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  1. Response-Dependent Responsibility; or, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Blame.David Shoemaker - 2017 - Philosophical Review 126 (4):481-527.
    This essay attempts to provide and defend what may be the first actual argument in support of P. F. Strawson's merely stated vision of a response-dependent theory of moral responsibility. It does so by way of an extended analogy with the funny. In part 1, it makes the easier and less controversial case for response-dependence about the funny. In part 2, it shows the tight analogy between anger and amusement in developing the harder and more controversial case for response-dependence about (...)
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  • The Sense-Data Language and External World Skepticism.Jared Warren - 2024 - In Uriah Kriegel, Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind Vol 4. Oxford University Press.
    We face reality presented with the data of conscious experience and nothing else. The project of early modern philosophy was to build a complete theory of the world from this starting point, with no cheating. Crucial to this starting point is the data of conscious sensory experience – sense data. Attempts to avoid this project often argue that the very idea of sense data is confused. But the sense-data way of talking, the sense-data language, can be freed from every blemish (...)
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  • Moral Uncertainty About Population Axiology.Hilary Greaves & Toby Ord - 2017 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 12 (2):135-167.
    Given the deep disagreement surrounding population axiology, one should remain uncertain about which theory is best. However, this uncertainty need not leave one neutral about which acts are better or worse. We show that, as the number of lives at stake grows, the Expected Moral Value approach to axiological uncertainty systematically pushes one toward choosing the option preferred by the Total View and critical-level views, even if one’s credence in those theories is low.
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  • Intertranslatability, Theoretical Equivalence, and Perversion.Jack Woods - 2018 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):58-68.
    I investigate syntactic notions of theoretical equivalence between logical theories and a recent objection thereto. I show that this recent criticism of syntactic accounts, as extensionally inadequate, is unwarranted by developing an account which is plausibly extensionally adequate and more philosophically motivated. This is important for recent anti-exceptionalist treatments of logic since syntactic accounts require less theoretical baggage than semantic accounts.
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  • A Conventionalist Account of Distinctively Mathematical Explanation.Mark Povich - 2023 - Philosophical Problems in Science 74:171–223.
    Distinctively mathematical explanations (DMEs) explain natural phenomena primarily by appeal to mathematical facts. One important question is whether there can be an ontic account of DME. An ontic account of DME would treat the explananda and explanantia of DMEs as ontic structures and the explanatory relation between them as an ontic relation (e.g., Pincock 2015, Povich 2021). Here I present a conventionalist account of DME, defend it against objections, and argue that it should be considered ontic. Notably, if indeed it (...)
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  • Strategies in Dialectic and Rhetoric.Erik C. W. Krabbe - unknown
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  • Meritocratic Representation.Philip Pettit - 2013 - In Daniel A. Bell & Chenyang Li, The East Asian Challenge for Democracy: Political Meritocracy in Comparative Perspective. Cambridge University Press. pp. 138-160.
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  • Explanation in classical population genetics.Anya Plutynski - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (5):1201-1214.
    The recent literature in philosophy of biology has drawn attention to the different sorts of explanations proffered in the biological sciences—we have molecular, biomedical, and evolutionary explanations. Do these explanations all have a common structure or relation that they seek to capture? This paper will answer in the negative. I defend a pluralistic and pragmatic approach to explanation. Using examples from classical population genetics, I argue that formal demonstrations, and even strictly “mathematical truths,” may serve as explanatory in different historical (...)
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  • Psychological and Computational Models of Language Comprehension: In Defense of the Psychological Reality of Syntax.David Pereplyotchik - 2011 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):31-72.
    In this paper, I argue for a modified version of what Devitt calls the Representational Thesis. According to RT, syntactic rules or principles are psychologically real, in the sense that they are represented in the mind/brain of every linguistically competent speaker/hearer. I present a range of behavioral and neurophysiological evidence for the claim that the human sentence processing mechanism constructs mental representations of the syntactic properties of linguistic stimuli. I then survey a range of psychologically plausible computational models of comprehension (...)
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  • Contested Moralities: Animals and Moral Value in the Dear/Symanski Debate.William S. Lynn - 1998 - Ethics, Place and Environment 1 (2):223-242.
    Geography is experiencing a ‘moral turn’ in its research interests and practices. There is also a flourishing interest in animal geographies that intersects this turn, and is concurrent with wider scholarly efforts to reincorporate animals and nature into our ethical and social theories. This article intervenes in a dispute between Michael Dear and Richard Symanski. The dispute is over the culling of wild horses in Australia, and I intervene to explore how geography deepens our moral understanding of the animal/human dialectic. (...)
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  • Say it with [ A Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes ]: Judicial Use and Legal Challenges with Emoji Interpretation in Canada.Laurence Bich-Carrière - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (2):283-319.
    Ah, emojis ☺. Some enthusiastically speak of them as a new universal language. In 2015, the Oxford English dictionary crowned one of them as its word of the year. Sixty million are exchanged daily on Facebook. Along with emoticons and various other smileys, emojis are now part of daily communications. Visual add-ons or superscript, they are meant to indicate intent or add emotions to written messages, which do not benefit from the tone or body language of the interlocutor. As such, (...)
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  • Pursuing the meaning of meaning in the commercial world: An international review of marketing and consumer research founded on semiotics.David Glen Mick, James E. Burroughs, Patrick Hetzel & Mary Yoko Brannen - 2004 - Semiotica 2004 (152 - 1/4):1-74.
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  • Nietzsche, poststructuralism and education: After the subject?Michael Peters - 1997 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 29 (1):1-19.
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  • Conservatism, Epistemology, and Value.Kieron O’Hara - 2016 - The Monist 99 (4):423-440.
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  • Two Views of Animals in Environmental Ethics.Comstock Gary - 2016 - In Donald M. Borchert, Philosophy: Environmental Ethics. Farmington Hills, Mich: Gale. pp. 151-183.
    This chapter concerns the role accorded to animals in the theories of the English-speaking philosophers who created the field of environmental ethics in the latter half of the twentieth century. The value of animals differs widely depending upon whether one adopts some version of Holism (value resides in ecosystems) or some version of Animal Individualism (value resides in human and nonhuman animals). I examine this debate and, along the way, highlight better and worse ways to conduct ethical arguments. I explain (...)
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  • Mary Anne Warren on “Full” Moral Status.Robert P. Lovering - 2004 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 42 (4):509-30.
    In the contemporary debate on moral status, it is not uncommon to find philosophers who embrace the the Principle of Full Moral Status, according to which the degree to which an entity E possesses moral status is proportional to the degree to which E possesses morally relevant properties until a threshold degree of morally relevant properties possession is reached, whereupon the degree to which E possesses morally relevant properties may continue to increase, but the degree to which E possesses moral (...)
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  • The Two Roles of Deliberation in Democracy.Philip Pettit - 2023 - In Ruth Chang & Amia Srinivasan, Conversations in Philosophy, Law, and Politics. New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
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  • Neoplatonism: The Last Ten Years.Peter Adamson - 2015 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 9 (2):205-220.
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  • Evolution education: treating evolution as a sensitive rather than a controversial issue.Michael J. Reiss - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (3):351-366.
    Evolution is often seen as a site of contestation within the school curriculum. The topic of evolution is therefore often considered to be ‘controversial’. I first examine what is meant by ‘controversial’ and conclude that while, in an everyday sense, the topic of evolution can indeed be considered to be controversial, this term can mislead. A more fruitful way forward may be to regard the topic of evolution as ‘sensitive’. I examine reasons why evolution might be considered sensitive – noting (...)
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  • A Cool Hand on My Feverish Forehead: An Even Better Samaritan and the Ethics of Abortion.Evangelos D. Protopapadakis - 2012 - Philosophy Study 2 (2):115-123.
    The debate concerning abortion abounds in miraculous narratives. Judith Jarvis Thomson has contrived the most celebrated set among related ones, to wit the “violinist analogy,” the “Good Samaritan” narrative, and the “Henry Fonda” allegory, by virtue of which, she intends, on the one hand, to argue that women’s right to autonomy outweighs the alleged fetus’s right to life, and on the other, to prove that no positive moral duties can be derived towards other persons alone from the fact that a (...)
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  • Apprehension of Thought in Ennead 4.3.30.D. M. Hutchinson - 2011 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 5 (2):262-282.
    Plotinus maintains that our intellect is always thinking. This is due to his view that our intellect remains in the intelligible world and shares a natural kinship with the hypostasis Intellect, whose being and activity consists in eternal contemplation of the Forms. Moreover, Plotinus maintains that although our intellect is always thinking we do not always apprehend our thoughts. This is due to his view that “we“ descend into the sensible world while our intellect remains in the intelligible world. Furthermore, (...)
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  • À quoi sert la conception institutionnelle de la corruption ?Pierre-Yves Néron - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (1):103-125.
    Mon objectif dans cet article est de mieux cerner les contours d’une conception institutionnelle de la corruption. Je tenterai de contribuer à ce programme de recherches sur la corruption institutionnelle d’une double façon. Premièrement, j’essaierai de clarifier le concept de « corruption institutionnelle » en mettant en lumière quatre de ses principales caractéristiques et certains de ses avantages. Deuxièmement, je tenterai d’exposer trois problèmes auxquels sont confrontés ses partisans : les problèmes de la portée, du faux-diagnostic et de l’essentialisme. Malgré (...)
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  • Moral Applicability of Agrippa’s Trilemma.Noriaki Iwasa - 2013 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 13 (1):109-128.
    According to Agrippa's trilemma, an attempt to justify something leads to either infinite regress, circularity, or dogmatism. This essay examines whether and to what extent the trilemma applies to ethics. There are various responses to the trilemma, such as foundationalism, coherentism, contextualism, infinitism, and German idealism. Examining those responses, the essay shows that the trilemma applies at least to rational justification of contentful moral beliefs. This means that rationalist ethics based on any contentful moral belief are rationally unjustifiable.
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  • Mothers and Children: Designing research toward integrated care for both.Meg Stalcup & Stéphane Verguet - 2012 - Health, Culture and Society 3 (1):160-171.
    The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) set time-bound targets that are powerful shapers of how and for whom health is pursued. In this paper we examine some ramifications of both the temporal limitation, and maternal-child health targeting of MDG 4 and 5. The 2015 end date may encourage increasing the number of mass campaigns to meet the specific MDG objectives, potentially to the detriment of a more comprehensive approach to health. We discuss some ethical, political, and pragmatic ramifications of this tendency, (...)
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  • Eu Não Quero Saber! Uma Defesa do Direito de Não Saber Como Independente do Direito à Privacidade.Lucas Miotto - 2014 - Direito, Estado E Sociedade 45:82-97.
    Neste artigo defendo a tese de que o direito de não saber é independente do direito à privacidade. Há duas diferenças fundamentais entre esses dois direitos que os tornam independentes: (1) a direção da informação do direito de não saber é oposta a do direito à privacidade e (2) o âmbito do direito de não saber é maior do que o do direito à privacidade. Pretendo clarificar essas diferenças e fazer algumas qualificações sobre o direito de não saber, tal como (...)
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  • Mainstream Media Discourse! Or the Divine Word of the Postmodern?Yasser Rhimi - 2016 - Human and Social Studies 5 (2):40-73.
    This paper calls into question the growing tendency of quasi-absolutism within postmodern mainstream media discourse under the guise of objectivity. The tendency’s major aim is to ascribe more believability to its discourse by re-presenting that which it covers as the vehicle of objective truth to the mainstream audience. Two interweaving discourses have marked such objectivity: one in the form of indoctrinating and omnipresent narratives, which via effective propaganda become tantamount to ritualism, the other epitomised in the nostalgia for rationalisation, already (...)
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  • Inclusion and the Epistemic Benefits of Deliberation.John B. Min - 2016 - Contemporary Pragmatism 13 (1):48-69.
    Contrary to the popular belief, I argue that a more inclusive polity does not necessarily conflict with the goal of improving the epistemic capacities of deliberation. My argument examines one property of democracy that is usually thought of in non-epistemic terms, inclusion. Inclusion is not only valuable for moral reasons, but it also has epistemic virtues. I consider two epistemic benefits of inclusive deliberation: inclusive deliberation helps to create a more complete picture of the world that everyone dwells together; and (...)
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  • Estados de consciência e níveis do eu em Plotino.Bernardo Guadalupe dos Santos Lins Brandão - 2013 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 10:95-102.
    Plotino foi um grande explorador da alma humana. Sua profunda introspecção, suas experiências supra-racionais e seu gênio filosófico tornaram-no capaz de desenvolver uma noção nova do eu, desconhecida pelos pensadores gregos anteriores, que está intimamente relacionada com as noções de parakoloúthesis, sunaísthesis e súnesis. Alguns estudiosos pensam esse eu plotiniano como uma espécie de eu móvel, mas, pelo contrário, passagens importantes das Enéadas afirmam que o eu é a alma. Tendo essas passagens em mente, nesse artigo, tento pensar o eu (...)
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  • Wittgenstein for adolescents? Post-foundational epistemology in high school philosophy.Jeff A. Stickney - 2014 - Ethics and Education 9 (2):201-219.
    Drawing on experience teaching secondary philosophy students, I investigate meaningful engagement with Wittgenstein in a Grade 12 epistemology unit. The premise is that without some introduction to landmark philosophers of the early twentieth century, students are left out of many contemporary philosophical conversations: linguistic idealism or relativism, and nominalism versus realism. Wanting to share with students Foucault, Rorty, and Hacking, I need expedient avenues of approach. Using Wittgenstein's methods I offer practical, ‘shallow grounds’ for an eclectic syllabus conveying post-foundational epistemology, (...)
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  • On Mohammed A. Bayeh's The Ends of Globalization; Terry Boswell's and Christopher Chase-Dunn's The Spiral of Capitalism and Socialism; Raym's In the Hurricane's Eye: The Troubled Prospects of Multinational Enterprises; and Robert Went's Globalization: Neoliberal Challenge, Radical Responses.Scott MacWilliam - 2003 - Historical Materialism 11 (1):199-221.
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  • Ausland/Sanday Bibliography.Editors Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy - 2013 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 28 (1):36-39.
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  • Resolving Quine's Confict: A Neo-Quinean View of the Rational Revisability of Logic.Amanda Bryant - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Logic 14 (1).
    There is an apparent conflict in Quine’s work between, on the one hand, his clear commitment to the rational revisability of logic and, on the other, his principle of charitable translation and ‘change of logic, change of subject’ argument. I argue that the apparent conflict is mostly resolved under close exegesis, but that the translation argument normatively rules out collaborative revision and allows only revision by individuals. However, I articulate a Neo-Quinean view that preserves the rational acceptability of collaborative revision. (...)
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  • Moralės ribos ir paribiai: Nuo bioetikos Iki gyvūnų teisių.Aistė Bartkienė - 2017 - Problemos 91:57.
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  • The will to politics: Nietzsche's (A)political thought.Paul Dotson & Tim Duvall - 1999 - The European Legacy 4 (2):24-42.
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  • Cosmopolitan corporate responsibilities.Wim Vandekerckhove - 2010 - In Stan van Hooft & Wim Vandekerckhove, Questioning Cosmopolitanism. Springer. pp. 199--209.
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  • Natural Law, Slavery, and the Right to Privacy Tort.Anita Allen - unknown
    In 1905 the Supreme Court of Georgia became the first state high court to recognize a freestanding “right to privacy” tort in the common law. The landmark case was Pavesich v. New England Life Insurance Co. Must it be a cause for deep jurisprudential concern that the common law right to privacy in wide currency today originated in Pavesich’s explicit judicial interpretation of the requirements of natural law? Must it be an additional worry that the court which originated the common (...)
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  • ‘Orientation’ and religious discourse.Leslie Armour - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 74 (5):391-409.
    Religious discourse is in some way about the world, but its relation to other kinds of discourse – scientific historical, and moral – is a matter of dispute. Suggestions to avoid conflict with other kinds of discourse – the suggestion that religion invokes a distinct ‘language game’ and the suggestion that it should be taken as ‘basic’ for instance – have not, I argue, been successful. Essentially religion is involved in orienting us to the world and our goals, and orientation (...)
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  • Republicanism and the Irish Left.Daniel Finn - 2016 - Historical Materialism 24 (1):181-197.
    The Irish national revolution of 1916–23 left behind a partitioned island, with a northern segment that remained part of the United Kingdom and a southern ‘Free State’ – later to become a Republic – that was dominated by conservative forces. Most of those who had been involved in the struggle for national independence peeled off to form new parties in the 1920s, leaving behind a rump of militant Irish republicans. Sinn Féin and its military wing, the Irish Republican Army, would (...)
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  • Democritus on Being and Ought: Some Remarks on the Existential Side of Early Greek Atomism.Björn Freter - 2018 - AKROPOLIS: Journal of Hellenic Studies 2:67-84.
    According to Democritus' anthropogeny is a microcosmic consequence within the process of cosmogony. However, the case of man is a peculiarity: man, this atom complex, is well aware of himself, yet is not aware of what he must do. Man does not naturally do that which promotes the harmonious ordering of his atoms. We must create a second nature. Now it becomes possible for us to be as we must be according to our first nature. Democritus is the is first (...)
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  • El discurso de la innovación en tela de juicio: tecnología, mercado y bienestar humano.José Luís García - 2012 - Arbor 188 (753):19-30.
    La tendencia principal de los estudios sociológicos de la innovación la asumen como algo positivo, sin distinguirse de los discursos políticos y económicos dominantes que la conciben como un fin en sí mismo o un medio al servicio de la producción económica y mercantil. Este artículo cuestiona tal visión y busca trazar los presupuestos y factores más importantes que explican la dinámica de la innovación en el marco de las transformaciones en curso en el mundo actual. Se sugiere un enfoque (...)
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  • Student agency: success, failure, and lessons learned.Joan F. Goodman & Nimet Suheyla Eren - 2013 - Ethics and Education 8 (2):123-139.
    Students in urban under-resourced schools are often disengaged from the curriculum. Distributing voice to them would seem an obvious counter to their alienation, allowing them to be co-constructors rather than objects of their education. Beyond being pragmatically sound, student agency is, arguably, a psychological and moral imperative. However, what is imperative is not necessarily doable as we illustrate in two student agency high school projects. We analyze the outcomes using four previously identified factors: school context, project scope, personal gratification, and (...)
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  • Sixteen Questions for Fine and Milonakis.J. E. King - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (3):39-60.
    While I am in broad agreement with the main thrust of Fine’s and Milonakis’s argument, I pose sixteen questions for them. The first ten questions relate to the history of economic thought ; substantive issues of economic theory ; methodological and philosophical matters ; and the other social sciences. I conclude by asking six questions about the ‘old’ and ‘new’ economics imperialism, the prospects for mainstream economics, and the precise nature of the political-economy alternative that Fine and Milonakis propose. Is (...)
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  • Time, right and the justice of war and peace in Hugo Grotius’s political thought.Hansong Li - 2019 - History of European Ideas 45 (4):536-552.
    ABSTRACTThe juridical force of time forms a critical, but hitherto unexplored part of Hugo Grotius’s discourse on the justice of war and peace. Grotius defines war as a span of time in which disputed rights and armed conflicts between states are examined in reference to temporal coordinates. This method allows him to adjust otherwise static laws to meet the demands of times and spaces in an increasingly expanded world. In doing so, Grotius is also able to reconcile multiple layers of (...)
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  • Ethics, e-Inclusion and Ageing.Emilio Mordini, David Wright, Paul de Hert, Eugenio Mantovani, Kush R. Wadhwa, Jesper Thestrup & Guido Van Steendam - 2009 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 3 (1).
    Ethical questions about information and communications technologies have been debated since World War II. Western democracies have had more than 50 years of experience in addressing and organising the ethical, social and legal aspects of scientific and technological developments. However, this expertise, tradition and experience are not enough to manage the most urgent ethical and social issues and contemporary challenges involving ICT. A systematic and institutional organisation of social values in the context of modern ICT tools is needed.This paper focuses (...)
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  • “This Remarkable Piece of Antiquity”: Epic Conventions in Shelley’s Oedipus Tyrannus; or, Swellfoot the Tyrant.Michael J. Neth - 2019 - The European Legacy 24 (3):396-422.
    Shelley’s Swellfoot the Tyrant has recently begun to gain the concerted attention of critics, who have noted the play’s signature blend of low and high, of ephemeral, late Regency politics with the classic genres of Sophoclean tragedy, Aristophanic comedy, and mock epic. But Austin Warren’s famous and widely accepted definition of mock epic as “not mockery of the epic but elegantly affectionate homage, offered by a writer who finds [the serious epic] irrelevant to his age” does not describe Shelley’s earnest (...)
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  • Institutional Corruption.Olof Page - 2018 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 41:9-19.
    Resumen Al menos desde la publicación del clásico Ética en el Congreso. De la corrupción individual a la institucional de Dennis F. Thompson, el concepto de corrupción institucional ha recibido gran atención. Este tipo de corrupción se diferencia de la corrupción personal en que, entre otras cosas, la última requiere de la existencia de motivos morales personales. En este artículo exploro esta distinción y hago algunas observaciones críticas a la manera en la que Thompson la ha recientemente elaborado.At least from (...)
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  • Agentes y procesos de adquisición de información.Mario Pérez - 1998 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 20 (1):251.
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  • La participación política a través de dos perspectivas teóricas: el realismo-liberal y la democracia deliberativa.Luciana Gabriela Soria Rico - 2019 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 19:29-51.
    El presente trabajo reconstruye algunas de las tesis centrales de la familia realista-liberal de la democracia en relación con los liderazgos políticos y la participación política de la ciudadanía en sus dos fases de pensamiento: desde el elitismo hacia la poliarquía. Posteriormente se formulan algunas de las críticas que los teóricos deliberativos le realizan a este modelo en relación con el carácter minimalista de la participación y sus dificultades para combatir posibles poderes exógenos a la política. En este sentido, se (...)
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  • Incommunicative Action: An Esoteric Warning About Deliberative Democracy.Geoffrey M. Vaughan - 2010 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 22 (2):293-309.
    Deliberative democracy is a noble project: an attempt to make citizens philosophize. Critics of deliberative democracy usually claim either that the proposed deliberation threatens an existing moral consensus or, instead, that deliberation is impossible amid power imbalances that oppress the weak. But another problem is that combining democracy and deliberation is inherently an attempt to engage publicly in a private activity—where sensitivity to each interlocutor may require a special form of address. Can this be done? Yes, in some contexts. The (...)
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  • Synthesizing complex sensations from simple components.Richard M. Warren - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (1):90-91.
    The target article suggests that taste is not based on the traditional four basic tastes, but rather is a continuum subserved by cross-fiber integration. This commentary describes evidence indicating that the traditional concept is valid, and that with suitable precautions, it is possible to match natural substances using mixtures representing fundamental tastes.
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