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Saint Foucault: towards a gay hagiography

New York: Oxford University Press (1995)

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  1. Beyond Binary: Genderqueer as Critical Gender Kind [Chinese].Robin Dembroff - 2020 - Philosophers' Imprint 20 (9):1-23.
    Chinese translation courtesy of Zhuanxu Xu. We want to know what gender is. But metaphysical approaches to this question solely have focused on the binary gender kinds men and women. By overlooking those who identify outside of the binary–the group I call ‘genderqueer’–we are left without tools for understanding these new and quickly growing gender identifications. This metaphysical gap in turn creates a conceptual lacuna that contributes to systematic misunderstanding of genderqueer persons. In this paper, I argue that to better (...)
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  • Rethinking the Space of Ethics in Social Entrepreneurship: Power, Subjectivity, and Practices of Freedom.Pascal Dey & Chris Steyaert - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (4):627-641.
    This article identifies power, subjectivity, and practices of freedom as neglected but significant elements for understanding the ethics of social entrepreneurship. While the ethics of social entrepreneurship is typically conceptualized in conjunction with innate properties or moral commitments of the individual, we problematize this view based on its presupposition of an essentialist conception of the authentic subject. We offer, based on Foucault’s ethical oeuvre, a practice-based alternative which sees ethics as being exercised through a critical and creative dealing with the (...)
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  • Feminist Phenomenology and Medicine.Kristin Zeiler & Lisa Folkmarson Käll (eds.) - 2014 - State University of New York Press.
    _Phenomenological insights into health issues relating to bodily self-experience, normality and deviance, self-alienation, and objectification._.
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  • The combine will tell the truth: On precision agriculture and algorithmic rationality.Christopher Miles - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (1).
    Recent technological and methodological changes in farming have led to an emerging set of claims about the role of digital technology in food production. Known as precision agriculture, the integration of digital management and surveillance technologies in farming is normatively presented as a revolutionary transformation. Proponents contend that machine learning, Big Data, and automation will create more accurate, efficient, transparent, and environmentally friendly food production, staving off both food insecurity and ecological ruin. This article contributes a critique of these rhetorical (...)
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  • The Neurath-Haller Thesis: Austria and the Rise of Scientific Philosophy.Barry Smith - 1997 - In Keith Lehrer & Johann Christian Marek, Austrian Philosophy Past and Present: Essays in Honor of Rudolf Haller. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 1-20.
    The term ‘Continental philosophy’ designates not philosophy on the continent of Europe as a whole, but rather a selective slice of Franco-German philosophy. Through a critical analysis of the arguments advanced by Otto Neurath, the paper addresses the issue of why Austrian philosophers in particular are not counted in the pantheon of Continental philosophers. Austrian philosophy is marked by the predominance of philosophical analysis and of the philosophy of science. The paper concludes that it is not Austria which is the (...)
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  • Resisting the Veil of Privilege: Building Bridge Identities as an Ethico-Politics of Global Feminisms.Ann Ferguson - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (3):95 - 113.
    Northern researchers and service providers espousing modernist theories of development in order to understand and aid countries and peoples of the South ignore their own non-universal starting points of knowledge and their own vested interests. Universal ethics are rejected in favor of situated ethics, while a modified empowerment development model for aiding women in the South based on poststructuralism requires building a bridge identity politics to promote participatory democracy and challenge Northern power knowledges.
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  • Bioethics and the Later Foucault.Arthur W. Frank & Therese Jones - 2003 - Journal of Medical Humanities 24 (3/4):179-186.
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  • Anarchic Bodies: Foucault and the Feminist Question of Experience.Johanna Oksala - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (4):99-121.
    The article shows that Michel Foucault's account of the sexual body is not a naive return to a prediscursive body, nor does it amount to discourse reductionism and to the exclusion of experience, as some feminists have argued. Instead, Foucault's idea of bodies and pleasures as a possibility of the counterattack against normalizing power presupposes an experiential understanding of the body. The experiential body can become a locus of resistance because it is the possibility of an unpredictable event.
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  • Practicing politics with Foucault and Kant: Toward a critical life.Dianna Taylor - 2003 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 29 (3):259-280.
    This paper problematizes the claim that Michel Foucault's work is normatively lacking and therefore possesses only limited political relevance. While Foucault does not articulate a traditional normative framework for political activity, I argue that his work nonetheless reflects certain normative commitments to, for example, practicing freedom and improving the state of the world. I elucidate these commitments by sketching out Foucault's notion of critique as a mode of existence characterized by practices of the self, arguing that such practices possess political (...)
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  • Queer Theory and Sociology: Locating the Subject and the Self in Sexuality Studies.Adam Isaiah Green - 2007 - Sociological Theory 25 (1):26-45.
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  • ‘Finding Foucault’: orders of discourse and cultures of the self.A. C. Besley - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (13):1435-1451.
    The idea of finding Foucault first looks at the many influences on Foucault, including his Nietzschean acclamations. It examines Foucault’s critical history of thought, his work on the orders of discourse with his emphasis on being a pluralist: the problem he says that he has set himself is that of the individualization of discourses. Finally, it addresses his work on the culture of the self which became a philosophical and historical question for Foucault later in his life as he investigated (...)
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  • Homosexuality.Brent Pickett - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Critical psychiatry: the limits of madness.D. B. Double (ed.) - 2006 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Psychiatry is increasingly dominated by the reductionist claim that mental illness is caused by neurobiological abnormalities such as chemical imbalances in the brain. Critical psychiatry does not believe that this is the whole story and proposes a more ethical foundation for practice. This book describes an original framework for renewing mental health services in alliance with people with mental health problems. It is an advance over the polarization created by the "anti-psychiatry" of the past.
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  • The Queer Politics of Migration: Reflections on “Illegality” and Incorrigibility.Nicholas De Genova - 2010 - Studies in Social Justice 4 (2):101-126.
    The most resounding expression of the truly unprecedented mobilizations of migrants throughout the United States in 2006 was a mass proclamation of collective defiance: ¡Aquí Estamos, y No Nos Vamos! [Here we are, and we're not leaving!]. This same slogan was commonly accompanied by a still more forcefully incorrigible rejoinder: ¡Y Si Nos Sacan, Nos Regresamos! [... and if they throw us out, we'll come right back!]. It is quite striking and, as this essay contends, not merely provocative but genuinely (...)
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  • Constructing Foucault's ethics: A poststructuralist moral theory for the twenty-first century.Mark Olssen - 2021 - Manchester University Press.
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  • Emancipation, Progress, Critique: Debating Amy Allen’s The End of Progress.Albena Azmanova, Martin Saar, Guilel Treiber, Azar Dakwar, Noëlle McAfee, Andrew Feenberg & Amy Allen - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (4):511-541.
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  • The Joy of Difference: Foucault and Hadot on the Aesthetic and Universal in Philosophy.Cory Wimberly - 2009 - Philosophy Today 53 (2):192-203.
    The intersection of Foucault and Hadot's work in the philosophy of antiquity is a dense and fruitful meeting. Not only do each of the philosophers offer competing interpretations of antiquity, their differences also reflect on their opposing assessments of the contemporary situation and the continuing philosophical debate between the universal and the relative. Unpacking these two philosophers’ disagreements on antiquity sheds light on how Hadot’s commitment to the Universal and Foucault’s commitment to an aesthetics of existence stem from their diagnoses (...)
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  • The anatomy of a forbidden desire: men, penetration and semen exchange.Dave Holmes & Dan Warner - 2005 - Nursing Inquiry 12 (1):10-20.
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  • Pride and Identity.Jerome Neu - 1998 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 22 (1):227-248.
    Christian theology still condemns the sin of pride, yet many modern political movements stake their claims in terms of pride (Black Pride, Gay Pride, Deaf Pride, etc.). In the age of identity politics, it would seem pride may help to overcome self-loathing and to transform society. To see the appropriate personal and political place of pride, one must properly understand the differing roles of responsibility and value in the constitution of pride. A distinction between self-respect and self-esteem also helps clarify (...)
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  • Queering kinship, overcoming heteronorms.Diego Lasio, João Manuel De Oliveira & Francesco Serri - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (1):27-37.
    Although same-sex couples and their offspring have been legitimised in many European countries, heteronormativity is still embedded in institutions and practices, thereby continuing to affect the daily lives of LGBT individuals. Italy represents a clear example of the hegemonic power of heteronormativity because of the fierce opposition to recognising lesbian and gay parenthood among many parts of society. This paper focuses on the peculiarities of the Italian scenario with the aim of highlighting how heteronormativity works in contemporary neoliberal contexts. By (...)
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  • Continental feminism.Jennifer Hansen - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Anarchism: A Conceptual Approach.Benjamin Franks, Nathan Jun & Leonard Williams (eds.) - 2018 - London: Routledge.
    Anarchism is by far the least broadly understood ideology and the least studied academically. Though highly influential, both historically and in terms of recent social movements, anarchism is regularly dismissed. Anarchism: A Conceptual Approach is a welcome addition to this growing field, which is widely debated but poorly understood. Occupying a distinctive position in the study of anarchist ideology, this volume, authored by a handpicked group of established and rising scholars, investigates how anarchists often seek to sharpen their message and (...)
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  • Konstruktivistische Identitätspolitik. Warum Demokratie partikulare Positionierung erfordert.Karsten Schubert & Helge Schwiertz - 2021 - Zeitschrift Für Politikwissenschaft.
    Identity politics is subject to similar critiques in contemporary public debate and political theory. A central topos of this critique is that identity politics is essentializing: it fixes subjects to their social position and resorts to a politics of particularity that leads to divisions in national citizenship and democratic discourse (the communitarian and liberal position) and to divisions within social movements (the critical position). Contrary to this one-sided critique, we propose a different interpretation with the concept of “constructivist identity politics.” (...)
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  • Sexuality, Caste, Governmentality: Contests over ‘Gender’ in India.Nivedita Menon - 2009 - Feminist Review 91 (1):94-112.
    This article tracks the journeys made by the term ‘gender’ in India. From its beginnings in the 1970s as a feminist contribution to public discourse, destabilizing the biological category of ‘sex’, we find that gender has taken two distinct forms since the 1990s. On the one hand, gender as an analytical category is being used to challenge the notion of ‘woman’ as the subject of feminist politics. This challenge comes from the politics of caste and sexuality. On the other hand, (...)
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  • Temporality in queer theory and continental philosophy.Shannon Winnubst - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (2):136-146.
    The connections between the fields of queer theory and continental philosophy are strange and strained: simultaneously difficult and all too easy to ferret out, there is no easy narrative for how the two fields interconnect. Both sides of the relation seem either to disavow or simply repress any relation to the other. For example, despite the impact of Foucault's History of Sexuality, Volume One on early queer theory, current work in queer of color critique challenges the politics and epistemology of (...)
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  • Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, y los cuerpos e identidades críticas, subversivas y deconstructivas de la Intersexualidad.Araceli González Vázquez - 2009 - Isegoría 40:235-244.
    La Intersexualidad es considerada una herramienta de crítica, subversión y deconstrucción de las categorías sexo y género, singularmente desde posiciones ligadas al constructivismo social y muy nutridas por las retóricas postestructuralistas. La propuesta de este artículo es la de discutir la recepción del pensamiento de Michel Foucault en los estudios sobre la Intersexualidad, y explicar qué conceptos y cómo se incorporan, y qué ideas contribuyen a desestabilizar o reificar dentro de estos debates.
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  • Queerness, Disability, and The Vagina Monologues.Kim Q. Hall - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (1):99-119.
    This paper questions the connection between vaginas and feminist embodiment in The Vagina Monologues and considers how the text both challenges and reinscribes systems of patriarchy, compulsory heterosexuality, and ableism. I use the Intersex Society of North America's critique as a point of departure and argue that the text offers theorists and activists in feminist, queer, and disability communities an opportunity to understand how power operates in both dominant discourses that degrade vaginas and strategies of feminist resistance that seek to (...)
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  • The Productive Power of Ambiguity: Rethinking Homosexuality through the Virtual and Developmental Systems Theory.Ann Burlein - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (1):21-53.
    This paper juxtaposes Deleuze's notion of the virtual alongside Oyama's notion of a developmental system in order to explore the promises and perils of thinking bodily identity as indeterminate at a time when new technologies render bodily ambiguity increasingly productive of both economic profit and power relations.
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  • Philosophy of Sex.Patricia Marino - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (1):22-32.
    Sex raises fundamental philosophical questions about topics such as personal identity and well-being, the relationship between emotion and reason, the nature of autonomy and consent, and the dual nature of persons as individuals but also social beings. This article serves as an overview of the philosophy of sex in the English-speaking philosophical tradition and explicates philosophical debate in several specific areas: sexual objectification, rape and consent, sex work, sexual identities and queer theory, the medicalization of sexuality, and polyamory. It situates (...)
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  • A Queer Supplement: Reading Spinoza after Grosz.Catherine Mary Dale - 1999 - Hypatia 14 (1):1-12.
    This article critiques Elizabeth Grosz's understanding that queer theory is unproductive insofar as it disrupts the specific identities of gay and lesbian. Reconsidering ideas about desire, the body, and identity that Grosz takes from Gilles Deleuze's work on Friedrich Nietzsche and Baruch Spinoza, this essay argues that, despite her productive reworking of homophobia in terms of “active” and “reactive” forces, Grosz's application of Spinoza is only partial. Focusing on Spinoza's evaluation of bodies, the essay both critiques Grosz's approach to experimental (...)
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  • A New Era of Queer Politics? PrEP, Foucauldian Sexual Liberation, and the Overcoming of Homonormativity.Karsten Schubert - 2022 - Body Politics 8 (12):214-261.
    Gay men have been severely affected by the AIDS crisis, and gay subjectivity, sexual ethics, and politics continue to be deeply influenced by HIV to this day. PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a new, drug-based HIV prevention technique, that allows disentangling gay sex from its widespread, 40 yearlong association with illness and death. This article explores PrEP's fundamental impact on gay subjectivity, sexual ethics, and politics. It traces the genealogy of gay politics regarding homophobia and HIV stigma, suggesting a new biopolitical (...)
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  • Anaesthetics of Existence.Cressida J. Heyes - 2014 - In Kristin Zeiler & Lisa Folkmarson Käll, Feminist Phenomenology and Medicine. State University of New York Press. pp. 263-284.
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  • Struggle for Recognition: Theorising Sexual/gender Minorities as Rights-Holders in International Law.Po-Han Lee - 2022 - Feminist Legal Studies 30 (1):73-95.
    This article argues for the necessity of recognising the collective rights-holding status of ‘sexual and gender minorities’ (SGMs) by examining the limits of the discourse concerning sexual orientation and gender identity in international law. I consider both symbolic interactionism and queer theory, which are critical of the assumption that everyone subscribes to a gender and a sexual identity. The theorisation proposed here accounts for not only people who possess a relatively stable identity, but also people whose situations are not conclusively (...)
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  • Queer studies and religion.Kent L. Brintnall - 2013 - Critical Research on Religion 1 (1):51-61.
    This article provides an introductory guide to queer scholarship in religious studies and theology. It also outlines approaches to queer studies and how they have been, and might be, appropriated in religious studies and theology. Finally, the article argues that greater clarity is needed when naming projects as “queer,” given that the terms “queer,” “queer theory,” and “queer studies” cover such a wide variety of approaches.
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  • Continental feminism.Ann J. Cahill - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • The histories of sexuality: The future of debate.Paul J. Johnson - 2001 - Social Epistemology 15 (2):127 – 137.
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  • Teoría queer en el contexto español. Reflexiones desde el feminismo.María Luisa Posada Kubissa - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 63:147.
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  • Queering Paradise: Toni Morrison’s anti-capitalist production.Heather Tapley - 2013 - Feminist Theory 14 (1):21-37.
    I map a queer reading of Toni Morrison’s novel Paradise at the intersection of sexuality, gender, race and class. Both poststructuralist and materialist in its approach, the analysis reads the identity formations reflected in the 8-Rock men and the Convent women as discursive fictions of stable subjectivity that, despite their apparent differences, actually constitute each other in capitalist networks of power.
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  • The obligation to qualify speculation.Mark Cenite - 2005 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 20 (1):43 – 61.
    This article proposes a journalism ethics obligation to identify speculation clearly, attribute it to sources, report any basis for it, and offer appropriate qualification, especially when speculation is based on stereotypes of stigmatized groups. Explicitly recognizing this responsibility addresses a gap in the traditional conception of journalistic responsibilities: When journalists fulfill responsibilities corresponding to their gatekeeper and watchdog roles by reporting sources' views, speculation may enter. Examples from major American newspaper and newsmagazine coverage of Andrew Cunanan, an openly gay man (...)
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  • Transparency Politics and Its Limits: Rethinking Hermeneutical Injustice.Nick Clanchy - 2023 - Dissertation, University of Oxford
    I draw on work in social epistemology, feminist philosophy, trans philosophy, queer theory, and ethics to rethink what hermeneutical injustices are, who suffers them, and what can be done to prevent them. I identify several problems with Miranda Fricker’s original account of what hermeneutical injustices are and how they arise, and argue for a number of revisions and clarifications in order to solve these problems. One upshot of these revisions is that more people suffer hermeneutical injustices than Fricker’s account acknowledges. (...)
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  • Queer Genes: Realism, Sexuality and Science.David Andrew Griffiths - 2016 - Journal of Critical Realism 15 (5):511-529.
    What are ‘gay genes’ and are they real? This article looks at key research into these hypothesized gay genes, made possible, in part, by the Human Genome Project. I argue that the complexity of both genetics and human sexuality demands a truly critical approach: one that takes into account feminist epistemologies of science and queer approaches to the body, while putting into conversation resources from agential realism and critical realism. This approach is able to maintain the agential complexity of genetic (...)
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  • The unruly queer figure’s phallic seductions and the re/production of sexual (in)difference.Corie Hammers - 2015 - Feminist Theory 16 (2):153-170.
    This article interrogates a psychoanalytically inflected strain of anti-social queer theory that in privileging refusal and negation, views as paradigmatic of ‘queerness’ the destructive, annihilative aspects in (queer) sex. In this view, sexuality is a product of the unconscious, thus irreducible to gender, such that gender is irrelevant to (and indeed hinders) understandings of desire. Informed by feminism, which views gender as crucial to any theory on sexuality, I expose that which ‘sexual negation’ masks through this very disavowal – that (...)
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  • Heteronormativity and the European Court of Human Rights.Paul Johnson - 2012 - Law and Critique 23 (1):43-66.
    This article examines a recent judgment by the European Court of Human Rights that upheld the complaint of a homosexual woman who alleged that her application for authorization to adopt a child had been refused by domestic French authorities on the grounds of her sexual orientation. I argue that the judgment constitutes an innovative and atypical legal consideration of, and challenge to, the heteronormative social relations of contemporary European societies. After exploring the evidence presented by the applicant, and the Court’s (...)
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  • Why history of ideas at all?Melissa Lane - 2002 - History of European Ideas 28 (1):33-41.
    This article suggests that the enterprise of Mark Bevir's book (The Logic of the History of Ideas, Cambridge, 1999), is the reverse of what his title implies. Bevir seeks not to delineate the peculiar logic of a specialised subfield of history called the ‘history of ideas’, but rather the logic which underlies historical pursuit considered in general as the ‘explanation of belief’. If this is so, then the relationship between belief, meaning, and speech act in intellectual texts, and the task (...)
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  • Sexuality and Parrhesia in the Phenomenology of Psychological Development: The Flesh of Human Communicative Embodiment and the Game of Intimacy.Frank J. Macke - 2007 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 38 (2):157-180.
    In the three published volumes of his History of Sexuality Foucault reflects on themes of anxiety situated in the Christian doctrine of the flesh that led to a pastoral ministry establishing the rules of a general social economy—rules that enabled, over time, a discourse on the flesh that took thrift, prudence, modesty, and suspicion as essential ethical premises in the emerging “art of the self.” Rather than sensing flesh as a charged, motile potentiality of attachment and intimacy, it came to (...)
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  • Consuming Bodies: Cultural Fantasies of Ancient Egypt.Lynn Meskell - 1998 - Body and Society 4 (1):63-76.
    This article explores the legacy of ancient Egypt in popular culture, from the 19th century onwards - through the theme of consumption. A range of media is covered including literature, film and performance. I argue that Egypt has been a constant mirror for contemporary culture in terms of the body, sexuality and the Orient. In the West, Egyptian bodies have always been consumed, literally or metaphorically and in the 1990s a commodified Egypt has to extend beyond normative sexuality. Thus, Egypt (...)
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  • Is sex worth dying for? Sentimental-homicidal-suicidal violence in theological discourse of sexuality.Geoffrey Rees - 2011 - Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (2):261-285.
    In theological discourse of sexuality, queer theory has often been regarded as an extension of the project of gay and lesbian liberation, when it actually challenges an organizing value of the entire discourse, because it challenges any ascription of ultimate value to "sex," an imaginative formation of power relations. Rather than appeal to God to authorize the privileged status of sex, queer commentary suggests that theological writers should refuse assertions of the absolute importance of any particular formation of human imagination (...)
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  • Resolving ethical challenges when researching with minority and vulnerable populations: LGBTIQ victims of violence, harassment and bullying.James A. Roffee & Andrea Waling - 2017 - Research Ethics 13 (1):4-22.
    This article provides an analysis of the issues and ethical challenges faced in a study with LGBTIQ student participants concerning their experiences of violence, harassment and bullying in tertiary settings. The authors detail the ethical challenges behind the development of the project, and around conducting research with a minority and vulnerable population. The article illustrates how the utilization of feminist and queer theory has impacted the process of conducting ethical research, including approaches to recruitment and participant autonomy. The dilemmas of (...)
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  • Reading Queer A/theology into Rabih Alameddine’s Koolaids.Dervla Shannahan - 2011 - Feminist Theology 19 (2):129-142.
    This paper explores Rabih Alameddine’s debut novel, Koolaids, from a queer a/theological perspective. It has been read as portraying an exilic in-betweenness and this paper looks at how this indeterminacy manifests in the text’s relationships to sexuality and Scripture. It argues that Alameddine dissects the stability of sexual norms and desires, and effectively queeries all compulsions to identify. It also discusses how Alameddine rereads and returns to Scripture, whilst rebuking blind faith in anything, and suggests that whilst his own relationship (...)
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  • Psychiatry, Anti-Psychiatry, Critical Psychiatry: What Do These Terms Mean?Thomas Szasz - 2010 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17 (3):229-232.
    I thank Professor Fulford for giving me an opportunity to comment on Bracken and Thomas’s essay. Unfortunately, this requires accepting the authors’ focus on discourses rather than deeds, on what psychiatrists say and how they say it rather than on what psychiatrists do and how they justify it. This I cannot do in good conscience. Nevertheless, out of respect to Professor Fulford and the journal Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, as well as a sense of professional obligation, I offer herewith my (...)
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