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  1. Social Ontology.Brian Epstein - 2018 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Social ontology is the study of the nature and properties of the social world. It is concerned with analyzing the various entities in the world that arise from social interaction. -/- A prominent topic in social ontology is the analysis of social groups. Do social groups exist at all? If so, what sorts of entities are they, and how are they created? Is a social group distinct from the collection of people who are its members, and if so, how is (...)
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  • Self-Tracking for Health and the Quantified Self: Re-Articulating Autonomy, Solidarity, and Authenticity in an Age of Personalized Healthcare.Tamar Sharon - 2017 - Philosophy and Technology 30 (1):93-121.
    Self-tracking devices point to a future in which individuals will be more involved in the management of their health and will generate data that will benefit clinical decision making and research. They have thus attracted enthusiasm from medical and public health professionals as key players in the move toward participatory and personalized healthcare. Critics, however, have begun to articulate a number of broader societal and ethical concerns regarding self-tracking, foregrounding their disciplining, and disempowering effects. This paper has two aims: first, (...)
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  • Responsible Management-as-Practice: Mobilizing a Posthumanist Approach.Silvia Gherardi & Oliver Laasch - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (2):269-281.
    The emerging field of responsible management (RM) studies the integration of sustainability, responsibility, and ethics in managerial practices. Therefore, turning to practice theories for the study of RM appears to hold great promise of conceptual and methodological contribution. We propose a posthumanist practice approach for studying RM-as-practice. Managerial practices are conceived as the agencement of heterogeneous elements (humans, nonhumans, more-than-humans, materials, and discourses) that achieve agency in their being interconnected. Thus, RM is understood as processual, relational, emergent, and sociomaterial. We (...)
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  • Social rules and the social background.Michael Schmitz - 2013 - In Michael Schmitz, Beatrice Kobow & Hans Bernhard Schmid (eds.), The Background of Social Reality: Selected Contributions from the Inaugural Meeting of ENSO. Springer. pp. 107--125.
    How can people function appropriately and respond normatively in social contexts even if they are not aware of rules governing these contexts? John Searle has rightly criticized a popular way out of this problem by simply asserting that they follow them unconsciously. His alternative explanation is based on his notion of a preintentional, nonrepresentational background. In this paper I criticize this explanation and the underlying account of the background and suggest an alternative explanation of the normativity of elementary social practices (...)
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  • Identifying the normative challenges posed by technology’s ‘soft’ impacts.Tsjalling Swierstra - 2015 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):5-20.
    In this paper I argue that we can no longer afford to ignore technology’s so-called ‘soft’ impacts, as this type of impact is becoming increasingly prominent in affluent societies where people have sufficient resources to pursue self-realization and where technologies are becoming more and more ‘intimate’ as they pervade our life world. These soft impacts come with their own type of normative challenges. The first challenge is to acknowledge the mutual shaping of technology and morality that causes soft impacts to (...)
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  • Trends in the Turn to Affect: A Social Psychological Critique.Margaret Wetherell - 2015 - Body and Society 21 (2):139-166.
    This article explores the psychological logics underpinning key perspectives in the ‘turn to affect’. Research on affect raises questions about the categorization of affective states, affective meaning-making, and the processes involved in the transmission of affect. I argue that current approaches risk depopulating affecting scenes, mystifying affective contagion, and authorizing questionable psychobiological arguments. I engage with the work of Sedgwick and Frank, Thrift, and Ahmed to explore these points and suggest that the concept of affective practice offers a more promising (...)
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  • “Alexa, who am I?”: Voice Assistants and Hermeneutic Lemniscate as the Technologically Mediated Sense-Making.Olya Kudina - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (2):233-253.
    In this paper, I argue that AI-powered voice assistants, just as all technologies, actively mediate our interpretative structures, including values. I show this by explaining the productive role of technologies in the way people make sense of themselves and those around them. More specifically, I rely on the hermeneutics of Gadamer and the material hermeneutics of Ihde to develop a hermeneutic lemniscate as a principle of technologically mediated sense-making. The lemniscate principle links people, technologies and the sociocultural world in the (...)
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  • Understanding Ethical Luxury Consumption Through Practice Theories: A Study of Fine Jewellery Purchases.Caroline Moraes, Marylyn Carrigan, Carmela Bosangit, Carlos Ferreira & Michelle McGrath - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (3):525-543.
    This paper builds on existing research investigating CSR and ethical consumption within luxury contexts, and makes several contributions to the literature. First, it addresses existing knowledge gaps by exploring the ways in which consumers perform ethical luxury purchases of fine jewellery through interpretive research. Second, the paper is the first to examine such issues of consumer ethics by extending the application of theories of practice to a luxury product context, and by building on Magaudda’s :15–36, 2011) circuit of practice framework. (...)
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  • A Practical Ethics of Care: Tinkering with Different ‘Goods’ in Residential Nursing Homes.Katharina Molterer, Patrizia Hoyer & Chris Steyaert - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (1):95-111.
    In this paper, we argue that ‘good care’ in residential nursing homes is enacted through different care practices that are either inspired by a ‘professional logic of care’ that aims for justice and non-maleficence in the professional treatment of residents, or by a ‘relational logic of care’, which attends to the relational quality and the meaning of interpersonal connectedness in people’s lives. Rather than favoring one care logic over the other, this paper indicates how important aspects of care are constantly (...)
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  • The Virtues of Scientific Practice: MacIntyre, Virtue Ethics, and the Historiography of Science.Daniel J. Hicks & Thomas A. Stapleford - 2016 - Isis 107 (3):499-72.
    “Practice” has become a ubiquitous term in the history of science, and yet historians have not always reflected on its philosophical import and especially on its potential connections with ethics. In this essay, we draw on the work of the virtue ethicist Alasdair MacIntyre to develop a theory of “communal practices” and explore how such an approach can inform the history of science, including allegations about the corruption of science by wealth or power; consideration of scientific ethics or “moral economies”; (...)
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  • Unearthing intentionality: Building transformative capacity by reclaiming consciousness.Benedikt Schmid & Iana Nesterova - 2024 - Environmental Values 33 (3):311-328.
    In transformation research of late, accounts on the relation between intentionality and agency on the one hand, and the more routinised and structured side of social co-existence on the other, are increasingly nuanced. However, we observe a deficiency in the way arguments are set up by the interlocutors: both, scholars who grant intentionality a central role and those who emphasise its limitations generally do so at the level of ontology – debating degrees of human capacity for conscious planning versus a (...)
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  • From Diversity to Inclusion to Equity: A Theory of Generative Interactions.Ruth Sessler Bernstein, Morgan Bulger, Paul Salipante & Judith Y. Weisinger - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (3):395-410.
    This paper develops a practice-based Theory of Generative Interactions across diversity that builds on empirical findings and conceptual frameworks from multiple fields of study. This transdisciplinary review draws on the disciplines of sociology, social psychology, organization studies, and communications. The Theory of Generative Interactions suggests that in order to facilitate inclusion, multiple types of exclusionary dynamics must be overcome through adaptive cognitive processing and skill development, and engagement in positive interactions must occur in order to facilitate inclusion that is created (...)
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  • The Ism in Veganism: The Case for a Minimal Practice-based Definition.Jonathan Dickstein & Jan Dutkiewicz - 2021 - Food Ethics 6 (1):1-19.
    This article argues for limiting the definition of the term “veganism” to a minimal one that denotes veganism as the abstention from the consumption of animal-derived products, thereby treating it as a neutral term exclusively describing a pattern of action. As the practice of veganism has become popularized, the promotion of veganism and animal rights has gained mainstream attention, and scholarly research on veganism has proliferated, the term veganism has often come to be used to denote an ethical or political (...)
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  • Invested in Unsustainability? On the Psychosocial Patterning of Engagement in Practices.Christopher Groves, Karen Henwood, Fiona Shirani, Catherine Butler, Karen Parkhill & Nick Pidgeon - 2016 - Environmental Values 25 (3):309-328.
    Understanding how and why practices may be transformed is vital for any transition towards socio-environmental sustainability. However, theorising and explaining the role of individual agency in practice change continues to present challenges. In this paper we propose that theories of practice can be usefully combined with a psychosocial framework to explain how agency is biographically patterned and how this patterning is a product of attachment relationships and emergent strategies for dealing with uncertainty. Biographical interview data from the project Energy Biographies (...)
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  • Expanding Research Integrity: A Cultural-Practice Perspective.Govert Valkenburg, Guus Dix, Joeri Tijdink & Sarah de Rijcke - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (1):1-23.
    Research integrity is usually discussed in terms of responsibilities that individual researchers bear towards the scientific work they conduct, as well as responsibilities that institutions have to enable those individual researchers to do so. In addition to these two bearers of responsibility, a third category often surfaces, which is variably referred to as culture and practice. These notions merit further development beyond a residual category that is to contain everything that is not covered by attributions to individuals and institutions. This (...)
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  • Social Ontology, Cultural Sociology, and the War on Terror.Werner Binder - 2013 - In Michael Schmitz, Beatrice Kobow & Hans Bernhard Schmid (eds.), The Background of Social Reality: Selected Contributions from the Inaugural Meeting of ENSO. Springer. pp. 163--181.
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  • Reconstructing the distorted experience of oppression: Hermeneutical injustice and ideology.Eskil Elling - 2022 - Constellations 29 (3):269-282.
    Constellations, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 269-282, September 2022.
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  • Recovering Aristotle’s Practice-Based Ontology: Practical Wisdom as Embodied Ethical Intuition.Sylvia D’Souza & Lucas D. Introna - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (2):287-300.
    The renewed engagement with Aristotle’s concept of practical wisdom in management and organization studies is reflective of the wider turn towards practice sweeping across many disciplines. In this sense, it constitutes a welcome move away from the traditional rationalist, abstract, and mechanistic modes of approaching ethical decision-making. Within the current engagement, practical wisdom is generally conceptualized, interpreted or read as a form of deliberation or deliberative judgement that is also cognizant of context, situatedness, particularity, lived experience, and so on. We (...)
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  • Pathways to Lasting Cross-Sector Social Collaboration: A Configurational Study.Christiana Weber, Helen Haugh, Markus Göbel & Hannes Leonardy - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (3):613-639.
    Cross-sector social collaborations are increasingly recognised as valuable inter-organizational arrangements that seek to combine the commercial capabilities of private sector companies with the deep knowledge of social and environmental issues enrooted in social sector organizations. In this paper we empirically examine the configurations of conditions that lead to lasting cross-sector social collaboration. Situating our enquiry in Schütz’s theory of life-worlds and the reciprocity literature, we employ fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis to analyse data gathered from 60 partners in 30 cross-sector social (...)
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  • Responsible Practices in the Wild: An Actor-Network Perspective on Mobile Apps in Learning as Translation(s).Oliver Laasch, Dirk C. Moosmayer & Frithjof Arp - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (2):253-277.
    Competence to enact responsible practices, such as recycling waste or boycotting irresponsible companies, is core to learning for responsibility. We explore the role of apps in learning such responsible practices ‘in the wild,’ outside formal educational environments over a 3-week period. Learners maintained a daily diary in which they reflected on their learning of responsible practices with apps. Through a thematic analysis of 557 app mentions in the diaries, we identified five types of app-agency: cognitive, action, interpersonal, personal development, and (...)
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  • Perspectives and Theories of Social Innovation for Ageing Population.Andrzej Klimczuk & Łukasz Tomczyk (eds.) - 2020 - Frontiers Media.
    In recent years we may observe increasing interest in the development of social innovation both regarding theory as well as the practice of responding to social problems and challenges. One of the crucial challenges at the beginning of the 21st century is population ageing. Various new and innovative initiatives, programs, schemes, and projects to respond to negative consequences of this demographic process are emerging around the world. However, social theories related to ageing are still insufficiently combined with these new practices, (...)
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  • Critique and cognitive capacities: Towards an action-oriented model.Magnus Hörnqvist - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (1):62-85.
    In response to an impasse, articulated in the late 1980s, the cognitive capacities of ordinary people assumed central place in contemporary critical social theory. The participants’ perspective gained precedence over scientific standards branded as external. The notion of cognition, however, went unchallenged. This article continues the move away from external standards, and discusses two models of critique, which differ based on their underlying notions of cognition. The representational model builds on cognitive content, misrecognition and normativity; three features which are illustrated (...)
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  • „Selektive“ Fortpflanzung durch pränatale Diagnostik?Christoph Rehmann-Sutter - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (1):7-26.
    Die breite Einführung nicht-invasiver pränataler Tests sowie die Ausweitung der Testziele über Trisomien hinaus machen es notwendig, Sinn und Ziel der pränatalen Diagnostik als emergente soziale Praxis grundsätzlich zu diskutieren. Wenn, wie angenommen wird, PND nicht zu eugenischen Zwecken, sondern zur Stärkung der Autonomie dienen soll, muss gefragt werden, welche Bedeutung die Entscheidungen haben, ein bestimmtes zukünftiges Kind zu gebären. Stephen Wilkinson hat vorgeschlagen, PND als eine Form „selektiver Reproduktion“ zu verstehen. In diesem Paper wird geprüft, ob die Charakterisierung der (...)
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  • The status of the "material" in theories of culture: From "social structure" to "artefacts".Andreas Reckwitz - 2002 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 32 (2):195–217.
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  • The Political Matters: Exploring material feminist theories for understanding the political in health, inequalities and nursing.Kay Aranda - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (4):e12278.
    The recent “turn to matter” evident in material feminist theories of the more‐than‐human world offers distinct posthuman understandings of the world as continuously relationally entangled, emergent or materializing. In this paper, I consider how these premises both trouble conventional understandings of matter and/or materials, but likewise potentially revise and revitalize understandings of the political for health and inequalities, and for nursing. This is both timely and much needed given contemporary contexts of austerity‐driven neoliberalism in health care and the unprecedented growth (...)
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  • Coping with Descartes’ error in information systems.Peter Brödner - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (2):203-213.
    Coming from Hubert Dreyfus’ recent book ‘‘Retrieving Realism”, the paper presents embodied pre-conceptual perception and representational cognition as two contrasting perspectives on accessing the world. It further characterises the ‘different forms of knowledge emerging from these perspectives and how they dynamically relate to each other. Taking up the Peircean theory of signs and abductive reasoning as methods of discovery, computers are analysed as semiotic machines that formally model and objectify explicit knowledge about social practices and that can be embedded in (...)
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  • Activism and Abdication on the Inside: The Effect of Everyday Practice on Corporate Responsibility.Michal Carrington, Detlev Zwick & Benjamin Neville - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (4):973-999.
    While mainstream CSR research has generally explored and argued for positive ethical, social and environmental performance, critical CSR scholars argue that change has been superficial—at best, and not possible in any substantial way within the current capitalist system. Both views, however, only address the role of business within larger systems. Little attention has been paid to the everyday material CSR practice of individual managers. We go inside the firm to investigate how the micro-level acts of individual managers can aggregate to (...)
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  • Site-seeing Humanness in Organizations.Tuure Haarjärvi & Sari Laari-Salmela - 2024 - Business Ethics Quarterly 34 (1):60-96.
    In this study, we theorize humanness in organizations as a property of practice. We apply practice theory to examine how humanness becomes enacted in a business organization as people prioritize organizational and individual ends in their work activities. Our empirical case study examines the everyday interactions of development team members in an R&D organization of a large Nordic cooperative. Challenging the dominant individualist and structuralist approaches in humanness and human dignity studies, we identify and locate four different aspects of humanness (...)
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  • The practices of collective action: Practice theory, sustainability transitions and social change.Daniel Welch & Luke Yates - 2018 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (3):288-305.
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  • Sociology as Practical Philosophy and Moral Science.Frédéric Vandenberghe - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (3):77-97.
    The philosophical assumptions that organize moral sociology as practical philosophy are the outcome of a secular quest to investigate the principles, norms and values behind the constitution of society. As a protracted response to the whole utilitarian-atomistic-individualistic tradition that systematically deemphasizes the constitutive role that morality plays in the structuration of self and society, the sociological tradition has continued, by its own means, the tradition of moral and practical philosophy in theoretically informed empirical research of social practices. Going back to (...)
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  • Engineering Identities, Epistemologies and Values: Engineering Education and Practice in Context.Byron Newberry, Carl Mitcham, Martin Meganck, Andrew Jamison, Christelle Didier & Steen Hyldgaard Christensen (eds.) - 2015 - Springer Verlag.
    This second companion volume on engineering studies considers engineering practice including contextual analyses of engineering identity, epistemologies and values. Key overlapping questions examine such issues as an engineering identity, engineering self-understandings enacted in the professional world, distinctive characters of engineering knowledge and how engineering science and engineering design interact in practice. -/- Authors bring with them perspectives from their institutional homes in Europe, North America, Australia\ and Asia. The volume includes 24 contributions by more than 30 authors from engineering, the (...)
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  • The Practice-based Approach to Normativity of Frederick L. Will.Roberto Frega - 2012 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 48 (4):483-511.
    There is... something both intellectually and socially unresponsive in the appeal to self-evidence upon controverted issues. Over the last two decades philosophers have focused increasingly on the role of society and practices in shaping practical normativity.3 Contemporary moral and political philosophy remains fundamentally committed to individualistic and causal approaches to normativity, but a contrary trend has taken root—at least since Wittgenstein’s insights regarding the role of context, practices, and uses—with increasing appeals made to the “social” and to “practice” in reaction (...)
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  • Feeding the melting pot: inclusive strategies for the multi-ethnic city.Anke Brons, Peter Oosterveer & Sigrid Wertheim-Heck - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (4):1027-1040.
    The need for a shift toward healthier and more sustainable diets is evident and is supported by universalized standards for a “planetary health diet” as recommended in the recent EAT-Lancet report. At the same time, differences exist in tastes, preferences and food practices among diverse ethnic groups, which becomes progressively relevant in light of Europe’s increasingly multi-ethnic cities. There is a growing tension between current sustainable diets standards and how diverse ethnic resident groups relate to it within their ‘culturally appropriate’ (...)
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  • Innovating editorial practices: academic publishers at work.Willem Halffman & Serge P. J. M. Horbach - 2020 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 5 (1).
    BackgroundTriggered by a series of controversies and diversifying expectations of editorial practices, several innovative peer review procedures and supporting technologies have been proposed. However, adoption of these new initiatives seems slow. This raises questions about the wider conditions for peer review change and about the considerations that inform decisions to innovate. We set out to study the structure of commercial publishers’ editorial process, to reveal how the benefits of peer review innovations are understood, and to describe the considerations that inform (...)
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  • Capitalismo como prática social?: os potenciais e desafios de uma aproximação entre o practice turn em teoria social e a interpretação do capitalismo.Leonardo da Hora - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (3):277-302.
    Resumo Este artigo procura apresentar e discutir tentativas recentes em filosofia social de analisar e interpretar o capitalismo, a partir de uma perspectiva praxeológica. O practice turn em teoria social procurou superar o dualismo entre agência e estrutura, ou entre ação e sistema, por meio da noção de prática social. Seria possível então interpretar o capitalismo como um tipo especifico de prática social? Para tentar encaminhar essa questão, explicita-se brevemente, em um primeiro momento, em que consiste o practice turn em (...)
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  • Conceptualizing connections: Energy demand, infrastructures and social practices.Nicola Spurling, Matt Watson & Elizabeth Shove - 2015 - European Journal of Social Theory 18 (3):274-287.
    Problems of climate change present new challenges for social theory. In this article we focus on the task of understanding and analyzing car dependence, using this as a case through which to introduce and explore what we take to be central but underdeveloped questions about how infrastructures and complexes of social practice connect across space and time. In taking this approach we work with the proposition that forms of energy consumption, including those associated with automobility, are usefully understood as outcomes (...)
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  • The Society of Singularities—10 Theses.Andreas Reckwitz - 2022 - Analyse & Kritik 44 (2):269-278.
    The article summarizes the content of Andreas Reckwitz’s book The Society of Singularities in 10 theses and briefly links it to the author’s overall work. The Society of Singularities applies a practice theory approach in order to outline a theory of Western (late-)modernity which recognizes in it a basic rivalry between two logics of social evaluation: a social logic of the general and a social logic of the particular/ singular. The question arises which historical causes for the surge of the (...)
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  • Psychological life as enterprise: social practice and the government of neo-liberal interiority.Sam Binkley - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (3):83-102.
    This article theorizes the contemporary government of psychological life as neo-liberal enterprise. By drawing on Foucauldian critical social theory, it argues that the constellations of power identified with the psy-function and neo-liberal governmentality can be read through the problematic of everyday practice. On a theoretical level, this involves a re-examination of the notion of dispositif, to uncover the dynamic, ambivalent and temporal practices by which subjectification takes place. Empirically, this point is illustrated through a reflection of one case of neo-liberal (...)
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  • Agency, social relations, and order: Media sociology’s shift into the digital.Andreas Hepp - 2022 - Communications 47 (3):470-493.
    Until the end of the last century, media sociology was synonymous with the investigation of mass media as a social domain. Today, media sociology needs to address a much higher level of complexity, that is, a deeply mediatized world in which all human practices, social relations, and social order are entangled with digital media and their infrastructures. This article discusses this shift from a sociology of mass communication to the sociology of a deeply mediatized world. The principal aim of the (...)
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  • Ethical Concerns in Poultry Production: A German Consumer Survey About Dual Purpose Chickens.Maria Busse, Maria Lee Kernecker, Jana Zscheischler, Felix Zoll & Rosemarie Siebert - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (5):905-925.
    The paper offers insights into the acceptability of ethical issues in poultry production and how this situation provides an opportunity to transform the prevailing system into a more sustainable one. The survey among German consumers reveals that killing day-old chicks is a well-known practice and is rated as “very problematic”. In contrast, dual-purpose chickens are mostly unknown but are considered a positive alternative to killing day-old chicks. Consumer clusters were identified regarding purchasing criteria for dual-purpose chickens, purchasing routines and socio-economic (...)
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  • Facilitating Positive Spillover Effects: New Insights From a Mixed-Methods Approach Exploring Factors Enabling People to Live More Sustainable Lifestyles.Patrick Elf, Birgitta Gatersleben & Ian Christie - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Positive spillover occurs when changes in one behaviour influence changes in subsequent behaviours. Evidence for such spillover and an understanding of when and how it may occur is still limited. This paper presents findings of a one year longitudinal behaviour change project led by a commercial retailer in the UK & Ireland to examine behaviour change and potential spillover of pro-environmental behaviour, and how this may be associated with changes in environmental identity and perceptions of ease and affordability as well (...)
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  • Posthumanism, the Social and the Dynamics of Material Systems.Anna Henkel - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (5):65-89.
    Technology has developed to the point where a clear distinction between nature and culture seems to be dissolving. Against this background, a broad aspect of social research has emerged that considers an interdependence between the social and the material. So far, social-systems cybernetics as described by Luhmann has remained rather marginalized in these discussions. This article is intended to overcome this marginalization by developing the concept of meaning. Meaning can abstractly be defined as a ‘doing negativity’. Returning to systems theory, (...)
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  • ‘Fractures’ in food practices: exploring transitions towards sustainable food.Kirstie J. O’Neill, Adrian K. Clear, Adrian Friday & Mike Hazas - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (2):225-239.
    Emissions arising from the production and consumption of food are acknowledged as a major contributor to climate change. From a consumer’s perspective, however, the sustainability of food may have many meanings: it may result from eating less meat, becoming vegetarian, or choosing to buy local or organic food. To explore what food sustainability means to consumers, and what factors lead to changes in food practice, we adopt a sociotechnical approach to compare the food consumption practices in North West England with (...)
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  • “Super-intelligent” machine: technological exuberance or the road to subjection.Peter Brödner - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (3):335-346.
    Looking back on the development of computer technology, particularly in the context of manufacturing, we can distinguish three big waves of technological exuberance with a wave length of roughly 30 years: In the first wave, during the 1950s, mainframe computers at that time were conceptualized as “electronic brains” and envisaged as central control unit of an “automatic factory”. Thirty years later, during the 1980s, knowledge-based systems in computer-integrated manufacturing were adored as the computational core of the “unmanned factory”. Both waves (...)
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  • Epistemology of transformative material activity: John Dewey's pragmatism and cultural-historical activity theory.Reijo Miettinen - 2006 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 36 (4):389–408.
    The paper compares John Dewey's pragmatism and cultural-historical activity theory as epistemologies and theories of transformative material activity. For both of the theories, the concept of activity, the prototype of which is work, constitutes a basis for understanding the nature of knowledge and reality. This concept also implies for both theories a methodological approach of studying human behavior in which social experimentation and intervention play a central role. They also suggest that reflection and thought, mediated by language and semiotic artifacts, (...)
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  • Who Is Afraid of Group Agents and Group Minds?Raimo Tuomela - 2013 - In Michael Schmitz, Beatrice Kobow & Hans Bernhard Schmid (eds.), The Background of Social Reality: Selected Contributions from the Inaugural Meeting of ENSO. Springer. pp. 13--35.
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  • Does Proof of Concept Trump All? RRI Dilemmas in Research Practices.Anita Borch & Harald Throne-Holst - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (1):1-21.
    Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is described as a new way of doing science that brings science closer to society. Based on a qualitatively oriented case study, this article supports previous research indicating that researchers face a variety of ethical problems and dilemmas when implementing RRI for the first time. These include difficulties with anticipating and controlling future impacts, an asymmetry of power between project partners and an elusive understanding of the RRI concept. The researchers’ challenges were rooted in conventional (...)
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  • Government Communication as a Normative Practice.Peter Jansen, Jan Van Der Stoep & Henk Jochemsen - 2017 - Philosophia Reformata 82 (2):121-145.
    The network society is generally challenging for today's communication practitioners because they are no longer the sole entities responsible for communication processes. This is a major change for many of them. In this paper, it will be contended that the normative practice model as developed within reformational philosophy is beneficial for clarifying the structure of communication practices. Based on this model, we argue that government communication should not be considered as primarily an activity that focuses on societal legitimation of policy; (...)
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  • Texturing Waste: Attachment and Identity in EveryDay Consumption and Waste Practices.Gareth Thomas, Christopher Groves, Karen Henwood & Nick Pidgeon - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (6):733-755.
    Waste has often been a target of literature and policy promoting pro-environmental behaviour. However, little attention has been paid to how subjects interpret and construct waste in their daily lives. In this article we develop a synthesis of practice theory and psycho-social concepts of attachment and transitional space to explore how biographically patterned relationships and attachments to practice shape subjects’ understandings of resource consumption and disposal. Deploying biographical interview data produced by the Energy Biographies Project, we illustrate how tangible, intersubjective (...)
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  • Practice Theory as a Tool for Critical Social Theory.Sally Haslanger - 2023 - Analyse & Kritik 45 (1):157-176.
    What is the best method for undertaking critical social theory, and what are its ontological and normative commitments? Andreas Reckwitz has developed compelling answers to these questions drawing on practice theory. As a practice theorist myself, I am very sympathetic to his approach. This paper sketches a social theory that extends the reach of practice theory to include non-human animals and allows us to discriminate between importantly different kinds of social formations. In doing so, I argue that a strongly normative (...)
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