- A Perfect Moral Storm: The Ethical Tragedy of Climate Change.Stephen M. Gardiner - 2011 - , US: Oup Usa.details
Reason in a Dark Time: Why the Struggle Against Climate Change Failed -- And What It Means for Our Future.Dale Jamieson - 2014 - New York, US: Oup Usa.details
The Moral Challenge of Dangerous Climate Change: Values, Poverty, and Policy.Darrel Moellendorf - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.details
The ethics of science: an introduction.David B. Resnik - 1998 - New York: Routledge.details
(2 other versions)Moral Theory: An Introduction.Mark Timmons - 2001 - Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.details
A core precautionary principle.Stephen M. Gardiner - 2006 - Journal of Political Philosophy 14 (1):33–60.details
Debating Climate Ethics.Stephen Mark Gardiner & David A. Weisbach - 2016 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.details
Climate Change, Responsibility, and Justice.Dale Jamieson - 2010 - Science and Engineering Ethics 16 (3):431-445.details
Ethics and intentional climate change.Dale Jamieson - 1996 - Climatic Change 33 (3):323--336.details
Institutions for Future Generations.Iñigo González-Ricoy & Axel Gosseries (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, Royaume-Uni: Oxford University Press.details
Some Early Ethics of Geoengineering the Climate: A Commentary on the Values of the Royal Society Report.Stephen M. Gardiner - 2011 - Environmental Values 20 (2):163 - 188.details
A Call For A Global Constitutional Convention Focused On Future Generations.Stephen M. Gardiner - 2014 - Ethics and International Affairs 28 (3):299-315.details
Consenting to Geoengineering.Pak-Hang Wong - 2016 - Philosophy and Technology 29 (2):173-188.details
The threat of intergenerational extortion: on the temptation to become the climate mafia, masquerading as an intergenerational Robin Hood.Stephen M. Gardiner - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (2-3):368-394.details
The Desperation Argument for Geoengineering.Stephen Gardiner - 2013 - PS: Political Science and Politics 46 (1):28-33.details
Precaution and Solar Radiation Management.Lauren Hartzell-Nichols - 2012 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 15 (2):158 - 171.details
Why Geoengineering is not Plan B.Stephen Gardiner & Augustin Fragnière - 2016 - In Christopher J. Preston (ed.), Climate Justice and Geoengineering: Ethics and Policy in the Anthropocene. Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 15-32.details
Why geoengineering is not a ‘global public good’, and why it is ethically misleading to frame it as one.Stephen M. Gardiner - 2013 - Climatic Change 121 (3):513-525.details
International Governance of Climate Engineering.Lia N. Ernst & Edward A. Parson - 2013 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 14 (1):307-338.details
Geoengineering: Ethical Questions for Deliberate Climate Manipulators.Stephen M. Gardiner - 2015 - In Stephen Mark Gardiner & Allen Thompson (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Ethics. Oxford University Press USA.details
Why ‘global public good’ is a treacherous term, especially for geoengineering.Stephen M. Gardiner - 2014 - Climatic Change.details
Why geoengineering is a public good, even if it is bad.David R. Morrow - 2014 - Climatic Change.details
Geoengineering in a Climate of Uncertainty.Megan Blomfield - 2015 - In Jeremy Moss (ed.), Climate Change and Justice. Cambridge University Press.details