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Aristotle's Physics [Book Review]

Journal of Philosophy 33 (9):246-247 (1936)

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  1. Aristotle's Physics II 1 and Cultivated Plants.Errol G. Katayama - 2018 - Science in Context 31 (4):405-419.
    ArgumentThe aim of this paper is two-fold: to offer an interpretation that preserves the natural reading ofPhysicsII 1 – that Aristotle is drawing a stark distinction between what is natural and what is artificial; and to show how there is logical room for atertium quid– a category for things that are products of both nature and art. This aim is attained by highlighting two important qualifications Aristotle makes about the products of art in relation to an innate internal principle of (...)
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  • Pseudo-Plato on Names.Francesco Ademollo - 2017 - Phronesis 62 (3):255-273.
    The pseudo-Platonic Definitions seems to ascribe to ὄνοµα, ‘name’, the function of signifying two kinds of predicate. This is problematic, and I propose an emendation of the text, arguing that a definition of ῥῆµα, ‘verb’, has fallen out.
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  • Ação Ética e Virtude Cívica em Aristóteles.Marisa Lopes - 2004 - Dissertation, University of São Paulo, Brazil
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  • Recepción de la física de Aristóteles por Tomás de Aquino: Finitud, necesidad, vacío, unicidad del mundo y eternidad del universo.Ana Maria C. Minecan - 2015 - Dissertation, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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  • Aristotle on Accidental Causation.Tyler Huismann - 2016 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2 (4):561-575.
    I offer a new analysis of Aristotle's concept of an accidental cause. Using passages fromMetaphysics Δ and Ε, as well as Physics II, I argue that accidental causes are causally inert. After defending this reading against some objections, I draw some conclusions about Aristotle's basic understanding of causation.
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  • La distinción entre acto y movimiento en Metafísica IX 6.Trinidad Avaria Decombe - 2015 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 51 (January-June):87–108.
    La distinción entre acto y movimiento que enuncia Aristóteles en Metafísica IX 6, 1048b18–35, ha causado una gran polémica entre los intérpretes aristotélicos contemporáneos. En este artículo defendemos que la distinción no está en conflicto con el resto del libro IX, ni con el Corpus Aristotelicum en general. De hecho, aparece también en ética a Nicómaco X 4 y De Anima III 7. Además, sin esta distinción no sería posible entender la inmovilidad del primer motor defendida en Metafísica XII, puesto (...)
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  • II—Christopher Shields: The Peculiar Motion of Aristotelian Souls.Christopher Shields - 2007 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 81 (1):139-161.
    Aristotle has qualms about the movement of the soul. He contends directly, indeed, that ‘it is impossible that motion should belong to the soul’ (DA 406a2). This is surprising in both large and small ways. Still, when we appreciate the explanatory framework set by his hylomorphic analysis of change, we can see why Aristotle should think of the soul's motion as involving a kind of category mistake-not the putative Rylean mistake, but rather the mistake of treating a change as itself (...)
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  • Conhecimento Prévio e Conhecimento Científico em Aristóteles.Carlos Alexandre Terra - 2009 - Dissertation, University of Campinas
    Pretendemos averiguar como Aristóteles concebe a passagem do nosso conhecimento prévio do mundo ao conhecimento científico, avaliando os pressupostos e consequências de sua resposta ao paradoxo de Mênon e atentando para a metodologia científica defendida nos Segundos Analíticos. Quanto ao conhecimento preliminar necessário à edificação da ciência, procuraremos caracterizar seus tipos e também os meios pelos quais ele pode vir a ser adquirido por nós. Buscaremos estabelecer também as propriedades que o conhecimento científico deve possuir em relação à sua necessidade, (...)
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  • O Problema da Apreensão dos Princípios no Livro II dos Segundos Analíticos de Aristóteles.Carlos Alexandre Terra - 2006 - Dissertation, University of Campinas
    Our purpose is to study Aristotle?s solution, in the second book of the Posterior Analytics, for the problem of the apprehension of the principles of science. We attend to the relations between the concepts of induction (epagoge) and intelligence (nous) found in the chapter 19, which seems to confirm that the acquisition of the principles is reached by a process of empirical observation. We examine the method, proposed in chapters 13 to 17, for the right formulation of definitions, which seems (...)
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  • (1 other version)Quasi-Boolean Algebras, Empirical Continuity and Three-Valued Logic J. P. Cleave in Bristol.J. P. Cleave - 1976 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 22 (1):481-500.
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  • Zeno's Arrow and the Significance of the Present.Robin LePoidevin - 2002 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 50:57-.
    Perhaps the real paradox of Zeno's Arrow is that, although entirely stationary, it has, against all odds, successfully traversed over two millennia of human thought to trouble successive generations of philosophers. The prospects were not good: few original Zenonian fragments survive, and our access to the paradoxes has been for the most part through unsympathetic commentaries. Moreover, like its sister paradoxes of motion, the Arrow has repeatedly been dismissed as specious and easily dissolved. Even those commentators who have taken it (...)
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  • Did Theophrastus Reject Aristotle’s Account of Place?Ben Morison - 2010 - Phronesis 55 (1):68-103.
    It is commonly held that Theophrastus criticized or rejected Aristotle's account of place. The evidence that scholars put forward for this view, from Simplicius' commentary on Aristotle's Physics, comes in two parts: (1) Simplicius reports some aporiai that Theophrastus found for Aristotle's account; (2) Simplicius cites a passage of Theophrastus which is said to 'bear witness' to the theory of place which Simplicius himself adopts (that of his teacher Damascius) — a theory which is utterly different from Aristotle's. But the (...)
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  • Capacities and the Eternal in Metaphysics Θ.8 and De Caelo.Christopher Frey - 2015 - Phronesis 60 (1):88-126.
    The dominant interpretation ofMetaphysicsΘ.8 commits Aristotle to the claim that the heavenly bodies’ eternal movements are not the exercises of capacities. Against this, I argue that these movements are the result of necessarily exercised capacities. I clarify what it is for a heavenly body to possess a nature and argue that a body’s nature cannot be a final cause unless the natural body possesses capacities that are exercised for the sake of its naturequaform. This discussion yields a better understanding of (...)
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  • (1 other version)Quasi‐Boolean Algebras, Empirical Continuity and Three‐Valued Logic J. P. Cleave in Bristol (Great Britain).J. P. Cleave - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 22 (1):481-500.
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  • Aristotle and supervenience.Victor Caston - 1993 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 31 (S1):107-135.
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  • Dificultades con Physica II 4: la confrontación dialéctica de Aristóteles con las opiniones precedentes sobre el azar y la disputa en torno a la identidad de sus portavoces.Iván De los Ríos Gutiérrez - 2014 - Arbor 190 (769):a163.
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  • El testimonio de Aristóteles sobre Zenòn de Elea como un detractor de "lo uno".Mariana Gardella - 2015 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 23:157-181.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir la interpretación tradicional según la cual los razonamientos de Zenón de Elea en contra de la multiplicidad constituyen una defensa de la tesis monista. Intentaré demostrar que las objeciones zenonianas a la multiplicidad suponen una critica previa a la existencia de "lo uno". Por este motivo, Zenón no es monista ni pluralista, sino, más bien, un crítico de las perspectivas metafísicas que consideran al ser en términos numéricos, i. e. como uno o como (...)
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  • Commentary on De Groot.Gary Gurtler - 1994 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 10 (1):24-34.
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  • Aristotle Physics I 8.Sean Kelsey - 2006 - Phronesis 51 (4):330-361.
    Aristotle's thesis in Physics I 8 is that a certain old and familiar problem about coming to be can only be solved with the help of the new account of the "principles" he has developed in Physics I 7. This is a strong thesis and the literature on the chapter does not quite do it justice; specifically, as things now stand we are left wondering why Aristotle should have found this problem so compelling in the first place. In this paper (...)
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  • Justice as a virtue: An analysis of Aristotle’s virtue of justice.Huang Xianzhong - 2007 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 2 (2):265-279.
    People currently regard justice as the main principle of institutions and society, while in ancient Greek people took it as the virtue of citizens. This article analyzes Aristotle’s virtue of justice in his method of virtue ethics, discussing the nature of virtue, how justice is the virtue of citizens, what kind of virtue the justice of citizens is, and the prospect of the virtue of justice against a background of institutional justice. Since virtue can be said to be a specific (...)
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  • Aristotle’s Model of Animal Motion.Pavel Gregoric & Klaus Corcilius - 2013 - Phronesis 58 (1):52-97.
    In this paper we argue that Aristotle operates with a particular theoretical model in his explanation of animal locomotion, what we call the ‘centralized incoming and outgoing motions’ model. We show how the model accommodates more complex cases of animal motion and how it allows Aristotle to preserve the intuition that animals are self-movers, without jeopardizing his arguments for the eternity of motion and the necessary existence of one eternal unmoved mover in Physics VIII. The CIOM model helps to elucidate (...)
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  • Aristotle on the Reality of Colors and Other Perceptible Qualities.Victor Caston - 2017 - Res Philosophica 95 (1):35-68.
    Recent interpreters portray Aristotle as a Protagorean antirealist, who thinks that colors and other perceptibles do not actually exist apart from being perceived. Against this, I defend a more traditional interpretation: colors exist independently of perception, to which they are explanatorily prior, as causal powers that produce perceptions of themselves. They are not to be identified with mere dispositions to affect perceivers, or with grounds distinct from these qualities, picked out by their subjective effect on perceivers (so-called “secondary qualities”). Rather, (...)
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  • Instance Is the Converse of Aspect.Boris Hennig - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (1):3-20.
    According to the aspect theory of instantiation, a particular A instantiates a universal B if and only if an aspect of A is cross-count identical with an aspect of B. This involves the assumption that both particulars and universals have aspects, and that aspects can mediate between different ways of counting things. I will ask what is new about this account of instantiation and, more importantly, whether it is an improvement on its older relatives. It will turn out that the (...)
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  • Antiphasis as Homonym in Aristotle.Robert Laurence Gallagher - 2014 - History and Philosophy of Logic 35 (4):317-331.
    Antiphasis is a case of core-dependent homonymy, and has three significations in Aristotle's philosophy: antiphasis as an opposition between propositions ; antiphasis as the opposition between ‘subject’ and ‘not a subject’ in coming-to-be and perishing ; and antiphasis as the opposition between possession and privation . Argument based on the fifth type of priority described in Cat. 12 shows that, for Aristotle, the ontological significations are prior to the propositional.
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  • De Generatione et Corruptione 2.3: Does Aristotle Identify The Contraries As Elements?Timothy J. Crowley - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (1):161-182.
    It might seem quite commonplace to say that Aristotle identifies fire, air, water and earth as the στοιχεῖα, or ‘elements’ – or, to be more precise, as the elements of bodies that are subject to generation and corruption. Yet there is a tradition of interpretation, already evident in the work of the sixth-century commentator John Philoponus and widespread, indeed prevalent, today, according to which Aristotle does not really believe that fire, air, water and earth are truly elemental. The basic premise (...)
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  • Aristotle Physics I 8.Sean Kelsey - 2006 - Phronesis 51 (4):330 - 361.
    Aristotle's thesis in "Physics" I 8 is that a certain old and familiar problem about coming to be can only be solved with the help of the new account of the "principles" he has developed in "Physics" I 7. This is a strong thesis and the literature on the chapter does not quite do it justice; specifically, as things now stand we are left wondering why Aristotle should have found this problem so compelling in the first place. In this paper (...)
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  • L'analogia "La natura dell'Arte" in Aristotele (Fisica B, 3-9) e la Teoria Interventistica della Causalita.Gaetano Licata - 2016 - Epistemologia (2):175-194.
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  • Agency and patiency: Back to nature?Mikael M. Karlsson - 2002 - Philosophical Explorations 5 (1):59 – 81.
    The distinction between acting and suffering underlies any theory of agency. Among contemporary writers, Fred Dretske is one of the few who has attempted to explicate this distinction without restricting the notion of action to intentional action alone. Aristotle also developed a global account of agency, one which is deeper and more detailed than Dretske's, and it is to Aristotle's account (with some modifications) that the bulk of this paper is devoted. Dretske's sketchier theory faces at least two ground-level problems. (...)
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  • Il duplice significato dell'essere.Gaetano Licata - forthcoming - Studium Philosophicum 10 (10):1-20.
    This is my first professional philosophical essay. I wrote "The twofold meaning of being" in 1996 when I was a student of Nunzio Incardona at University of Palermo (Italy) and before my degree thesis, "The difference in Aristotle’s Metaphysics". It still waits to be published.
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  • (1 other version)Christian ethics and the concept of creation.Pieter H. Stoker - 2006 - Philosophia Reformata 71 (2):132-144.
    The endeavour of science is to find unity in multitude, relatedness in diversity, continuity in discontinuity. By this way reality is simplified for scientific conception and description. With its reliance on observational data and logic, and with the scientific approach to understand the complexity, functionality, rationality and interrelationship of every aspect of reality, natural sciences do bring forward fascinating new insights on the concealed secrets in natural structures and processes. The crucial position of time in the laws of the universe (...)
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  • La filosofía de las matemáticas de Aristóteles.Miguel Martí Sánchez - 2016 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 52:43-66.
    La filosofía de las matemáticas de Aristóteles es una investigación acerca de tres asuntos diferentes pero complementarios: el lugar epistemológico de las matemáticas en el organigrama de las ciencias teoréticas o especulativas; el estudio del método usado por el matemático para elaborar sus doctrinas, sobre todo la geometría y la aritmética; y la averiguación del estatuto ontológico de las entidades matemáticas. Para comprender lo peculiar de la doctrina aristotélica es necesario tener en cuenta que su principal interés está en poner (...)
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  • (1 other version)What is Aristotle's Theory of Essence?Frank A. Lewis - 1984 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 14 (sup1):89-131.
    In this paper, I attempt to set out some of the main views about essence which Aristotle puts forward in Book Z of theMetaphysics.A central feature of Aristotle's account, as we shall see, is his distinction between primary and secondary cases of essence, and a similiar distinction in connection with the related notions of substance and definition. This division between primary and secondary cases means that Aristotle may well have two very different sorts of remark to make about essence, or (...)
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  • Aristotle on action: The peculiar motion of aristotelian souls.Christopher Shields - 2007 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 81 (1):139–161.
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  • Negation and Temporal Ontology.Tero Tulenheimo - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (1):101-114.
    G. H. von Wright proposed that a temporal interval exemplifies a real contradiction if at least one part of any division of this interval involves the presence of contradictorily related (though non-simultaneous) states. In connection with intervals, two negations must be discerned: 'does not hold at an interval' and 'fails throughout an interval'. Von Wright did not distinguish the two. As a consequence, he made a mistake in indicating how to use his logical symbolism to express the notion of real (...)
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  • The fifth element in Aristotle's "De Philosophia": a critical re-examination.David E. Hahm - 1982 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 102:60-74.
    Twenty-five years ago Paul Wilpert called for a thorough re-examination of our knowledge of the content of Aristotle's lost workDe Philosophia. Expressing his reservations about the validity of our current reconstruction of the work, he wrote: ‘On the basis of attested fragments, we form for ourselves a picture of the content of a lost writing, and this picture in turn serves to interpret new fragments as echoes of that writing. So our joy over the swift growth of our collection of (...)
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  • Poiesis del tiempo y del movimiento: Una nueva mirada a la ontología aristotélica.Diana María Acevedo Zapata - 2014 - Universitas Philosophica 31 (63).
    Having in mind the concept of poiesis, as Paul Valéry uses it, time and movement are presented as concepts produced within the project of understanding the natural world. From the idea of philosophy as a way of constructing through concepts the intelligibility of phenomena, I will show the coherence between the construction of the concept of time and that of the concept of movement.
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