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Recognition trust.Johnny Brennan - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (11):3799-3818.details
Recognition and the Human Life-Form: Beyond Identity and Difference.Heikki Ikaheimo - 2022 - New York, Yhdysvallat: Routledge.details
Conceptualizing causes for lack of recognition - capacities, costs and understanding.Heikki Ikäheimo - 2015 - Studies in Social and Political Thought 25 (1):25-43.details
Desubstantializing the critique of forms of life: relationality, subjectivity, morality.Heikki Ikäheimo, Jean-Philippe Deranty & John Goris - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.details
Is Hegelian recognition second‐personal? Hegel says “no”.Robert Stern - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):608-623.details
Globalising Love - On the Nature and Scope of Love as a Form of Recognition.Heikki Ikäheimo - 2012 - Res Publica 18 (1):11-24.details
Recognitive arguments for workplace democracy.Onni Hirvonen & Keith Breen - 2020 - Constellations 27 (4):716-731.details
Respect for persons, identity, and information technology.Robin S. Dillon - 2010 - Ethics and Information Technology 12 (1):17-28.details
From Psychologism to Personhood: Honneth, Recognition, and the Making of Persons.Renante D. Pilapil - 2012 - Res Publica 18 (1):39-51.details
(1 other version)Is ‘recognition’ in the sense of intrinsic motivational altruism necessary for pre-linguistic communicative pointing?Heikki Ikäheimo - 2010 - In Wayne Christensen (ed.), ASCS09 : Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the Australasian Society for Cognitive Science.details
The Epistemology of Geometry I: the Problem of Exactness.Anne Newstead & Franklin James - 2010 - Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Cognitive Science 2009.details
Of persons and peoples: Internationalizing the critical theory of recognition.Volker Heins - 2010 - Contemporary Political Theory 9 (2):149-170.details
Situated Personhood: Insights from Caregivers of Minimally Communicative Individuals.Johnny Brennan, Molly Kelleher, Rossio Motta-Ochoa, Stefanie Blain-Moraes & Laura Specker Sullivan - 2023 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 16 (2):64-94.details
Ajatuksia esineellistymisen käsitteen rehabilitoimiseksi.Heikki Ikäheimo - 2016 - In Marko Ahteensuu (ed.), E pluribus unum - Scripta in honorem Eerik Lagerspetz sexagesimum annum complentis. pp. 47-59.details
Recognition and personhood: A critique of Bernstein's account of the wrongfulness of torture.Johnny Brennan - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):211-226.details
David's Need for Mutual Recognition: A Social Personhood Defense of Steven Spielberg's A. I. Artificial Intelligence.Tuomas William Manninen & Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2016 - Film-Philosophy 20 (2-3):339-356.details