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  1. Intuitive semantics for first-degree entailments and 'coupled trees'.J. Michael Dunn - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 29 (3):149-168.
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  • Partiality and its dual.J. Michael Dunn - 2000 - Studia Logica 66 (1):5-40.
    This paper explores allowing truth value assignments to be undetermined or "partial" and overdetermined or "inconsistent", thus returning to an investigation of the four-valued semantics that I initiated in the sixties. I examine some natural consequence relations and show how they are related to existing logics, including ukasiewicz's three-valued logic, Kleene's three-valued logic, Anderson and Belnap's relevant entailments, Priest's "Logic of Paradox", and the first-degree fragment of the Dunn-McCall system "R-mingle". None of these systems have nested implications, and I investigate (...)
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  • An Algebraic View of Super-Belnap Logics.Hugo Albuquerque, Adam Přenosil & Umberto Rivieccio - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (6):1051-1086.
    The Belnap–Dunn logic is a well-known and well-studied four-valued logic, but until recently little has been known about its extensions, i.e. stronger logics in the same language, called super-Belnap logics here. We give an overview of several results on these logics which have been proved in recent works by Přenosil and Rivieccio. We present Hilbert-style axiomatizations, describe reduced matrix models, and give a description of the lattice of super-Belnap logics and its connections with graph theory. We adopt the point of (...)
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  • Equivalence of Consequence Operations.W. J. Blok & Bjarni Jónsson - 2006 - Studia Logica 83 (1-3):91-110.
    This paper is based on Lectures 1, 2 and 4 in the series of ten lectures titled “Algebraic Structures for Logic” that Professor Blok and I presented at the Twenty Third Holiday Mathematics Symposium held at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico, January 8-12, 1999. These three lectures presented a new approach to the algebraization of deductive systems, and after the symposium we made plans to publish a joint paper, to be written by Blok, further developing these (...)
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  • An infinity of super-Belnap logics.Umberto Rivieccio - 2012 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 22 (4):319-335.
    We look at extensions (i.e., stronger logics in the same language) of the Belnap–Dunn four-valued logic. We prove the existence of a countable chain of logics that extend the Belnap–Dunn and do not coincide with any of the known extensions (Kleene’s logics, Priest’s logic of paradox). We characterise the reduced algebraic models of these new logics and prove a completeness result for the first and last element of the chain stating that both logics are determined by a single finite logical (...)
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  • A useful four-valued logic.N. D. Belnap - 1977 - In J. M. Dunn & G. Epstein (eds.), Modern Uses of Multiple-Valued Logic. D. Reidel.
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  • Kripke models for linear logic.Gerard Allwein & J. Michael Dunn - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (2):514-545.
    We present a Kripke model for Girard's Linear Logic (without exponentials) in a conservative fashion where the logical functors beyond the basic lattice operations may be added one by one without recourse to such things as negation. You can either have some logical functors or not as you choose. Commutatively and associatively are isolated in such a way that the base Kripke model is a model for noncommutative, nonassociative Linear Logic. We also extend the logic by adding a coimplication operator, (...)
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  • Selfextensional Logics with a Conjunction.Ramon Jansana - 2006 - Studia Logica 84 (1):63-104.
    A logic is selfextensional if its interderivability (or mutual consequence) relation is a congruence relation on the algebra of formulas. In the paper we characterize the selfextensional logics with a conjunction as the logics that can be defined using the semilattice order induced by the interpretation of the conjunction in the algebras of their algebraic counterpart. Using the charactrization we provide simpler proofs of several results on selfextensional logics with a conjunction obtained in [13] using Gentzen systems. We also obtain (...)
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  • Correspondences between Gentzen and Hilbert Systems.J. G. Raftery - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (3):903 - 957.
    Most Gentzen systems arising in logic contain few axiom schemata and many rule schemata. Hilbert systems, on the other hand, usually contain few proper inference rules and possibly many axioms. Because of this, the two notions tend to serve different purposes. It is common for a logic to be specified in the first instance by means of a Gentzen calculus, whereupon a Hilbert-style presentation ‘for’ the logic may be sought—or vice versa. Where this has occurred, the word ‘for’ has taken (...)
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  • Characterizing Belnap's Logic via De Morgan's Laws.Alexej P. Pynko - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (4):442-454.
    The aim of this paper is technically to study Belnap's four-valued sentential logic . First, we obtain a Gentzen-style axiomatization of this logic that contains no structural rules while all they are still admissible in the Gentzen system what is proved with using some algebraic tools. Further, the mentioned logic is proved to be the least closure operator on the set of {Λ, V, ⌝}-formulas satisfying Tarski's conditions for classical conjunction and disjunction together with De Morgan's laws for negation. It (...)
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  • Distributive lattices with a dual homomorphic operation.Alasdair Urquhart - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (2):201 - 209.
    The lattices of the title generalize the concept of a De Morgan lattice. A representation in terms of ordered topological spaces is described. This topological duality is applied to describe homomorphisms, congruences, and subdirectly irreducible and free lattices in the category. In addition, certain equational subclasses are described in detail.
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  • Generalized Kripke Frames.Mai Gehrke - 2006 - Studia Logica 84 (2):241-275.
    Algebraic work [9] shows that the deep theory of possible world semantics is available in the more general setting of substructural logics, at least in an algebraic guise. The question is whether it is also available in a relational form.This article seeks to set the stage for answering this question. Guided by the algebraic theory, but purely relationally we introduce a new type of frames. These structures generalize Kripke structures but are two-sorted, containing both worlds and co-worlds. These latter points (...)
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  • A Deterministic Weakening of Belnap–Dunn Logic.Minghui Ma & Yuanlei Lin - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (2):283-312.
    A deterministic weakening \ of the Belnap–Dunn four-valued logic \ is introduced to formalize the acceptance and rejection of a proposition at a state in a linearly ordered informational frame with persistent valuations. The logic \ is formalized as a sequent calculus. The completeness and decidability of \ with respect to relational semantics are shown in terms of normal forms. From an algebraic perspective, the class of all algebras for \ is described, and found to be a subvariety of Berman’s (...)
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  • Algebraizable logics with a strong conjunction and their semi-lattice based companions.Ramon Jansana - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (7-8):831-861.
    The best known algebraizable logics with a conjunction and an implication have the property that the conjunction defines a meet semi-lattice in the algebras of their algebraic counterpart. This property makes it possible to associate with them a semi-lattice based deductive system as a companion. Moreover, the order of the semi-lattice is also definable using the implication. This makes that the connection between the properties of the logic and the properties of its semi-lattice based companion is strong. We introduce a (...)
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  • A logical and algebraic characterization of adjunctions between generalized quasi-varieties.Tommaso Moraschini - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (3):899-919.
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  • M-Sets and the Representation Problem.Josep Maria Font & Tommaso Moraschini - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (1):21-51.
    The “representation problem” in abstract algebraic logic is that of finding necessary and sufficient conditions for a structure, on a well defined abstract framework, to have the following property: that for every structural closure operator on it, every structural embedding of the expanded lattice of its closed sets into that of the closed sets of another structural closure operator on another similar structure is induced by a structural transformer between the base structures. This question arose from Blok and Jónsson abstract (...)
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  • Logics of varieties, logics of semilattices and conjunction.J. M. Font & T. Moraschini - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (6):818-843.
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  • Belnap's four-valued logic and De Morgan lattices.Josep Font - 1997 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 5 (1):1--29.
    This paper contains some contributions to the study of Belnap's four-valued logic from an algebraic point of view. We introduce a finite Hilbert-style axiomatization of this logic, along with its well-known semantical presentation, and a Gentzen calculus that slightly differs from the usual one in that it is closer to Anderson and Belnap's formalization of their “logic of first-degree entailments”. We prove several Completeness Theorems and reduce every formula to an equivalent normal form. The Hilbert-style presentation allows us to characterize (...)
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  • Distributive lattices with a dual homomorphic operation. II.Alasdair Urquhart - 1981 - Studia Logica 40 (4):391 - 404.
    An Ockham lattice is defined to be a distributive lattice with 0 and 1 which is equipped with a dual homomorphic operation. In this paper we prove: (1) The lattice of all equational classes of Ockham lattices is isomorphic to a lattice of easily described first-order theories and is uncountable, (2) every such equational class is generated by its finite members. In the proof of (2) a characterization of orderings of with respect to which the successor function is decreasing is (...)
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  • On the Deductive System of the Order of an Equationally Orderable Quasivariety.Ramon Jansana - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (3):547-566.
    We consider the equationally orderable quasivarieties and associate with them deductive systems defined using the order. The method of definition of these deductive systems encompasses the definition of logics preserving degrees of truth we find in the research areas of substructural logics and mathematical fuzzy logic. We prove several general results, for example that the deductive systems so defined are finitary and that the ones associated with equationally orderable varieties are congruential.
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  • Topological duality for distributive ockham algebras.Moshe S. Goldberg - 1983 - Studia Logica 42 (1):23 - 31.
    In this note, we give a representation of distributive Ockham algebras via natural hom-functors. In order to do this, we describe two different structures (one algebraic, and the other order-topological) on the set of subsets of the natural numbers. The topological duality previously obtained by A. Urquhart is used throughout.
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  • Addendum to the paper 'Belnap's four-valued logic and De Morgan lattices'.J. Font - 1999 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 7 (5):671-672.
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