In 2001, W. Carnielli and Marcos considered a 3-valued logic in order to prove that the schema ϕ ∨ (ϕ → ψ) is not a theorem of da Costa’s logic Cω. In 2006, this logic was studied (and baptized) as G'3 by Osorio et al. as a tool to define semantics of logic programming. It is known that the truth-tables of G'3 have the same expressive power than the one of Łukasiewicz 3-valued logic as well as the one of Gödel 3-valued logic G3. From this, the three logics coincide up-to language, taking into acccount that 1 is the only designated truth-value in these logics.
From the algebraic point of view, Canals-Frau and Figallo have studied the 3-valued modal implicative semilattices, where the modal operator is the well-known Moisil-Monteiro-Baaz Δ operator, and the supremum is definable from this. We prove that the subvariety obtained from this by adding a bottom element 0 is term-equivalent to the variety generated by the 3-valued algebra of G'3. The algebras of that variety are called G'3-algebras. From this result, we obtain the equations which axiomatize the variety of G'3-algebras. Moreover, we prove that this variety is semisimple, and the 3-element and the 2-element chains are the unique simple algebras of the variety. Finally an extension of G'3 to first-order languages is presented, with an algebraic semantics based on complete G'3-algebras. The corresponding soundness and completeness theorems are obtained.