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  1. Between Truth and Meaning. A Novel Interpretation of the Symploke in Plato’s Sophist.Lorenzo Giovannetti - 2021 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 42 (2):261-290.
    In this paper, I provide an interpretation of the symploke ton eidon at Soph. 259e. My goal is to show that the specific metaphysical view expressed by the interweaving of forms best accounts for Plato’s explanation of truth and falsehood. In the first section, I introduce the fundamentals of the interpretation of the greatest kinds and their functions. After that, I propose an interpretation of the assertion at 259e, the upshot of which is that the interweaving of forms only deals (...)
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  • How to Know the Good: The Moral Epistemology of Plato's Republic.Jyl Gentzler - 2005 - Philosophical Review 114 (4):469-496.
    John Mackie famously dismissed the rational tenability of moral objectivism with two quick arguments. The second, the so-called “argument from queerness,” proceeds as follows. A commitment to moral objectivism brings with it a commitment to the existence of moral properties as “queer” as Platonic Forms that are apprehended only through occult faculties like so-called “moral intuition” (Mackie 1977, 38). Since we have no reason to believe that there is any faculty such as moral intuition that serves as a reliable Form (...)
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  • Considerações sobre filosofia, retórica, imagem e verossimilhança em Platão.Maria Cecília Miranda Nogueira Coelho - 2011 - Discurso 41 (41):185-222.
    Considerações sobre filosofia, retórica, imagem e verossimilhança em Platão.
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  • Introduction: Common Notions. An Overview.Andreas Blank & Dana Jalobeanu - 2019 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 8 (1):9-24.
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  • A Reconstruction of the Non–Identity Argument at Phaedo 74b–c.Ryan Bitetti Putzer - 2024 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis:1-30.
    At Phaedo 74b–c an important argument is given for the non–identity of perceptible equals and equality. The argument is usually understood as an application of Leibniz’s Law in which the predicate appears unequal is affirmed of perceptible equals but not equality. But this reading requires explaining why the plural locution the equals themselves is initially used for equality, and why the additional predicate appears as inequality is denied of it. In this paper, an account of the equality premise is given (...)
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  • NONEXISTENCE - A comparative-historical analysis of the problem of nonbeing.Michael D. Bakaoukas - 2014 - E-Logos 21 (1):1-25.
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  • The Eleatic Stranger in Sophist dialogue.Lucas Alvarez - 2022 - Plato Journal 23:7-21.
    Within the framework of the discussion about the existence of a spokesman in the Platonic dialogues, we look, in the first part, into the possible transfer of this spokesman’s function from Socrates to the Eleatic Stranger, identifying the contact and divergence points between both characters. In the second part, we try to show that this transfer has a dramatic staging at the beginning of the Sophist dialogue, where Socrates makes a demand that enables the Stranger to demonstrate his genuine philosophical (...)
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  • Verdad moral Y democracia en Carlos Nino.Nicolás E. Alles - 2016 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 44:99-126.
    El artículo analiza algunos aspectos de la concepción de verdad moral que presenta el filósofo argentino Carlos Nino. En particular, intentaremos probar dos puntos. En primer lugar, buscaremos mostrar que las concepciones de verdad moral y de democracia deliberativa formuladas por Nino son incompatibles con un idealismo de corte platónico, a diferencia de lo que sostienen algunos análisis teóricos que aquí discutiremos. La postura constructivista que Nino sostiene es lo que impide pensarla desde puntos de vista trascendentes. En segundo lugar, (...)
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  • The Late-Learners of the School of Names: Sph. 251a8-c6: ὁ ἀγαθὸς ἄνθρωπος (the good man) and 白馬 (white horse).Florian Marion - 2024 - In Brisson Luc, Halper Edward & Perry Richard (eds.), Plato’s Sophist. Selected Papers of the Thirteenth Symposium Platonicum. Baden Baden: Verlag Karl Alber. pp. 227-236.
    The focus on this contribution is on the ‘late-learners’ digression. In Sph. 251a8-c6, the Eleatic Stranger briefly discusses the view of some ‘young and old late-learners’ who hold that, from a logico-metaphysical point of view, unlike ‘a man is a man’ or ‘a good is good’, the statement ‘a man is good’ is neither a well-formed nor a grammatical sentence. Usually, modern commentators devote little energy to interpreting this passage since they are content to note that it suffices to discriminate (...)
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  • Aristotle and the Problem of Concepts.Gregory Salmieri - 2008 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
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  • The Epistemic Competence of the Philosopher-Rulers in Plato's Republic.S. O. Peprah - 2021 - Eirene: Studia Graeca Et Latina 57 (I-II):119-147.
    It is widely accepted that ruling is the sole prerogative of Plato’s philosopher-rulers because they alone possess knowledge (ἐπιστήμη). This knowledge is knowledge of the Good, taken to be the only knowledge there is in Kallipolis. Let us call this the sufficiency condition thesis (the SCT). In this paper, I challenge this consensus. I cast doubt on the adequacy of the SCT, arguing that part of the training and education of the philosopher-rulers involves their gaining practical wisdom (φρόνησις) and experience (...)
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  • Is the Form of the Good a Final Cause for Plato?Elizabeth Jelinek - 2016 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 33 (2):99-116.
    Many assume that Plato's Form of the Good is a final cause. This might be true if one assumes an Aristotelian definition of final cause; however, I argue that if one adopts Plato's conception of final causation as evidenced in the Phaedo and Timaeus, the claim that the Form of the Good is a final cause for Plato is untenable.
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  • ¿Se puede considerar formal la lógica de Aristóteles?José María Llovet Abascal - 2021 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 82:99-113.
    En este trabajo planteo la pregunta de si la lógica de Aristóteles es o no una lógica formal. Respondo que, aunque las doctrinas contenidas en el Organon inauguren, efectivamente, la lógica formal, hay también buenas razones para pensar que Aristóteles no creía que la lógica fuese una disciplina que pudiera prescindir por completo del contenido. In this paper I discuss the question of whether Aristotle’s logic is a formal logic or not. I answer that, although the doctrines contained in the (...)
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  • La historia de la filosofía como examen crítico de la filosofía precedente: las objeciones de Aristóteles a la causalidad de las Ideas.Silvana Gabriela di Camilo - 2013 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 60:61-74.
    Frente a quienes sostienen una incompatibilidad entre historia de la filosofía y filosofía, en cuanto plantean una disyuntiva entre una práctica descriptiva y una argumentativa, en este trabajo nos proponemos mostrar, examinando la labor histórico-filosófica de Aris- tóteles, que esa disyuntiva no es excluyente. Para ello, en primer lugar, examinaremos algunos pasajes de su obra en los que ofrece indicaciones metodológicas que permiten comprender la doble función que cumplen las exposiciones críticas de los filósofos precedentes en la constitución misma de (...)
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  • Existence and Intellect in Nicholas of Cusa.Fatih Topaloğlu - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi:211-234.
    Varlığın mahiyeti meselesi, insanın varlığa hangi açıdan muhatap olduğu ile doğrudan ilgilidir. Felsefe tarihinde ortaya çıkmış olan farklı ekoller arasındaki ayrımı oluşturan da, temelde bu mesele karşısındaki tutumlarıdır. Nicholas of Cusa düşüncesinde varlık, insanın salt epistemik yetileri ile vukufiyet kesp edebileceği bir alan değildir. Bundan dolayı Mutlak Varlık, olduğu haliyle kendi mükemmelliği içerisinde kavranamaz. Bunun için öncelikli olarak gerekli olan, aklın bütün olumlayıcı bilgi iddialarından vazgeçtiği bir tür zihinsel arınmadır. Bu, aslında bir bilinç durumudur ve bu düzeye erişen idrak, varlığı (...)
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  • The dialectical method in Xenophon and Antisthenes.Santiago Chame - 2023 - In Claudia Mársico & Daniel Rossi Nunes Lopes (eds.), Xenophon, the Philosopher. Argumentation and Ethics. Peter Lang. pp. 231-248.
    Xenophon’s conception of the dialectical method shares many similarities with Antisthenes’ point of view regarding the relation between language and reality. The key element supporting this reading is the parallel between Xenophon’s method of dialegein kata genē and Antisthenes’ method of episkepsis tōn onomatōn. In this paper, I claim that a correct understanding of both methods yields a clear structural proximity between the two Socratics on the issue of dialectics. Although they present some significant differences, which I will also explore, (...)
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  • 'Appearing Equal' at Phaedo 74 B 4-C 6: an Epistemic Interpretation.Thomas M. Tuozzo - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 54.
    The argument at Phaedo 74 B 4‐C 6 that the equal itself is ‘something different from’ sets of physical equals depends on Leibniz's Law: there is a property that perceptible equals have that the equal itself does not have. What I call the ‘epistemic interpretation’ holds that the property is an epistemic one: having appeared unequal. The ‘ontological interpretation’ holds that the property is not epistemic, but simply the property of being unequal. The most natural reading of the text favours (...)
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  • Colloquium 4: Politics and Dialectic in Plato’s Statesman1.Dimitri El Murr - 2010 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 25 (1):109-147.
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  • Diairesis and Koinonia in Sophist 253d1-e3.Colin C. Smith - 2020 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 38 (1):1-20.
    Here I interpret a central passage in Plato's Sophist by focusing on understudied elements that provide insight into the fit of the dialogue's parts and the Sophist-Statesman diptych as a whole. I argue that the Eleatic Stranger's account of what the dialectician "adequately views" at Sophist 253d1-e3 involves both division and the communion of ontological kinds, not just one or the other as has been typically argued. I also consider other key passages and the turn throughout the dialogue from imagistic (...)
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  • The Many Do Not Recollect: The Nature and Scope of Recollection in Plato’s Phaedrus.Douglas A. Shepardson - 2024 - Apeiron 57 (4):641-660.
    Plato’s theory of recollection is classically treated as an account of “concept-acquisition” or “concept-possession,” explaining how the mind is able to employ general concepts, despite the senses only perceiving particulars. Against this, recent scholars (esp. Dominic Scott) have argued that recollection is not necessary for ordinary reasoning. Recollection is not about ordinary concepts that humans use; rather, recollection is a rare, prototypically philosophic affair that is satisfied by becoming aware of Forms or principles associated with them, which most people never (...)
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  • Review Article: Dialogic Order, Platonic Metaphysics and Political Philosophy.Kenneth Royce Moore - 2010 - Polis 27 (2):331-339.
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  • "The Many Do Not Recollect: The Nature and Scope of Recollection in the Phaedrus".Douglas A. Shepardson - forthcoming - Apeiron.
    Abstract: Plato’s theory of recollection is classically treated as an account of “concept-acquisition” or “concept-possession,” explaining how the mind is able to employ general concepts, despite the senses only perceiving particulars. Against this, recent scholars (esp. Dominic Scott) have argued that recollection is not necessary for ordinary reasoning. Recollection is not about ordinary concepts that humans use; rather, recollection is a rare, prototypically philosophic affair that is satisfied by becoming aware of Forms or principles associated with them, which most people (...)
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  • Paradoxo e natureza no livro V da República.Marcelo P. Marques - 2010 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 51 (122):429-440.
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  • Arabic Influences in Aquinas's Doctrine of Intelligible Species.Max Herrera - unknown
    In contemporary literature, one can find much information concerning Thomas Aquinas's doctrine of intelligible species. However, none of the literature takes into account how and why Aquinas developed his doctrine of intelligible species. Often, it is purported that Aquinas is just following Aristotle. However, this is not the case. There are aporiae in the Aristotelian corpus, and those who followed Aristotle tried to resolve the intellection and hylomorphism aporia, an aporia that arose as a result of denying Platonic forms and (...)
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  • L'ètica de Plató.Nicholas White - 2014 - Quaderns de Filosofia 1 (2):75-103.
    Introducción al pensamiento ético de Platón.
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  • ΣΤΑΣΙΣ e ΔΙΑΦΘΟΡΑ. Nota a Sofista 228a7-8.Filippo Sirianni - 2020 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 41 (1):141-155.
    Passage 228a7-8 of Plato’s Sophist has been the object of a broad debate by reason of a number of subtle interpretative problems. The present work attempts to take stock of this passage and to put forward a satisfying solution from both a philological and an exegetic perspective. I seek to show that the reading cited by Galen and adopted in the editions of the Sophist (τὴν τοῦ φύσει συγγενοῦς ἔκ τινος διαφθορᾶς διαφοράν) cannot be preferred to the variant found in (...)
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