................English....................... The purpose of this study is to reveal university students’ perceptions regarding Holy Qur’an through metaphors. The survey
group of study consists of 194 participants who were studying in
Theology Department and Social Service Department at Gümüşhane
University in the 2014-2015 academic terms. Both quantitative and
qualitative methods are used together. The study’s data was collected
through a form with the phrase “The Holy Qur’an is similar/like…,
because...” and some demographical variables. The Content Analysis
Technique was used to interpret data. Results of this study determined
that 44 different metaphors regarding Holy Qur’an were given by
participants. Theme of these metaphors were compiled as 9 categories
consisting of directional, life source, explanatory, key, protective,
curative, instructive, speech, and other categories. Top metaphors are
in the directional, life source and explanatory categories. Key words are
metaphor, perception, The Qur’an perception, religious concepts, and
religious symbols.
Getting data through comprehensive and in-dept analysis can
help to have information about concepts of holy books in the human
mind. The purpose of this study is to pick out perceptions of university
students with regard to the Holy Qur’an through metaphors. For this
reason, these questions are searched by researchers: 1) What are the
metaphors which used by university students on description of
perceptions regarding the Holy Qur’an? 2) How are the metaphors
regarding the Holy Qur’an categorized in terms of common
characteristics which produced by university students? 3) Are there any
links between socio-demographic variables and composed metaphoric
One of the qualitative data collection technics, data collecting
through metaphors method is used, and is asked open-ended question
in the study. Picking up similarities and diversities under thematic
topics is quite easy in the method. Therefore, this method has a
functional feature in the sociology, psychology and anthropology, and it
gives a wealthy and qualified image about matter, phenomenon, event
and situation (Yıldırım & Şimşek 2005, 212). The target population of
the study consists of students who were taking education at
Gümüşhane University. Easily accessible and availability principles
pursued in the sample choosing.
In the distribution of participants according to the demographical
features, females have 61.9 percent (n:120) and males have 38.1
percent (n:74) in terms of gender. Students who graduated from
religious vocational high school is 61.3 percent (n:119), and others who
from other high schools is 38.7 percent (n:75) in terms of graduated
from different high schools. Students in theology department have 68.0
percent (n:132), and students who were educated in the social service
department have 32.0 percent (n:62).
Research data is gathered through survey form includes “The Holy
Qur’an is like/similar to…, because…” sentence and demographical variabilities. Data, gathered from 194 survey forms, is transferred to the
Excel and the SPSS program. In an attempt to reliability of study,
gathered metaphors is examined by four area expert. Frequencies (f)
and percentages (%) is taken into consideration in the process of
replacing metaphors to the tables. Data analysis technique is used on
the getting relationships and explaining gathered data, while content
analysis technique is used on the interpreting of data. The SPSS
program is used in the analysis of quantitative data. Obtained data
from the surveys and composed categories is associated with descriptive
statements in the verses of the Holy Qur’an. In the composed categories demonstrate distribution of produced
44 different metaphors with regard to the Holy Qur’an as 9 categories.
According to this, the sample is represented in the categories as 64.4 %
(f:125) is in the ‘directional’, 11.3 % (f:22) is in the ‘life source’, 7.7 %
(f:15) is in the ‘explanatory’, 3.1 % (f:6) is in the ‘key’, 3.1 % (f:6) is in
the ‘protective’, 2.1 % (f:4) is in the ‘curative’, 2.1 % (f:4) is in the
‘instructive’, 2.1 % (f:4) is in the ‘speech’ and 4.1 % (f:8) is in the ‘other’
categories. Distributions of composed categories are represented
according to common characteristics as frequencies and percentages in
the next tables.
In the distribution of produced metaphors in the ‘directional’
category, university students produced 7 different metaphors (f:125).
Frequencies of produced metaphors in the category are such that: guide
(f:41), advisor (f:25), mentor (f:19), compass (f:16), road map (f:8), route
(f:3) and other (f:13). According to the result, it is understood that
aspects of guide, advisor, mentor and compass stood mostly out in the
In the ‘life source’ category, 6 different metaphors (f:22) is
developed by participants. Developed metaphors’ frequencies in the
category are the following: life (f:4), lifeblood (f:4), weather (f:2), water
(f:2), inheritance (f:2) and others (f:7). So, life and lifeblood aspects
stood mostly out in the category.
In the ‘explanatory’ category, 5 different metaphor (f:15) is
developed by participants. Frequencies of produced metaphors in the
category are such that: light (f:5), sun (f:3), flashlight (f:2), torch (f:2)
and other (f:3). According to the result, it is understood that aspects of
light and sun stood mostly out in the category
In the ‘protective’ category, 5 different metaphors (f:6) is
developed by participants. Frequencies of produced metaphors in the
category are such that: saver (f:2), lifeguard (f:1), hereafter-saving (f:1),
escapeway (f:1) and branch to catch (f:1). According to the result, it is
understood that aspect of saver stood mostly out in the category.
In the ‘instructive’ category, 4 different metaphors (f:6) is
developed by participants. Frequencies of produced metaphors in the
category are such that: reference book (f:1), dictionary (f:1), priceless
book (f:1) and life encyclopedia (f:1).
In the ‘speech’ category, it is seen that 4 different metaphors (f:6)
is developed by participants. Frequencies of produced metaphors in the
category are such that: divine message (f:1), speaking truth (f:1), Allah’s
dialogue with us (f:1) and final word (f:1).
In the ‘key’ category, 3 different metaphors (f:6) is developed by
participants. Frequencies of produced metaphors in the category are
such that: a key (f:4), the key of heaven (f:1) and the key of salvation
In the ‘curative’ category, 2 different metaphors (f:4) is developed
by participants. Frequencies of produced metaphors in the category are
such that: a pill (f:3) and doctor (f:1).
In the ‘others’ category, 8 different metaphors (f:8) is developed by
participants. Frequencies of produced metaphors in the category are
such that: world (f:1), the friend of lonely passenger (f:1), the tree with
fruit (f:1), hereafter (f:1), priceless treasure (f:1), miracle (f:1), philosophy
(f:1) and mirror (f:1).
Participants composed of 44 different metaphors regarding the
Holy Qur’an. The metaphors were summed up in the 9 categories as
‘directional’, ‘life source’, ‘explanatory’, ‘key’, ‘protective’, ‘curative’,
‘instructive’, ‘speech’ and ‘other’
To results of the study; guide, advisor, mentor and compass
aspects of the Qur’an came into prominence at most in the ‘directional’
category, when life and lifeblood aspects of the Qur’an came into
prominence at most in the ‘life source’ category. Light and sunny
aspects of the Qur’an came into prominence at most in the ‘explanatory’
category, while saver aspect of the Qur’an came into prominence at
most in the ‘protective’ category. Instructive aspect of the Qur’an came
into prominence at most in the ‘instructive’ category. Speech aspect of
the Qur’an came into prominence at most in the ‘speech’ category, while
key aspect of the Qur’an came into prominence at most in the ‘key’
category. Moreover, pill aspect of the Qur’an came into prominence at
most in the ‘curative’ category. Whatsoever world, friend of single
traveler, tree with fruit, hereafter, priceless treasure, miracle,
philosophy and mirror aspects of the Qur’an came into prominence at
most in the ‘other’ category.
It is inferred that significant relationships between demographic
variables and metaphor categories. In terms of major variable; theology
students were composed of more metaphor in the ‘explanatory’ and
‘instructive’ categories, while social service students were composed of
more metaphor in the ‘life source’ category. In terms of gender variable;
females composed of more metaphor in the ‘curative’ and ‘other’
categories, while males composed of more metaphor in the ‘directional
category. In terms of graduating high school variable, students who
graduated from religious vocational high school composed of more
metaphor in the ‘key’ and ‘speech’ categories, when students who
graduated from other high school composed of more metaphor in the
‘directional’ category. Whatsoever, in terms of having the Qur’an
education in their life status variable, had the Qur’an education in their
life students composed of more metaphor in the ‘curative’ and ‘other’
categories, while other group composed of more metaphor in the
‘directional’. Moreover, in terms of perception of subjective
religiousness, students who think themselves are ‘religious’ composed
of more metaphor in the ‘key’ and ‘other’ categories, while students who
think themselves are ‘less religious’ composed of more metaphor in the
‘explanatory’ category. In terms of perception of family religiousness,
students who think own family ‘less religious’ composed of more metaphor in the ‘directional’ and ‘life source’ categories, when students
who think own family ‘religious’ composed of more metaphor in the ‘key’
It can be suggested by the results of this study; perception of the
Qur’an can be studied with the different study techniques, or it can be
studied in the different research groups with the same technique.
Muslims’ perceptions regarding the Holy Qur’an can be examined with
intercultural comparative studies. Perceptions regarding the Holy
Qur’an can be researched through interviews. Members’ perception
regarding holy book that have different religious faith can be
comparatively examined. Individuals’ perceptions regarding different
religious concepts can be studied through metaphors.
.................. Turkish...................Bu araştırmanın amacı üniversite öğrencilerinin Kur’an-ı Kerim’e
ilişkin algılarını metaforlar aracılığıyla ortaya çıkarmaktır. Araştırmanın
çalışma grubunu, 2014-2015 eğitim öğretim yılında Gümüşhane
Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi ve Sosyal Hizmetler bölümünde öğrenim
gören 194 katılımcı oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada nitel ve nicel
yöntemler birlikte kullanılmıştır. Araştırma verileri, “Kur’an-ı
Kerim……gibidir, çünkü……” cümlesini ve demografik değişkenleri
içeren bir form aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizi ve
yorumlanmasında içerik analizi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada
Kur’an’a ilişkin 44 farklı metafor geliştirildiği tespit edilmiştir. Bu
metaforlardan ‘yönlendirici’, ‘yaşam kaynağı’, ‘açıklayıcı’, ‘anahtar’,
‘koruyucu’, ‘öğretici’, ‘derman’, ‘kelam’ ve ‘diğer’ olmak üzere 9 farklı
kategori oluşturulmuştur. Üretilen metaforların ‘yönlendirici’, ‘yaşam
kaynağı’ ve ‘açıklayıcı’ kategorilerinde yoğunlaştığı görülmüştür.
Demografik değişkenler ile metafor kategorileri arasındaki ilişkiyi
ortaya çıkarmak araştırmanın ikincil amaçlarındandır ve bu yönüyle
sonuçlar değerlendirildiğinde değişkenler ile kategoriler arasında
anlamlı ilişkiler olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Demografik değişkenler ile
kategori ilişkisinde fakülte değişkeni açısından ilahiyat öğrencileri
‘açıklayıcı’ ve ‘öğretici’ kategorilerinde daha fazla metafor üretirken
sosyal hizmet öğrencileri ‘yaşam kaynağı’ kategorisinde daha fazla
metafor üretmiştir. Cinsiyet değişkeni açısından ise kız öğrenciler
‘derman’ ve ‘diğer’ kategorilerinde daha fazla metafor üretirken erkek
öğrenciler ‘yönlendirici’ kategorisinde daha fazla metafor üretmiştir. Lise
mezuniyeti açısından bakıldığında da İHL’den mezun olanlar ‘anahtar’
ve ‘kelam’ kategorilerinde daha fazla metafor üretirken diğer lise
mezunları ‘yönlendirici’ kategorisinde daha fazla metafor üretmiştir.
Kur’an Kursu eğitimi alma değişkeni açısından ise Kur’an kursu eğitimi
alanlar ‘derman’ ve ‘diğer’ kategorilerinde daha fazla metafor üretirken Kur’an Kursu eğitimi almayanlar ‘yönlendirici’ kategorisinde daha fazla metafor üretmiştir. Ayrıca öznel dindarlık ve aile dindarlık algılarıyla
metafor kategorileri arasında da anlamlı ilişkiler elde edilmiştir.