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Is absence of evidence of pain ever evidence of absence?Deborah J. Brown & Brian Key - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):3881-3902.details
Scientific Nonknowledge and Its Political Dynamics: The Cases of Agri-Biotechnology and Mobile Phoning.Peter Wehling, Jens Soentgen, Ina Rust, Karen Kastenhofer & Stefan Böschen - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (6):783-811.details
Absence of evidence and evidence of absence: evidential transitivity in connection with fossils, fishing, fine-tuning, and firing squads.Elliott Sober - 2009 - Philosophical Studies 143 (1):63-90.details
No Self and the Phenomenology of Agency.Monima Chadha - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (2):187-205.details
Fallacies and the Concept of an Argument.Dale Turner - 1999 - Dissertation, University of California, Riversidedetails
Baseballs and arguments from fairness.Douglas Walton - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 22 (4):423-449.details
Non-monotonicity and Informal Reasoning: Comment on Ferguson (2003).Mike Oaksford & Ulrike Hahn - 2006 - Argumentation 20 (2):245-251.details
Why Fallacies Appear to be Better Arguments Than They Are.Douglas Walton - 2010 - Informal Logic 30 (2):159-184.details
Reasoning Under Uncertainty: The Role of Two Informal Fallacies in an Emerging Scientific Inquiry.Louise Cummings - 2002 - Informal Logic 22 (2).details
Informal Logic: An Overview.J. Anthony Blair & Ralph H. Johnson - 2000 - Informal Logic 20 (2).details
Metadialogues for Resolving Burden of Proof Disputes.Douglas N. Walton - 2007 - Argumentation 21 (3):291-316.details
A Normative Theory of Argument Strength.Ulrike Hahn & Mike Oaksford - 2006 - Informal Logic 26 (1):1-24.details
Fallacies, Blunders, and Dialogue Shifts: Walton‘s Contributions to the Fallacy Debate.Christopher W. Tindale - 1997 - Argumentation 11 (3):341-354.details
The witch hunt as a structure of argumentation.Douglas Walton - 1996 - Argumentation 10 (3):389-407.details
God, ignorance and existence.Giovanni Mion - 2012 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 72 (2):85-88.details
Defeasible reasoning and informal fallacies.Douglas Walton - 2011 - Synthese 179 (3):377 - 407.details
Rules for reasoning from knowledge and lack of knowledge.Douglas Walton - 2006 - Philosophia 34 (3):355-376.details
Why homoeopathy is pseudoscience.Nikil Mukerji & Edzard Ernst - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-29.details
The moving spotlight(s).Giuseppe Spolaore & Giuliano Torrengo - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (7):754-771.details
Populism and Informal Fallacies: An Analysis of Right-Wing Populist Rhetoric in Election Campaigns.Sina Blassnig, Florin Büchel, Nicole Ernst & Sven Engesser - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (1):107-136.details
The God of the Gaps, Natural Theology, and Intelligent Design.Erkki V. R. Kojonen - 2016 - Journal of Analytic Theology 4:291-316.details
The Problem Of Retraction In Critical Discussion.Erik C. W. Krabbe - 2001 - Synthese 127 (1-2):141-159.details
The No Alternatives Argument.Richard Dawid, Stephan Hartmann & Jan Sprenger - 2015 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 66 (1):213-234.details
Emerging Infectious Diseases: Coping with Uncertainty. [REVIEW]Louise Cummings - 2009 - Argumentation 23 (2):171-188.details
A Bayesian Approach to Absent Evidence Reasoning.Christopher Lee Stephens - 2011 - Informal Logic 31 (1):56-65.details
Plausible deniability and evasion of burden of proof.Douglas Walton - 1996 - Argumentation 10 (1):47-58.details
Refutation by Parallel Argument.André Juthe - 2008 - Argumentation 23 (2):133–169.details
The Appeal to Ignorance, or Argumentum Ad Ignorantiam.Douglas Walton - 1999 - Argumentation 13 (4):367-377.details
Rethinking the Fallacy of Hasty Generalization.Douglas Walton - 1999 - Argumentation 13 (2):161-182.details
A rhetorical analysis of apologies for scientific misconduct: Do they really mean it?Lawrence Souder - 2010 - Science and Engineering Ethics 16 (1):175-184.details
On Arguments from Ignorance.Martin David Hinton - 2018 - Informal Logic 38 (2):184-212.details
Jumping to a Conclusion: Fallacies and Standards of Proof.Douglas Walton & Thomas F. Gordon - 2009 - Informal Logic 29 (2):215-243.details
The Burden of Proof and Its Role in Argumentation.Ulrike Hahn & Mike Oaksford - 2007 - Argumentation 21 (1):39-61.details
A dialogical theory of presumption.Douglas Walton - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 16 (2):209-243.details
Buddhist idealism and the problem of other minds.Roy W. Perrett - 2017 - Asian Philosophy 27 (1):59-68.details
A Bayesian Approach to Informal Argument Fallacies.Ulrike Hahn & Mike Oaksford - 2006 - Synthese 152 (2):207-236.details
Distribution and ignorance.Juha Räikkä - 2019 - Synthese 198 (3):2641-2657.details
Tempting Mistakes: Toward a Rylean Account of Fallacies.Dale Turner - unknowndetails
Good and Bad Reasoning about COVID-19.Louise Cummings - 2020 - Informal Logic 40 (4):521-544.details
Agnotology and Argumentation: A Rhetorical Taxonomy of Not-Knowing.D. Scott Blake - unknowndetails
Profiles of Dialogue for Evaluating Arguments from Ignorance.Douglas Walton - 1999 - Argumentation 13 (1):53-71.details
Silence as an Argument and a Manifestation of Respect in the Argumentation in John Locke's Works.Olena Shcherbyna & Nataliia Shcherbyna - 2019 - Sententiae 38 (2):6-18.details
Epistemic Coverage and Argument Closure.Catherine E. Hundleby - 2020 - Topoi 40 (5):1051-1062.details