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Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (4):865 (1986)

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  1. Epistemology Mathematicized.John Woods - 2013 - Informal Logic 33 (2):292-331.
    Epistemology and informal logic have overlapping and broadly similar subject matters. A principle of methodological symmetry is: philosophical theories of sufficiently similar subject matters should engage similar methods. Suppose the best way to do epistemology is in highly formalized ways, with a large role for mathematical methods. The symmetry principle suggests this is also the best way to do the logic of the reasoning and argument, the subject matter of informal logic. A capitulation to mathematics is inimical to informal logicians, (...)
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  • A Remark on Maksimova's Variable Separation Property in Super-Bi-Intuitionistic Logics.Guillermo Badia - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Logic 14 (1).
    We provide a sucient frame-theoretic condition for a super bi-intuitionistic logic to have Maksimova's variable separation property. We conclude that bi-intuitionistic logic enjoys the property. Furthermore, we offer an algebraic characterization of the super-bi-intuitionistic logics with Maksimova's property.
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  • What’s Right with a Syntactic Approach to Theories and Models?Sebastian Lutz - 2010 - Erkenntnis (S8):1-18.
    Syntactic approaches in the philosophy of science, which are based on formalizations in predicate logic, are often considered in principle inferior to semantic approaches, which are based on formalizations with the help of structures. To compare the two kinds of approach, I identify some ambiguities in common semantic accounts and explicate the concept of a structure in a way that avoids hidden references to a specific vocabulary. From there, I argue that contrary to common opinion (i) unintended models do not (...)
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  • Category mistakes are meaningful.Ofra Magidor - 2009 - Linguistics and Philosophy 32 (6):553-581.
    Category mistakes are sentences such as ‘Colourless green ideas sleep furiously’ or ‘The theory of relativity is eating breakfast’. Such sentences are highly anomalous, and this has led a large number of linguists and philosophers to conclude that they are meaningless (call this ‘the meaninglessness view’). In this paper I argue that the meaninglessness view is incorrect and category mistakes are meaningful. I provide four arguments against the meaninglessness view: in Sect. 2, an argument concerning compositionality with respect to category (...)
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  • Editorial: Alan Turing and artificial intelligence.Varol Akman & Patrick Blackburn - 2000 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 9 (4):391-395.
    The papers you will find in this special issue of JoLLI develop letter and spirit of Turing’s original contributions. They do not lazily fall back into the same old sofa, but follow – or question – the inspiring ideas of a great man in the search for new, more precise, conclusions. It is refreshing to know that the fertile landscape created by Alan Turing remains a source of novel ideas.
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  • The New Hysteria: Borderline Personality Disorder and Epistemic Injustice.Natalie Dorfman & Joel Michael Reynolds - 2023 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 16 (2):162-181.
    The diagnostic category of borderline personality disorder (BPD) has come under increasing criticism in recent years. In this paper, we analyze the role and impact of epistemic injustice, specifically testimonial injustice, in relation to the diagnosis of BPD. We first offer a critical sociological and historical account, detailing and expanding a range of arguments that BPD is problematic nosologically. We then turn to explore the epistemic injustices that can result from a BPD diagnosis, showing how they can lead to experiences (...)
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  • Symmetric relations, symmetric theories, and Pythagrapheanism.Tim Button - 2022 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (3):583-612.
    It is a metaphysical orthodoxy that interesting non-symmetric relations cannot be reduced to symmetric ones. This orthodoxy is wrong. I show this by exploring the expressive power of symmetric theories, i.e. theories which use only symmetric predicates. Such theories are powerful enough to raise the possibility of Pythagrapheanism, i.e. the possibility that the world is just a vast, unlabelled, undirected graph.
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  • The Potential in Frege’s Theorem.Will Stafford - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):553-577.
    Is a logicist bound to the claim that as a matter of analytic truth there is an actual infinity of objects? If Hume’s Principle is analytic then in the standard setting the answer appears to be yes. Hodes’s work pointed to a way out by offering a modal picture in which only a potential infinity was posited. However, this project was abandoned due to apparent failures of cross-world predication. We re-explore this idea and discover that in the setting of the (...)
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  • (1 other version)Counterfactual Logic and the Necessity of Mathematics.Samuel Elgin - manuscript
    This paper is concerned with counterfactual logic and its implications for the modal status of mathematical claims. It is most directly a response to an ambitious program by Yli-Vakkuri and Hawthorne (2018), who seek to establish that mathematics is committed to its own necessity. I claim that their argument fails to establish this result for two reasons. First, their assumptions force our hand on a controversial debate within counterfactual logic. In particular, they license counterfactual strengthening— the inference from ‘If A (...)
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  • Mutual translatability, equivalence, and the structure of theories.Thomas William Barrett & Hans Halvorson - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-36.
    This paper presents a simple pair of first-order theories that are not definitionally (nor Morita) equivalent, yet are mutually conservatively translatable and mutually 'surjectively' translatable. We use these results to clarify the overall geography of standards of equivalence and to show that the structural commitments that theories make behave in a more subtle manner than has been recognized.
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  • Syntactic characterizations of first-order structures in mathematical fuzzy logic.Guillermo Badia, Pilar Dellunde, Vicent Costa & Carles Noguera - forthcoming - Soft Computing.
    This paper is a contribution to graded model theory, in the context of mathematical fuzzy logic. We study characterizations of classes of graded structures in terms of the syntactic form of their first-order axiomatization. We focus on classes given by universal and universal-existential sentences. In particular, we prove two amalgamation results using the technique of diagrams in the setting of structures valued on a finite MTL-algebra, from which analogues of the Łoś–Tarski and the Chang–Łoś–Suszko preservation theorems follow.
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  • Hintikka and the Functions of Logic.Montgomery Link - 2019 - Logica Universalis 13 (2):203-217.
    Jaakko Hintikka points out the power of Skolem functions to affect both what there is and what we know. There is a tension in his presupposition that these functions actually extend the realm of logic. He claims to have resolved the tension by “reconstructing constructivism” along epistemological lines, instead of by a typical ontological construction; however, after the collapse of the distinction between first and second order, that resolution is not entirely satisfactory. Still, it does throw light on the conceptual (...)
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  • What Do Symmetries Tell Us About Structure?Thomas William Barrett - 2017 - Philosophy of Science (4):617-639.
    Mathematicians, physicists, and philosophers of physics often look to the symmetries of an object for insight into the structure and constitution of the object. My aim in this paper is to explain why this practice is successful. In order to do so, I present a collection of results that are closely related to (and in a sense, generalizations of) Beth’s and Svenonius’ theorems.
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  • Chains of Life: Turing, Lebensform, and the Emergence of Wittgenstein’s Later Style.Juliet Floyd - 2016 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 5 (2):7-89.
    This essay accounts for the notion of _Lebensform_ by assigning it a _logical _role in Wittgenstein’s later philosophy. Wittgenstein’s additions of the notion to his manuscripts of the _PI_ occurred during the initial drafting of the book 1936-7, after he abandoned his effort to revise _The Brown Book_. It is argued that this constituted a substantive step forward in his attitude toward the notion of simplicity as it figures within the notion of logical analysis. Next, a reconstruction of his later (...)
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  • Automatic models of first order theories.Pavel Semukhin & Frank Stephan - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (9):837-854.
    Khoussainov and Nerode [14] posed various open questions on model-theoretic properties of automatic structures. In this work we answer some of these questions by showing the following results: There is an uncountably categorical but not countably categorical theory for which only the prime model is automatic; There are complete theories with exactly 3,4,5,…3,4,5,… countable models, respectively, and every countable model is automatic; There is a complete theory for which exactly 2 models have an automatic presentation; If LOGSPACE=PLOGSPACE=P then there is (...)
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  • Effectively inseparable Boolean algebras in lattices of sentences.V. Yu Shavrukov - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (1):69-89.
    We show the non-arithmeticity of 1st order theories of lattices of Σ n sentences modulo provable equivalence in a formal theory, of diagonalizable algebras of a wider class of arithmetic theories than has been previously known, and of the lattice of degrees of interpretability over PA. The first two results are applications of Nies’ theorem on the non-arithmeticity of the 1st order theory of the lattice of r.e. ideals on any effectively dense r.e. Boolean algebra. The theorem on degrees of (...)
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  • Asymptotic probabilities of extension properties and random l -colourable structures.Vera Koponen - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (4):391-438.
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  • A General Lindström Theorem for Some Normal Modal Logics.Sebastian Enqvist - 2013 - Logica Universalis 7 (2):233-264.
    There are several known Lindström-style characterization results for basic modal logic. This paper proves a generic Lindström theorem that covers any normal modal logic corresponding to a class of Kripke frames definable by a set of formulas called strict universal Horn formulas. The result is a generalization of a recent characterization of modal logic with the global modality. A negative result is also proved in an appendix showing that the result cannot be strengthened to cover every first-order elementary class of (...)
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  • Finite and infinite support in nominal algebra and logic: nominal completeness theorems for free.Murdoch J. Gabbay - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (3):828-852.
    By operations on models we show how to relate completeness with respect to permissivenominal models to completeness with respect to nominal models with finite support. Models with finite support are a special case of permissive-nominal models, so the construction hinges on generating from an instance of the latter, some instance of the former in which sufficiently many inequalities are preserved between elements. We do this using an infinite generalisation of nominal atoms-abstraction. The results are of interest in their own right, (...)
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  • Logical consequence: A defense of Tarski.Greg Ray - 1996 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 25 (6):617 - 677.
    In his classic 1936 essay "On the Concept of Logical Consequence", Alfred Tarski used the notion of satisfaction to give a semantic characterization of the logical properties. Tarski is generally credited with introducing the model-theoretic characterization of the logical properties familiar to us today. However, in his book, The Concept of Logical Consequence, Etchemendy argues that Tarski's account is inadequate for quite a number of reasons, and is actually incompatible with the standard model-theoretic account. Many of his criticisms are meant (...)
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  • The prospects for mathematical logic in the twenty-first century.Samuel R. Buss, Alexander S. Kechris, Anand Pillay & Richard A. Shore - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (2):169-196.
    The four authors present their speculations about the future developments of mathematical logic in the twenty-first century. The areas of recursion theory, proof theory and logic for computer science, model theory, and set theory are discussed independently.
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  • Notes on quasiminimality and excellence.John T. Baldwin - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):334-366.
    This paper ties together much of the model theory of the last 50 years. Shelah's attempts to generalize the Morley theorem beyond first order logic led to the notion of excellence, which is a key to the structure theory of uncountable models. The notion of Abstract Elementary Class arose naturally in attempting to prove the categoricity theorem for L ω 1 ,ω (Q). More recently, Zilber has attempted to identify canonical mathematical structures as those whose theory (in an appropriate logic) (...)
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  • Saturated models of first-order many-valued logics.Guillermo Badia & Carles Noguera - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (1):1-20.
    This paper is devoted to the problem of existence of saturated models for first-order many-valued logics. We consider a general notion of type as pairs of sets of formulas in one free variable that express properties that an element of a model should, respectively, satisfy and falsify. By means of an elementary chains construction, we prove that each model can be elementarily extended to a $\kappa $-saturated model, i.e. a model where as many types as possible are realized. In order (...)
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  • Defining Determinism.Thomas Müller & Tomasz Placek - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (1):215-252.
    The article puts forward a branching-style framework for the analysis of determinism and indeterminism of scientific theories, starting from the core idea that an indeterministic system is one whose present allows for more than one alternative possible future. We describe how a definition of determinism stated in terms of branching models supplements and improves current treatments of determinism of theories of physics. In these treatments, we identify three main approaches: one based on the study of equations, one based on mappings (...)
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  • Axiomatization of local-global principles for pp-formulas in spaces of orderings.Vincent Astier & Marcus Tressl - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (1):77-95.
    Abstract.We use a model theoretic approach to investigate properties of local-global principles for positive primitive formulas in spaces of orderings, such as the existence of bounds and the axiomatizability of local-global principles. As a consequence we obtain various classes of special groups satisfying local-global principles for all positive primitive formulas, and we show that local-global principles are preserved by some natural constructions in special groups.
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  • (1 other version)Proofs of the Compactness Theorem.Alexander Paseau - 2010 - History and Philosophy of Logic 31 (1):73-98.
    In this study, several proofs of the compactness theorem for propositional logic with countably many atomic sentences are compared. Thereby some steps are taken towards a systematic philosophical study of the compactness theorem. In addition, some related data and morals for the theory of mathematical explanation are presented.
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  • Finite variable logics in descriptive complexity theory.Martin Grohe - 1998 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4 (4):345-398.
    Throughout the development of finite model theory, the fragments of first-order logic with only finitely many variables have played a central role. This survey gives an introduction to the theory of finite variable logics and reports on recent progress in the area.For each k ≥ 1 we let Lk be the fragment of first-order logic consisting of all formulas with at most k variables. The logics Lk are the simplest finite-variable logics. Later, we are going to consider infinitary variants and (...)
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  • Infinitary propositional relevant languages with absurdity.Guillermo Badia - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (4):663-681.
    Analogues of Scott's isomorphism theorem, Karp's theorem as well as results on lack of compactness and strong completeness are established for infinitary propositional relevant logics. An "interpolation theorem" for the infinitary quantificational boolean logic L-infinity omega. holds. This yields a preservation result characterizing the expressive power of infinitary relevant languages with absurdity using the model-theoretic relation of relevant directed bisimulation as well as a Beth definability property.
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  • An Axiomatisation of a Pure Calculus of Names.Piotr Kulicki - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (5):921-946.
    A calculus of names is a logical theory describing relations between names. By a pure calculus of names we mean a quantifier-free formulation of such a theory, based on classical propositional calculus. An axiomatisation of a pure calculus of names is presented and its completeness is discussed. It is shown that the axiomatisation is complete in three different ways: with respect to a set theoretical model, with respect to Leśniewski's Ontology and in a sense defined with the use of axiomatic (...)
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  • Quine’s conjecture on many-sorted logic.Thomas William Barrett & Hans Halvorson - 2017 - Synthese 194 (9):3563-3582.
    Quine often argued for a simple, untyped system of logic rather than the typed systems that were championed by Russell and Carnap, among others. He claimed that nothing important would be lost by eliminating sorts, and the result would be additional simplicity and elegance. In support of this claim, Quine conjectured that every many-sorted theory is equivalent to a single-sorted theory. We make this conjecture precise, and prove that it is true, at least according to one reasonable notion of theoretical (...)
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  • A Lindström-style theorem for finitary propositional weak entailment languages with absurdity.Guillermo Badia - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (2):115-137.
    Following a result by De Rijke for modal logic, it is shown that the basic weak entailment model-theoretic language with absurdity is the maximal model-theoretic language having the finite occurrence property, preservation under relevant directed bisimulations and the finite depth property. This can be seen as a generalized preservation theorem characterizing propositional weak entailment formulas among formulas of other model-theoretic languages.
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  • Finite and Infinite Model Theory-A Historical Perspective.John Baldwin - 2000 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 8 (5):605-628.
    We describe the progress of model theory in the last half century from the standpoint of how finite model theory might develop.
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  • Truth Diagrams Versus Extant Notations for Propositional Logic.Peter C.-H. Cheng - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (2):121-161.
    Truth diagrams are introduced as a novel graphical representation for propositional logic. To demonstrate their epistemic efficacy a set of 28 concepts are proposed that any comprehensive representation for PL should encompass. TDs address all the criteria whereas seven other existing representations for PL only provide partial coverage. These existing representations are: the linear formula notation, truth tables, a PL specific interpretation of Venn Diagrams, Frege’s conceptual notation, diagrams from Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, Pierce’s alpha graphs and Gardner’s shuttle diagrams. The comparison (...)
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  • Homogenizable structures and model completeness.Ove Ahlman - 2016 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (7-8):977-995.
    A homogenizable structure M\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\mathcal {M}$$\end{document} is a structure where we may add a finite number of new relational symbols to represent some ∅-\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\emptyset-$$\end{document}definable relations in order to make the structure homogeneous. In this article we will divide the homogenizable structures into different classes which categorize many known examples and show what makes each class important. We will show that model completeness is vital (...)
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  • Are the Validities of Modal Logic Analytic? Or Analyticity Again, through Information, Proof, Modal Logic and Hintikka.Francesca Poggiolesi - 2015 - Philosophia Scientiae 19:221-243.
    Dans la philosophie de Hintikka la notion d'analyticité occupe une place particulière (e.g., [Hintikka 1973], [Hintikka 2007]) ; plus précisément, le philosophe finnois distingue deux notions d'analyticité : l'une qui est basée sur la notion d'information, l'autre sur la notion de preuve. Alors que ces deux notions ont été largement utilisées pour étudier la logique propositionnelle et la logique du premier ordre, aucun travail n'a été développé pour la logique modale. Cet article se propose de combler cette lacune et ainsi (...)
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  • Completeness for flat modal fixpoint logics.Luigi Santocanale & Yde Venema - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (1):55-82.
    This paper exhibits a general and uniform method to prove axiomatic completeness for certain modal fixpoint logics. Given a set Γ of modal formulas of the form γ, where x occurs only positively in γ, we obtain the flat modal fixpoint language by adding to the language of polymodal logic a connective γ for each γΓ. The term γ is meant to be interpreted as the least fixed point of the functional interpretation of the term γ. We consider the following (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Michael Polanyi: Can the Mind Be Represented by a Machine?Paul Richard Blum - 2010 - Existence and Anthropology.
    On the 27th of October, 1949, the Department of Philosophy at the University of Manchester organized a symposium "Mind and Machine", as Michael Polanyi noted in his Personal Knowledge (1974, p. 261). This event is known, especially among scholars of Alan Turing, but it is scarcely documented. Wolfe Mays (2000) reported about the debate, which he personally had attended, and paraphrased a mimeographed document that is preserved at the Manchester University archive. He forwarded a copy to Andrew Hodges and B. (...)
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  • Identity reconsidered.Hans-Ulrich Hoche & Michael Knoop - 2017 - Analysis 77 (4):715-725.
    The authors believe that the questions raised at the beginning of Frege’s On Sense and Reference – ‘Is [identity] a relation? A relation between objects, or between names or signs of objects?’ – set the course for a long-lasting but not at all satisfying discussion. For the disputants tend to advocate, either a ‘name-view’ of identity in a straightforward but rudimentary and logically untenable form, or else a version of an ‘object-view’ that makes all too light of the analysandum–analysans distinction (...)
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  • From Geometry to Conceptual Relativity.Thomas William Barrett & Hans Halvorson - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (5):1043-1063.
    The purported fact that geometric theories formulated in terms of points and geometric theories formulated in terms of lines are “equally correct” is often invoked in arguments for conceptual relativity, in particular by Putnam and Goodman. We discuss a few notions of equivalence between first-order theories, and we then demonstrate a precise sense in which this purported fact is true. We argue, however, that this fact does not undermine metaphysical realism.
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  • Interactive Logic in the Middle Ages.Sara L. Uckelman - 2012 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 21 (4):439-471.
    Recently logic has shifted emphasis from static systems developed for purely theoretical reasons to dynamic systems designed for application to real world situations. The emphasis on the applied aspects of logic and reasoning means that logic has become a pragmatic tool, to be judged against the backdrop of a particular application. This shift in emphasis is, however, not new. A similar shift towards “interactive logic” occurred in the high Middle Ages. We provide a number of different examples of “interactive logic” (...)
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  • Some Remarks on Generic Structures.David M. Evans & Mark Wing Ho Wong - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (4):1143-1154.
    We show that the N₀-categorical structures produced by Hrushovski's predimension construction with a control function fit neatly into Shelah's $SOP_n $ hierarchy: if they are not simple, then they have SOP₃ and NSOP₄. We also show that structures produced without using a control function can be undecidable and have SOP.
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  • (1 other version)Ambiguous discourse in a compositional context. An operational perspective.Tim Fernando - 2001 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 10 (1):63-86.
    The processing of sequences of (English) sentences is analyzedcompositionally through transitions that merge sentences, rather thandecomposing them. Transitions that are in a precise senseinertial are related to disjunctive and non-deterministic approaches toambiguity. Modal interpretations are investigated, inducing variousequivalences on sequences.
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  • Ample dividing.David M. Evans - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (4):1385-1402.
    We construct a stable one-based, trivial theory with a reduct which is not trivial. This answers a question of John B. Goode. Using this, we construct a stable theory which is n-ample for all natural numbers n, and does not interpret an infinite group.
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  • Local Homogeneity.Bektur Baizhanov & John T. Baldwin - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (4):1243 - 1260.
    We study the expansion of stable structures by adding predicates for arbitrary subsets. Generalizing work of Poizat-Bouscaren on the one hand and Baldwin-Benedikt-Casanovas-Ziegler on the other we provide a sufficient condition (Theorem 4.7) for such an expansion to be stable. This generalization weakens the original definitions in two ways: dealing with arbitrary subsets rather than just submodels and removing the 'small' or 'belles paires' hypothesis. We use this generalization to characterize in terms of pairs, the 'triviality' of the geometry on (...)
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  • Hanf numbers for extendibility and related phenomena.John T. Baldwin & Saharon Shelah - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (3):437-464.
    This paper contains portions of Baldwin’s talk at the Set Theory and Model Theory Conference and a detailed proof that in a suitable extension of ZFC, there is a complete sentence of \ that has maximal models in cardinals cofinal in the first measurable cardinal and, of course, never again.
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  • Laplace’s demon tries on Aristotle’s cloak: on two approaches to determinism.Tomasz Placek - 2019 - Synthese 196 (1):11-30.
    The paper describes two approaches to determinism: one focuses on the features of global objects, such as possible worlds or models of a theory, whereas the other’s concern is the possible behaviour of individual objects. It then gives an outline of an individuals-based analysis of the determinism of theories. Finally, a general relativistic spacetime with non-isometric extensions is described and used to illustrate a conflict between the two approaches: this spacetime is indeterministic by the first approach but deterministic by the (...)
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  • Glymour and Quine on Theoretical Equivalence.Thomas William Barrett & Hans Halvorson - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (5):467-483.
    Glymour and Quine propose two different formal criteria for theoretical equivalence. In this paper we examine the relationships between these criteria.
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  • Homogeneous 1‐based structures and interpretability in random structures.Vera Koponen - 2017 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 63 (1-2):6-18.
    Let V be a finite relational vocabulary in which no symbol has arity greater than 2. Let be countable V‐structure which is homogeneous, simple and 1‐based. The first main result says that if is, in addition, primitive, then it is strongly interpretable in a random structure. The second main result, which generalizes the first, implies (without the assumption on primitivity) that if is “coordinatized” by a set with SU‐rank 1 and there is no definable (without parameters) nontrivial equivalence relation on (...)
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  • Modular first-order ontologies via repositories.Michael Grüninger, Torsten Hahmann, Ali Hashemi, Darren Ong & Atalay Ozgovde - 2012 - Applied ontology 7 (2):169-209.
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  • On Generalization of Definitional Equivalence to Languages with Non-Disjoint Signatures.Koen Lefever & Gergely Székely - unknown
    For simplicity, most of the literature introduces the concept of definitional equivalence only to languages with disjoint signatures. In a recent paper, Barrett and Halvorson introduce a straightforward generalization to languages with non-disjoint signatures and they show that their generalization is not equivalent to intertranslatability in general. In this paper,we show that their generalization is not transitive and hence it is not an equivalence relation. Then we introduce the Andréka and Németi generalization as one of the many equivalent formulations for (...)
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