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Marx, Honneth and the Tasks of a Contemporary Critical Theory.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (4):745-758.details
The Colonization Thesis: Habermas on Reification.Timo Jütten - 2011 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19 (5):701 - 727.details
Empathy, Embodiment and.Dan Zahavi - unknowndetails
What is Reification? A Critique of Axel Honneth.Timo Jütten - 2010 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 53 (3):235-256.details
Adorno on Kant, Freedom and Determinism.Timo Jütten - 2010 - European Journal of Philosophy 20 (4):548-574.details
Recognition, Vulnerability and Trust.Danielle Petherbridge - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (1):1-23.details
Alienated Dependence: The Unfreedom of our Social Relations.Tatiana Llaguno - 2024 - Journal of Social Philosophy.details
Humanism: A Reconsideration.Aleksy Tarasenko-Struc - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (3):542-561.details
(1 other version)Understanding in Medicine.Varga Somogy - 2023 - Erkenntnis (8):3025-3049.details
(1 other version)Is populism a social pathology? The myth of immediacy and its effects.Justo Serrano Zamora - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (4):578-595.details
(1 other version)Is Populism a Social Pathology? The Myth of Immediacy and its Effects.Justo Serrano Zamora - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 1:1-17.details
La Educación para la Paz en tiempos de la Covid-19: repensar otras lógicas desde la imaginación, la fantasía, la creatividad y la utopía.Sofía Herrero Rico - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (48).details
Fragile Visions of the Social: Rethinking Solidarity with the Performance Piece Faust and the TV-series Skam.Claudia Schumann - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (5):523-534.details
Foundations of Communication/Media/Digital (In)justice.Christian Fuchs - 2021 - Journal of Media Ethics 36 (4):186-201.details
Hermeneutics and Critical Theory.Nicholas H. Smith - 2015 - In Jeff Malpas Hans-Helmuth Gander (ed.), Routledge Companion to Philosophical Hermeneutics. Routledge. pp. 600-611.details
Recognition trust.Johnny Brennan - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (11):3799-3818.details
Critical social philosophy, Honneth and the role of primary intersubjectivity.Shaun Gallagher & Somogy Varga - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (2):243-260.details
The Future of Value Sensitive Design.Batya Friedman, David Hendry, Steven Umbrello, Jeroen Van Den Hoven & Daisy Yoo - 2020 - Paradigm Shifts in ICT Ethics: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference ETHICOMP 2020.details
Globalising Love - On the Nature and Scope of Love as a Form of Recognition.Heikki Ikäheimo - 2012 - Res Publica 18 (1):11-24.details
What is reification in Georg Lukács’s early Marxist work?Konstantinos Kavoulakos - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 157 (1):41-59.details
Reification and immaterial production.Dimitris Gakis - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (6):676-702.details
What’s new in the new ideology critique?Kirun Sankaran - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (5):1441-1462.details
Social freedom as ideology.Karen Ng - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (7):795-818.details
Transnational labor regulation, reification and commodification: A critical review.George Tsogas - 2018 - Journal of Labor and Society 21 (4):517-532.details
Should Environmental Ethicists Fear Moral Anti-Realism?Anne Schwenkenbecher & Michael Rubin - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (4):405-427.details
The poetics of meaningful work: An analogy to speech acts.Todd Mei - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (1):1-21.details
Bridging the gap between critical theory and critique of power? Honneth’s approach to ‘social negativity’.Marco Angella - 2017 - Journal of Political Power 10 (3):286-302.details
Heidegger, Sociality, and Human Agency.B. Scot Rousse - 2016 - European Journal of Philosophy 24 (2):417-451.details
Stein and Honneth on Empathy and Emotional Recognition.James Jardine - 2015 - Human Studies 38 (4):567-589.details
Ontology of the False State: On the Relation Between Critical Theory, Social Philosophy, and Social Ontology.Italo Testa - 2015 - Journal of Social Ontology 1 (2):271-300.details
Work as a sphere of norms, paradoxes, and ideologies of recognition.Nicholas H. Smith - 2012 - In Nicholas H. Smith & Shane O'Neill (eds.), Recognition Theory as Social Research: Investigating the Dynamics of Social Conflict. Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 87-108.details
Corporate Humanistic Responsibility: Social Performance Through Managerial Discretion of the HRM.Stéphanie Arnaud & David M. Wasieleski - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (3):313-334.details
Reification and Social Criticism.George Hull - 2013 - Philosophical Papers 42 (1):49 - 77.details
Nonidentity, Negative Experience and the Pre‐Reflective Cogito.Gillian Howie - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):589-607.details
Social philosophy: A reconstructive or deconstructive discipline?Jørgen Pedersen - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (6):619-643.details
An Adornian Theory of Recognition? A Critical Response to Axel Honneth’s Reification: A New Look at an Old Idea.Roger Foster - 2011 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19 (2):255 - 265.details
The Reification of Value: Robust Realism and Alienation.Rob Compaijen & Michiel Meijer - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (3):275-294.details
Lukács: The antinomies of bourgeois philosophy and the absolute.Daniel Andrés López - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 157 (1):110-132.details
Sorge, Heideggerian Ethic of Care: Creating More Caring Organizations.Margie J. Elley-Brown & Judith K. Pringle - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (1):23-35.details
What is critical hermeneutics?Jonathan Roberge - 2011 - Thesis Eleven 106 (1):5-22.details
Recognition, Reification, and Practices of Forgetting: Ethical Implications of Human Resource Management. [REVIEW]Gazi Islam - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (1):37-48.details
Reification and passivity in the face of climate change.Paul Leduc Browne - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (4):435-452.details
Capitalism as a space of reasons: Analytic, neo-Hegelian Marxism?Justin Evans - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (7):789-813.details
L’icône et le foulard. Identité culturelle, dignité morale et reconnaissance réciproque.Radu Neculau - 2009 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 1 (2):212-248.details
What values, whose perspective in social and emotional training? A study on how ethical approaches and values may be handled analytically in education and educational research.Sara Irisdotter Aldenmyr - 2016 - Ethics and Education 11 (2):141-158.details
Two ways of being a left-Heideggerian: The crossroads between political and social ontology.Kurt C. M. Mertel - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (9):966-984.details
Empathy, Group Identity, and the Mechanisms of Exclusion: An Investigation into the Limits of Empathy.Thomas Fuchs - 2019 - Topoi 38 (1):239-250.details
Critical Theory and the Two-Level Account of Recognition -Towards a New Foundation?Somogy Varga - 2010 - Critical Horizons 11 (1):19-33.details
Empathy, Embodiment and Interpersonal Understanding: From Lipps to Schutz.Dan Zahavi - 2010 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 53 (3):285-306.details