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Rethinking Multiculturalism

Harvard University Press (2000)

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  1. (1 other version)Reframing and Practicing Community Inclusion. The Relevance of Philosophy for Children.Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo - 2014 - Childhood and Philosophy 10 (20):401-420.
    I wish to carry out a philosophical inquiry into the present day intercultural public spheres. The thesis I endeavour to support is that the achievement of inclusive public spheres largely depends on one’s willingness and capacity to foster the “appreciation of diversities” by first, enhancing policies and forms of cooperation between the citizens’ emotional and motivational resources, and then enhancing their cognitive competences. More specifically, my proposal is to understand such an effort from the viewpoint of post-Weberian responsibility, that is (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Integrating Strangers into the Mainstream Society: A Phenomenological Perspective.Matteo Bonotti - 2013 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Worldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science 5 (2013):23-36.
    In this paper, I argue that participation in face-to-face social groups can make a crucial contribution to the inclusion of strangers into the social life of liberal democratic polities. First, I critically assess Alfred Schutz’s phenomenological analysis of “The Stranger” within the context of his overall conceptionof the “life-world.” I then argue that linguistic communication can only enable a partial integration of strangers into an alien group. This is due, I claim, to whatSchutz calls the “irreversibility of inner time,” i.e., (...)
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  • Multiculturalismo e integración política en el Estado nacional moderno.John Rex - 2002 - Isegoría 26:29-43.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo exponer algunas de las principales cuestiones que se debaten bajo el término de multiculturalismo en el marco de un contexto político de gran amplitud. Se centra tanto en el tema de las minorías nacionales y sus demandas de autonomía política como en las minorías étnicas inmigrantes y su establecimiento en el seno de los Estados de acogida. Ambos tipos de minorías son percibidos como fuente de problemas en la Europa Occidental, el sudeste de Europa y (...)
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  • Culture and Diversity in John Stuart Mill's Civic Nation.Jason Tyndal - 2013 - Utilitas 25 (1):96-120.
    In this article, I develop a conception of multiculturalism that is compatible with Mill's liberal framework. I argue, drawing from Mill's conception of the nation-state, that he would expect cultural minorities to assimilate fully into the political sphere of the dominant culture, but to assimilate only minimally, if at all, into the cultural sphere. I also argue that while Mill cannot permit cultural accommodations in the form of self-government rights, he would allow for certain accommodation rights which assist cultural minorities (...)
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  • Pluralism and liberalism: reading the Indian Constitution as a philosophical document for constitutional patriotism.Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad - 2013 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 16 (5):676-697.
    Liberalism and pluralism are seen as being in tension in liberal Western nation-states, while multiculturalism, as a policy of resource allocation to minority groups, has been the standard response to pluralization. This limits the pluralist potential of a constitutional liberalism. The fusion of a liberal theory of autonomous individuality with a pluralist theory of multiple belonging has to look beyond multicultural policy in order to enhance liberal commitments to citizens through pluralist provisions. An analysis of the Indian Constitution's Fundamental Rights, (...)
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  • Progressive pluralism?Gregor McLennan - 2008 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 11 (1):89-105.
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  • Human Rights and Cosmopolitan Liberalism.Anthony John Langlois - 2007 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 10 (1):29-45.
    It may be suggested that much of what goes by the name of contemporary cosmopolitanism is liberalism envisioned at the global level. It has become a common claim that the liberalism which provides the ethical content for cosmopolitanism is not tolerant enough of diverse ways of living; that liberalism’s claim to be a just referee between competing conceptions of the good life in fact hides a failure to treat diverse forms of life with an egalitarian hand. This essay argues this (...)
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  • Intersectionality, Citizenship and Contemporary Politics of Belonging.Nira Yuval-Davis - 2007 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 10 (4):561-574.
    The paper examines the effects of intersecting social divisions on constructions of multi‐layered citizenships and the politics of belonging in contemporary Britain. It starts with conceptual clarifications of the notions of citizenship, belonging and intersectionality and then turns to examine contemporary politics of belonging in contemporary Britain, focusing on the current debate on the ‘death of multiculturalism’ and on ‘social cohesion’. It illustrates how the use of civic and democratic values as signifiers of belonging can end up as exclusionary, rather (...)
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  • “Repressive Tolerance”: Herbert Marcuse’s Exercise in Social Epistemology.Rodney Fopp - 2010 - Social Epistemology 24 (2):105-122.
    When Herbert Marcuse's essay entitled “Repressive tolerance” was published in the mid-1960s it was trenchantly criticised because it was anti-democratic and defied the academic canon of value neutrality. Yet his argument is attracting renewed interest in the 21st century, particularly when, post 9/11, the thresholds or limits of tolerance are being contested. This article argues that Marcuse's original essay was concerned to problematise the dominant social understandings of tolerance at the time, which were more about insisting that individual citizens tolerate (...)
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  • Liberal Democracy and the Challenge of Ethical Diversity.Enzo Rossi - 2008 - Human Affairs 18 (1):10-22.
    What do we talk about when we talk about ethical diversity as a challenge to the normative justifiability of liberal democracy? Many theorists claim that liberal democracy ought to be reformed or rejected for not being sufficiently ‘inclusive’ towards diversity; others argue that, on the contrary, liberalism is desirable because it accommodates (some level of) diversity. Moreover, it has been argued that concern for diversity should lead us to favour (say) neutralistic over perfectionist, universalistic over particularistic, participative over representative versions (...)
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  • (1 other version)Pluralismo y justicia mas allá del liberalismo politico.Juan Antonio Fernández Manzano - 2017 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 56:136-151.
    El artículo trata de abordar algunos aspectos de articulación entre pluralismo y justicia. Más concretamente, las posibilidades de profundizar en una teoría de la justicia que sea capaz de acoger en un mismo marco político a ciudadanos de culturas y valores heterogéneos. Ello conduce a destacar algunas de las deficiencias de posturas relativistas y monistas y a defender una posición que parta de la posición del liberalismo político y la supere con el fin de conducir a un marco político ni (...)
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  • Autonomy, force and cultural plurality.Monica Mookherjee - 2008 - Res Publica 14 (3):147-168.
    Within now prolific debates surrounding the compatibility of feminism and multiculturalism in liberal societies, the need arises for a normative conception of women’s self-determination that does not violate the self-understandings or values of women of different backgrounds and forms of life. With reference to the recent British debate about forced marriage, this article proposes an innovative approach to this problem in terms of the idea of ‘plural autonomy’. While the capacity for autonomy is plural, in the sense of varying across (...)
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  • Cultural Coherence and the Schooling for Identity Maintenance.Michael S. Merry - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 39 (3):477-497.
    An education for cultural coherence tends to the child’s well-being through identity construction and maintenance. Critics charge that this sort of education will not bode well for the future autonomy of children. I will argue that culturally coherent education, provided there is no coercion, can lend itself to eventual autonomy and may assist minority children in countering the negative stereotypes and discrimination they face in the larger society. Further, I will argue that few individuals actually possess an entirely coherent identity; (...)
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  • PRESERVING LOCAL WISDOM: CULTURAL STRATEGIES OF BUGINESE-PAGATAN ETHNIC GROUP LIVING IN A 1 3 MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY.Andi Kaharuddin - 2020 - Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17 (6):10038-10053.
    This study aims to describe the cultural strategy of the Buginese people of Pagatan (one of ethnic group in Indonesia) in preserving their local wisdom living in a multicultural society. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive method through three methods of data collection i.e. in-depth interview, observation and literature involving community leaders and ordinary people as informants. The historical-interpretative method was used to analyze the Data. The findings from this study indicate that the people of Buginese-Pagatan use two strategies (...)
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  • An interpretation of political argument.William Bosworth - 2020 - European Journal of Political Theory 19 (3):293-313.
    How do we determine whether individuals accept the actual consistency of a political argument instead of just its rhetorical good looks? This article answers this question by proposing an interpretation of political argument within the constraints of political liberalism. It utilises modern developments in the philosophy of logic and language to reclaim ‘meaningless nonsense’ from use as a partisan war cry and to build up political argument as something more than a power struggle between competing conceptions of the good. Standard (...)
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  • Paradox of Dignity: Everyday Racism and the Failure of Multiculturalism.Yoko Arisaka - 2010 - Ethik Und Gesellschaft 2.
    Liberal multiculturalism was introduced to support integration and anti-racism, but everyday racism continues to be a fact of life. This paper analyzes first some frameworks and problems that race and racism raise, and discusses two common liberal approaches for solving the problem of racism: the individualized conception of dignity and the social conception of multiculturalism. I argue that the ontological and epistemological assumptions involved in both of these approaches, coupled with the absence of the political-progressive notion of «race» in Germany, (...)
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  • Embedded Identities and Dialogic Consensus: Educational implications from the communitarian theory of Bhikhu Parekh.Michael S. Merry - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (4):495-517.
    In this article I investigate the extent to which Bhikhu Parekh believes that a person's cultural/religious background must be preserved and whether, by implication, religious schooling is justified by his theory. My discussion will explore—by inference and implication—whether Parekh's carefully crafted multiculturalism, enriched and illuminated by numerous practical insights, is socially tenable. I will also consider whether, by extension, it is justifiable, on his line of reasoning, to cultivate cultural and religious understandings among one's own children. Finally, I will contend (...)
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  • On claims of culture and duties of recognition in democratic states.Simon Thompson - 2015 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18 (3):328-348.
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  • The educative importance of ethos.Terence McLaughlin - 2005 - British Journal of Educational Studies 53 (3):306-325.
    This article explores the educative importance of ethos from a broadly philosophical perspective. It is argued that, for a range of reasons, the notion of ethos in the context of education needs to be brought into clearer focus. An analysis is offered of the concept of ethos, with particular reference to the context of classrooms and schools. The educative importance of ethos is explored, with reference to a range of difficulties and challenges which it presents.
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  • Multiculturalism and Equal Human Dignity: An Essay on Bhikhu Parekh.Joshua Broady Preiss - 2011 - Res Publica 17 (2):141-156.
    Bhikhu Parekh is an internationally renowned political theorist. His work on identity and multiculturalism is unquestionably thoughtful and nuanced, benefiting from a tremendous depth of knowledge of particular cases. Despite his work’s many virtues, however, the normative justification for Parekh’s recommendations is at times vague or ambiguous. In this essay, I argue that a close reading of his work, in particular his magnum opus Rethinking Multiculturalism and the selfproclaimed sequel A New Politics of Identity, reveals that his claims frequently rely (...)
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  • Human Rights, Individualism and Cultural Diversity.Rowan Cruft - 2005 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8 (3):265-287.
    Abstract Two features of human?rights discourse are often targeted for criticism: its universalism and its individualism. Both features, it is usually claimed, illegitimately overlook the significance of cultural diversity. In this essay I argue that individualism is incompatible with universalism and compatible with cultural diversity. Thus I defend the view that human rights are individualistically justified, and I argue that it follows from this that human rights are in an important sense non?universal. I go on to show how my non?universalist (...)
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  • Headscarves: A Comparison of Public Thought and Public Policy in Germany and the Netherlands.Sawitri Saharso - 2007 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 10 (4):513-530.
    This article focuses on public debates and public policy on the Islamic headscarf in the Netherlands and Germany. In the Netherlands the Islamic headscarf meets with an accommodating policy reaction, while in Germany some eight federal states have introduced legislation to ban the headscarf. This difference is explained, so I argue, by national differences in citizenship traditions. While the Netherlands represents a multicultural model, Germany used to be the paradigmatic example of an ethno‐cultural model of citizenship. Yet, the reaction of (...)
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  • Anti-Imperialism: Generating Universal Human Rights out of Local Norms.Benjamin Gregg - 2010 - Ratio Juris 23 (3):289-310.
    To counter possibilities for human rights as cultural imperialism, (1) I develop a notion of human rights as culturally particular and valid only locally. But they are an increasingly generalizable particularism. (2) Because the incommensurability of different cultures does not entail an uncritical tolerance of just about anything, but rather allows for an objectivating stance toward other communities or cultures, locally valid human rights have a critical capacity. (3) Locally valid human rights promote a community's self-representation and thus allow for (...)
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  • The weight of context: Headscarves in Holland. [REVIEW]Odile Verhaar & Sawitri Saharso - 2004 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 7 (2):179-195.
    This paper explores the potential of a contextual approach to multicultural conflict. It reconstructs two cases that were hotly debated in the Netherlands—Islamic headscarves for police officers and for court officers—and asks whether a contextual approach reaches compromises and thus promotes social stability more easily than a deductive approach. The argument is that a deductive approach accepts standing interpretations of normative principles, whereas a contextual approach reinterprets these principles in the light of the circumstances and that, whether or not it (...)
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  • Religions and states. A new typology and a plea for non-constitutional pluralism.Veit Bader - 2003 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 6 (1):55-91.
    Political philosophy has difficulties to cope with the complexity and variety of state-religions relations. ‘Strict separationism’ is still the preferred option amongst liberals, deliberative and republican democrats, socialist and feminists. In this article, I develop a complex typology based on comparative history and sociology of religions. I summarize my reasons why institutional pluralist models like plural establishment or non-constitutional pluralism are attractive not only for religious minorities but for religiously deeply diverse societies in general. Most attention is paid defending associative (...)
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  • Revisiting Contextualism in Political Theory: Putting Principles into Context.Tariq Modood & Simon Thompson - 2018 - Res Publica 24 (3):339-357.
    In this article, we articulate and defend a contextual approach to political theory. According to what we shall call ‘iterative contextualism’, context has two important roles to play in determining what is required by justice. First, it is through the exploration and evaluation of multiple contexts that general principles are devised, revised and refined. Second, significant weight should be given to the norms to be found in specific contexts because the people affected by those norms strongly identify with them. Having (...)
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  • Negotiating the ‘Modern Wilderness of Interests’: Bernard Bosanquet on Cultural Diversity.Colin Tyler - 2002 - Contemporary Political Theory 1 (2):157-180.
    This article argues that, despite its reputation as a homogenising and authoritarian system, the political thought of Bernard Bosanquet contains resources with which to develop a robust and culturally sensitive model of liberal multiculturalism. Throughout the discussion, Bosanquet's thought is located within contemporary theoretical debates. The first section rehearses the critique of Millian liberalism developed by Bhikhu Parekh and others, which alleges that the considerations of individuality and autonomy underlying such a political order preclude it from showing adequate respect for (...)
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  • State neutrality and Islamic headscarf laws in France and Germany.Christian Joppke - 2007 - Theory and Society 36 (4):313-342.
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  • Religious Political Parties and the Limits of Political Liberalism.Matteo Bonotti - 2011 - Res Publica 17 (2):107-123.
    Political parties have only recently become a subject of investigation in political theory. In this paper I analyse religious political parties in the context of John Rawls’s political liberalism. Rawlsian political liberalism, I argue, overly constrains the scope of democratic political contestation and especially for the kind of contestation channelled by parties. This restriction imposed upon political contestation risks undermining democracy and the development of the kind of democratic ethos that political liberalism cherishes. In this paper I therefore aim to (...)
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  • Reconsidering the private–public distinction.Gurpreet Mahajan - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (2):133-143.
    Although most political theorists accept that the meaning of concepts is in part context specific, this dimension tends to be neglected when they deal with concepts that have been part of the collective political imagination for a long period of time. This has been the case with the concepts of public and private. Since the time of Aristotle, public and private have often been represented as two separate and discreet zones of activity, with the private viewed as the domain of (...)
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  • The credentials of brain-based learning.Andrew Davis - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 38 (1):21–36.
    This paper discusses the current fashion for brain-based learning, in which value-laden claims about learning are grounded in neurophysiology. It argues that brain science cannot have the ‘authority’ about learning that some seek to give it. It goes on to discuss whether the claim that brain science is relevant to learning involves a category mistake. The heart of the paper tries to show how the contribution of brain science to our grasp of the nature of learning is limited in principle. (...)
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  • Recognition and Toleration: Conflicting approaches to diversity in education?Sune Laegaard - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (1):22-37.
    Recognition and toleration are ways of relating to the diversity characteristic of multicultural societies. The article concerns the possible meanings of toleration and recognition, and the conflict that is often claimed to exist between these two approaches to diversity. Different forms or interpretations of recognition and toleration are considered, confusing and problematic uses of the terms are noted, and the compatibility of toleration and recognition is discussed. The article argues that there is a range of legitimate and importantly different conceptions (...)
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  • Is Europe Converging on Constitutional Patriotism? (And If So: Is It Justified?).Jan-Werner Müller - 2007 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 10 (3):377-387.
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  • National identity, political trust and the public realm.Matthew Festenstein - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (2):279-296.
    The representative institutions of democratic government require the public sphere; but this in turn rests on the fellow‐feeling of citizens. In this article, I explore some recent ways of fleshing out Mill’s thought that patriotic fellow‐feeling is instrumental for a form of trust that the public sphere requires. Deliberation, argument and negotiation in the public sphere require a willingness to discuss, alter one’s position, compromise with others, and do so in good faith and in the belief that other participants are (...)
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  • (1 other version)Recognition and Toleration: Conflicting approaches to diversity in education?Sune Lægaard - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (1):22-37.
    Recognition and toleration are ways of relating to the diversity characteristic of multicultural societies. The article concerns the possible meanings of toleration and recognition, and the conflict that is often claimed to exist between these two approaches to diversity. Different forms or interpretations of recognition and toleration are considered, confusing and problematic uses of the terms are noted, and the compatibility of toleration and recognition is discussed. The article argues that there is a range of legitimate and importantly different conceptions (...)
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  • Multicultural Justice: Will Kymlicka and Cultural Recognition.Andrea Cassatella - 2006 - Ratio Juris 19 (1):80-100.
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  • Taking religious pluralism seriously. Arguing for an institutional turn. Introduction.Veit Bader - 2003 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 6 (1):3-22.
    Political philosophy has difficulties to cope with the complexity and variety of state-religions relations. ‘Strict separationism’ is still the preferred option amongst liberals, deliberative and republican democrats, socialist and feminists. In this article, I develop a complex typology based on comparative history and sociology of religions. I summarize my reasons why institutional pluralist models like plural establishment or non-constitutional pluralism are attractive not only for religious minorities but for religiously deeply diverse societies in general. Most attention is paid defending associative (...)
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  • Equality in multiplicity: Reassessing Irigaray's multicultural feminism.Monica Mookherjee - 2005 - Feminist Theory 6 (3):297-323.
    Luce Irigaray classically challenges what she takes to be the masculine foundations of knowledge in Western liberal culture. The present article contends not only that this epistemological challenge implicates a radical feminist politics, but that it is also more helpful in formulating a multicultural feminist theory than is often acknowledged by her readers. This is because her account responds to the false neutrality of liberal feminist approaches to multiculturalism. It does so by supporting, at the socio-political level, transformative genealogical practices (...)
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  • National Identity – A Multiculturalist’s Approach.Varun Uberoi - 2018 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 21 (1):46-64.
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  • The Principle of Subsidiarity.Stefan Gosepath - 2005 - In Andreas Follesdal & Thomas Pogge (eds.), Real World Justice: Grounds, Principles, Human Rights, and Social Institutions. Springer. pp. 157-170.
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  • (1 other version)‘Lookism’, Common Schools, Respect and Democracy.Andrew Davis - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (4):811–827.
    The Common School should promote a sense of the distinctive worth of all human beings. How is the respect thus owed to every individual to be properly understood? This familiar question is explored by discussing ‘lookism’, a form of discrimination on the grounds of appearance. The treatment is located within a wider analysis of stereotyping. Ultimately stereotyping overlooks persons as sources of actions with moral significance and as potential owners of moral virtues. The Common School could profitably approach traditionally emotive (...)
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  • (1 other version)Multicultural accommodation and the ideal of non-domination.Mira Bachvarova - 2013 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (6):1-22.
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  • Religious Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage in Canada: Limits to Multiculturalism. [REVIEW]Laura Reidel - 2009 - Human Rights Review 10 (2):261-281.
    The case of the opposition to legalizing same-sex marriage in Canada is an example of the limits of what will and will not be tolerated in the name of multiculturalism. This case offers an interesting perspective on the topic of multiculturalism, because it deals with a conflict between those seeking to expand human rights and those seeking to prevent such expansion because of their adherence to a particular set of cultural and religious beliefs. Despite Canada’s commitment to recognizing and encouraging (...)
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  • Conscientious Conviction and Subjective Preference: On What Grounds Should Religious Practices Be Accommodated?Stéphane Courtois - 2011 - Philosophical Papers 40 (1):27-53.
    In this paper, I seek to challenge two prevailing views about religious accommodation. The first maintains that religious practices deserve accommodation only if they are regarded as something unchosen on a par with the involuntary circumstances of life people must face. The other view maintains that religious practices are nothing more than preferences but questions the necessity of their accommodation. Against these views, I argue that religious conducts, even on the assumption that they represent voluntary behaviours, deserve in certain circumstances (...)
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  • Internationalisation, diversity and the humanities curriculum: Cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism revisited.James Donald - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (3):289–308.
    This article stages a dialogue between cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism in order to think through what is at stake in demands that universities should produce graduates who are sensitive to social diversity and attuned to the contemporary realities of globalisation. The argument is that, although ‘graduate attributes’ are no doubt an effective management tool in a massified higher education system, they can also be used to focus attention on what dispositions it is reasonable and desirable to expect graduates to develop. The (...)
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  • Feminist Ethics, Autonomy and the Politics of Multiculturalism.Sawitri Saharso - 2003 - Feminist Theory 4 (2):199-215.
    Should the liberal state accommodate the cultural traditions of minority groups even if these traditions infringe upon the rights of women? This article discusses two empirical cases that pose just this problem for public policy in the Netherlands: requests for surgical reconstruction of the hymen and gender-selective abortion. While hymen reconstruction is linked to a cultural norm that young women, but not young men, remain virgins until marriage, sex-selective abortion is linked to a cultural preference for sons. The autonomy of (...)
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  • Exemptions for whom? On the relevant focus of egalitarian concern.Maria Paola Ferretti - 2009 - Res Publica 15 (3):269-287.
    Granting differential treatment is often considered a way of placing some groups in a better position in order to maintain or improve their cultural, economic, health-related or other conditions, and to address persistent inequalities. Critics of multiculturalism have pointed out the tension between protection for groups and protection for group members. The ‘rule-and-exemption’ approach has generally been conceived as more resistant to such criticism insofar as exemptions are not conceded to minorities or ethical and religious groups as such, but to (...)
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  • (1 other version)Toleration, Respect and Recognition: Some tensions.Mitja Sardoč - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (1):6-8.
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  • (1 other version)Cultural Diversity and Civic Education: Two versions of the fragmentation objection.Andrew Shorten - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (1):57-72.
    According to the ‘fragmentation objection’ to multiculturalism, practices of cultural recognition undermine political stability, and this counts as a reason to be sceptical about the public recognition of minority cultures, as well as about multiculturalism construed more broadly as a public policy. Civic education programmes, designed to promote autonomy, toleration and patriotism, have been justified as a corrective to the fragmentary tendencies of multiculturalism. This paper distinguishes between two versions of the fragmentation objection, in order to evaluate this particular justification (...)
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  • Cultural diversity and biodiversity: a tempting analogy.David Heyd - 2010 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 13 (1):159-179.
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