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  1. THE Earth Charter as a New Worldview in a Post-Neoliberal World: Chaos Theory and Morphic Fields as Explanatory Contexts.Alfonso Fernández-Herrería & Francisco Miguel Martínez-Rodríguez - 2019 - World Futures 75 (8):591-608.
    In order to create a post-neoliberal society we need to change the way we look at the world. This article begins by considering the lesson learned in the case of “Mont Pèlerin,” where ideas that th...
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  • Critique des systèmes et antimathématisme au XVIII e siècle.Angela Ferraro - 2018 - Dialogue 57 (4):813-832.
    This paper focuses on the link between systems criticism and anti-mathematicism in the French-speaking philosophical literature of the mid-18thcentury. Moving from Condillac’s omissions to the exemplary cases of Diderot and Buffon—as well as considering Formey’s crucial remarks—I reconsider the complex relationship that the authors of the French Enlightenment have with the Newtonian model. Finally, I inquire into the fate awaiting both mathematics and systems in this context after 1750.
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  • Against free will in the contemporary natural sciences.Martín López-Corredoira - 2016 - In López-Corredoira Martín (ed.), Free Will: Interpretations, Implementations and Assessments. Nova Science Publ..
    The claim of the freedom of the will (understood as an individual who is transcendent to Nature) in the name of XXth century scientific knowledge, against the perspective of XVIIIth-XIXth century scientific materialism, is analysed and refuted in the present paper. The hypothesis of reductionism finds no obstacle within contemporary natural sciences. Determinism in classical physics is irrefutable, unless classical physics is itself refuted. From quantum mechanics, some authors argue that free will is possible because there is an ontological indeterminism (...)
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  • The Subject in Feminism.Rosi Braidotti - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (2):155 - 172.
    Inaugural lecture as Professor of Women's Studies in the Arts Faculty of the University of Utrecht, May 16, 1990.
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  • Complex emergence and the living organization: an epistemological framework for biology.Leonardo Bich - 2012 - Synthese 185 (2):215-232.
    In this article an epistemological framework is proposed in order to integrate the emergentist thought with systemic studies on biological autonomy, which are focused on the role of organization. Particular attention will be paid to the role of the observer’s activity, especially: (a) the different operations he performs in order to identify the pertinent elements at each descriptive level, and (b) the relationships between the different models he builds from them. According to the approach sustained here, organization will be considered (...)
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  • A controversy about chance and the origins of life: thermodynamicist Ilya Prigogine replies to molecular biologist Jacques Monod.Emanuel Bertrand - 2023 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (2):1-23.
    The ancient, interlinked questions about the role of chance in the living world and the origins of life, gained new relevance with the development of molecular biology in the twentieth century. In 1970, French molecular biologist Jacques Monod, joint winner of the 1965 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, devoted a popular book on modern biology and its philosophical implications to these questions, which was quickly translated into English as _Chance and Necessity_. Nine years later, Belgian thermodynamicist Ilya Prigogine, 1977 (...)
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  • Towards a complex-figurational socio-linguistics.Albert Bastardas-Boada - 2014 - History of the Human Sciences 27 (3):55-75.
    As figurational sociologists and sociolinguists, we need to know that we currently find support from other fields in our efforts to construct a sociocultural science focused on interdependencies and processes, creating a multidimensional picture of human beings, one in which the brain and its mental and emotional processes are properly recognized. The paradigmatic revolutions in 20th-century physics, the contributions made by biology to our understanding of living beings, the conceptual constructions built around the theories of systems, self-organization and complexity, all (...)
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  • Francis Crick, cross-worlds influencer: A narrative model to historicize big bioscience.Christine Aicardi - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 55:83-95.
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  • Reflexive epistemology and social complexity: The philosophical legacy of Otto Neurath.Danilo Zolo - 1990 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 20 (2):149-169.
    According to the article, Neurath's reflexive epistemology—expressed by the metaphor of the ship in need of reconstruction on the open sea—represents a philosophical alternative to the classical and contemporary forms of scientific realism and ethical cognitivism, including Popper's falsificationism. Against Quine's reductive interpretation of Neurath's boat argument as the basis for a 'naturalized epistemology,' the article maintains that the metaphor suggests the idea of an insuperable situation of linguistic and conceptual circularity. This prevents any attempt at self-foundation in scientific knowledge, (...)
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  • Complexity, Science and the Public.Cristian Suteanu - 2005 - Theory, Culture and Society 22 (5):113-140.
    This article addresses complexity by selecting some of its key aspects that share a common feature: the power to change. They seem to change not only the way the world is approached by scientists, but also the way this approach, the resulting perspectives and their multiple relationships, are interpreted. These main aspects are: (1) the challenge of measurability, with an unexpected result that escapes the gravitational field of the measurability problem; (2) the meaning of reproducibility and the redrawn boundaries of (...)
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  • Cosmosophy.Santa De Siena - 2005 - World Futures 61 (6):409-440.
    This article explores Edgar Morin's contribution to our understanding of the nature of being human and its implications for our understanding of, and approach to, the future. The notions of being, self, and community are addressed in terms of a planetary "community of destiny," and the processes of natural and social evolution.
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  • El uso contra-hegemónico Del derecho en la lucha Por Una globalización desde abajo.Boaventura de Sousa Santos - 2005 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 39:363-474.
    The pace, the scale, the nature and the reach of social transformation are such that moments of destruction and moments of creation succeed each other in a frantic rhythm without leaving time or space for moments of stabilization and consolidation. This is precisely why I characterize the current period as one of transition.
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  • Transcender le cosmopolitisme.Mogobe Bernard Ramose - 2012 - Diogène n° 235-235 (3/4):36-43.
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  • (1 other version)Figures in (De)composition: The genesis of the paradoxical self in paul auster's moon palace (a fuzzy grammar of subjectivity) 1.Salah el Moncef - 1999 - Angelaki 4 (3):75-91.
    (1999). Figures in (De)composition: The genesis of the paradoxical self in paul auster's moon palace (a fuzzy grammar of subjectivity) 1 . Angelaki: Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 75-91.
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  • Complexity and the Mind–Nature Divide.Fulvio Mazzocchi - 2016 - World Futures 72 (7-8):353-368.
    Descartes's distinction between res cogitans and res extensa is a paradigmatic concept on which Western thought has been grounded. The reductionist and objectivistic approach of modern science draws its fundamental premise from it. This dualism has also instigated a view of human as separate from nature. The complexity approach in its most radical form questions many of these assumptions, asserting that the subjective and objective dimensions are involved in a relation of mutual determination and dependence. This article argues that if (...)
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  • The Problem of the Attractor.Adrian Mackenzie - 2005 - Theory, Culture and Society 22 (5):45-65.
    Contemporary complexity sciences claim a literal, non-metaphorical applicability to physical, economic, social and cultural events. They envision the development of a general social or historical physics. Conversely, in the social sciences and humanities, complexity sciences have been typically treated as a source of new metaphors or tropes to be used in theory-building. Can there be a critical social or historical physics that is not a world-view and that does not treat science as a source of metaphors? The Lorenz attractor figures (...)
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  • Entropy and Entropic Differences in the Work of Michel Serres.Lilian Kroth - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (2):21-35.
    Michel Serres’s philosophy of entropy takes what he famously calls the ‘Northwest Passage’ between the sciences and the humanities. By contextualizing his approach to entropy and affirming the role of a philosophy of difference, this paper explores Serres’s approach by means of ‘entropic differences’. It claims that entropy – or rather, entropies – provide Serres with a paradigmatic case for critical translations between different domains of knowledge. From his early Hermès series, through to The Birth of Physics and later writings (...)
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  • Où vont le darwinisme et la théorie synthétique de l’évolution?Charles Devillers - 1986 - Revue de Synthèse 107 (3):243-253.
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  • Teleology and Final Causation in Aristotle and in Contemporary Science.Michael Chase - 2011 - Dialogue 50 (3):511-536.
    ABSTRACT: With a view to suggesting the possible relevance of Aristotelian thought to current notions of complexity and self-organization, studies Aristotlenard cells, and the theories of Schneider, Kay, and D. Sagan.
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  • Promises and Perils of Rortian Conversation.James J. Bono - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):25-40.
    As a contribution to the Common Knowledge symposium “Whatever Happened to Richard Rorty?,” this essay elucidates how Isabelle Stengers's signature idea of an “ecology of practices” offers a way to establish claims to expertise and—within limits that are, in effect, the limits of specific scientific practices—claims of authority within science that Rorty would have denied. The problems facing Rorty's understanding of science also imperil his vision of a society admirably seeking to realize what he calls “social hope.” Once again, Stengers's (...)
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