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  1. Communication and the Evolution of Society.Jürgen Habermas & Thomas McCarthy - 1991
    In this important volume Habermas outlines the views which form the basis of his critical theory of modern societies. The volume comprises five interlocking essays, which together define the contours of his theory of communication and of his substantive account of social change. ′What is Universal Pragmatics?′ is the best available statement of Habermas′s programme for a theoryof communication based on the analysis of speech acts. In the following two essays Habermas draws on the work of Kohlberg and others to (...)
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  • (1 other version)Truth and Justification.Jürgen Habermas - 2014 - Wiley.
    In this important new book, Jürgen Habermas takes up certainfundamental questions of philosophy. While much of his recent workhas been concerned with issues of morality and law, in this newwork Habermas returns to the traditional philosophical questions oftruth, objectivity and reality which were at the centre of hisearlier classic book Knowledge and Human Interests. How can the norms that underpin the linguistically structuredworld in which we live be brought into step with the contingency ofthe development of socio-cultural forms of life? (...)
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  • Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-century Europe.Hayden V. White - 1973 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins.
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  • Between Naturalism and Religion: Philosophical Essays.Jürgen Habermas - 2008 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Two countervailing trends mark the intellectual tenor of our age the spread of naturalistic worldviews and religious orthodoxies. Advances in biogenetics, brain research, and robotics are clearing the way for the penetration of an objective scientific self-understanding of persons into everyday life. For philosophy, this trend is associated with the challenge of scientific naturalism. At the same time, we are witnessing an unexpected revitalization of religious traditions and the politicization of religious communities across the world. From a philosophical perspective, this (...)
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  • Communication and the Evolution of Society.Jürgen Habermas - 1983 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 16 (2):130-136.
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  • Hot Thought: Mechanisms and Applications of Emotional Cognition.Paul Thagard - 2008 - Bradford.
    Contrary to standard assumptions, reasoning is often an emotional process. Emotions can have good effects, as when a scientist gets excited about a line of research and pursues it successfully despite criticism. But emotions can also distort reasoning, as when a juror ignores evidence of guilt just because the accused seems like a nice guy. In _Hot Thought_, Paul Thagard describes the mental mechanisms -- cognitive, neural, molecular, and social -- that interact to produce different kinds of human thinking, from (...)
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  • (1 other version)Truth and Justification.Jürgen Habermas - 2003 - Polity.
    In this important book, Jürgen Habermas takes up certain fundamental questions of philosophy. While much of his recent work has been concerned with issues of morality and law, in this new work Habermas returns to the traditional philosophical questions of truth, objectivity and reality which were at the centre of his earlier classic book _Knowledge and Human Interests_. In this new work Habermas returns to the traditional philosophical questions of truth, objectivity and reality. Habermas pursues these questions from the perspective (...)
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  • Human Communication as Narration: Toward a Philosophy of Reason, Value, and Action.Walter R. Fisher - 1989 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 22 (1):71-74.
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  • Logics of critical explanation in social and political theory.Jason Glynos - 2007 - New York: Routledge. Edited by David R. Howarth.
    Retroduction -- Contextualized self-interpretations -- Causal mechanisms -- Ontology -- Logics -- Articulation.
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  • Time and Narrative, Volume 1.Paul Ricoeur - 1990 - University of Chicago Press.
    Discusses the conflict between subjective time and historical time, looks at how fiction and historical writings create a model of temporal experience, and considers the question of sense and reference.
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  • The Elephant in the Room: Silence and Denial in Everyday Life.Eviatar Zerubavel - 2006 - Oup Usa.
    The fable of the Emperor's New Clothes is a classic example of a conspiracy of silence, a situation where everyone refuses to acknowledge an obvious truth. But the denial of social realities--whether incest, alcoholism, corruption, or even genocide--is no fairy tale. In The Elephant in the Room, Eviatar Zerubavel sheds new light on the social and political underpinnings of silence and denial--the keeping of "open secrets." The author shows that conspiracies of silence exist at every level of society, ranging from (...)
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  • (1 other version)Image, music, text.Roland Barthes & Stephen Heath - 1978 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 37 (2):235-236.
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  • Does democratic deliberation change minds?Gerry Mackie - 2006 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 5 (3):279-303.
    Discussion is frequently observed in democratic politics, but change in view is rarely observed. Call this the ‘unchanging minds hypothesis’. I assume that a given belief or desire is not isolated, but, rather, is located in a network structure of attitudes, such that persuasion sufficient to change an attitude in isolation is not sufficient to change the attitude as supported by its network. The network structure of attitudes explains why the unchanging minds hypothesis seems to be true, and why it (...)
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  • What is an event?Robin Erica Wagner-Pacifici - 2017 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    We live in a world of breaking news, where at almost any moment our everyday routine can be interrupted by a faraway event. Events are central to the way that individuals and societies experience life. Even life’s inevitable moments—birth, death, love, and war—are almost always a surprise. Inspired by the cataclysmic events of September 11, Robin Wagner-Pacifici presents here a tour de force, an analysis of how events erupt and take off from the ground of ongoing, everyday life, and how (...)
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  • The Human Experience of Time and Narrative.Paul Ricoeur - 1979 - Research in Phenomenology 9 (1):17.
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  • The Contemporary Theory of the Public Sphere.[author unknown] - 2013
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  • Societies Learn and yet the World is Hard to Change.Klaus Eder - 1999 - European Journal of Social Theory 2 (2):195-215.
    Evolution and learning are two analytically distinct concepts. People learn yet evolution (`change') does not necessarily take place. To clarify this problem the concept of learning is explicated. The first problem addressed is the question of who is learning. Here a shift from the single actor perspective to an interaction perspective is proposed (using Habermas and Luhmann as theoretical arguments for such a shift). Both, however, idealize the preconditions that interactants share while learning collectively. Against rationalist assumptions it is argued (...)
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  • Cognitive Sociology and the Theory of Communicative Action: The Role of Communication and Language in the Making of the Social Bond.Klaus Eder - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (3):389-408.
    A pragmatic (communication-discursive) cognitive sociology beyond observationism (Luhmann, Turner, Conein) and individualistic reductionism (Esser, Boudon) as a way to do sociology as a critical theory and as a positive science is proposed, drawing on the Habermasian theory of communicative action and its radical continuation in Luhmann's concept of the (cognitive) autopoiesis of social systems.
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  • The Social Construction of Nature: A Sociology of Ecological Enlightenment.Klaus Eder (ed.) - 1996 - SAGE Publications.
    In this unique and agenda-setting examination of the relation between nature and culture, Klaus Eder demonstrates our ideas of nature are culturally determined, and explains how the relation between modern, industrial societies and nature is increasingly violent and destructive. Through an analysis of symbolism, ritual and taboo, Eder questions the view of nature as an object. Showing how nature is socially constructed, he presents a critique of Marx and Durkheim while offering a radical reinterpretation of the relationship among society, culture (...)
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