- The Epistemic Goal of a Concept: Accounting for the Rationality of Semantic Change and Variation.Ingo Brigandt - 2010 - Synthese 177 (1):19-40.details
Measuring Causal Specificity.Paul E. Griffiths, Arnaud Pocheville, Brett Calcott, Karola Stotz, Hyunju Kim & Rob Knight - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (4):529-555.details
Agential Teleosemantics.Tiago Rama - 2022 - Dissertation, Autonomous University of Barcelonadetails
Human nature and cognitive–developmental niche construction.Karola Stotz - 2010 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 9 (4):483-501.details
Developmental Systems Theory as a Process Theory.Paul Edmund Griffiths & Karola Stotz - 2018 - In Daniel J. Nicholson & John Dupré, Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 225-245.details
Explanation in Biology: Reduction, Pluralism, and Explanatory Aims.Ingo Brigandt - 2011 - Science & Education 22 (1):69-91.details
The limits of replicability.Stephan Guttinger - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (2):1-17.details
The Dynamics of Scientific Concepts: The Relevance of Epistemic Aims and Values.Ingo Brigandt - 2012 - In Uljana Feest & Friedrich Steinle, Scientific Concepts and Investigative Practice. de Gruyter. pp. 75-103.details
Experimental philosophy of science.Paul E. Griffiths & Karola Stotz - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 3 (3):507–521.details
Developmental Systems Theory.Paul Griffiths & Adam Hochman - 2015 - eLS:1-7.details
Genidentity and Biological Processes.Thomas Pradeu - 2018 - In Daniel J. Nicholson & John Dupré, Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.details
(2 other versions)Biological Information, Causality and Specificity - an Intimate Relationship.Karola Stotz & Paul E. Griffiths - 2017 - In Sara Imari Walker, Paul C. W. Davies & George F. R. Ellis, From Matter to Life: Information and Causality. Cambridge University Press. pp. 366-390.details
Small RNA research and the scientific repertoire: a tale about biochemistry and genetics, crops and worms, development and disease.Sophie Juliane Veigl - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1):1-25.details
The ingredients for a postgenomic synthesis of nature and nurture.Karola Stotz - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (3):359 – 381.details
Epigenetics: ambiguities and implications.Karola Stotz & Paul Griffiths - 2016 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 38 (4):1-20.details
Extended evolutionary psychology: the importance of transgenerational developmental plasticity.Karola Stotz - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.details
Intelligent Design and the Nature of Science: Philosophical and Pedagogical Points.Ingo Brigandt - 2013 - In Kostas Kampourakis, Philosophical Issues in Biology Education. Springer (under contract). pp. 205-238.details
From cell-surface receptors to higher learning: A whole world of experience.Karola Stotz & Colin Allen - 2012 - In Karola Stotz & Colin Allen, Philosophy of Behavioral Biology, eds, Katie Plaisance and Thomas Reydon. Boston: Springer. pp. 85-123.details
The genotype/phenotype distinction.Richard Lewontin - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.details
Experimental philosophy of biology: notes from the field.Karola Stotz - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 40 (2):233-237.details
Specialisation by Value Divergence: The Role of Epistemic Values in the Branching of Scientific Disciplines.Matteo De Benedetto & Michele Luchetti - 2023 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 36 (2):121-141.details
What’s all the fuss about? The inheritance of acquired traits is compatible with the Central Dogma.M. Polo Camacho - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (3):1-15.details
Beyond descriptive accuracy: The central dogma of molecular biology in scientific practice.M. Polo Camacho - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 86 (C):20-26.details
Genomic Programs as Mechanism Schemas: A Non-Reductionist Interpretation.Tudor M. Baetu - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 63 (3):649-671.details
Teaching evolutionary developmental biology: concepts, problems, and controversy.A. C. Love - 2013 - In Kostas Kampourakis, The Philosophy of Biology: a Companion for Educators. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 323-341.details
Murder on the development express: who killed nature/nurture?: Evelyn Fox Keller: The mirage of a space between nature and nurture. Duke University Press, 2010.Karola Stotz - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy 27 (6):919-929.details
From DNA- to NA-centrism and the conditions for gene-centrism revisited.Alexis De Tiège, Koen Tanghe, Johan Braeckman & Yves Van de Peer - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (1):55-69.details
Recent Work in The Philosophy of Biology.Christopher J. Austin - 2017 - Analysis 77 (2):412-432.details
Biological Explanation.Angela Potochnik - 2013 - In Kostas Kampourakis, The Philosophy of Biology: a Companion for Educators. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 49-65.details
Philosophy of Molecular Biology.Ingo Brigandt - 2018 - eLS: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences.details
Philosophy of Behavioral Biology (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science).Kathryn S. Plaisance & Thomas A. C. Reydon (eds.) - 2012 - Springer.details
Dissecting developmental biology.Karola Stotz & Paul Griffiths - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 53:134-138.details
(1 other version)Special Issue: Philosophical Considerations in the Teaching of Biology. Part I, Philosophy of Biology and Biological Explanation.Kostas Kampourakis (ed.) - 2013 - Springer (Science & Education).details
Could the Greatest Illusion of the Modern Synthesis Be Practical?M. Polo Camacho - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-6.details
The Content and Implications of Nativist Claims. A Philosophical Analysis.Riin Kõiv - 2021 - Dissertation, University of Tartudetails
Environmental Ethics.Roberta L. Millstein - 2013 - In Kostas Kampourakis, The Philosophy of Biology: a Companion for Educators. Dordrecht: Springer.details
How (not) to be a reductionist in a complex universe.Karola Stotz - unknowndetails
Explanation in Biology: An Enquiry into the Diversity of Explanatory Patterns in the Life Sciences.P.-A. Braillard and C. Malaterre (ed.) - 2015 - Springer.details
Toolbox murders: putting genes in their epigenetic and ecological contexts: P. Griffiths and K. Stotz: Genetics and philosophy: an introduction. [REVIEW]Thomas Pradeu - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (1):125-142.details
Overextension: the extended mind and arguments from evolutionary biology. [REVIEW]Armin W. Schulz - 2013 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 3 (2):241-255.details
La teoría de sistemas en desarrollo como operación dialéctica.Julio Muñoz Rubio - 2014 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 5:99--112.details