- Papers, Please and the systemic approach to engaging ethical expertise in videogames.Formosa Paul, Ryan Malcolm & Staines Dan - 2016 - Ethics and Information Technology 18 (3):211-225.details
Focus, Sensitivity, Judgement, Action: Four Lenses for Designing Morally Engaging Games.Malcolm Ryan, Dan Staines & Paul Formosa - 2017 - Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association 2 (3):143-173.details
Four Lenses for Designing Morally Engaging Games.Malcolm Ryan, Dan Staines & Paul Formosa - 2016 - Proceedings of 1st International Joint Conference of DiGRA and FDG.details
Radicalidad y banalidad: el “burgués” como núcleo de la reflexión arendtiana sobre el mal.Oscar Gracia Landaeta & Andrés Laguna Tapia - 2024 - Perseitas 12:314-344.details
Understanding Evil Acts.Paul Formosa - 2007 - Human Studies 30 (2):57-77.details
The Problems with Evil.Paul Formosa - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (4):395-415.details
Thinking, Conscience and Acting in the Face of Mass Evil.Paul Formosa - 2010 - In Andrew Schaap, Danielle Celermajer & Vrasidas Karalēs, Power, Judgement and Political Evil: In Conversation with Hannah Arendt. Ashgate. pp. 89-104.details
La dimensión política del mal radical y de la banalidad del mal en el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt.María Wagon - 2020 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 16.details
Thinking, Willing, and Judging.Paul Formosa - 2009 - Crossroads 4 (1):53-64.details
Arendt, Améry, and the Phenomenology of Evil.Sidra Shahid - 2022 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53 (4):469-487.details
Banal Evil – Radical Goodness. Reflection on the 60th Anniversary of “Eichmann in Jerusalem”.Veronica Cibotaru - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1):93-200.details
The Shadow of Totalitarianism: Action, Judgment, and Evil in Politics.Javier Burdman - 2022 - SUNY Press.details
Hannah Arendt, evil, and political resistance.Gavin Rae - 2019 - History of the Human Sciences 32 (3):125-144.details
Dissonant Voices : Philosophy, Children's Literature, and Perfectionist Education.Viktor Johansson - unknowndetails