- Phenomenology of Perception.Aron Gurwitsch, M. Merleau-Ponty & Colin Smith - 1964 - Philosophical Review 73 (3):417.details
Signs.Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 2018 - Chiasmi International 20:231-231.details
Signs.Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 1964 - Evanston, USA: Northwestern University Press.details
Basic writings: from Being and time (1927) to The task of thinking (1964).Martin Heidegger - 1977 - New York: Harper Perennial Modern Thought. Edited by David Farrell Krell.details
(1 other version)On female body experience: "Throwing like a girl" and other essays.Iris Marion Young - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.details
Visual pleasure and narrative cinema.Laura Mulvey - 2010 - In Marc Furstenau (ed.), The film theory reader: debates and arguments. New York: Routledge.details
Adventures of the Dialectic.Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 2018 - Chiasmi International 20:225-226.details
(1 other version)Merleau-Ponty.Taylor Carman - 2005 - New York: Routledge.details
What is a woman?: and other essays.Toril Moi - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.details
Adventures of the dialectic.Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 1973 - Evanston [Ill.]: Northwestern University Press.details
Feminist phenomenology.Linda Fisher & Lester Embree (eds.) - 2000 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, c.details
The Address of the Eye: A Phenomenology of Film Experience.Neal Oxenhandler & Vivian Sobchack - 1993 - Substance 22 (1):132.details
Phenomenology and feminism: Perspectives on their relation.Linda Fisher - 2000 - In Linda Fisher & Lester Embree (eds.), Feminist phenomenology. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, c. pp. 17--38.details
What Is A Woman?: And Other Essays.Lynne Huffer & Toril Moi - 2001 - Substance 30 (1/2):262.details
The Address of the Eye: A Phenomenology of Film Experience.Vivian Sobchack - 1992 - Princeton University Press.details
Phenomenology and the Social World: The Philosophy of Merleau-Ponty and Its Relation to the Social Sciences.Laurie Spurling - 1977 - Human Studies 2 (4):362-365.details