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  1. The feeling body: Towards an enactive approach to emotion.Giovanna Colombetti & Evan Thompson - 2008 - In W. F. Overton, U. Mueller & J. Newman, Body in Mind, Mind in Body: Developmental Perspectives on Embodiment and Consciousness. Erlbaum.
    For many years emotion theory has been characterized by a dichotomy between the head and the body. In the golden years of cognitivism, during the nineteen-sixties and seventies, emotion theory focused on the cognitive antecedents of emotion, the so-called “appraisal processes.” Bodily events were seen largely as byproducts of cognition, and as too unspecific to contribute to the variety of emotion experience. Cognition was conceptualized as an abstract, intellectual, “heady” process separate from bodily events. Although current emotion theory has moved (...)
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  • A solution to the tag-assignment problem for neural networks.Gary W. Strong & Bruce A. Whitehead - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):381-397.
    Purely parallel neural networks can model object recognition in brief displays – the same conditions under which illusory conjunctions (the incorrect combination of features into perceived objects in a stimulus array) have been demonstrated empirically (Treisman 1986; Treisman & Gelade 1980). Correcting errors of illusory conjunction is the “tag-assignment” problem for a purely parallel processor: the problem of assigning a spatial tag to nonspatial features, feature combinations, and objects. This problem must be solved to model human object recognition over a (...)
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  • How to build a baby: II. Conceptual primitives.Jean M. Mandler - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (4):587-604.
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  • Imaginative Value Sensitive Design: Using Moral Imagination Theory to Inform Responsible Technology Design.Steven Umbrello - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):575-595.
    Safe-by-Design (SBD) frameworks for the development of emerging technologies have become an ever more popular means by which scholars argue that transformative emerging technologies can safely incorporate human values. One such popular SBD methodology is called Value Sensitive Design (VSD). A central tenet of this design methodology is to investigate stakeholder values and design those values into technologies during early stage research and development (R&D). To accomplish this, the VSD framework mandates that designers consult the philosophical and ethical literature to (...)
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  • Self-organization of cognitive performance.Guy C. Van Orden, John G. Holden & Michael T. Turvey - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 132 (3):331.
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  • Nonconsequentialist decisions.Jonathan Baron - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):1-10. Translated by Jonathan Baron.
    According to a simple form of consequentialism, we should base decisions on our judgments about their consequences for achieving our goals. Our goals give us reason to endorse consequentialism as a standard of decision making. Alternative standards invariably lead to consequences that are less good in this sense. Yet some people knowingly follow decision rules that violate consequentialism. For example, they prefer harmful omissions to less harmful acts, they favor the status quo over alternatives they would otherwise judge to be (...)
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  • Deconstructing Anthropos: A Critical Legal Reflection on ‘Anthropocentric’ Law and Anthropocene ‘Humanity’.Anna Grear - 2015 - Law and Critique 26 (3):225-249.
    The present reflection draws upon a tradition of energetic, world-facing critical legal scholarship to interrogate the anthropos assumed by the terminology of ‘anthropocentrism’ and of the ‘Anthropocene’. The article concludes that any ethically responsible future engagement with ‘anthropocentrism’ and/or with the ‘Anthropocene’ must explicitly engage with the oppressive hierarchical structure of the anthropos itself—and should directly address its apotheosis in the corporate juridical subject that dominates the entire globalised order of the Anthropocene age.
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  • How Islamic Business Ethics Impact Women Entrepreneurs: Insights from Four Arab Middle Eastern Countries.Hayfaa A. Tlaiss - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (4):859-877.
    This study explores how Islamic business ethics and values impact the way in which Muslim women entrepreneurs conduct their business in the Arab world. Guided by institutional theory as a theoretical framework and social constructionism as a philosophical stance, this study uses a qualitative, interview-based methodology. Capitalizing on in-depth, face-to-face interviews with Muslim Arab women entrepreneurs across four countries in the Arab Middle East region, the results portray how Islamic work values and ethics are embedded in the entrepreneurial activities of (...)
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  • Rorty’s Linguistic Turn: Why (More Than) Language Matters to Philosophy.Colin Koopman - 2011 - Contemporary Pragmatism 8 (1):61-84.
    The linguistic turn is a central aspect of Richard Rorty’s philosophy, informing his early critiques of foundationalism in Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature and subsequent critiques of authoritarianism in Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity. It is argued that we should interpret the linguistic turn as a methodological suggestion for how philosophy can take a non-foundational perspective on normativity. It is then argued that although Rorty did not succeed in explicating normativity without foundations (or authority without authoritarianism), we should take seriously (...)
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  • Modeling separate processing pathways for spatial and object vision.Bruce Bridgeman - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):398-398.
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  • Descartes' Mistake: How Afterlife Beliefs Challenge the Assumption that Humans are Intuitive Cartesian Substance Dualists.K. Mitch Hodge - 2008 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 8 (3-4):387-415.
    This article presents arguments and evidence that run counter to the widespread assumption among scholars that humans are intuitive Cartesian substance dualists. With regard to afterlife beliefs, the hypothesis of Cartesian substance dualism as the intuitive folk position fails to have the explanatory power with which its proponents endow it. It is argued that the embedded corollary assumptions of the intuitive Cartesian substance dualist position (that the mind and body are diff erent substances, that the mind and soul are intensionally (...)
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  • The Pragmatics of Deferred Interpretation.Geoff Nunberg - 2004 - In [no title]. pp. 344--364.
    Traditional approaches tend to regard figuration (and by extension, deference in general) as an essentially marked or playful use of language, which is associated with a pronounced stylistic effect. For linguistic purposes, however, there is no reason for assigning a special place to deferred uses that are stylistically notable — the sorts of usages that people sometimes qualify with a phrase like "figuratively speaking." There is no important linguistic difference between using redcoat to refer to a British soldier and using (...)
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  • On the birth and growth of concepts.Jean M. Mandler - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (2):207 – 230.
    This article describes what the earliest concepts are like and presents a theory of the spatial primitives from which they are formed. The earliest concepts tend to be global, like animal and container, and it is hypothesized that they consist of simplified redescriptions of innately salient spatial information. These redescriptions become associated with sensory and other bodily experiences that are not themselves redescribed, but that enrich conceptual thought. The initial conceptual base becomes expanded through subdivision, sometimes aided by language that (...)
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  • Why cognitive linguistics requires embodied realism.Mark Johnson & George Lakoff - 2002 - Cognitive Linguistics 13 (3).
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  • Embodied understanding.Mark Johnson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • Physically Distributed Learning: Adapting and Reinterpreting Physical Environments in the Development of Fraction Concepts.Taylor Martin & Daniel L. Schwartz - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (4):587-625.
    Five studies examined how interacting with the physical environment can support the development of fraction concepts. Nine‐ and 10‐year‐old children worked on fraction problems they could not complete mentally. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that manipulating physical pieces facilitated children's ability to develop an interpretation of fractions. Experiment 3 demonstrated that when children understood a content area well, they used their interpretations to repurpose many environments to support problem solving, whereas when they needed to learn, they were prone to the (...)
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  • From Body Image to Emotional Bodily Experience in Eating Disorders.María Isabel Gaete & Thomas Fuchs - 2016 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 47 (1):17-40.
    This paper is a critical analysis and overview of body image conceptualization and its scope and limits within the field of eating disorders up to the present day. In addition, a concept ofemotional bodily experienceis advanced in an attempt to shift towards a more comprehensive and multidimensional perspective for thelived bodyof these patients. It mainly considers contributions from phenomenology, embodiment theories and a review of the empirical findings that shed light on the emotional bodily experience in eating disorders. It proposes (...)
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  • Keep meaning in conversational coordination.Elena C. Cuffari - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:100130.
    Coordination is a widely employed term across recent quantitative and qualitative approaches to intersubjectivity, particularly approaches that give embodiment and enaction central explanatory roles. With a focus on linguistic and bodily coordination in conversational contexts, I review the operational meaning of coordination in recent empirical research and related theorizing of embodied intersubjectivity. This discussion articulates what must be involved in treating linguistic meaning as dynamic processes of coordination. The coordination approach presents languaging as a set of dynamic self-organizing processes and (...)
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  • Productivity and Schematicity in Metaphors.Timothy C. Clausner & William Croft - 1997 - Cognitive Science 21 (3):247-282.
    The theory of metaphor proposed by Lakoff and Johnson (1980a, 1980b) and Lakoff (1993) involves a mapping of conceptual structure from one semantic domain to another. We investigate properties of these conceptual domain mappings by comparing them to morphological derivational relations. Schematicity and productivity are properties that Bybee (1985) and Langacker (1987) propose for characterizing morphological derivational relations, which we apply to our analysis of metaphor. Metaphors are argued to vary in their degree of semantic schematicity: Domain relations function as (...)
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  • Why we need religion to solve the world food crisis.A. Whitney Sanford - 2014 - Zygon 49 (4):977-991.
    Scholars and practitioners addressing the global food crisis have rarely incorporated perspectives from the world's religious traditions. This lacuna appears in multiple dimensions: until recently, environmentalists have tended to ignore food and agriculture; food justice advocates have focused on food quantities, rather than its method of production; and few scholars of religion have considered agriculture. Faith-based perspectives typically emphasize the dignity and sanctity of creation and offer holistic frameworks that integrate equity, economic, and environmental concerns, often called the three legs (...)
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  • How Diagrams Can Support Syllogistic Reasoning: An Experimental Study.Yuri Sato & Koji Mineshima - 2015 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24 (4):409-455.
    This paper explores the question of what makes diagrammatic representations effective for human logical reasoning, focusing on how Euler diagrams support syllogistic reasoning. It is widely held that diagrammatic representations aid intuitive understanding of logical reasoning. In the psychological literature, however, it is still controversial whether and how Euler diagrams can aid untrained people to successfully conduct logical reasoning such as set-theoretic and syllogistic reasoning. To challenge the negative view, we build on the findings of modern diagrammatic logic and introduce (...)
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  • Sizing up the threat: The envisioned physical formidability of terrorists tracks their leaders’ failures and successes.Colin Holbrook & Daniel Mt Fessler - 2013 - Cognition 127 (1):46-56.
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  • Recurrences and Human Agential Meaning Grounding: Laying a Path in Walking.Sergio Rodríguez - 2016 - Biosemiotics 9 (2):169-184.
    This article addresses the semiotic problem of how meaning is agentially grounded: how actual meaning is possible and is justifiably supported by agents’ capabilities and purposes. This article is particularly focused on human agential grounding; however, to a great degree, insights presented here can be extended to other living beings. Specifically, agential meaning is examined here inside the framework of agentive semiotics and embodied, situated and enactive cognition theories, in line with the mind-life continuity general thesis. To offer clarity and (...)
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  • Metaphorical connectivity.Marcel Danesi - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (144).
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  • Ontology Summit 2017 communiqué – AI, learning, reasoning and ontologies.Kenneth Baclawski, Mike Bennett, Gary Berg-Cross, Donna Fritzsche, Todd Schneider, Ravi Sharma, Ram D. Sriram & Andrea Westerinen - 2018 - Applied ontology 13 (1):3-18.
    There are many connections among artificial intelligence, learning, reasoning and ontologies. The Ontology Summit 2017 explored, identified and articulated the relationships among these areas. As p...
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  • Ontology Summit 2017 communiqué – AI, learning, reasoning and ontologies.Kenneth Baclawski, Mike Bennett, Gary Berg-Cross, Donna Fritzsche, Todd Schneider, Ravi Sharma, Ram D. Sriram & Andrea Westerinen - 2018 - Applied ontology 13 (1):3-18.
    There are many connections among artificial intelligence, learning, reasoning and ontologies. The Ontology Summit 2017 explored, identified and articulated the relationships among these areas. As p...
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  • (1 other version)Biosocial selfhood: overcoming the ‘body-social problem’ within the individuation of the human self.Joe Higgins - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (3):433-454.
    In a recent paper, Kyselo argues that an enactive approach to selfhood can overcome ‘the body-social problem’: “the question for philosophy of cognitive science about how bodily and social aspects figure in the individuation of the human individual self” ). Kyselo’s claim is that we should conceive of the human self as a socially enacted phenomenon that is bodily mediated. Whilst there is much to be praised about this claim, I will demonstrate in this paper that such a conception of (...)
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  • Praxis, symbol and language.Chris Sinha - 2018 - Interaction Studies 19 (1-2):239-255.
    This article focuses on the interweaving of constructive praxis with communication inontogenesis, inphylogenesisand in biocultural niche evolution (ecogenesis), within anEvoDevoSocioframework. I begin by discussing the nature of symbolization, its evolution from communicative signaling and its elaboration into semantic systems. I distinguish between thesymbol-readyand thelanguage-readybrain, leading to a discussion of linguistic conceptualization and itsdual groundingin organism and language system. There follows an outline account of the interpenetration in the human biocultural niche-complex ofsemiosphereandtechnosphere,mediated by the evolution of the niche of infancy. Symbolization (...)
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  • Observations, measurements and semantic reference spaces.Florian Probst - 2008 - Applied ontology 3 (1-2):63-89.
    What is needed to enable communication about observation and measurement results in information systems? Information system ontologies make a certain conceptualization explicit and partially accoun...
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  • Is Thagard's theory of explanatory coherence the new logical positivism?Eric Dietrich - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):473-474.
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  • Inappropriate judgements: Slips, mistakes or violations?Peter Ayton & Nigel Harvey - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):12-12.
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  • Normative, descriptive and prescriptive responses.Jonathan Baron - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):32-42.
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  • (1 other version)Embodiment and the Construction of Social Knowledge: Towards an Integration of Embodiment and Social Representations Theory.Cliodhna O'Connor - 2017 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 47 (1):2-24.
    Recent developments in the psychological and social sciences have seen a surge of attention to concepts of embodiment. The burgeoning field of embodied cognition, as well as the long-standing tradition of phenomenological philosophy, offer valuable insights for theorising how people come to understand the world around them. However, the implications of human embodiment have been largely neglected by one of the key frameworks for conceptualising the development of social knowledge: Social Representations Theory. This article seeks to spark a dialogue between (...)
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  • A Neural Dynamic Model Generates Descriptions of Object‐Oriented Actions.Mathis Richter, Jonas Lins & Gregor Schöner - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (1):35-47.
    Describing actions entails that relations between objects are discovered. A pervasively neural account of this process requires that fundamental problems are solved: the neural pointer problem, the binding problem, and the problem of generating discrete processing steps from time-continuous neural processes. We present a prototypical solution to these problems in a neural dynamic model that comprises dynamic neural fields holding representations close to sensorimotor surfaces as well as dynamic neural nodes holding discrete, language-like representations. Making the connection between these two (...)
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  • Imagination in Action.Philipp Dorstewitz - 2016 - Metaphilosophy 47 (3):385-405.
    Recent interest in phenomena of simulation, pretense, and play has given rise to new philosophical debates on the basic structure of human action and action planning. Some philosophers sought to transform Hume's desire-belief-action model by sophisticating its basic structure. For example, they introduced “hypothetical world boxes” or imaginary “i-desires” and “i-beliefs” into the standard model, in order to account for the representational and motivational structures of imaginary scripts. Others used phenomena of behavior driven by imagination to attempt a more fundamental (...)
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  • Beyond the correspondence metaphor: When accuracy cannot be assessed.Ian R. Newby & Michael Ross - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):205-206.
    Koriat & Goldsmith propose that the correspondence metaphor captures the essence of everyday memory research. We suggest that correspondence is often not at issue because objective assessments of everyday events are frequently lacking. In these cases, other questions arise, such as how individuals evaluate the validity of memories and the significance they attach to those evaluations.
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  • Rethinking the Evolution of Culture and Cognitive Structure.Martin Stuart-Fox - 2015 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 15 (1-2):109-130.
    Two recent attempts to clarify misunderstandings about the nature of cultural evolution came to very different conclusions, based on very different understandings of what evolves and how. This paper begins by examining these two ‘clarifications’ in order to reveal their key differences, and goes on to rethink how culture evolves by focussing on the role of cognitive structure, or worldview.
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  • Students’ Conceptions as Dynamically Emergent Structures.David E. Brown - 2014 - Science & Education 23 (7):1463-1483.
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  • The intersubjectivity of embodiment.Riccardo Fusaroli, Paolo Demuru & Anna Borghi - 2012 - Journal of Cognitive Semiotics 4.
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  • Chinese metaphors of thinking.Ning Yu - 2003 - Cognitive Linguistics 14 (2-3).
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  • Critical discourse analysis and metaphor: toward a theoretical framework.Christopher Hart - 2008 - Critical Discourse Studies 5 (2):91-106.
    Critical discourse analysis explores the role of discourse structures in constituting social inequality. Metaphorical structure, however, has received relatively little attention in explicit CDA. The paper aims to redress this by developing a coherent theoretical framework for CDA and metaphor. This framework adopts conceptual blending theory over conceptual metaphor theory, where the latter is perceived to be incompatible with CDA. The framework is applied in a CDA of metaphors for nation and immigration in the British National Party's 2005 general election (...)
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  • Articles.C. A. Bowers, Vicky Newman, Paul Brawdy & Rita Egan - 2001 - Educational Studies 32 (4):401-452.
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  • Moving Ourselves, Moving Others: Motion and Emotion in Intersubjectivity, Consciousness, and Language.Andrea Schiavio - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (5):735-739.
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  • Pragmatism and the Somatic Turn: Shusterman's Somaesthetics and Beyond.Christopher J. Voparil & John Giordano - 2015 - Metaphilosophy 46 (1):141-161.
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  • `The Sixties' Trope.Eleanor Townsley - 2001 - Theory, Culture and Society 18 (6):99-123.
    Combining insights from narrative analysis in sociology and trope theory in anthropology, this article develops a theory of tropes that emphasizes their historical production and political effects. Tropes function politically to enable some narratives, identities and resolutions while foreclosing others. As a powerful tool for socio-historical analysis, a consideration of tropes is crucial for deconstructing the taken-for-granted predicates and the `dangerous' consequences of political narratives. To illustrate the argument, the trope of `the Sixties' is analyzed as a case study.
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  • Understanding the imitation deficit in autism may lead to a more specific model of autism as an empathy disorder.Tony Charman - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):29-30.
    Preston & de Waal are understandably cautious in applying their model to autism. They emphasise multiple cognitive impairments in autism, including prefrontal-executive, cerebellar-attention, and amygdala-emotion recognition deficits. Further empirical examination of imitation ability in autism may reveal deficits in the neural and cognitive basis of perception-action mapping that have a specific relation to the empathic deficit.
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  • Does consequentialism pay?Adam Morton - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):24-24.
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  • Fairness to policies, distinctions and intuitions.Jonathan E. Adler - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):10-11.
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  • Synchrony of spikes and attention in visual cortex.F. Aiple & B. Fischer - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):397-397.
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  • The JOURNEY Metaphor and Moral Political Cognition.Ahmed Abdel-Raheem - 2014 - Pragmatics and Cognition 22 (3):373-401.
    Although researchers have paid much attention to the journey metaphor (e.g., Forceville, 2006a, 2011a, 2011b; Forceville & Jeulink, 2011), little seems known about its role for moral political cognition. Using data from the US and UK public discourses on the Euro crisis as an example, this paper draws on Lakoff’s (1996) Moral Politics Theory, demonstrating that the journey metaphor can play a crucial role for political cognition, and especially for moral political judgment.
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