to understand why businesses injure the public so that similar incidents do not happen again. The authors use three (...)
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  • Stories from the Operating Room: moral dilemmas for nurses.Aileen R. Killen - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (4):405-415.
    This article explores stories related by perioperative nurses when asked to describe ethical judgements and subsequent actions that affected patient outcomes. A total of 214 patient care situations were analysed for moral actions taken and moral outcomes achieved in the perioperative arena. Content analysis of the patient care situations revealed a wide variety of ethical issues. Concerns about informed consent and quality of care were the most frequently identified issues. Respondents reported that 7% of patients underwent unwanted procedures and that (...)
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  • Conceptualizing Boundaries for the Professionalization of Healthcare Ethics Practice: A Call for Empirical Research.Nancy C. Brown & Summer Johnson McGee - 2014 - HEC Forum 26 (4):325-341.
    One of the challenges of modern healthcare ethics practice is the navigation of boundaries. Practicing healthcare ethicists in the performance of their role must navigate meanings, choices, decisions and actions embedded in complex cultural and social relationships amongst diverse individuals. In light of the evolving state of modern healthcare ethics practice and the recent move toward professionalization via certification, understanding boundary navigation in healthcare ethics practice is critical. Because healthcare ethics is endowed with many boundaries which often delineate concerns about (...)
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  • The Experience of Moral Distress in an Academic Family Medicine Clinic.Dawn Worsham Bourne & Elizabeth Epstein - 2023 - HEC Forum 35 (1):37-54.
    Background and Objectives Primary care providers (PCPs) report decreased job satisfaction and high levels of burnout, yet little is known about their experience of moral distress. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the experiences of PCPs regarding moral distress including causative factors and proposed mitigation strategies. Methods This qualitative pilot study used semi-structured interviews to identify causes of moral distress in PCPs in an academic family medicine department. Interviews were analyzed using conventional content analysis. Results Of (...)
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  • Revisiting Ethics and Rural Healthcare: What Really Happens? What Might Help?Ann Freeman Cook & Helena Hoas - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (4):3-4.
    Relatively few articles discuss the ethical issues that accompany healthcare in rural areas. This article presents and discusses the key findings obtained from multi-method research studies conducted over a 9-year period of time in a multi-state rural area. It challenges the efficacy of current models for bioethics, shows what kinds of ethical issues develop in rural communities, and offers a framework for envisioning resources and approaches that may be more appropriate.
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  • Relationship-based nursing care and destructive demands.Margareth Kristoffersen & Febe Friberg - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (6):663-674.
    Background: The relationship between the nurse and the patient is understood as fundamental in nursing care. However, numerous challenges can be related to the provision of relationship-based nursing care. Challenges exist when nurses do not respond adequately to the patient’s appeal for help. Moreover, challenges arising in the nurse–patient relationship can be understood as more destructive demands from the patient to the nurse, thus begging inquiry into such a relationship. Research question: The overall aim is to explore and argue the (...)
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  • A Comparative Study of Chinese, American and Japanese Nurses’ Perceptions of Ethical Role Responsibilities.Samantha Pang, Aiko Sawada, Emiko Konishi, Douglas Olsen & Philip Yu - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (3):295-311.
    This article reports a survey of nurses in different cultural settings to reveal their perceptions of ethical role responsibilities relevant to nursing practice. Drawing on the Confucian theory of ethics, the first section attempts to understand nursing ethics in the context of multiple role relationships. The second section reports the administration of the Role Responsibilities Questionnaire (RRQ) to a sample of nurses in China (n = 413), the USA (n = 163), and Japan (n = 667). Multidimensional preference analysis revealed (...)
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  • Hospital ethics committees: A survey in upstate new York. [REVIEW]Don Milmore - 2006 - HEC Forum 18 (3):222-244.
    This survey describes in detail ethics committees (ECs) at acute care hospitals in Upstate New York. It finds that in just two years (1984 and 1985), following the Baby Doe controversy and the Report of the President’s Commission, 40% of urban ECs and 37% of university ECs were formed. One half of rural ECs formed in 1992–1995, following the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requirement of access to ethics consultation. Generally, ECs are committees of the powerful within (...)
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  • Editorial.Verena Tschudin & Geoffrey Hunt - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (4):281-282.
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  • Book Review: Nurses’ moral practice: investing and discounting self. [REVIEW]Wanda K. Mohr - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (2):167-169.
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