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Commitment, Reasons, and the Will

In Russ Shafer-Landau, Oxford Studies in Metaethics, Volume 8. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 74-113 (2013)

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  1. Philosophical explanations.Robert Nozick - 1981 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Nozick analyzes fundamental issues, such as the identity of the self, knowledge and skepticism, free will, the foundations of ethics, and the meaning of life.
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  • Intention, plans, and practical reason.Michael Bratman - 1987 - Cambridge: Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
    What happens to our conception of mind and rational agency when we take seriously future-directed intentions and plans and their roles as inputs into further practical reasoning? The author's initial efforts in responding to this question resulted in a series of papers that he wrote during the early 1980s. In this book, Bratman develops further some of the main themes of these essays and also explores a variety of related ideas and issues. He develops a planning theory of intention. Intentions (...)
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  • The sources of normativity.Christine Marion Korsgaard - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Onora O'Neill.
    Ethical concepts are, or purport to be, normative. They make claims on us: they command, oblige, recommend, or guide. Or at least when we invoke them, we make claims on one another; but where does their authority over us - or ours over one another - come from? Christine Korsgaard identifies four accounts of the source of normativity that have been advocated by modern moral philosophers: voluntarism, realism, reflective endorsement, and the appeal to autonomy. She traces their history, showing how (...)
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  • On What Matters: Two-Volume Set.Derek Parfit - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is a major work in moral philosophy, the long-awaited follow-up to Parfit's 1984 classic Reasons and Persons, a landmark of twentieth-century philosophy. Parfit now presents a powerful new treatment of reasons and a critical examination of the most prominent systematic moral theories, leading to his own ground-breaking conclusion.
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  • What We Owe to Each Other.Thomas Scanlon - 2002 - Mind 111 (442):323-354.
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  • (1 other version)The Concept of Mind.Gilbert Ryle - 1949 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 141:125-126.
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  • (1 other version)Virtue and Reason.John McDowell - 1979 - The Monist 62 (3):331-50.
    1. Presumably the point of, say, inculcating a moral outlook lies in a concern with how people live. It may seem that the very idea of a moral outlook makes room for, and requires, the existence of moral theory, conceived as a discipline which seeks to formulate acceptable principles of conduct. It is then natural to think of ethics as a branch of philosophy related to moral theory, so conceived, rather as the philosophy of science is related to science. On (...)
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  • The Importance of What We Care About: Philosophical Essays.Harry G. Frankfurt - 1988 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This 1988 volume is a collection of thirteen seminal essays on ethics, free will, and the philosophy of mind. The essays deal with such central topics as freedom of the will, moral responsibility, the concept of a person, the structure of the will, the nature of action, the constitution of the self, and the theory of personal ideals. By focusing on the distinctive nature of human freedom, Professor Frankfurt is able to explore fundamental problems of what it is to be (...)
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  • The Possibility of Practical Reason.David Velleman - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by J. David Velleman.
    Suppose that we want to frame a conception of reasons that isn't relativized to the inclinations of particular agents. That is, we want to identify particular things that count as reasons for acting simpliciter and not merely as reasons for some agents rather than others, depending on their inclinations. One way to frame such a conception is to name some features that an action can have and to say that they count as reasons for someone whether or not he is (...)
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  • (5 other versions)Philosophical Explanations.Robert Nozick - 1981 - Mind 93 (371):450-455.
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  • The Sources of Normativity.Christine Korsgaard - 1999 - Philosophical Quarterly 49 (196):384-394.
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  • Emotional Reason: Deliberation, Motivation, and the Nature of Value.Bennett W. Helm - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    How can we motivate ourselves to do what we think we ought? How can we deliberate about personal values and priorities? Bennett Helm argues that standard philosophical answers to these questions presuppose a sharp distinction between cognition and conation that undermines an adequate understanding of values and their connection to motivation and deliberation. Rejecting this distinction, Helm argues that emotions are fundamental to any account of value and motivation, and he develops a detailed alternative theory both of emotions, desires and (...)
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  • Introduction.Ruth Chang - 1997 - In Incommensurability, Incomparability, and Practical Reason. Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard. pp. 1-34.
    This paper is the introduction to the volume. It gives an argumentative view of the philosophical landscape concerning incommensurability and incomparability. It argues that incomparability, not incommensurability, is the important phenomenon on which philosophers should be focusing and that the arguments for the existence of incomparability are so far not compelling.
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  • On the aim of belief.David Velleman - 1996 - In J. David Velleman, The Possibility of Practical Reason. Monograph Collection (Matt - Pseudo). pp. 244--81.
    This paper explores the sense in which belief "aims at the truth". In this course of this exploration, it discusses the difference between belief and make-believe, the nature of psychoanalytic explanation, the supposed "normativity of meaning", and related topics.
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  • Intention, Plans, and Practical Reason.Hugh J. McCann & M. E. Bratman - 1991 - Noûs 25 (2):230.
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  • Grounding practical normativity: going hybrid.Ruth Chang - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (1):163-187.
    In virtue of what is something a reason for action? That is, what makes a consideration a reason to act? This is a metaphysical or meta-normative question about the grounding of reasons for action. The answer to the grounding question has been traditionally given in ‘pure’, univocal terms. This paper argues that there is good reason to understand the ground of practical normativity as a hybrid of traditional ‘pure’ views. The paper 1) surveys the three leading ‘pure’ answers to the (...)
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  • Love as valuing a relationship.Niko Kolodny - 2003 - Philosophical Review 112 (2):135-189.
    At first glance, love seems to be a psychological state for which there are normative reasons: a state that, if all goes well, is an appropriate or fitting response to something independent of itself. Love for one’s parent, child, or friend is fitting, one wants to say, if anything is. On reflection, however, it is elusive what reasons for love might be. It is natural to assume that they would be nonrelational features of the person one loves, something about her (...)
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  • Practical Reason and Norms.Joseph Raz - 1975 - Law and Philosophy 12 (3):329-343.
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  • (1 other version)Virtue and Reason.John McDowell - 1997 - In Roger Crisp & Michael Slote, Virtue Ethics. Oxford University Press.
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  • (1 other version)The Sovereignty of Good.Iris Murdoch - 1971 - Religious Studies 8 (2):180-181.
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  • (1 other version)The Sovereignty of Good.Iris Murdoch - 1959 - Philosophy 47 (180):178-180.
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  • Boundaries and Allegiances: Problems of Justice and Responsibility in Liberal Thought.Samuel Scheffler - 2001 - Oxford University Press.
    This book is a collection of eleven essays by one of the most interesting moral philosophers currently writing. It examines challenges to liberal thought posed by the changing circumstances of the modern world such as the conflicting tendencies toward global integration, and greater ethnic and communal identification. The author considers whether liberal principles of justice can accommodate social and global interdependencies while reaffirming the importance of individual responsibility and acknowledging the significance of people's diverse personal and communal allegiances.
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  • Agency, shmagency: Why normativity won't come from what is constitutive of action.David Enoch - 2006 - Philosophical Review 115 (2):169-198.
    There is a fairly widespread—and very infl uential—hope among philosophers interested in the status of normativity that the solution to our metaethical and, more generally, metanormative problems will emerge from the philosophy of action. In this essay, I will argue that these hopes are groundless. I will focus on the metanormative hope, but—as will become clear—showing that the solution to our metanormative problems will not come from what is constitutive of action will also devastate the hope of gaining significant insight (...)
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  • The Possibility of Practical Reason.Thomas Pink - 2003 - Mind 112 (448):812-816.
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  • Equality and tradition: questions of value in moral and political theory.Samuel Scheffler - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Valuing -- Morality and reasonable partiality -- Doing and allowing -- The division of moral labour : egalitarian liberalism as moral pluralism -- Is the basic structure basic? -- Cosmopolitanism, justice, and institutions -- What is egalitarianism? -- Choice, circumstance, and the value of equality -- Is terrorism morally distinctive? -- Immigration and the significance of culture -- The normativity of tradition -- The good of toleration.
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  • Rationality and Moral Theory: How Intimacy Generates Reasons.Diane Jeske - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    This book provides answers to both normative and metaethical questions in a way that shows the interconnection of both types of questions, and also shows how a complete theory of reasons can be developed by moving back and forth between the two types of questions. It offers an account of the nature of intimate relationships and of the nature of the reasons that intimacy provides, and then uses that account to defend a traditional intuitionist metaethics. The book thus combines attention (...)
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  • Voluntary Obligations and Normative Powers.Neil MacCormick & Joseph Raz - 1972 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 46 (1):59 - 102.
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  • (1 other version)The Will. A Dual Aspect Theory.B. O'shaughnessy - 1983 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 45 (3):497-498.
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  • The Practical Turn in Ethical Theory: Korsgaard’s Constructivism, Realism, and the Nature of Normativity.William J. FitzPatrick - 2005 - Ethics 115 (4):651-691.
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  • Reason and Value: Themes From the Moral Philosophy of Joseph Raz.R. Jay Wallace, Philip Pettit, Samuel Scheffler & Michael Smith (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    Reason and Value collects fifteen brand-new papers by leading contemporary philosophers on themes from the moral philosophy of Joseph Raz. The subtlety and power of Raz's reflections on ethical topics - including especially his explorations of the connections between practical reason and the theory of value - make his writings a fertile source for anyone working in this area. The volume honours Raz's accomplishments in the area of ethical theorizing, and will contribute to an enhanced appreciation of the significance of (...)
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  • What good is commitment?Cheshire Calhoun - 2009 - Ethics 119 (4):613-641.
    Deeply embedded in popular cultural portrayals of admirable lives, in everyday conceptions of maturity, and in philosophical work in ethics and political philosophy is the idea that people not only will, but ought to, make commitments and that it is good for the individual herself to do so. In part one I briefly raise skeptical doubts about the defensibility of the normative pressure to commit, and suggest that commitment may only be one style of managing one’s diachronic existence. In part (...)
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  • On Plato, Meno 5. By C.W.F.A. Wolf. In Lat. Progr., Halle.Christian Wilhelm Friedrich A. Wolf - 1795
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  • How to Engage Reason: The Problem of Regress.Peter Railton - 2004 - In R. Jay Wallace, Philip Pettit, Samuel Scheffler & Michael Smith, Reason and Value: Themes From the Moral Philosophy of Joseph Raz. New York: Clarendon Press.
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  • Asymmetrical Practical Reasons.Patricia Greenspan - 2005 - In Maria E. Reicher & Johan C. Marek, Experience and Analysis, The Proceedings of the 27th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Öbv&hpt. pp. 387-94.
    Current treatments of practical rationality understand reasons as considerations counting in favor of or against some practical option, treating the positive and the negative case as symmetrical. Typically the focus is on examples of positive reasons. However, I want to shift the spotlight to negative reasons, as making a tighter or more direct link to rationality — and ultimately to morality, which is what much of the current interest in reasons is meant to clarify. Recognizing a positive/negative asymmetry in normative (...)
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  • (5 other versions)Philosophical Explanations. [REVIEW]Robert Nozick - 1981 - Philosophy 58 (223):118-121.
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  • Promising, intending, and moral autonomy.Michael H. Robins - 1984 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  • The Rightness of Acts and the Goodness of Lives.”.R. Jay Wallace - 2004 - In R. Jay Wallace, Philip Pettit, Samuel Scheffler & Michael Smith, Reason and Value: Themes From the Moral Philosophy of Joseph Raz. New York: Clarendon Press.
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  • Promising, Intending and Moral Automony.Michael H. Robins & N. J. H. Dent - 1986 - Mind 95 (378):268-272.
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  • Commitment, Value, and Moral Realism.Marcel S. Lieberman - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    Despite the importance of commitment in moral and political philosophy, there has hitherto been little extended analysis of it. Marcel Lieberman examines the conditions under which commitment is possible, and offers at the same time an indirect argument for moral realism. He argues that realist evaluative beliefs are functionally required for commitment - especially regarding its role in self-understanding - and since it is only within a realist framework that such beliefs make sense, realism about values is a condition for (...)
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  • Two kinds of commitments (and two kinds of social groups).Talbot M. Brewer - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 66 (3):554–583.
    In this paper, I draw a distinction between two fundamentally different kinds of commitments by highlighting some previously unnoticed subtleties in the pragmatics of "commissive" utterances. I argue that theories which seek to model all commitments on promises, or to ground them all on voluntary consent, can account only for one sort of obligation and not for the other. Since social groups are most perspicuously categorized in terms of the sorts of commitments that bind their members together, this puts me (...)
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  • Robert Nozick, Philosophical Explanations[REVIEW]Alvin I. Goldman - 1983 - Philosophical Review 92 (1):81-88.
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  • Commitment, Value, and Moral Realism (PE Devine).M. S. Lieberman - 1998 - Philosophical Books 41 (1):58-59.
    Despite the importance of commitment in moral and political philosophy, there has hitherto been little extended analysis of it. Marcel Lieberman examines the conditions under which commitment is possible, and offers at the same time an indirect argument for moral realism. He argues that realist evaluative beliefs are functionally required for commitment - especially regarding its role in self-understanding - and since it is only within a realist framework that such beliefs make sense, realism about values is a condition for (...)
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  • Review of Harry G. Frankfurt: The Importance of What We Care About: Philosophical Essays[REVIEW]Carl F. Cranor - 1990 - Ethics 100 (4):886-887.
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  • On tradition, belief, and culture.Martin Lebowitz - 1943 - Journal of Philosophy 40 (4):100-105.
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  • (1 other version)John Bishop: Believing by Faith: An Essay in the Epistemology and Ethics of Religious Belief: Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007, xii + 250 pp, $65.00. [REVIEW]Paul Saka - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 64 (2):107-109.
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