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Relevance logic

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  1. Semantical analysis of Arruda da costap systems and adjacent non-replacement relevant systems.Richard Routley & Andréa Loparić - 1978 - Studia Logica 37 (4):301 - 320.
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  • Four-valued semantics for relevant logics (and some of their rivals).Greg Restall - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (2):139 - 160.
    This paper gives an outline of three different approaches to the four-valued semantics for relevant logics (and other non-classical logics in their vicinity). The first approach borrows from the 'Australian Plan' semantics, which uses a unary operator '⋆' for the evaluation of negation. This approach can model anything that the two-valued account can, but at the cost of relying on insights from the Australian Plan. The second approach is natural, well motivated, independent of the Australian Plan, and it provides a (...)
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  • Whither relevant arithmetic?Harvey Friedman & Robert K. Meyer - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (3):824-831.
    Based on the relevant logic R, the system R# was proposed as a relevant Peano arithmetic. R# has many nice properties: the most conspicuous theorems of classical Peano arithmetic PA are readily provable therein; it is readily and effectively shown to be nontrivial; it incorporates both intuitionist and classical proof methods. But it is shown here that R# is properly weaker than PA, in the sense that there is a strictly positive theorem QRF of PA which is unprovable in R#. (...)
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  • Star and perp: Two treatments of negation.J. Michael Dunn - 1993 - Philosophical Perspectives 7:331-357.
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  • Display logic.Nuel D. Belnap - 1982 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 11 (4):375-417.
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  • (1 other version)What is information?David J. Israel & John Perry - 1990 - In Philip P. Hanson (ed.), Information, Language and Cognition. University of British Columbia Press.
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  • Meaning and Proscription in Formal Logic: Variations on the Propositional Logic of William T. Parry.Thomas Macaulay Ferguson - 2017 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This book aids in the rehabilitation of the wrongfully deprecated work of William Parry, and is the only full-length investigation into Parry-type propositional logics. A central tenet of the monograph is that the sheer diversity of the contexts in which the mereological analogy emerges – its effervescence with respect to fields ranging from metaphysics to computer programming – provides compelling evidence that the study of logics of analytic implication can be instrumental in identifying connections between topics that would otherwise remain (...)
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  • Notes on Stratified Semantics.Shay Allen Logan - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (4):749-786.
    In 1988, Kit Fine published a semantic theory for quantified relevant logics. He referred to this theory as stratified semantics. While it has received some attention in the literature, 1–20, 1992; Mares & Goldblatt, Journal of Symbolic Logic 71, 163–187, 2006), stratified semantics has overall received much less attention than it deserves. There are two plausible reasons for this. First, the only two dedicated treatments of stratified semantics available are, 27–59, 1988; Mares, Studia Logica 51, 1–20, 1992), both of which (...)
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  • Core Logic.Neil Tennant - 2017 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Neil Tennant presents an original logical system with unusual philosophical, proof-theoretic, metalogical, computational, and revision-theoretic virtues. Core Logic is the first system that ensures both relevance and adequacy for the formalization of all mathematical and scientific reasoning.
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  • E, R and γ.Robert K. Meyer & J. Michael Dunn - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (3):521-522.
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  • (2 other versions)Relevance Theory.Deirdre Wilson & Dan Sperber - 2004 - In Laurence R. Horn & Gregory Ward (eds.), Handbook of Pragmatics. Blackwell. pp. 607--632.
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  • Relevant Logic: A Philosophical Interpretation.Edwin Mares - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book introduces the reader to relevant logic and provides the subject with a philosophical interpretation. The defining feature of relevant logic is that it forces the premises of an argument to be really used in deriving its conclusion. The logic is placed in the context of possible world semantics and situation semantics, which are then applied to provide an understanding of the various logical particles and natural language conditionals. The book ends by examining various applications of relevant logic and (...)
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  • An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic: From If to Is.Graham Priest - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This revised and considerably expanded 2nd edition brings together a wide range of topics, including modal, tense, conditional, intuitionist, many-valued, paraconsistent, relevant, and fuzzy logics. Part 1, on propositional logic, is the old Introduction, but contains much new material. Part 2 is entirely new, and covers quantification and identity for all the logics in Part 1. The material is unified by the underlying theme of world semantics. All of the topics are explained clearly using devices such as tableau proofs, and (...)
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  • Lectures on Linear Logic.Anne Sjerp Troelstra - 1992 - Center for the Study of Language and Information Publications.
    The initial sections of this text deal with syntactical matters such as logical formalism, cut-elimination, and the embedding of intuitionistic logic in classical linear logic. Concluding chapters focus on proofnets for the multiplicative fragment and the algorithmic interpretation of cut-elimination in proofnets.
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  • What is relevance logic?Arnon Avron - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (1):26-48.
    We suggest two precise abstract definitions of the notion of ‘relevance logic’ which are both independent of any proof system or semantics. We show that according to the simpler one, R → source is the minimal relevance logic, but R itself is not. In contrast, R and many other logics are relevance logics according to the second definition, while all fragments of linear logic are not.
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  • Introduction à la logique pertinente.François Rivenc - 2005 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    L'idée de la logique est depuis toujours celle d'une théorie de la conséquence, et en particulier de la conséquence formelle et nécessaire : en un mot, de la conséquence " logique ". Mais sur quoi repose la logicité pure d'une conséquence? La logique contemporaine classique répond : sur la préservation de la vérité. La logique pertinente lui objecte qu'on est en droit de demander plus : un élément intensionnel de pertinence des prémisses pour la conclusion doit être pris en compte (...)
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  • Recent Work in Relevant Logic.Mark Jago - 2013 - Analysis 73 (3):526-541.
    This paper surveys important work done in relevant logic in the past 10 years.
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  • (1 other version)E, r, and γ.Robert K. Meyer & J. Michael Dunn - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (3):460-474.
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  • Some nasty problems in the formal logic of ethics.Alan Ross Anderson - 1967 - Noûs 1 (4):345-360.
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  • Tracking reasons with extensions of relevant logics.Shawn Standefer - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (4):543-569.
    In relevant logics, necessary truths need not imply each other. In justification logic, necessary truths need not all be justified by the same reason. There is an affinity to these two approaches that suggests their pairing will provide good logics for tracking reasons in a fine-grained way. In this paper, I will show how to extend relevant logics with some of the basic operators of justification logic in order to track justifications or reasons. I will define and study three kinds (...)
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  • 40 years of FDE: An Introductory Overview.Hitoshi Omori & Heinrich Wansing - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (6):1021-1049.
    In this introduction to the special issue “40 years of FDE”, we offer an overview of the field and put the papers included in the special issue into perspective. More specifically, we first present various semantics and proof systems for FDE, and then survey some expansions of FDE by adding various operators starting with constants. We then turn to unary and binary connectives, which are classified in a systematic manner. First-order FDE is also briefly revisited, and we conclude by listing (...)
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  • Relevant Logics.Edwin D. Mares & Robert K. Meyer - 2001 - In Lou Goble (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 280–308.
    Once upon a time, modal logic was castigated because it ‘had no semantics.’ Kripke, Hintikka, Kanger, and others changed all that. In a similar way, when Relevant Logic was introduced by Anderson and Belnap, it too was castigated for ‘having no semantics.’ The present overview marks a culmination of that effort. The semantic approach described here brings together a number of hitherto disparate efforts to set out formal systems for logics of relevant implication and entailment. It also makes clear (despite (...)
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  • Information flow and relevant logics.Greg Restall - 1996 - In Jerry Seligman & Dag Westerstahl (eds.), Logic, Language and Computation. Center for the Study of Language and Inf. pp. 463–477.
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  • Completeness of relevant quantification theories.Robert K. Meyer, J. Michael Dunn & Hugues Leblanc - 1974 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 15 (1):97-121.
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  • Relevant logic and the theory of information.Edwin Mares - 1996 - Synthese 109 (3):345 - 360.
    This paper provides an interpretation of the Routley-Meyer semantics for a weak negation-free relevant logic using Israel and Perry's theory of information. In particular, Routley and Meyer's ternary accessibility relation is given an interpretation in information-theoretic terms.
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  • Models for relevant modal logics.André Fuhrmann - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (4):501 - 514.
    Semantics are given for modal extensions of relevant logics based on the kind of frames introduced in [7]. By means of a simple recipe we may obtain from a class FRM (L) of unreduced frames characterising a (non-modal) logic L, frame-classes FRM (L.M) characterising conjunctively regular modal extensions L.M of L. By displaying an incompleteness phenomenon, it is shown how the recipe fails when reduced frames are under consideration.
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  • Models for entailment.Kit Fine - 1974 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 3 (4):347 - 372.
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  • Negation.Heinrich Wansing - 2001 - In Lou Goble (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 415–436.
    This chapter is concerned with logical aspects of negation, i.e. with the role of negation in valid inferences and hence with the contribution negation makes to the truth and falsity conditions of declarative expressions. Negation is an important philosophical and logical concept. Often differences between logical systems can ‐ at least partially ‐ be described as differences between the notions of negation used in these logics.
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  • Substructural Logics: A Primer.Francesco Paoli - 2002 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The aim of the present book is to give a comprehensive account of the ‘state of the art’ of substructural logics, focusing both on their proof theory and on their semantics (both algebraic and relational. It is for graduate students in either philosophy, mathematics, theoretical computer science or theoretical linguistics as well as specialists and researchers.
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  • Extensionality and Restriction in Naive Set Theory.Zach Weber - 2010 - Studia Logica 94 (1):87-104.
    The naive set theory problem is to begin with a full comprehension axiom, and to find a logic strong enough to prove theorems, but weak enough not to prove everything. This paper considers the sub-problem of expressing extensional identity and the subset relation in paraconsistent, relevant solutions, in light of a recent proposal from Beall, Brady, Hazen, Priest and Restall [4]. The main result is that the proposal, in the context of an independently motivated formalization of naive set theory, leads (...)
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  • An Introduction to Substructural Logics.Greg Restall - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    This book introduces an important group of logics that have come to be known under the umbrella term 'susbstructural'. Substructural logics have independently led to significant developments in philosophy, computing and linguistics. _An Introduction to Substrucural Logics_ is the first book to systematically survey the new results and the significant impact that this class of logics has had on a wide range of fields.The following topics are covered: * Proof Theory * Propositional Structures * Frames * Decidability * Coda Both (...)
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  • Directions in Relevant Logic.J. Norman & R. Sylvan (eds.) - 1989 - Dordrecht and Boston: Springer.
    Relevance logics came of age with the one and only International Conference on relevant logics in 1974. They did not however become accepted, or easy to promulgate. In March 1981 we received most of the typescript of IN MEMORIAM: ALAN ROSS ANDERSON Proceedings of the International Conference of Relevant Logic from the original editors, Kenneth W. Collier, Ann Gasper and Robert G. Wolf of Southern Illinois University. 1 They had, most unfortunately, failed to find a publisher - not, it appears, (...)
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  • Andersonian deontic logic.Edwin D. Mares - 1992 - Theoria 58 (1):1-2.
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  • An alternative semantics for quantified relevant logic.Edwin D. Mares & Robert Goldblatt - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (1):163-187.
    The quantified relevant logic RQ is given a new semantics in which a formula for all xA is true when there is some true proposition that implies all x-instantiations of A. Formulae are modelled as functions from variable-assignments to propositions, where a proposition is a set of worlds in a relevant model structure. A completeness proof is given for a basic quantificational system QR from which RQ is obtained by adding the axiom EC of 'extensional confinement': for all x(A V (...)
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  • Analytic implication.Kit Fine - 1986 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 27 (2):169-179.
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  • Relevant Logic : a Philosophical Examination of Inference.Stephen Read - 1988 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (4):656-656.
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  • Constraints, Channels and the Flow of Information.Jon Barwise - 1993 - In Peter Aczel, David Israel, Yosuhiro Katagiri & Stanley Peters (eds.), Situation Theory and its Applications Vol. CSLI Publications. pp. 3-27.
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  • Semantics for relevant logics.Alasdair Urquhart - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (1):159-169.
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  • Relevance and paraconsistency—a new approach.Arnon Avron - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (2):707-732.
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  • (1 other version)Universal Logic.Ross Brady - 2007 - Studia Logica 87 (2-3):359-362.
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  • A Relevant Logic of Questions.Vít Punčochář - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (5):905-939.
    This paper introduces the inquisitive extension of R, denoted as InqR, which is a relevant logic of questions based on the logic R as the background logic of declaratives. A semantics for InqR is developed, and it is shown that this semantics is, in a precisely defined sense, dual to Routley-Meyer semantics for R. Moreover, InqR is axiomatized and completeness of the axiomatic system is established. The philosophical interpretation of the duality between Routley-Meyer semantics and the semantics for InqR is (...)
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  • (2 other versions)The Semantics of Entailment.Richard Routley & Robert K. Meyer - 1977 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 42 (2):315-316.
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  • Quantifiers, propositions and identity: admissible semantics for quantified modal and substructural logics.Robert Goldblatt - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Many systems of quantified modal logic cannot be characterised by Kripke's well-known possible worlds semantic analysis. This book shows how they can be characterised by a more general 'admissible semantics', using models in which there is a restriction on which sets of worlds count as propositions. This requires a new interpretation of quantifiers that takes into account the admissibility of propositions. The author sheds new light on the celebrated Barcan Formula, whose role becomes that of legitimising the Kripkean interpretation of (...)
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  • Relevant Restricted Quantification.J. C. Beall, Ross T. Brady, A. P. Hazen, Graham Priest & Greg Restall - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 35 (6):587-598.
    The paper reviews a number of approaches for handling restricted quantification in relevant logic, and proposes a novel one. This proceeds by introducing a novel kind of enthymematic conditional.
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  • A relevant theory of conditionals.Edwin D. Mares & André Fuhrmann - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (6):645 - 665.
    In this paper we set out a semantics for relevant (counterfactual) conditionals. We combine the Routley-Meyer semantics for relevant logic with a semantics for conditionals based on selection functions. The resulting models characterize a family of conditional logics free from fallacies of relevance, in particular counternecessities and conditionals with necessary consequents receive a non-trivial treatment.
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  • Semantics for quantified relevance logic.Kit Fine - 1988 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 17 (1):27 - 59.
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  • The non-triviality of dialectical set theory.Ross T. Brady - 1989 - In Graham Priest, Richard Routley & Jean Norman (eds.), Paraconsistent Logic: Essays on the Inconsistent. Philosophia Verlag. pp. 437--470.
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  • Quantified modal logic: Non-normal worlds and propositional attitudes.Veikko Rantala - 1982 - Studia Logica 41 (1):41 - 65.
    One way to obtain a comprehensive semantics for various systems of modal logic is to use a general notion of non-normal world. In the present article, a general notion of modal system is considered together with a semantic framework provided by such a general notion of non-normal world. Methodologically, the main purpose of this paper is to provide a logical framework for the study of various modalities, notably prepositional attitudes. Some specific systems are studied together with semantics using non-normal worlds (...)
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  • Incompleteness for Quantified Relevance Logics.Kit Fine - 1989 - In J. Norman & R. Sylvan (eds.), Directions in Relevant Logic. Dordrecht and Boston: Springer. pp. 205-225.
    In the early seventies, several logicians developed a semantics for propositional systems of relevance logic. The essential ingredients of this semantics were a privileged point o, an ‘accessibility’ relation R and a special operator * for evaluating negation. Under the truth- conditions of the semantics, each formula A(Pl,…,Pn) could be seen as expressing a first order condition A+(pl,…,pn, o, R,*) on sets p1,…,pn and o, R, *, while each formula-scheme could be regarded as expressing the second-order condition ∀p1,…,∀pn A+(p1,…,pn, o, (...)
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