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  1. Characteristics of dissociable human learning systems.David R. Shanks & Mark F. St John - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):367-447.
    A number of ways of taxonomizing human learning have been proposed. We examine the evidence for one such proposal, namely, that there exist independent explicit and implicit learning systems. This combines two further distinctions, (1) between learning that takes place with versus without concurrent awareness, and (2) between learning that involves the encoding of instances (or fragments) versus the induction of abstract rules or hypotheses. Implicit learning is assumed to involve unconscious rule learning. We examine the evidence for implicit learning (...)
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  • Becoming syntactic.Franklin Chang, Gary S. Dell & Kathryn Bock - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (2):234-272.
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  • A symbolic-connectionist theory of relational inference and generalization.John E. Hummel & Keith J. Holyoak - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (2):220-264.
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  • On the Meaning of Words and Dinosaur Bones: Lexical Knowledge Without a Lexicon.Jeffrey L. Elman - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (4):547-582.
    Although for many years a sharp distinction has been made in language research between rules and words—with primary interest on rules—this distinction is now blurred in many theories. If anything, the focus of attention has shifted in recent years in favor of words. Results from many different areas of language research suggest that the lexicon is representationally rich, that it is the source of much productive behavior, and that lexically specific information plays a critical and early role in the interpretation (...)
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  • Systematicity in connectionist language learning.Robert F. Hadley - 1994 - Mind and Language 9 (3):247-72.
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  • Parallel Distributed Processing at 25: Further Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition.Timothy T. Rogers & James L. McClelland - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (6):1024-1077.
    This paper introduces a special issue of Cognitive Science initiated on the 25th anniversary of the publication of Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP), a two-volume work that introduced the use of neural network models as vehicles for understanding cognition. The collection surveys the core commitments of the PDP framework, the key issues the framework has addressed, and the debates the framework has spawned, and presents viewpoints on the current status of these issues. The articles focus on both historical roots and contemporary (...)
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  • A Computational Model of Event Segmentation From Perceptual Prediction.Jeremy R. Reynolds, Jeffrey M. Zacks & Todd S. Braver - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (4):613-643.
    People tend to perceive ongoing continuous activity as series of discrete events. This partitioning of continuous activity may occur, in part, because events correspond to dynamic patterns that have recurred across different contexts. Recurring patterns may lead to reliable sequential dependencies in observers' experiences, which then can be used to guide perception. The current set of simulations investigated whether this statistical structure within events can be used 1) to develop stable internal representations that facilitate perception and 2) to learn when (...)
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  • Concepts, control, and context: A connectionist account of normal and disordered semantic cognition.Paul Hoffman, James L. McClelland & Matthew A. Lambon Ralph - 2018 - Psychological Review 125 (3):293-328.
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  • Structure and Content in Language Production: A Theory of Frame Constraints in Phonological Speech Errors.Gary S. Dell, Cornell Juliano & Anita Govindjee - 1993 - Cognitive Science 17 (2):149-195.
    Theories of language production propose that utterances are constructed by a mechanism that separates linguistic content from linguistic structure, Linguistic content is retrieved from the mental lexicon, and is then inserted into slots in linguistic structures or frames. Support for this kind of model at the phonological level comes from patterns of phonological speech errors. W present an alternative account of these patterns using a connectionist or parallel distributed proceesing (PDP) model that learns to produce sequences of phonological features. The (...)
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  • Linking production and comprehension processes: The case of relative clauses.Silvia P. Gennari & Maryellen C. MacDonald - 2009 - Cognition 111 (1):1-23.
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  • Symbolically speaking: a connectionist model of sentence production.Franklin Chang - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (5):609-651.
    The ability to combine words into novel sentences has been used to argue that humans have symbolic language production abilities. Critiques of connectionist models of language often center on the inability of these models to generalize symbolically (Fodor & Pylyshyn, 1988; Marcus, 1998). To address these issues, a connectionist model of sentence production was developed. The model had variables (role‐concept bindings) that were inspired by spatial representations (Landau & Jackendoff, 1993). In order to take advantage of these variables, a novel (...)
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  • Précis of semantic cognition: A parallel distributed processing approach.Timothy T. Rogers & James L. McClelland - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (6):689-714.
    In this prcis we focus on phenomena central to the reaction against similarity-based theories that arose in the 1980s and that subsequently motivated the approach to semantic knowledge. Specifically, we consider (1) how concepts differentiate in early development, (2) why some groupings of items seem to form or coherent categories while others do not, (3) why different properties seem central or important to different concepts, (4) why children and adults sometimes attest to beliefs that seem to contradict their direct experience, (...)
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  • The time course of anticipatory constraint integration.Anuenue Kukona, Shin-Yi Fang, Karen A. Aicher, Helen Chen & James S. Magnuson - 2011 - Cognition 119 (1):23-42.
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  • Reconciling Embodied and Distributional Accounts of Meaning in Language.Mark Andrews, Stefan Frank & Gabriella Vigliocco - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (3):359-370.
    Over the past 15 years, there have been two increasingly popular approaches to the study of meaning in cognitive science. One, based on theories of embodied cognition, treats meaning as a simulation of perceptual and motor states. An alternative approach treats meaning as a consequence of the statistical distribution of words across spoken and written language. On the surface, these appear to be opposing scientific paradigms. In this review, we aim to show how recent cross-disciplinary developments have done much to (...)
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  • Language as a dynamical system.Jeffrey L. Elman - 1995 - In Tim van Gelder & Robert Port, Mind As Motion: Explorations in the Dynamics of Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 195--223.
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  • The 'explicit-implicit' distinction.Robert F. Hadley - 1995 - Minds and Machines 5 (2):219-42.
    Much of traditional AI exemplifies the explicit representation paradigm, and during the late 1980''s a heated debate arose between the classical and connectionist camps as to whether beliefs and rules receive an explicit or implicit representation in human cognition. In a recent paper, Kirsh (1990) questions the coherence of the fundamental distinction underlying this debate. He argues that our basic intuitions concerning explicit and implicit representations are not only confused but inconsistent. Ultimately, Kirsh proposes a new formulation of the distinction, (...)
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  • Natural Language Processing With Modular Pdp Networks and Distributed Lexicon.Risto Miikkulainen & Michael G. Dyer - 1991 - Cognitive Science 15 (3):343-399.
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  • On the Validity of Simulating Stagewise Development by Means of PDP Networks: Application of Catastrophe Analysis and an Experimental Test of Rule‐Like Network Performance.Maartje E. J. Raijmakers, Sylvester von Koten & Peter C. M. Molenaar - 1996 - Cognitive Science 20 (1):101-136.
    This article addresses the ability of Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP) networks to generate stagewise cognitive development in accordance with Piaget's theory of cognitive epigenesis. We carried out a replication study of the simulation experiments by McClelland (1989) and McClelland and Jenkins (1991) in which a PDP network learns to solve balance scale problems. In objective tests motivated from catastrophe theory, a mathematical theory of transitions in epigenetical systems, no evidence for stage transitions in network performance was found. It is concluded (...)
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  • Systematicity revisited.Robert F. Hadley - 1994 - Mind and Language 9 (4):431-44.
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  • The Story Gestalt: A Model Of Knowledge‐Intensive Processes in Text Comprehension.Mark F. John - 1992 - Cognitive Science 16 (2):271-306.
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  • Dynamical Models of Sentence Processing.Whitney Tabor & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (4):491-515.
    We suggest that the theory of dynamical systems provides a revealing general framework for modeling the representations and mechanism underlying syntactic processing. We show how a particular dynamical model, the Visitation Set Gravitation model of Tabor, Juliano, and Tanenhaus (1997), develops syntactic representations and models a set of contingent frequency effects in parsing that are problematic for other models. We also present new simulations showing how the model accounts for semantic effects in parsing, and propose a new account of the (...)
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  • Natural deduction in connectionist systems.William Bechtel - 1994 - Synthese 101 (3):433-463.
    The relation between logic and thought has long been controversial, but has recently influenced theorizing about the nature of mental processes in cognitive science. One prominent tradition argues that to explain the systematicity of thought we must posit syntactically structured representations inside the cognitive system which can be operated upon by structure sensitive rules similar to those employed in systems of natural deduction. I have argued elsewhere that the systematicity of human thought might better be explained as resulting from the (...)
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  • Cognition, Systematicity and Nomic Necessity.Robert F. Hadley - 1997 - Mind and Language 12 (2):137-153.
    In their provocative 1988 paper, Fodor and Pylyshyn issued a formidable challenge to connectionists, i.e. to provide a non‐classical explanation of the empirical phenomenon of systematicity in cognitive agents. Since the appearance of F&P's challenge, a number of connectionist systems have emerged which prima facie meet this challenge. However, Fodor and McLaughlin (1990) advance an argument, based upon a general principle of nomological necessity, to show that one of these systems (Smolensky's) could not satisfy the Fodor‐Pylyshyn challenge. Yet, if Fodor (...)
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  • Meaningful questions: The acquisition of auxiliary inversion in a connectionist model of sentence production.Hartmut Fitz & Franklin Chang - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):225-250.
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  • Connectionist Sentence Processing in Perspective.Mark Steedman - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (4):615-634.
    The emphasis in the connectionist sentence‐processing literature on distributed representation and emergence of grammar from such systems can easily obscure the often close relations between connectionist and symbolist systems. This paper argues that the Simple Recurrent Network (SRN) models proposed by Jordan (1989) and Elman (1990) are more directly related to stochastic Part‐of‐Speech (POS) Taggers than to parsers or grammars as such, while auto‐associative memory models of the kind pioneered by Longuet–Higgins, Willshaw, Pollack and others may be useful for grammar (...)
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  • Subsymbolic Case‐Role Analysis of Sentences with Embedded Clauses.Risto Miikkulainen - 1996 - Cognitive Science 20 (1):47-73.
    A distributed neural network model called SPEC for processing sentences with recursive relative clauses is described. The model is based on separating the tasks of segmenting the input word sequence into clauses, forming the case‐role representations, and keeping track of the recursive embeddings into different modules. The system needs to be trained only with the basic sentence constructs, and it generalizes not only to new instances of familiar relative clause structures but to novel structures as well. SPEC exhibits plausible memory (...)
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  • Modeling knowledge‐based inferences in story comprehension.Stefan L. Frank, Mathieu Koppen, Leo G. M. Noordman & Wietske Vonk - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (6):875-910.
    A computational model of inference during story comprehension is presented, in which story situations are represented distributively as points in a high‐dimensional “situation‐state space.” This state space organizes itself on the basis of a constructed microworld description. From the same description, causal/temporal world knowledge is extracted. The distributed representation of story situations is more flexible than Golden and Rumelhart's [Discourse Proc 16 (1993) 203] localist representation.A story taking place in the microworld corresponds to a trajectory through situation‐state space. During the (...)
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  • Connectionist semantic systematicity.Stefan L. Frank, Willem F. G. Haselager & Iris van Rooij - 2009 - Cognition 110 (3):358-379.
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  • Using Neural Networks to Generate Inferential Roles for Natural Language.Peter Blouw & Chris Eliasmith - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:295741.
    Neural networks have long been used to study linguistic phenomena spanning the domains of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Of these domains, semantics is somewhat unique in that there is little clarity concerning what a model needs to be able to do in order to provide an account of how the meanings of complex linguistic expressions, such as sentences, are understood. We argue that one thing such models need to be able to do is generate predictions about which further sentences (...)
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  • The case for connectionism.William Bechtel - 1993 - Philosophical Studies 71 (2):119-54.
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  • Intrinsic cognitive models.Jonathan A. Waskan - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (2):259-283.
    Theories concerning the structure, or format, of mental representation should (1) be formulated in mechanistic, rather than metaphorical terms; (2) do justice to several philosophical intuitions about mental representation; and (3) explain the human capacity to predict the consequences of worldly alterations (i.e., to think before we act). The hypothesis that thinking involves the application of syntax-sensitive inference rules to syntactically structured mental representations has been said to satisfy all three conditions. An alternative hypothesis is that thinking requires the construction (...)
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  • Modeling the N400 ERP component as transient semantic over-activation within a neural network model of word comprehension.Samuel J. Cheyette & David C. Plaut - 2017 - Cognition 162 (C):153-166.
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  • Dissociable learning and memory systems of the brain.Larry R. Squire, Stephan Hamann & Barbara Knowlton - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):422-423.
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  • Connectionism, explicit rules, and symbolic manipulation.Robert F. Hadley - 1993 - Minds and Machines 3 (2):183-200.
    At present, the prevailing Connectionist methodology forrepresenting rules is toimplicitly embody rules in neurally-wired networks. That is, the methodology adopts the stance that rules must either be hard-wired or trained into neural structures, rather than represented via explicit symbolic structures. Even recent attempts to implementproduction systems within connectionist networks have assumed that condition-action rules (or rule schema) are to be embodied in thestructure of individual networks. Such networks must be grown or trained over a significant span of time. However, arguments (...)
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  • Connectionism and three levels of nativism.William Ramsey & Stephen P. Stich - 1990 - Synthese 82 (2):177-205.
    Along with the increasing popularity of connectionist language models has come a number of provocative suggestions about the challenge these models present to Chomsky's arguments for nativism. The aim of this paper is to assess these claims. We begin by reconstructing Chomsky's argument from the poverty of the stimulus and arguing that it is best understood as three related arguments, with increasingly strong conclusions. Next, we provide a brief introduction to connectionism and give a quick survey of recent efforts to (...)
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  • A simple model from a powerful framework that spans levels of analysis.Timothy T. Rogers & James L. McClelland - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (6):729-749.
    The commentaries reflect three core themes that pertain not just to our theory, but to the enterprise of connectionist modeling more generally. The first concerns the relationship between a cognitive theory and an implemented computer model. Specifically, how does one determine, when a model departs from the theory it exemplifies, whether the departure is a useful simplification or a critical flaw? We argue that the answer to this question depends partially upon the model's intended function, and we suggest that connectionist (...)
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  • Awareness inflated, evaluative conditioning underestimated.Frank Baeyens, Jan De Houwer & Paul Eelen - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):396-397.
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  • Awareness and abstraction are graded dimensions.Axel Cleeremans - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):402-403.
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  • Prediction error boosts retention of novel words in adults but not in children.Chiara Gambi, Martin J. Pickering & Hugh Rabagliati - 2021 - Cognition 211 (C):104650.
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  • Chunks, Schemata, and Retrieval Structures: Past and Current Computational Models.Fernand Gobet, Peter C. R. Lane & Martyn Lloyd-Kelly - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • What knowledge must be in the head in order to acquire language.William P. Bechtel - 1996 - In B. Velichkovsky & Duane M. Rumbaugh, Communicating Meaning: The Evolution and Development of Language. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pp. 45.
    Many studies of language, whether in philosophy, linguistics, or psychology, have focused on highly developed human languages. In their highly developed forms, such as are employed in scientific discourse, languages have a unique set of properties that have been the focus of much attention. For example, descriptive sentences in a language have the property of being "true" or "false," and words of a language have senses and referents. Sentences in a language are structured in accord with complex syntactic rules. Theorists (...)
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  • Currents in connectionism.William Bechtel - 1993 - Minds and Machines 3 (2):125-153.
    This paper reviews four significant advances on the feedforward architecture that has dominated discussions of connectionism. The first involves introducing modularity into networks by employing procedures whereby different networks learn to perform different components of a task, and a Gating Network determines which network is best equiped to respond to a given input. The second consists in the use of recurrent inputs whereby information from a previous cycle of processing is made available on later cycles. The third development involves developing (...)
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  • Three forms of binding and their neural substrates: Alternatives to temporal synchrony.R. C. O'Reilly, R. Busby & R. Soto - 2003 - In Axel Cleeremans, The Unity of Consciousness: Binding, Integration, and Dissociation. Oxford University Press. pp. 168--192.
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  • Whither learning, whither memory?Michael A. Stadler & Peter A. Frensch - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):423-424.
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  • On the Futility of Attempting to Demonstrate Null Awareness.Philip M. Merikle - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):412-412.
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  • Is learning during anaesthesia implicit?Jackie Andrade - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):395-396.
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  • What should a connectionist philosophy of science look like?William P. Bechtel - 1996 - In The Churchlands and Their Critics. Oxford University Press. pp. 121--144.
    The reemergence of connectionism2 has profoundly altered the philosophy of mind. Paul Churchland has argued that it should equally transform the philosophy of science. He proposes that connectionism offers radical and useful new ways of understanding theories and explanations.
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  • A step too far?Dianne C. Berry - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):397-398.
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  • Quantification without variables in connectionism.John A. Barnden & Kankanahalli Srinivas - 1996 - Minds and Machines 6 (2):173-201.
    Connectionist attention to variables has been too restricted in two ways. First, it has not exploited certain ways of doing without variables in the symbolic arena. One variable-avoidance method, that of logical combinators, is particularly well established there. Secondly, the attention has been largely restricted to variables in long-term rules embodied in connection weight patterns. However, short-lived bodies of information, such as sentence interpretations or inference products, may involve quantification. Therefore short-lived activation patterns may need to achieve the effect of (...)
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  • Responsibility and Decision Making in the Era of Neural Networks.William Bechtel - 1996 - Social Philosophy and Policy 13 (2):267.
    Many of the mathematicians and scientists who guided the development of digital computers in the late 1940s, such as Alan Turing and John von Neumann, saw these new devices not just as tools for calculation but as devices that might employ the same principles as are exhibited in rational human thought. Thus, a subfield of what came to be called computer science assumed the label artificial intelligence. The idea of building artificial systems which could exhibit intelligent behavior comparable to that (...)
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