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Tracking probabilistic truths: a logic for statistical learning.Alexandru Baltag, Soroush Rafiee Rad & Sonja Smets - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9041-9087.details
Aggregating infinitely many probability measures.Frederik Herzberg - 2015 - Theory and Decision 78 (2):319-337.details
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The dispositional account of credence.Anna Mahtani - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 177 (3):727-745.details
The value of information and the value of awareness.John Quiggin - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (2):167-185.details
Objective and subjective rationality and decisions with the best and worst case in mind.Simon Grant, Patricia Rich & Jack Stecher - 2020 - Theory and Decision 90 (3-4):309-320.details
How do subjects view multiple sources of ambiguity?Jürgen Eichberger, Jörg Oechssler & Wendelin Schnedler - 2015 - Theory and Decision 78 (3):339-356.details
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Choice under complete uncertainty when outcome spaces are state dependent.Clemens Puppe & Karl H. Schlag - 2009 - Theory and Decision 66 (1):1-16.details
Acting on belief functions.Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2023 - Theory and Decision 95 (4):575-621.details
Solution concepts for games with ambiguous payoffs.Dorian Beauchêne - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (2):245-269.details
The Likelihood Method for Decision under Uncertainty.Mohammed Abdellaoui & Peter P. Wakker - 2005 - Theory and Decision 58 (1):3-76.details
A preference model for choice subject to surprise.Simon Grant & John Quiggin - 2015 - Theory and Decision 79 (2):167-180.details
Uncertainty in Integrated Assessment Modeling of Climate Change.Massimo Tavoni & Giovanni Valente - 2022 - Perspectives on Science 30 (2):321-351.details
The Precautionary Principle and Expert Disagreement.Lee Elkin - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (6):2717-2726.details
The price for information about probabilities and its relation with risk and ambiguity.Giuseppe Attanasi & Aldo Montesano - 2012 - Theory and Decision 73 (1):125-160.details
Mieux comprendre les comportements en situation d’incertitude : l’apport des modèles de décision.Johanna Etner - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):31-45.details
Ambiguity, pessimism, and rational religious choice.Tigran Melkonyan & Mark Pingle - 2010 - Theory and Decision 69 (3):417-438.details
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A framework for the analysis of self-confirming policies.P. Battigalli, S. Cerreia-Vioglio, F. Maccheroni, M. Marinacci & T. Sargent - 2022 - Theory and Decision 92 (3-4):455-512.details
Tribute to Jean-Yves Jaffray July 22, 1939 - February 26, 2009.Michèle Cohen, Alain Chateauneuf, Eric Danan, Thibault Gajdos, Raphaël Giraud, Meglena Jeleva, Fabrice Philippe, Jean-Marc Tallon & Jean-Christophe Vergnaud - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (1):1-10.details
Choice under aggregate uncertainty.Nabil I. Al-Najjar & Luciano Pomatto - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (2):187-209.details
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When an Event Makes a Difference.Massimiliano Amarante & Fabio Maccheroni - 2006 - Theory and Decision 60 (2-3):119-126.details
Inferring beliefs as subjectively imprecise probabilities.Steffen Andersen, John Fountain, Glenn W. Harrison, Arne Risa Hole & E. Elisabet Rutström - 2012 - Theory and Decision 73 (1):161-184.details
Portfolio Inertia and Epsilon-Contaminations.Takao Asano - 2010 - Theory and Decision 68 (3):341-365.details
Divergent platforms.Sophie Bade - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (4):561-580.details
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The impact of ambiguity and prudence on prevention decisions.Loïc Berger - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (3):389-409.details
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A simple non-parametric method for eliciting prospect theory's value function and measuring loss aversion under risk and ambiguity.Pavlo Blavatskyy - 2021 - Theory and Decision 91 (3):403-416.details
The Anscombe–Aumann representation and the independence axiom: a reconsideration.Abhinash Borah & Christopher Kops - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (2):211-226.details
Eliciting beliefs.Robert Chambers & Tigran Melkonyan - 2008 - Theory and Decision 65 (4):271-284.details