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(1 other version)The Medicalization of Love.Brian D. Earp, Anders Sandberg & Julian Savulescu - 2015 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 24 (3):323-336.details
When is diminishment a form of enhancement? : rethinking the enhancement debate in biomedical ethics.Brian D. Earp, Anders Sandberg, Guy Kahane & Julian Savulescu - unknowndetails
Great Minds Think Different: Preserving Cognitive Diversity in an Age of Gene Editing.Jonny Anomaly, Julian Savulescu & Christopher Gyngell - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (1):81-89.details
Moral Neuroenhancement.Brian D. Earp, Thomas Douglas & Julian Savulescu - 2017 - In L. Syd M. Johnson & Karen S. Rommelfanger, The Routledge Handbook of Neuroethics. Routledge.details
The Epistemology of Cognitive Enhancement.J. Adam Carter & Duncan Pritchard - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy (2):220-242.details
Not Just “Study Drugs” for the Rich: Stimulants as Moral Tools for Creating Opportunities for Socially Disadvantaged Students.Keisha Shantel Ray - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (6):29-38.details
Pharmacological cognitive enhancement : how neuroscientific research could advance ethical debate.Hannah Maslen, Nadira Faulmüller & Julian Savulescu - unknowndetails
Enhancement and Civic Virtue.Will Jefferson, Thomas Douglas, Guy Kahane & Julian Savulescu - 2014 - Social Theory and Practice 40 (3):499-527.details
An evaluative conservative case for biomedical enhancement.John Danaher - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (9):611-618.details
Public Goods and Procreation.Jonny Anomaly - 2014 - Monash Bioethics Review 32 (3-4):172-188.details
Enhancing Gender.Hazem Zohny, Brian D. Earp & Julian Savulescu - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (2):225-237.details
Human Enhancement: Enhancing Health or Harnessing Happiness?Bjørn Hofmann - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (1):87-98.details
Regulating the Use of Cognitive Enhancement: an Analytic Framework.Anita S. Jwa - 2019 - Neuroethics 12 (3):293-309.details
Gender Eugenics? The Ethics of PGD for Intersex Conditions.Robert Sparrow - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (10):29 - 38.details
Is human enhancement intrinsically bad?Karolina Kudlek - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (2):269-279.details
Why Internal Moral Enhancement Might Be politically Better than External Moral Enhancement.John Danaher - 2016 - Neuroethics 12 (1):39-54.details
Public goods and procreation.Jonathan Anomaly - 2014 - Monash Bioethics Review 32 (3-4):172-188.details
Neurofeedback-Based Moral Enhancement and the Notion of Morality.Koji Tachibana - 2017 - The Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series 66 (2):25-41.details
A Thomistic appraisal of human enhancement technologies.Jason T. Eberl - 2014 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 35 (4):289-310.details
Enhancement, disability and the riddle of the relevant circumstances.Hazem Zohny - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (9).details
Retooling Techno-Moral Scenarios. A Revisited Technique for Exploring Alternative Regimes of Responsibility for Human Enhancement.Simone Arnaldi - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (3):283-300.details
Moral Bioenhancement, Social Biases, and the Regulation of Empathy.Keisha Ray & Lori Gallegos de Castillo - 2019 - Topoi 38 (1):125-133.details
The ethics of biomedical military research: Therapy, prevention, enhancement, and risk.Alexandre Erler & Vincent C. Müller - 2021 - In Daniel Messelken & David Winkler, Health Care in Contexts of Risk, Uncertainty, and Hybridity. Springer. pp. 235-252.details
Enhancing Autonomy by Reducing Impulsivity: The Case of ADHD.Jonathan Pugh - 2014 - Neuroethics 7 (3):373-375.details
In Service to Others: A New Evolutionary Perspective on Human Enhancement.Hugh Desmond - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (6):33-43.details
Will There Ever Be a Drug with No or Negligible Side Effects? Evidence from Neuroscience.Sylvia Terbeck & Laurence Paul Chesterman - 2013 - Neuroethics 7 (2):189-194.details
Bionic Bodies, Posthuman Violence and the Disembodied Criminal Subject.Sabrina Gilani - 2021 - Law and Critique 32 (2):171-193.details
Political Minimalism and Social Debates: The Case of Human-Enhancement Technologies.Javier Rodríguez-Alcázar - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (3):347-357.details
Neuroenhancement.Alexandre Erler & Cynthia Forlini - 2020 - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online.details
Technological unemployment and human disenhancement.Michele Loi - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (3):201-210.details
Queerin’ the PGD Clinic: Human Enhancement and the Future of Bodily Diversity.Robert Sparrow - 2013 - Journal of Medical Humanities 34 (2):177-196.details
Does Amphetamine Enhance Your Health? On the Distinction between Health and “Health-like” Enhancements.Per-Anders Tengland - 2015 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (5):484-510.details
Sex Reassignment Surgery and Enhancement.Tomislav Bracanović - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (1):86-102.details
Distributive justice and cognitive enhancement in lower, normal intelligence.Mikael Dunlop & Julian Savulescu - 2014 - Monash Bioethics Review 32 (3-4):189-204.details
Human Enhancement: Deontological Arguments.Markus Rüther & Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 2 (2):161-178.details
Enhancements 2.0: Self-Creation Might not be as Lovely as Some Think.Mirko D. Garasic - 2019 - Topoi 38 (1):135-140.details
Moral enhancement and the good life.Hazem Zohny - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (2):267-274.details
Good to die.Rainer Ebert - 2013 - Diacritica 27:139-156.details
Why Enhancing Autonomy Is Not a Question of Improving Single Aspects of Reasoning Abilities through Neuroenhancement.Orsolya Friedrich & Johannes Pömsl - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (2):243-254.details
Climate Policy When Preferences Are Endogenous—and Sometimes They Are.Linus Mattauch & Cameron Hepburn - 2016 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 40 (1):76-95.details
Destiny and Desire.Russell Blackford - 2021 - Journal of Ethics and Emerging Technologies 31 (1):1-24.details
The Philosopher as the Therapist: A Lesson from the Past.Grzegorz Hołub - 2020 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 68 (1):33-48.details
Continuidad de las innovaciones tecnológicas: el reto de las intervenciones biomédicas de mejora humana.Francisco Javier López Frías - 2013 - Isegoría 48:213-228.details
From assistive to enhancing technology: should the treatment-enhancement distinction apply to future assistive and augmenting technologies?Francesca Minerva & Alberto Giubilini - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics:medethics-2016-104014.details
Melhoramentos humanos, no plural: pela qualificação de um importante debate filosófico.Murilo Mariano Vilaça - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (129):331-347.details
Enhancing human lives.Jason Charles Branford - 2021 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Münchendetails
Commentary: Care, Choice, and the Ethical Imagination.Fred B. Ketchum - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (4):698-700.details
Human Transgenesis: Definitions, Technical Possibilities and Moral Challenges. [REVIEW]Flávio Guimarães da Fonseca, Daniel Mendes Ribeiro, Nara Pereira Carvalho, Mariana Alves Lara, Antonio Cota Marçal & Brunello Stancioli - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (4):513-524.details