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  1. (1 other version)Constructible falsity.David Nelson - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (1):16-26.
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  • Constructible falsity and inexact predicates.Ahmad Almukdad & David Nelson - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (1):231-233.
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  • Display logic.Nuel D. Belnap - 1982 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 11 (4):375-417.
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  • A semantical study of constructible falsity.Richmond H. Thomason - 1969 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 15 (16-18):247-257.
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  • Constructive negation, implication, and co-implication.Heinrich Wansing - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (2-3):341-364.
    In this paper, a family of paraconsistent propositional logics with constructive negation, constructive implication, and constructive co-implication is introduced. Although some fragments of these logics are known from the literature and although these logics emerge quite naturally, it seems that none of them has been considered so far. A relational possible worlds semantics as well as sound and complete display sequent calculi for the logics under consideration are presented.
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  • Displaying Modal Logic.Heinrich Wansing - 2000 - Studia Logica 66 (3):421-426.
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  • (1 other version)Decidable fragments of first-order temporal logics.Ian Hodkinson, Frank Wolter & Michael Zakharyaschev - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 106 (1-3):85-134.
    In this paper, we introduce a new fragment of the first-order temporal language, called the monodic fragment, in which all formulas beginning with a temporal operator have at most one free variable. We show that the satisfiability problem for monodic formulas in various linear time structures can be reduced to the satisfiability problem for a certain fragment of classical first-order logic. This reduction is then used to single out a number of decidable fragments of first-order temporal logics and of two-sorted (...)
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  • Semantical analyses of propositional systems of Fitch and Nelson.Richard Routley - 1974 - Studia Logica 33 (3):283 - 298.
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  • Displaying and deciding substructural logics 1: Logics with contraposition.Greg Restall - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (2):179-216.
    Many logics in the relevant family can be given a proof theory in the style of Belnap's display logic. However, as originally given, the proof theory is essentially more expressive than the logics they seek to model. In this paper, we consider a modified proof theory which more closely models relevant logics. In addition, we use this proof theory to show decidability for a large range of substructural logics.
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  • Informational interpretation of substructural propositional logics.Heinrich Wansing - 1993 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 2 (4):285-308.
    This paper deals with various substructural propositional logics, in particular with substructural subsystems of Nelson's constructive propositional logics N– and N. Doen's groupoid semantics is extended to these constructive systems and is provided with an informational interpretation in terms of information pieces and operations on information pieces.
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  • Infinitary propositional intuitionistic logic.Craig Kalicki - 1980 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 21 (2):216-228.
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  • A proof-theoretic investigation of a logic of positions.Stefano Baratella & Andrea Masini - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 123 (1-3):135-162.
    We introduce an extension of natural deduction that is suitable for dealing with modal operators and induction. We provide a proof reduction system and we prove a strong normalization theorem for an intuitionistic calculus. As a consequence we obtain a purely syntactic proof of consistency. We also present a classical calculus and we relate provability in the two calculi by means of an adequate formula translation.
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  • Natural deduction systems for Nelson's paraconsistent logic and its neighbors.Norihiro Kamide - 2005 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 15 (4):405-435.
    Firstly, a natural deduction system in standard style is introduced for Nelson's para-consistent logic N4, and a normalization theorem is shown for this system. Secondly, a natural deduction system in sequent calculus style is introduced for N4, and a normalization theorem is shown for this system. Thirdly, a comparison between various natural deduction systems for N4 is given. Fourthly, a strong normalization theorem is shown for a natural deduction system for a sublogic of N4. Fifthly, a strong normalization theorem is (...)
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  • Inconsistency-tolerant description logic. Part II: A tableau algorithm for CALC C.S. P. Odintsov & H. Wansing - 2008 - Journal of Applied Logic 6 (3):343-360.
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  • Tableaux for constructive concurrent dynamic logic.Duminda Wijesekera & Anil Nerode - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 135 (1-3):1-72.
    This is the first paper on constructive concurrent dynamic logic . For the first time, either for concurrent or sequential dynamic logic, we give a satisfactory treatment of what statements are forced to be true by partial information about the underlying computer. Dynamic logic was developed by Pratt [V. Pratt, Semantical considerations on Floyd–Hoare logic, in: 17th Annual IEEE Symp. on Found. Comp. Sci., New York, 1976, pp. 109–121, V. Pratt, Applications of modal logic to programming, Studia Logica 39 257–274] (...)
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  • Sequential Calculus for a First Order Infinitary Temporal Logic.Hiroya Kawai - 1987 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 33 (5):423-432.
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