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  1. Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to the Actor-Network Theory.Bruno Latour - 2005 - Oxford, England and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Latour is a world famous and widely published French sociologist who has written with great eloquence and perception about the relationship between people, science, and technology. He is also closely associated with the school of thought known as Actor Network Theory. In this book he sets out for the first time in one place his own ideas about Actor Network Theory and its relevance to management and organization theory.
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  • (1 other version)Of grammatology.Jacques Derrida - 1976 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Edited by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.
    "One of the major works in the development of contemporary criticism and philosophy." -- J. Hillis Miller, Yale University Jacques Derrida's revolutionary theories about deconstruction, phenomenology, psychoanalysis, and structuralism, first voiced in the 1960s, forever changed the face of European and American criticism. The ideas in De la grammatologie sparked lively debates in intellectual circles that included students of literature, philosophy, and the humanities, inspiring these students to ask questions of their disciplines that had previously been considered improper. Thirty years (...)
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  • Technology and the Lifeworld: From Garden to Earth.Don Ihde - 1990 - Indiana University Press.
    "... Dr. Ihde brings an enlightening and deeply humanistic perspective to major technological developments, both past and present." —Science Books & Films "Don Ihde is a pleasure to read.... The material is full of nice suggestions and details, empirical materials, fun variations which engage the reader in the work... the overall points almost sneak up on you, they are so gently and gradually offered." —John Compton "A sophisticated celebration of cultural diversity and of its enabling technologies.... perhaps the best single (...)
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  • The technological society.Jacques Ellul (ed.) - 1964 - New York,: Knopf.
    AbeBooks.com: The Technological Society.
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  • Technics and time.Bernard Stiegler - 1998 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    At the beginning of Western philosophy, Aristotle contrasted made objects, which did not have the source of their own production within themselves, with beings formed by nature. This distinction persisted until Marx, who conceived of the possibility of an evolution of the technical object. This philosophy developed while industrialisation was in the process of overthrowing the contemporary order of social organisation, which highlighted technology's new place in philosophical enquiry. Bernard Stiegler goes back to the beginning of Western philosophy and revises (...)
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  • The animal that therefore I am.Jacques Derrida - 2008 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Marie-Louise Mallet.
    The animal that therefore I am (more to follow) -- But as for me, who am I (following)? -- And say the animal responded -- I don't know why we are doing this.
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  • Of Grammatology.Jacques Derrida - 1982 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 15 (1):66-70.
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  • Speech and phenomena, and other essays on Husserl's theory of signs.Jacques Derrida - 1973 - Evanston,: Northwestern University Press.
    Speech and phenomena.--Form and meaning.--Differance.
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  • Laboratory Life. The Social Construction of Scientific Facts.Bruno Latour & Steve Woolgar - 1982 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 13 (1):166-170.
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  • On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time.Edmund Husserl - unknown
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  • The open: man and animal.Giorgio Agamben - 2004 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    The end of human history is an event that has been foreseen or announced by both messianics and dialecticians. But who is the protagonist of that history that is coming—or has come—to a close? What is man? How did he come on the scene? And how has he maintained his privileged place as the master of, or first among, the animals? In The Open, contemporary Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben considers the ways in which the “human” has been thought of as (...)
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  • Transforming technology: a critical theory revisited.Andrew Feenberg - 2002 - New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press. Edited by Andrew Feenberg.
    Thoroughly revised, this new edition of Critical Theory of Technology rethinks the relationships between technology, rationality, and democracy, arguing that the degradation of labor--as well as of many environmental, educational, and political systems--is rooted in the social values that preside over technological development. It contains materials on political theory, but the emphasis has shifted to reflect a growing interest in the fields of technology and cultural studies.
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  • Heidegger's technologies: postphenomenological perspectives.Don Ihde - 2010 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Introduction: situating Heidegger and the philosophy of technology -- Heidegger's philosophy of technology -- The historical-ontological priority of technology over science -- Deromanticizing Heidegger -- Interlude: the earth inherited -- Was Heidegger prescient concerning technoscience? -- Heidegger's technologies: one size fits all -- Concluding postphenomenological postscript: writing technologies.
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  • Of spirit: Heidegger and the question.Jacques Derrida - 1989 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    "I shall speak of ghost, of flame, and of ashes." These are the first words of Jacques Derrida's lecture on Heidegger. It is again a question of Nazism--of what remains to be thought through of Nazism in general and of Heidegger's Nazism in particular. It is also "politics of spirit" which at the time people thought--they still want to today--to oppose to the inhuman. "Derrida's ruminations should intrigue anyone interested in Post-Structuralism. . . . . This study of Heidegger is (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Animal That Therefore I Am.Jacques Derrida & David Wills - 2002 - Critical Inquiry 28 (2):369-418.
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  • Technics and Praxis.D. Ihde - 1979 - D. Reidel.
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  • On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects.Gilbert Simondon - 2011 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 5 (3):407-424.
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  • Individuation in light of notions of form and information.Gilbert Simondon - 2020 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Edited by Taylor Adkins.
    A long-awaited translation on the philosophical relation between technology, the individual, and milieu of the living.
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  • H omo faber revisited: Postphenomenology and material engagement theory.Don Ihde & Lambros Malafouris - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (2):195-214.
    Humans, more than any other species, have been altering their paths of development by creating new material forms and by opening up to new possibilities of material engagement. That is, we become constituted through making and using technologies that shape our minds and extend our bodies. We make things which in turn make us. This ongoing dialectic has long been recognised from a deep-time perspective. It also seems natural in the present in view of the ways new materialities and digital (...)
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  • Catching Fire: How Cooking Made us Human.[author unknown] - 2009
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  • Technics and time, 3: cinematic time and the question of malaise.Bernard Stiegler - 2011 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Stephen Francis Barker.
    Cinematic time -- The cinema of consciousness -- I and we : the American politics of adoption -- The malaise of our educational institutions -- Making (the) difference -- Technoscience and reproduction.
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  • (1 other version)Technics and Praxis.Don Ihde - 1979 - The Personalist Forum 1 (1):51-55.
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  • Plato's Pharmacy.Jacques Derrida - 1981 - In Barbara Johnson, Dissemination. University of Chicago Press. pp. 61-171.
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  • Explaining multistability: postphenomenology and affordances of technologies.Bas de Boer - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2267-2277.
    A central issue in postphenomenology is how to explain the multistability of technologies: how can it be that specific technologies can be used for a wide variety of purposes (the “multi”), while not for all purposes (the “stability”)? For example, a table can be used for the purpose of sleeping, having dinner at, or even for staging a fencing match, but not for baking a cake. One explanation offered in the literature is that the (material) design of a technology puts (...)
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  • Of Spirit.Jacques Derrida - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 15 (2):457-474.
    I shall speak of ghost [revenant], of flame and of ashes.And of what, for Heidegger, avoiding means.What is avoiding? Heidegger on several occasions uses the common word Vermeiden: to avoid, to flee, to dodge. What might he have meant when it comes to “spirit” or the “spiritual”? I specify immediately: not spirit or the spiritual but Geist, geistig, geistlich, for this question will be, through and through, that of language. Do these German words allow themselves to be translated? In another (...)
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  • Technics and Time, 2: Disorientation.Bernard Stiegler - 1998 - Stanford University Press.
    Technics and Time 2: Disorientation continues Stiegler's interrogation of prosthetic and ortho-thetic memory in light of the crisis that arises when speed and delay are irreconcilable, the crisis of "human being" itself.
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  • Philosophy of Technology after the Empirical Turn.Philip Brey - 2010 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 14 (1):36-48.
    What are the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary philosophy of technology, and how may the field be developed and improved in the future? That is the question I will address in this paper. I will argue that in the past twenty-five years, philosophy of technology has entered a new era. This era has arrived with new and distinct issues and approaches that differ from those that came before it. Many of the new developments have been for the good. Yet, I (...)
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  • Elements for a General Organology.Bernard Stiegler - 2020 - Derrida Today 13 (1):72-94.
    These lectures outline the project of a general organology, which is to say an account of life when it is no longer just biological but technical, or when it involves not just organic matter but organized inorganic matter. This organology is also shown to require a modified Simondonian account of the shift from vital individuation to a three-stranded process of psychic, collective and technical individuation. Furthermore, such an approach involves extending the Derridean reading of Socrates's discussion of writing as a (...)
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  • What makes life worth living: on pharmacology.Bernard Stiegler - 2013 - Cambridge, UK: Polity. Edited by Daniel Ross.
    In the aftermath of the First World War, the poet Paul Valéry wrote of a "crisis of spirit", brought about by the instrumentalization of knowledge and the destructive subordination of culture to profit. Recent events demonstrate all too clearly that the stock of mind, or spirit, continues to fall. The economy is toxically organized around the pursuit of short-term gain, supported by an infantilizing, dumbed-down media. Advertising technologies make relentless demands on our attention, reducing us to idiotic beasts, no longer (...)
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  • Thinking Technology Big Again. Reconsidering the Question of the Transcendental and ‘Technology with a Capital T’ in the Light of the Anthropocene.Pieter Lemmens - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (1):171-187.
    This article has two general aims. It first of all critically reconsiders the empirical turn’s dismissal of transcendentalism in the philosophy of technology, in particular through the work of Ihde and Verbeek, and defends the continuing relevance of the notion of the transcencental in thinking about technology today, illustrating this mainly through a reading of Stiegler’s understanding of the human condition as a technical condition and his view of human (noetic) evolution as proceeding from a process of technical exteriorization. The (...)
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  • Life Death.Jacques Derrida - 2020 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Pascale-Anne Brault, Peggy Kamuf & Michael Naas.
    One of Jacques Derrida’s richest and most provocative works, Life Death challenges and deconstructs one of the most deeply rooted dichotomies of Western thought: life and death. Here Derrida rethinks the traditional philosophical understanding of the relationship between life and death, undertaking multidisciplinary analyses of a range of topics, including philosophy, linguistics, and the life sciences. In seeking to understand the relationship between life and death, he engages in close readings of Freudian psychoanalysis, the philosophy of Nietzsche and Heidegger, French (...)
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  • A Postphenomenological Inquiry of Cell Phones: Genealogies, Meanings, and Becoming.Galit P. Wellner - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    This book is the first postphenomenological analysis of the important roles the cellphone plays in contemporary everydayness. It is an example of a new methodology to study everyday technologies that combines historical research with a philosophical investigation.
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  • The Question Concerning Technology in China: An Essay in Cosmotechnics.Yuk Hui - 2016 - Boston: MIT Press.
    A systematic historical survey of Chinese thought is followed by an investigation of the historical-metaphysical questions of modern technology, asking how Chinese thought might contribute to a renewed questioning of globalized technics. -/- Heidegger's critique of modern technology and its relation to metaphysics has been widely accepted in the East. Yet the conception that there is only one—originally Greek—type of technics has been an obstacle to any original critical thinking of technology in modern Chinese thought. -/- Yuk Hui argues for (...)
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  • Elements of a philosophy of technology: on the evolutionary history of culture.Ernst Kapp - 2018 - London: University of Minnesota Press. Edited by Jeffrey West Kirkwood, Leif Weatherby & Lauren K. Wolfe.
    The anthropological scale -- Organ projection -- The first tools -- Limbs and measure -- Apparatuses and instruments -- The inner architecture of the bones -- Steam engines and rail lines -- The electromagnetic telegraph -- The unconscious -- Machine technology -- The fundamental morphological law -- Language -- The state.
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  • What Is Called Caring?Bernard Stiegler & Daniel Ross - 2017 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 21 (2/3):386-404.
    This article addresses the question under what conditions it is still possible to think in today’s era of the Anthropocene, in which the human has become the key factor in the evolution of the biosphere, considering the fact, structurally neglected by philosophy, that thinking is thoroughly conditioned by a technical milieu of retentional dispositives. The Anthropocene results from modern technology’s domination of the earth through industrialization that is currently unfolding as a process of generalized, digital automation, which tends to eliminate (...)
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  • Digital Media: Human–Technology Connection.Stacey O'Neal Irwin & Don Ihde - 2016 - Lexington Books.
    Digital Media: Human–Technology Connection examines the technologically textured world through case studies that illustrate the way humans and technology connect with each other and the world. An interdisciplinary array of sources from philosophy, postphenomenology, philosophy of technology, media studies, media ecology, and film studies shows that digital media and its content are not neutral. This technology textures the world in multiple and varied ways that transform human abilities, augment experience, and pattern the world.
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  • De l'âme.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2008 - In Corpus. New York: Fordham University Press.
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  • Thing-Transcendentality: Navigating the Interval of “technology” and “Technology”.Yoni Van Den Eede - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (1):225-243.
    The empirical-transcendental debate in philosophy of technology, as debates go, took a turn toward the counterposing of the two perspectives, ‘empirical’-pragmatic-pragmatist versus ‘transcendental’-critical. Postphenomenology aligns itself with the former standpoint, and it is in this spirit that commentators have criticized it for its too-instrumentalist stance and lack of overarching, i.e., transcendental orientation. But the positions may have become too starkly delineated in order for the debate to reach any breakthrough: a seemingly unbridgeable gap yawns between the stances of ‘technology with (...)
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  • Can science make sense of life?Sheila Jasanoff - 2019 - Medford, MA: Polity.
    Nearly 70 years after the dawn of the genetic age, biotechnology, scientists proclaim, is poised to rewrite the book of life. Yet, how far can science go in making sense of what "life" means to human beings and societies? This book looks at flash points in law, politics, ethics, and culture to argue that the claims of rewriting life are overblown.
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  • (1 other version)The Logic of Life: A History of Heredity.François Jacob - 1993 - Princeton University Press.
    In The Logic of Life François Jacob looks at the way our understanding of biology has changed since the sixteenth century. He describes four fundamental turning points in the perception of the structure of living things: the discoveries of the functions of organs, cells, chromosomes and genes, and DNA.
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  • What Things Do: Philosophical Reflections on Technology, Agency, and Design.Peter-Paul Verbeek - 2005 - Human Studies 32 (2):229-240.
    This paper praises and criticizes Peter-Paul Verbeek's What Things Do. The four things that Verbeek does well are: remind us of the importance of technological things; bring Karl Jaspers into the conversation on technology; explain how technology "co-shapes" experience by reading Bruno Latour's actor-network theory in light of Don Ihde's post-phenomenology; develop a material aesthetics of design. The three things that Verbeek does not do well are: analyze the material conditions in which things are produced; criticize the social-political design and (...)
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  • Symbolic misery.Bernard Stiegler - 2014 - Cambridge: Polity Press. Edited by Barnaby Norman.
    In this important new book, the leading cultural theorist and philosopher Bernard Stiegler re-examines the relationship between politics and aesthetics in our contemporary hyperindustrial age. Stiegler argues that our epoch is characterized by the seizure of the symbolic by industrial technology, where aesthetics has become both theatre and weapon in an economic war. This has resulted in a ‘symbolic misery’ where conditioning substitutes for experience. In today’s control societies, aesthetic weapons play an essential role: audiovisual and digital technologies have become (...)
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  • Epimetheus Bound: Stiegler on Derrida, Life, and the Technological Condition.Tracy Colony - 2011 - Research in Phenomenology 41 (1):72-89.
    Bernard Stiegler's account of technology as constitutive of the human as such is without precedent. However, Stiegler's work must also be understood in terms of its explicit appropriations from the thought of Jacques Derrida. An important, yet overlooked, context for framing Stiegler's relation to Derrida is the question of nonhuman life thought in terms of différance . As I argue, Stiegler's account does not unfold the most profound implications of Derrida's understanding of nonhuman life as différance . While Stiegler describes (...)
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  • Life and the Technical Transformation of Différance: Stiegler and the Noopolitics of Becoming Non-Inhuman.Ben Turner - 2016 - Derrida Today 9 (2):177-198.
    Through a re-articulation of Derridean différance, Bernard Stiegler claims that the human is defined by an originary default that displaces all psychic and social life onto technical supplements. His philosophy of technics re-articulates the logic of the supplement as concerning both human reflexivity and its supports, and the history of the différance of life itself. This has been criticised for reducing Derrida's work to a metaphysics of presence, and for instituting a humanism of the relation to the inorganic. By refuting (...)
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  • Bernard Stiegler on Transgenerational Memory and the Dual Origin of the Human.Michael Haworth - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (3):151-173.
    This article reconsiders Stiegler’s account of the emergence of the human species in light of research in the field of transgenerational epigenetics. Stiegler traces this emergence to the appearance of technical artefacts allowing for the intergenerational transmission of acquired memory that would otherwise die along with the organism. This is taken to constitute a rupture in the history of life. The argument that I develop critiques Stiegler’s account at two levels: On the empirical level I argue that emerging neo-Lamarckian developments (...)
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  • Economie de l'hypermatériel et psychopouvoir.Bernard Stiegler - 2008 - Paris: Mille et une nuits. Edited by Philippe Petit & Vincent Bontems.
    Aujourd'hui nous vivons un nouveau stade de la longue histoire de l'évolution technique de l'humanité : le stade du capitalisme hyperindustriel. Depuis le XXe siècle, l'homme n'a cessé de vivre les bouleversements des conditions de la temporalité, c'est-à-dire aussi bien de son individuation. Ce nouveau stade induit déjà une profonde transformation de nos existences. Loin de disparaître, l'industrialisation se poursuit et se renforce, elle investit de nouveaux champs, invisibles, qui vont des nanostructures jusqu'aux fondements neurologiques de l'insconscient, en passant par (...)
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  • Making the Différance: Between Derrida and Stiegler.Francesco Vitale - 2020 - Derrida Today 13 (1):1-16.
    This paper intends to verify the extent and effectiveness of the transforming appropriation of the Derridean concept of ‘differance’ by Stiegler with respect to the problems that, according to Stiegler, make this creative critical operation necessary; in particular with respect to the most recent question concerning the possibility of thinking about and putting into practice a ‘neganthropological différance’ capable of facing the ecological crisis that today seems to threaten the very existence of life on earth. The paper goes back to (...)
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  • Derrida and technology: fidelity at the limits of deconstmction and the prosthesis of faith.Bernard Stiegler - 2001 - In Tom Cohen, Jacques Derrida and the Humanities: A Critical Reader. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 238.
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  • Originary technicity: the theory of technology from Marx to Derrida.Arthur Bradley - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Life -- Labour -- Psyche -- Being -- The other -- Time -- Death.
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  • Cyborg intentionality: Rethinking the phenomenology of human–technology relations. [REVIEW]Peter-Paul Verbeek - 2008 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (3):387-395.
    This article investigates the types of intentionality involved in human–technology relations. It aims to augment Don Ihde’s analysis of the relations between human beings and technological artifacts, by analyzing a number of concrete examples at the limits of Ihde’s analysis. The article distinguishes and analyzes three types of “cyborg intentionality,” which all involve specific blends of the human and the technological. Technologically mediated intentionality occurs when human intentionality takes place “through” technological artifacts; hybrid intentionality occurs when the technological actually merges (...)
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