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  1. Judaeo-Christian faith as trust and loyalty.Michael Pace & Daniel J. Mckaughan - 2022 - Religious Studies 58 (1):30-60.
    Disputes over the nature of faith, as understood in the Judaeo-Christian tradition, sometimes focus on whether it is to be identified exclusively with trust in God or with loyalty/fidelity to God. Drawing on recent work on the semantic range of the Hebrew ʾĕmûnâ and Greek pistis lexicons, we argue for a multidimensional account of what it is to be a person of faith that includes trust and loyalty in combination. The Trust-Loyalty account, we maintain, makes better sense of the faith (...)
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  • Another white Man's Burden Josiah Royce's Quest for a Philosophy of white Racial Empire.Tommy J. Curry - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: SUNY Press.
    -/- Winner of the 2020 Josiah Royce Prize in American Idealist Thought, presented by the Josiah Royce Society, for demonstrating the extent to which Josiah Royce’s ideas about race were motivated explicitly in terms of imperial conquest. -/- Another white Man’s Burden performs a case study of Josiah Royce’s philosophy of racial difference. In an effort to lay bare the ethnological racial heritage of American philosophy, Tommy J. Curry challenges the common notion that the cultural racism of the twentieth century (...)
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  • Duhem–Quine virtue epistemology.Abrol Fairweather - 2012 - Synthese 187 (2):673-692.
    The Duhem-Quine Thesis is the claim that it is impossible to test a scientific hypothesis in isolation because any empirical test requires assuming the truth of one or more auxiliary hypotheses. This is taken by many philosophers, and is assumed here, to support the further thesis that theory choice is underdetermined by empirical evidence. This inquiry is focused strictly on the axiological commitments engendered in solutions to underdetermination, specifically those of Pierre Duhem and W. V. Quine. Duhem resolves underdetermination by (...)
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  • The Nature and Meaning of Teamwork.Paul Gaffney - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 42 (1):1-22.
    Teamwork in sport presents a variety of special challenges and satisfactions. It requires an integration of talents and contributions from individual team members, which is a practical achievement, and it represents a shared pursuit, which is a moral achievement. In its best instances team sport allows members to transform individual interests into a common interest, and in the process discover of part of their own identities. Teamwork is made intelligible by the collective pursuit of victory, but moral requirements importantly condition (...)
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  • The impact of trust on business, international security and the quality of life.Alex C. Michalos - 1990 - Journal of Business Ethics 9 (8):619 - 638.
    The theses supported in this essay are that the world is to some extent constructed by each of us, that it can and ought to be constructed in a more benign way, that such construction will require more trust than most people are currently willing to grant, and that most of us will be better off if most of us can manage to be more trusting in spite of our doubts.
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  • Truth and Loyalty.Matt Sleat - 2024 - Political Theory 52 (4):581-604.
    This paper explores the relationship between truth and loyalty as it pertains to epistemic issues within contemporary Western politics. One now familiar concern is how an increasing number of people determine their beliefs according to what demonstrating loyalty to their group requires instead of the facts of an independent and objective reality, as a proper concern for truthfulness demands. Whereas “they” base their beliefs on what is required to demonstrate loyalty to their group, “our” beliefs are justified by facts and (...)
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  • Does It Make Sense to Be a Loyal Employee?Juan M. Elegido - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (3):495-511.
    Loyalty is a much-discussed topic among business ethicists, but this discussion seems to have issued in very few clear conclusions. This article builds on the existing literature on the subject and attempts to ground a definite conclusion on a limited topic: whether, and under what conditions, it makes sense for an employee to offer loyalty to his employer. The main ways in which loyalty to one’s employer can contribute to human flourishing are that it makes the employee more trustworthy and (...)
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  • Untangling Employee Loyalty: A Psychological Contract Perspective.David W. Hart & Jeffery A. Thompson - 2007 - Business Ethics Quarterly 17 (2):297-323.
    ABSTRACT:Although business ethicists have theorized frequently about the virtues and vices of employee loyalty, the concept of loyalty remains loosely defined. In this article, we argue that viewing loyalty as a cognitive phenomenon—an attitude that resides in the mind of the individual—helps to clarify definitional inconsistencies, provides a finer-grained analysis of the concept, and sheds additional light on the ethical implications of loyalty in organizations. Specifically, we adopt the psychological contract perspective to analyze loyalty's cognitive dimensions, and treat loyalty as (...)
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  • Loyalty.John Kleinig - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Loyalty, Corporations, and Community.George D. Randels - 2001 - Business Ethics Quarterly 11 (1):27-39.
    Some recent discussions of corporate loyalty have found it misguided, while others see it as crucial for financial success. Thereis also disagreement over the nature of loyalty. This article analyzes the concept of loyalty, arguing that it is neither a duty nor a virtue(although it has overlaps with those categories), but a passion related to various virtues (and vices). Contrary to standard accounts ofcapitalism, loyalty does not necessarily oppose self-interest. Furthermore, corporations can and should be communities, andinsofar as they are, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Josiah Royce.Kelly A. Parker - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Josiah Royce (1855-1916) was the leading American proponent of absolute idealism, the metaphysical view (also maintained by G. W. F. Hegel and F. H. Bradley) that all aspects of reality, including those we experience as disconnected or contradictory, are ultimately unified in the thought of a single all-encompassing consciousness. Royce also made original contributions in ethics, philosophy of community, philosophy of religion and logic. His major works include The Religious Aspect of Philosophy (1885), The World and the Individual (1899-1901), The (...)
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  • Reconsidering Public Relations' Infatuation With Dialogue: Why Engagement and Reconciliation Can Be More Ethical Than Symmetry and Reciprocity.Kevin L. Stoker & Kati A. Tusinski - 2006 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 21 (2-3):156-176.
    Advocates of dialogic communication have promoted two-way symmetrical communication as the most effective and ethical model for public relations. This article uses John Durham Peters's critique of dialogic communication to reconsider this infatuation with dialogue. In this article, we argue that dialogue's potential for selectivity and tyranny poses moral problems for public relations. Dialogue's emphasis on reciprocal communication also saddles public relations with ethically questionable quid pro quo relationships. We contend that dissemination can be more just than dialogue because it (...)
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  • Homer, Competition, and Sport.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 39 (1):33-51.
    In this article I argue both that an understanding of sport’s general character as competitive play can help us to read Homer more insightfully and that this reading can boomerang back to us to further illuminate the sport as competitive play thesis. My overall method is that of (Rawlsian) reflective equilibrium. The three sections of Homer that I examine are the Phaiacian games in Book 8 of the ‘Odyssey’, the Patroclos games in Book 23 of the ‘Iliad’, and the Penelope (...)
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  • Internalizing Aldo Leopold's Land Ethic The Communitarian Perspective on Ecological Sustainability and Social Policy.Arran Gare - 2021 - Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 17 (3):397-420.
    It is clear that environmentalist are failing in their efforts to avert a global ecological catastrophe. It is argued here that Aldo Leopold had provided the foundations for an effective environmental movement, but to develop his land ethic, it is necessary first to interpret and advance it by seeing it as a form of communitarianism, and link it to communitarian ethical and political philosophy. This synthesis can then be further developed by incorporating advanced ideas in ecology and human ecology. Overcoming (...)
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  • Response to Commentators.Paul Gaffney - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 42 (1):71-82.
    Teamwork in sport presents a variety of special challenges and satisfactions. It requires an integration of talents and contributions from individual team members, which is a practical achievement, and it represents a shared pursuit, which is a moral achievement. In its best instances team sport allows members to transform individual interests into a common interest, and in the process discover of part of their own identities. Teamwork is made intelligible by the collective pursuit of victory, but moral requirements importantly condition (...)
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  • Pandemic influenza and the duty to treat: The importance of solidarity and loyalty.Mitchell L. Klopfenstein - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (8):41 – 43.
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  • Black eye: The ethics of cbs news and the national guard documents.Elizabeth Blanks Hindman - 2008 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 23 (2):90 – 109.
    This case study applies ethics theories and codes to the mainstream news media's response to the CBS News-National Guard forged documents fiasco of 2004. It finds that 177 newspaper editorials applied truth telling, accountability, independence, and stewardship principles in their criticism of CBS, but only in a limited way. While the editorials dealt well with the specific issues of the case, they missed an opportunity to discuss the broader ethical principles involved.
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  • Dangerous Loyalties and Liberatory Politics.Lisa Tessman - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (4):18 - 39.
    While communities engaged in liberatory struggles have valued group loyalty and condemned betrayal, loyalty itself may be problematic, because remaining loyal to a community may require that one refrain from deconstructing the group identity on which the community is based. This essay investigates what loyalty is and whether loyalty is a virtue, and considers why, if loyalty is indeed a virtue, it may be one that is difficult to maintain in a context of oppression.
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  • Why bioethics is ill equipped to contribute to the debate about prolonging lifespans.Griffin Trotter - 2004 - HEC Forum 16 (3):197-213.
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  • Voluntarism: A Difference that Makes the Difference between German Idealism and American Pragmatism?Daniel J. Brunson - 2018 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 10 (2).
    This paper proposes an alternative perspective on the question of the relationship between German Idealism and American Pragmatism through attention to the philosophy of Josiah Royce. Despite being seen as a Hegelian, Royce declared himself a pragmatist. However, he also called his position Absolute Voluntarism. This paper suggests that the real issue between Idealism and Pragmatism is Intellectualism vs. Voluntarism. This distinction both parallels and cuts across the traditions of German Idealism and American Pragmatism, and promises to open up a (...)
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  • Utility and impartiality: Being impartial in a partial world.Stephen J. A. Ward - 2007 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 22 (2-3):151 – 167.
    This article proposes an eclectic and holistic model of ethics and ethical thinking. It uses this tripart model to show how partialities can be integrated into impartial moral reasoning. Ethical reasoning is divided into three problem areas or "levels" - cases, frameworks, and ultimate ethical goals. Each level employs its own form of reasoning. For evaluating cases, the author advocates an eclectic application of principles; for evaluating frameworks of principles, the author advocates contractualism; for evaluating ethical theory as a whole, (...)
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  • Is Husserl a Pragmatist?Jason Bell - 2022 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 14 (2).
    This article focuses on Edmund Husserl’s first and most enduring interaction with pragmatism, on the conception of habit. This began a decade before Husserl’s first writings on phenomenology, and continued throughout the time he invented and developed his new phenomenological method. Husserl first encountered pragmatic habit from the founder of pragmatism Charles S. Peirce around 1890. Husserl then further interacted with the pragmatic theory of habit through the work of William James and Josiah Royce, two scholars deeply influenced by Peirce. (...)
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  • Peircean approaches to emergent systems in cognitive science and religion.Mark Graves - 2007 - Zygon 42 (1):241-248.
    Abstract.Cognitive science and religion provides perspectives on human cognition and spirituality. Emergent systems theory captures the subatomic, physical, biological, psychological, cultural, and transcendent relationships that constitute the human person. C. S. Peirce's metaphysical categories and existential graphs enrich traditional cognitive science modeling tools to capture emergent phenomena. From this richer perspective, one can reinterpret the traditional doctrine of soul as form of the body in terms of information as the constellation of constitutive relationships that enables real possibility.
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  • Time As Asymmetrical and Animal Rights: An Autobiography.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 1994 - Between the Species 10 (3):14.
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  • Erasing the Past: Untangling the Conflicting Journalistic Loyalties and Paradigmatic Pressures of Unpublishing.Deborah L. Dwyer & Chad Painter - 2020 - Journal of Media Ethics 35 (4):214-227.
    Unpublishing, or the act of deleting previously published media content from a news outlet’s online archive in response to an external request, is a growing ethical and practical dilemma for journa...
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  • The Lived Time Dimensions of Sportive Training.William J. Morgan - 1978 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 5 (1):11-26.
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  • Loyalty to loyalty: Josiah Royce and the genuine moral life.John Snarey - 2013 - Journal of Moral Education 42 (2):260-263.
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  • The situated critic or the loyal critic? Rorty and Walzer on social criticism.Jonathan Allen - 1998 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 24 (6):25-46.
    This article addresses the question whether the model of social criticism as 'connected' or 'loyal' which is advanced by Richard Rorty and Michael Walzer offers an adequate picture of social criticism. Two claims are made. First, it is suggested that loyalty is an internally conflicted concept, with three components: a recognition of situatedness in a particular relationship; an affirmation of that relationship by the loyal agent; a set of values or local principles. Where the third component is prominent, loyalty is (...)
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  • Diversity" as "Poise": Toward a Renewed "Ethics of Diversity.Amrita Banerjee - 2018 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 32 (2):243-262.
    With increasing awareness of social pluralism and a greater number of academic institutions committing to it, "diversity" figures heavily in contemporary academic contexts of the United States. This essay is a philosophical interrogation of diversity and intends to reveal certain undertheorized dimensions of the concept. Attending to these dimensions can potentially refashion an institutional space such that it is better able to sustain diversity on a long-term basis. While my analysis speaks directly to institutions of higher learning in the United (...)
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  • Loyalty, utility, and integrity in casablanca: The use of film in explicating philosophical disputes concerning utilitarianism.Thomas Bivins - 2007 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 22 (2-3):132 – 150.
    Can concepts such as loyalty and integrity remain intrinsically valuable personal traits even as we devote ourselves to that which requires the loyalty in the first place (the greater good)? Does utilitarian deliberation rest on too extreme a notion of impartiality - one that focuses exclusively on the consequences of actions, leaving people, in the words of Bernard Williams, "mere faceless numbers"? Using the film Casablanca as an extended analogy, this article attempts to reconcile the concept of loyalty to a (...)
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  • Moral Injury and Recovery in the Shadow of the American Civil War: Roycean Insights and Womanist Corrections.Joshua Daniel - 2016 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 37 (2):151-168.
    The point of this article is to test how well Josiah Royce’s philosophy of community can be utilized to conceptualize moral injury and recovery.1 The term “moral injury” is of recent coinage, articulated by those working with combat veterans and their challenges returning to civilian life, particularly veterans returned from Vietnam and from America’s recent presence in the Middle East. The basic idea is that, in combat, soldiers harm their own moral capacities by committing or participating in acts that they (...)
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  • The Ineffable and the Incalculable: G. E. Moore on Ethical Expertise.Ben Eggleston - 2005 - In Lisa Rasmussen, Ethics Expertise: History, Contemporary Perspectives, and Applications. Springer. pp. 89–102.
    According to G. E. Moore, moral expertise requires abilities of several kinds: the ability to factor judgments of right and wrong into (a) judgments of good and bad and (b) judgments of cause and effect, (2) the ability to use intuition to make the requisite judgments of good and bad, and (3) the ability to use empirical investigation to make the requisite judgments of cause and effect. Moore’s conception of moral expertise is thus extremely demanding, but he supplements it with (...)
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  • John J. Kaag, Idealism, Pragmatism, and Feminis.Mathew A. Foust - 2013 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 5 (2).
    Traditionally, the history of American philosophy has been conceived of in terms of an intellectual lineage comprising monumental male figures (e.g., Emerson, Peirce, James, and Dewey). In recent decades, this picture has broadened in scope and nuance. Philosophers once regarded as ancillary have gained recognition as original and influential thinkers in their own right. The last two decades have been witness to the resurgence in scholarly attention to figures such as Josiah Royce and Jane Ad...
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  • (1 other version)Josiah Royce's Philosophy of the Community: Danger of the Detached Individual.John J. McDermott - 1985 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 19:153-176.
    The popular mind is deep and means a thousand times more than it knows.It is fitting that the Royal Institute of Philosophy series on American philosophy include a session on the thought of Josiah Royce, for his most formidable philosophical work, The World and the Individual, was a result of his Gifford lectures in the not too distant city of Aberdeen in 1899 and 1900. The invitation to offer the Gifford lectures was somewhat happenstance, for it was extended originally to (...)
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  • (1 other version)Josiah Royce's Philosophy of the Community: Danger of the Detached Individual.John J. McDermott - 1985 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 19:153-176.
    The popular mind is deep and means a thousand times more than it knows.It is fitting that the Royal Institute of Philosophy series on American philosophy include a session on the thought of Josiah Royce, for his most formidable philosophical work, The World and the Individual, was a result of his Gifford lectures in the not too distant city of Aberdeen in 1899 and 1900. The invitation to offer the Gifford lectures was somewhat happenstance, for it was extended originally to (...)
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  • From the classroom to the courtroom: Ethics professors as expert witnesses.Philip Patterson - 1997 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 12 (2):96 – 100.
    Professors of media ethics are open in a unique position to help a plaint i f i n a libel trial, and under certain circumstances they may even have a moral duty to do so. But the decision to testifyfor a plaintlfcomes with certain problems built i n for professors who depend on local media outlets for student practicum experiences and employment ofgraduates. In the end, professors who decide to testify both for and against the media depending on the facts (...)
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  • An Ethics of Commitment for Engineers.Aaron Pratt Shepherd - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (5):1-17.
    This paper follows a trend in engineering ethics away from universal moral theories towards more contingent/contextual approaches such as pragmatist and care ethics. These methodological considerations are treated in the context of the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions scandal as a case study in the “paradox of loyalty,”. Building upon a combined pragmatist-care ethics approach, the article outlines an “ethics of commitment,” inspired by the moral philosophy of Josiah Royce. The ethics of commitment locates the site of moral value in an individual’s (...)
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  • Aggregating Reasons and Persons: On Sorting Out the Logic of the Good, Royce’s Style.Mona Simion - 2014 - Contemporary Pragmatism 11 (2):107-121.
    Contemporary ‘Fitting Attitude’ axiological frameworks – defining value in terms of having properties that provide reasons for pro-attitudes – struggle with the so-called Wrong Kind of Reasons problem. That is, they fail to offer a coherent account as to what reasons are fitted to enter our evaluative endeavors in the first place. Furthermore, WKR opens FA to charges regarding intransitivity of value ordering. I argue that revisiting Josiah Royce’s ‘plan of life’ mediating principle offers a promising reasons’ aggregation recipe, and (...)
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  • Loyalty in public relations: When does it cross the line between virtue and vice?Kevin Stoker - 2005 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 20 (4):269 – 287.
    Public relations practitioners place a premium on loyalty - particularly in terms of cultivating relationships. However, little scholarly research has been done on the subject. This essay analyzes loyalty in terms of organizational deterioration and decline. The ethical dimensions of Hirschman's concept of "exit, voice, and loyalty, " and Royce's notion about loyalty, are explored, as is the concept of "loyalty to loyalty. " The essay concludes with a 7-step model intended to help practitioners determine the demands of ethical loyalty.
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  • The pragmatist conception of altruism and reciprocity.Emil Višňovský - 2011 - Human Affairs 21 (4):437-453.
    The paper provides an account of the pragmatist philosophical conception of reciprocity and altruism based on the ontology of “panrelationalism”. The Deweyan concepts of transaction and cooperation are also outlined in some detail as well as the pragmatist (Rortyan) idea of justice. The author attempts to show that altruism is not necessarily just reciprocal but demands as its supplement (at least) altruism without reciprocation.
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  • Learning Philosophy in the 21st Century.Abduljaleel Alwali - 2018 - In Patricia Hanna, An Anthology of Philosophical Studies: Volume 12.
    This study will answer the question, what do students expect to learn from philosophy teachers in the 21st century. by framing a response based on the following: The researcher’s teaching philosophy developed over 30 years, a survey conducted of UAEU students, and a discussion of the changing role and purpose of philosophy in the academy and current pedagogical philosophy in teaching. The study has focused on how philosophical questions have been changed over time, using new technology to teach philosophy, what (...)
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  • The Body of the Community.Rossella Fabbrichesi - 2010 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 2 (1):25-34.
    In The Problem of Christianity, in a chapter of an altogether semiotic and hermeneutic character, Josiah Royce pays immediately his debt to Charles Sanders Peirce, and declares that he is nothing but summarizing, in his own way, “some still neglected opinions which were first set forth, in outline, more than forty years ago by our American logician, Mr Charles Peirce, in papers which have been little read, but which, to my mind, remain of very high value as guides of inquiry, (...)
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  • Confucianism as political philosophy: A postmodern perspective. [REVIEW]Hwa Yol Jung - 1993 - Human Studies 16 (1-2):213 - 230.
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  • Animal faith, puritanism, and the Schutz-Gurwitsch debate: A commentary. [REVIEW]Stanford M. Lyman - 1991 - Human Studies 14 (2-3):199 - 206.
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