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  1. (1 other version)Connexive logics. An overview and current trends.Hitoshi Omori & Heinrich Wansing - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1.
    In this introduction, we offer an overview of main systems developed in the growing literature on connexive logic, and also point to a few topics that seem to be collecting attention of many of those interested in connexive logic. We will also make clear the context to which the papers in this special issue belong and contribute.
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  • Variable-Sharing as Relevance.Shawn Standefer - 2025 - In Andrew Tedder, Shawn Standefer & Igor Sedlar (eds.), New Directions in Relevant Logic. Springer.
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  • Logical Multilateralism.Heinrich Wansing & Sara Ayhan - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (6):1603-1636.
    In this paper we will consider the existing notions of bilateralism in the context of proof-theoretic semantics and propose, based on our understanding of bilateralism, an extension to logical multilateralism. This approach differs from what has been proposed under this name before in that we do not consider multiple speech acts as the core of such a theory but rather multiple consequence relations. We will argue that for this aim the most beneficial proof-theoretical realization is to use sequent calculi with (...)
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  • (1 other version)Connexive logic.Heinrich Wansing - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Measuring evidence: a probabilistic approach to an extension of Belnap–Dunn logic.Abilio Rodrigues, Juliana Bueno-Soler & Walter Carnielli - 2020 - Synthese 198 (S22):5451-5480.
    This paper introduces the logic of evidence and truth \ as an extension of the Belnap–Dunn four-valued logic \. \ is a slightly modified version of the logic \, presented in Carnielli and Rodrigues. While \ is equipped only with a classicality operator \, \ is equipped with a non-classicality operator \ as well, dual to \. Both \ and \ are logics of formal inconsistency and undeterminedness in which the operator \ recovers classical logic for propositions in its scope. (...)
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  • (1 other version)Relevance logic.Edwin Mares - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Reasons, basing, and the normative collapse of logical pluralism.Christopher Blake-Turner - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (12):4099-4118.
    Logical pluralism is the view that there is more than one correct logic. A key objection to logical pluralism is that it collapses into monism. The core of the Collapse Objection is that only the pluralist’s strongest logic does any genuine normative work; since a logic must do genuine normative work, this means that the pluralist is really a monist, who is committed to her strongest logic being the one true logic. This paper considers a neglected question in the collapse (...)
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  • Routley Star and Hyperintensionality.Sergei Odintsov & Heinrich Wansing - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (1):33-56.
    We compare the logic HYPE recently suggested by H. Leitgeb as a basic propositional logic to deal with hyperintensional contexts and Heyting-Ockham logic introduced in the course of studying logical aspects of the well-founded semantics for logic programs with negation. The semantics of Heyting-Ockham logic makes use of the so-called Routley star negation. It is shown how the Routley star negation can be obtained from Dimiter Vakarelov’s theory of negation and that propositional HYPE coincides with the logic characterized by the (...)
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  • Requiem for logical nihilism, or: Logical nihilism annihilated.Bogdan Dicher - 2020 - Synthese 198 (8):7073-7096.
    Logical nihilism is the view that the relation of logical consequence is empty: there are counterexamples to any putative logical law. In this paper, I argue that the nihilist threat is illusory. The nihilistic arguments do not work. Moreover, the entire project is based on a misguided interpretation of the generality of logic.
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  • The Fmla-Fmla Axiomatizations of the Exactly True and Non-falsity Logics and Some of Their Cousins.Yaroslav Shramko, Dmitry Zaitsev & Alexander Belikov - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (5):787-808.
    In this paper we present a solution of the axiomatization problem for the Fmla-Fmla versions of the Pietz and Rivieccio exactly true logic and the non-falsity logic dual to it. To prove the completeness of the corresponding binary consequence systems we introduce a specific proof-theoretic formalism, which allows us to deal simultaneously with two consequence relations within one logical system. These relations are hierarchically organized, so that one of them is treated as the basic for the resulting logic, and the (...)
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  • Kripke-Style Models for Logics of Evidence and Truth.Henrique Antunes, Walter Carnielli, Andreas Kapsner & Abilio Rodrigues - 2020 - Axioms 9 (3).
    In this paper, we propose Kripke-style models for the logics of evidence and truth LETJ and LETF. These logics extend, respectively, Nelson’s logic N4 and the logic of first-degree entailment with a classicality operator ∘ that recovers classical logic for formulas in its scope. According to the intended interpretation here proposed, these models represent a database that receives information as time passes, and such information can be positive, negative, non-reliable, or reliable, while a formula ∘A means that the information about (...)
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  • Connexive Negation.Luis Estrada-González & Ricardo Arturo Nicolás-Francisco - 2023 - Studia Logica 112 (1):511-539.
    Seen from the point of view of evaluation conditions, a usual way to obtain a connexive logic is to take a well-known negation, for example, Boolean negation or de Morgan negation, and then assign special properties to the conditional to validate Aristotle’s and Boethius’ Theses. Nonetheless, another theoretical possibility is to have the extensional or the material conditional and then assign special properties to the negation to validate the theses. In this paper we examine that possibility, not sufficiently explored in (...)
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  • Valuation Semantics for First-Order Logics of Evidence and Truth.H. Antunes, A. Rodrigues, W. Carnielli & M. E. Coniglio - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (5):1141-1173.
    This paper introduces the logic _Q__L__E__T_ _F_, a quantified extension of the logic of evidence and truth _L__E__T_ _F_, together with a corresponding sound and complete first-order non-deterministic valuation semantics. _L__E__T_ _F_ is a paraconsistent and paracomplete sentential logic that extends the logic of first-degree entailment (_FDE_) with a classicality operator ∘ and a non-classicality operator ∙, dual to each other: while ∘_A_ entails that _A_ behaves classically, ∙_A_ follows from _A_’s violating some classically valid inferences. The semantics of _Q__L__E__T_ (...)
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  • A note on functional relations in a certain class of implicative expansions of FDE related to Brady’s 4-valued logic BN4.Gemma Robles & José M. Méndez - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The logic E4 is related to Brady’s BN4 in a similar way to which Anderson and Belnap’s logic of entailment E is related to their logic of the relevant implication R. In ‘A companion to Brady’s 4-valued relevant logic: the 4-valued logic of entailment E4’, quoted in this paper, three alternatives to BN4 and another three to E4 are summarily introduced in a couple of pages as the only alternatives containing Routley and Meyer’s basic logic B, provided some conditions are (...)
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  • (1 other version)Belnap-Dunn Semantics for the Variants of BN4 and E4 which Contain Routley and Meyer’s Logic B.Sandra M. López - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:29-56.
    The logics BN4 and E4 can be considered as the 4-valued logics of the relevant conditional and (relevant) entailment, respectively. The logic BN4 was developed by Brady in 1982 and the logic E4 by Robles and Méndez in 2016. The aim of this paper is to investigate the implicative variants (of both systems) which contain Routley and Meyer’s logic B and endow them with a Belnap-Dunn type bivalent semantics.
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  • Note on 'Normalisation for Bilateral Classical Logic with some Philosophical Remarks'.Nils Kürbis - 2021 - Journal of Applied Logics 7 (8):2259-2261.
    This brief note corrects an error in one of the reduction steps in my paper 'Normalisation for Bilateral Classical Logic with some Philosophical Remarks' published in the Journal of Applied Logics 8/2 (2021): 531-556.
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  • Minimal inconsistency-tolerant logics: a quantitative approach.Christian Strasser & Sanderson Molick - 2025 - Australasian Journal of Logic 22 (03):308-365.
    In order to reason in a non-trivializing way with contradictions, para- consistent logics reject some classically valid inferences. As a way of re- covering some of these inferences, Graham Priest ([Priest, 1991]) proposed to nonmonotonically strengthen the Logic of Paradox by allowing the se- lection of “less inconsistent” models via a comparison of their respective inconsistent parts. This move recaptures a good portion of classical logic in that it does not block, e.g., disjunctive syllogism, unless it is applied to contradictory (...)
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  • First-order Logics of Evidence and Truth with Constant and Variable Domains.Abilio Rodrigues & Henrique Antunes - 2022 - Logica Universalis 16 (3):419-449.
    The main aim of this paper is to introduce first-order versions of logics of evidence and truth, together with corresponding sound and complete Kripke semantics with variable and constant domains. According to the intuitive interpretation proposed here, these logics intend to represent possibly inconsistent and incomplete information bases over time. The paper also discusses the connections between Belnap-Dunn’s and da Costa’s approaches to paraconsistency, and argues that the logics of evidence and truth combine them in a very natural way.
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  • Getting some (non-classical) closure with justification logic.Shawn Standefer, Ted Shear & Rohan French - 2023 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):1-25.
    Justification logics provide frameworks for studying the fine structure of evidence and justification. Traditionally, these logics do not impose any closure requirements on justification. In this paper, we argue that for some applications they should subject justification to closure under some variety of logical consequence. Specifically, we argue, building on ideas from Beall, that the non-classical logic FDE offers a particularly attractive notion of consequence for this purpose and define a justification logic where justification is closed under FDE consequence. We (...)
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  • Routes to relevance: Philosophies of relevant logics.Shawn Standefer - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (2):e12965.
    Relevant logics are a family of non-classical logics characterized by the behavior of their implication connectives. Unlike some other non-classical logics, such as intuitionistic logic, there are multiple philosophical views motivating relevant logics. Further, different views seem to motivate different logics. In this article, we survey five major views motivating the adoption of relevant logics: Use Criterion, sufficiency, meaning containment, theory construction, and truthmaking. We highlight the philosophical differences as well as the different logics they support. We end with some (...)
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  • From Belnap-Dunn Four-Valued Logic to Six-Valued Logics of Evidence and Truth.Marcelo E. Coniglio & Abilio Rodrigues - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (3):561-606.
    The main aim of this paper is to introduce the logics of evidence and truth $$LET_{K}^+$$ and $$LET_{F}^+$$ together with sound, complete, and decidable six-valued deterministic semantics for them. These logics extend the logics $$LET_{K}$$ and $$LET_{F}^-$$ with rules of propagation of classicality, which are inferences that express how the classicality operator $${\circ }$$ is transmitted from less complex to more complex sentences, and vice-versa. The six-valued semantics here proposed extends the 4 values of Belnap-Dunn logic with 2 more values (...)
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  • (1 other version)Ternary Relational Semantics for the Variants of BN4 and E4 which Contain Routley and Meyer's Logic B.Sandra M. López - 2022 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 51 (1):27-56.
    Six interesting variants of the logics BN4 and E4—which can be considered as the 4-valued logics of the relevant conditional and entailment, respectively—were previously developed in the literature. All these systems are related to the family of relevant logics and contain Routley and Meyer's basic logic B, which is well-known to be specifically associated with the ternary relational semantics. The aim of this paper is to develop reduced general Routley-Meyer semantics for them. Strong soundness and completeness theorems are proved for (...)
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  • A General Framework for $$ {FDE}$$ FDE -Based Modal Logics.Sergey Drobyshevich - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (6):1281-1306.
    We develop a general theory of FDE-based modal logics. Our framework takes into account the four-valued nature of FDE by considering four partially defined modal operators corresponding to conditions for verifying and falsifying modal necessity and possibility operators. The theory comes with a uniform characterization for all obtained systems in terms of FDE-style formula-formula sequents. We also develop some correspondence theory and show how Hilbert-style axiom systems can be obtained in appropriate cases. Finally, we outline how different systems from the (...)
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  • Quasi-truth and defective knowledge in science: a critical examination.Jonas R. Becker Arenhart & Décio Krause - 2023 - Manuscrito 46 (2):122-155.
    Quasi-truth (a.k.a. pragmatic truth or partial truth) is typically advanced as a framework accounting for incompleteness and uncertainty in the actual practices of science. Also, it is said to be useful for accommodating cases of inconsistency in science without leading to triviality. In this paper, we argue that the formalism available does not deliver all that is promised. We examine the standard account of quasi-truth in the literature, advanced by da Costa and collaborators in many places, and argue that it (...)
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  • Paraconsistent Metatheory: New Proofs with Old Tools.Guillermo Badia, Zach Weber & Patrick Girard - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (4):825-856.
    This paper is a step toward showing what is achievable using non-classical metatheory—particularly, a substructural paraconsistent framework. What standard results, or analogues thereof, from the classical metatheory of first order logic can be obtained? We reconstruct some of the originals proofs for Completeness, Löwenheim-Skolem and Compactness theorems in the context of a substructural logic with the naive comprehension schema. The main result is that paraconsistent metatheory can ‘re-capture’ versions of standard theorems, given suitable restrictions and background assumptions; but the shift (...)
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  • Hilbert-style axiomatization of first-degree entailment and a family of its extensions.Yaroslav Shramko - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (9):103011.
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  • Neighbourhood Semantics for FDE-Based Modal Logics.S. Drobyshevich & D. Skurt - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (6):1273-1309.
    We investigate some non-normal variants of well-studied paraconsistent and paracomplete modal logics that are based on N. Belnap’s and M. Dunn’s four-valued logic. Our basic non-normal modal logics are characterized by a weak extensionality rule, which reflects the four-valued nature of underlying logics. Aside from introducing our basic framework of bi-neighbourhood semantics, we develop a correspondence theory in order to prove completeness results with respect to our neighbourhood semantics for non-normal variants of \, \ and \.
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  • A Note on FDE “All the Way Up”.Jc Beall & Caleb Camrud - 2020 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 61 (2):283-296.
    A very natural and philosophically important subclassical logic is FDE. This account of logical consequence can be seen as going beyond the standard two-valued account to a four-valued account. A natural question arises: What account of logical consequence arises from considering further combinations of such values? A partial answer was given by Priest in 2014; Shramko and Wansing had also given a partial result some years earlier, although in a different context. In this note we generalize Priest’s result to show (...)
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  • Proof systems for various fde-based modal logics.Sergey Drobyshevich & Heinrich Wansing - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (4):720-747.
    We present novel proof systems for various FDE-based modal logics. Among the systems considered are a number of Belnapian modal logics introduced in Odintsov & Wansing and Odintsov & Wansing, as well as the modal logic KN4 with strong implication introduced in Goble. In particular, we provide a Hilbert-style axiom system for the logic $BK^{\square - } $ and characterize the logic BK as an axiomatic extension of the system $BK^{FS} $. For KN4 we provide both an FDE-style axiom system (...)
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  • A Sound and Complete Tableaux Calculus for Reichenbach’s Quantum Mechanics Logic.Pablo Caballero & Pablo Valencia - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (1):223-245.
    In 1944 Hans Reichenbach developed a three-valued propositional logic (RQML) in order to account for certain causal anomalies in quantum mechanics. In this logic, the truth-value _indeterminate_ is assigned to those statements describing physical phenomena that cannot be understood in causal terms. However, Reichenbach did not develop a deductive calculus for this logic. The aim of this paper is to develop such a calculus by means of First Degree Entailment logic (FDE) and to prove it sound and complete with respect (...)
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  • Saving logic from paradox via nonclassical recapture.Luca Castaldo - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (6):1547-1563.
    The Liar paradox arguably shows that a coherent and self-applicable notion of truth is governed by nonclassical logic. It then seems natural to conclude that classical logic is inadequate for defining a truth theory. In this article, we argue that this is not the case. In the spirit of Reinhardt (Math Logic Formal Syst 94:227, 1985; J Philos Logic 15:219–251, 1986), and in analogy with Hilbert’s program for the foundation of classical mathematics, we will articulate an instrumentalist justification for the (...)
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  • First-Degree Entailment and Truthmaker Functions.Roderick Batchelor - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (2):373-390.
    We define a concept of truthmaker function, and prove the functional completeness, w.r.t. truthmaker functions in this sense, of a set of four-valued functions corresponding to standard connectives of the system of relevance logic known as First-Degree Entailment or Belnap–Dunn logic.
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  • A Generalization of Beall’s Off-Topic Interpretation.Yang Song, Hitoshi Omori, Jonas R. B. Arenhart & Satoshi Tojo - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (4):893-932.
    In one of his papers, JC Beall advanced a new and interesting interpretation of Weak Kleene logic, in terms of on-topic/off-topic. In brief, Beall suggests to read the third value as _off-topic_, whereas the two classical values are read as _true and on-topic_ and _false and on-topic_. Building on Beall’s new interpretation, the aim of this paper is threefold. First, we discuss two motivations to enrich Beall’s interpretation, and offer an alternative semantic framework that reflects our motivations. Second, by making (...)
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  • Probabilistic Semantics and Calculi for Multi-valued and Paraconsistent Logics.Jaime Ramos, João Rasga & Cristina Sernadas - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-35.
    We show how to obtain a probabilistic semantics and calculus for a logic presented by a valuation specification. By identifying general forms of valuation constraints we are able to accommodate a wide class of propositional based logics encompassing multi-valued logics like Łukasiewicz 3-valued logic and the Belnap–Dunn four-valued logic as well as paraconsistent logics like $${\textsf{mbC}}$$ and $${\textsf{LFI1}}$$. The probabilistic calculus is automatically generated from the valuation specification. Although not having explicit probability constructors in the language, the rules of the (...)
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  • Reasoning with belief functions over Belnap–Dunn logic.Marta Bílková, Sabine Frittella, Daniil Kozhemiachenko, Ondrej Majer & Sajad Nazari - 2024 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 175 (9):103338.
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  • Subminimal Negation on the Australian Plan.Selcuk Kaan Tabakci - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (5):1119-1139.
    Frame semantics for negation on the Australian Plan accommodates many different negations, but it falls short on accommodating subminimal negation when the language contains conjunction and disjunction. In this paper, I will present a multi-relational frame semantics –multi-incompatibility frame semantics– that can accommodate subminimal negation. I will first argue that multi-incompatibility frames are in accordance with the philosophical motivations behind negation on the Australian Plan, namely its modal and exclusion-expressing nature. Then, I will prove the soundness and completeness results of (...)
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  • Notes on Models of (Partial) Kripke–Feferman Truth.Luca Castaldo - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (1):83-111.
    This article investigates models of axiomatizations related to the semantic conception of truth presented by Kripke (J Philos 72(19):690–716, 1975), the so-called _fixed-point semantics_. Among the various proof systems devised as a proof-theoretic characterization of the fixed-point semantics, in recent years two alternatives have received particular attention: _classical systems_ (i.e., systems based on classical logic) and _nonclassical systems_ (i.e., systems based on some nonclassical logic). The present article, building on Halbach and Nicolai (J Philos Log 47(2):227–257, 2018), shows that there (...)
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  • A Class of Implicative Expansions of Belnap-Dunn Logic in which Boolean Negation is Definable.Gemma Robles & José M. Méndez - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (3):915-938.
    Belnap and Dunn’s well-known 4-valued logic FDE is an interesting and useful non-classical logic. FDE is defined by using conjunction, disjunction and negation as the sole propositional connectives. Then the question of expanding FDE with an implication connective is of course of great interest. In this sense, some implicative expansions of FDE have been proposed in the literature, among which Brady’s logic BN4 seems to be the preferred option of relevant logicians. The aim of this paper is to define a (...)
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  • Between Hilbert and Gentzen: four-valued consequence systems and structural reasoning.Yaroslav Shramko - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (5):627-651.
    Structural reasoning is simply reasoning that is governed exclusively by structural rules. In this context a proof system can be said to be structural if all of its inference rules are structural. A logic is considered to be structuralizable if it can be equipped with a sound and complete structural proof system. This paper provides a general formulation of the problem of structuralizability of a given logic, giving specific consideration to a family of logics that are based on the Dunn–Belnap (...)
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  • A logical framework for data-driven reasoning.Paolo Baldi, Esther Anna Corsi & Hykel Hosni - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    We introduce and investigate a family of consequence relations with the goal of capturing certain important patterns of data-driven inference. The inspiring idea for our framework is the fact that data may reject, possibly to some degree, and possibly by mistake, any given scientific hypothesis. There is no general agreement in science about how to do this, which motivates putting forward a logical formulation of the problem. We do so by investigating distinct definitions of ‘rejection degrees’ each yielding a consequence (...)
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  • Embedding Friendly First-Order Paradefinite and Connexive Logics.Norihiro Kamide - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (5):1055-1102.
    First-order intuitionistic and classical Nelson–Wansing and Arieli–Avron–Zamansky logics, which are regarded as paradefinite and connexive logics, are investigated based on Gentzen-style sequent calculi. The cut-elimination and completeness theorems for these logics are proved uniformly via theorems for embedding these logics into first-order intuitionistic and classical logics. The modified Craig interpolation theorems for these logics are also proved via the same embedding theorems. Furthermore, a theorem for embedding first-order classical Arieli–Avron–Zamansky logic into first-order intuitionistic Arieli–Avron–Zamansky logic is proved using a modified (...)
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  • Non-distributive Relatives of ETL and NFL.Daniil Kozhemiachenko - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (1):137-165.
    In this paper we devise non-distributive relatives of Exactly true logic by Pietz and Riveccio and its dual Non-falsity logic by Shramko, Zaitsev and Belikov. We consider two pre-orders which are algebraic counterparts of the ETL’s and NFL’s entailment relations on the de Morgan lattice 4. We generalise these pre-orders and determine which distributive properties that hold on 4 are not forced by either of the pre-orders. We then construct relatives of ETL and NFL but lack such distributive properties. For (...)
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  • Sí hay negación lógica.Ricardo Arturo Nicolás Francisco & Luis Estrada González - 2020 - Critica 52 (155):55-72.
    En este artículo discutimos la tesis de Jc Beall según la cual no hay negación lógica. Evaluamos la solidez del argumento con el que defiende su tesis y presentamos dos razones para rechazar una de sus premisas: que la negación tiene que ser excluyente o exhaustiva. La primera razón involucra una presentación alternativa de las reglas de la negación en sistemas de secuentes diferentes al que Beall presupone. La segunda razón establece que la negación no tiene que ser excluyente o (...)
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  • The lattice of all 4-valued implicative expansions of Belnap–Dunn logic containing Routley and Meyer’s basic logic Bd.Gemma Robles & José M. Méndez - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (3):493-516.
    The well-known logic first degree entailment logic (FDE), introduced by Belnap and Dunn, is defined with |$\wedge $|⁠, |$\vee $| and |$\sim $| as the sole primitive connectives. The aim of this paper is to establish the lattice formed by the class of all 4-valued C-extending implicative expansions of FDE verifying the axioms and rules of Routley and Meyer’s basic logic B and its useful disjunctive extension B|$^{\textrm {d}}$|⁠. It is to be noted that Boolean negation (so, classical propositional logic) (...)
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  • Context-indexed counterfactuals and non-vacuous counterpossibles.Mariusz Popieluch - 2019 - Dissertation, The University of Queensland
    The two main features of this thesis are (i) an account of contextualized (context indexed) counterfactuals, and (ii) a non-vacuist account of counterpossibles. Experience tells us that the truth of the counterfactual is contingent on what is meant by the antecedent, which in turn rests on what context is assumed to underlie its reading (intended meaning). On most conditional analyses, only the world of evaluation and the antecedent determine which worlds are relevant to determining the truth of a conditional, and (...)
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  • Star models and the semantics of infectiousness.Matthew W. G. McClure - 2020 - Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Australasia 2 (2):35–57.
    The first degree entailment (FDE) family is a group of logics, a many-valued semantics for each system of which is obtained from classical logic by adding to the classical truth-values true and false any subset of {both, neither, indeterminate}, where indeterminate is an infectious value (any formula containing a subformula with the value indeterminate itself has the value indeterminate). In this paper, we see how to extend a version of star semantics for the logics whose many-valued semantics lack indeterminate to (...)
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  • Editors' Note.Rory W. Collins & Anita S. Pillai - 2020 - Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Australasia 2 (2):iv-v.
    Here, we outline UPJA’s recent developments and the contents of Volume 2, Issue 2.
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