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  1. Outline of a theory of truth.Saul Kripke - 1975 - Journal of Philosophy 72 (19):690-716.
    A formal theory of truth, alternative to tarski's 'orthodox' theory, based on truth-value gaps, is presented. the theory is proposed as a fairly plausible model for natural language and as one which allows rigorous definitions to be given for various intuitive concepts, such as those of 'grounded' and 'paradoxical' sentences.
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  • The Emperor’s New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, andthe Laws of Physics.Roger Penrose - 1989 - Science and Society 54 (4):484-487.
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  • (1 other version)Minds, Machines and Gödel.John R. Lucas - 1961 - Philosophy 36 (137):112-127.
    Gödei's Theorem seems to me to prove that Mechanism is false, that is, that minds cannot be explained as machines. So also has it seemed to many other people: almost every mathematical logician I have put the matter to has confessed to similar thoughts, but has felt reluctant to commit himself definitely until he could see the whole argument set out, with all objections fully stated and properly met. This I attempt to do.
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  • (1 other version)Minds, Machines and Gödel.J. R. Lucas - 1961 - Etica E Politica 5 (1):1.
    In this article, Lucas maintains the falseness of Mechanism - the attempt to explain minds as machines - by means of Incompleteness Theorem of Gödel. Gödel’s theorem shows that in any system consistent and adequate for simple arithmetic there are formulae which cannot be proved in the system but that human minds can recognize as true; Lucas points out in his turn that Gödel’s theorem applies to machines because a machine is the concrete instantiation of a formal system: therefore, for (...)
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  • Reflecting on incompleteness.Solomon Feferman - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (1):1-49.
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  • (1 other version)God, the Devil, and Gödel.Paul Benacerraf - 1967 - The Monist 51 (1):9-32.
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  • On the Question of Whether the Mind Can Be Mechanized, I: From Gödel to Penrose.Peter Koellner - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy 115 (7):337-360.
    In this paper I address the question of whether the incompleteness theorems imply that “the mind cannot be mechanized,” where this is understood in the specific sense that “the mathematical outputs of the idealized human mind do not coincide with the mathematical outputs of any idealized finite machine.” Gödel argued that his incompleteness theorems implied a weaker, disjunctive conclusion to the effect that either “the mind cannot be mechanized” or “mathematical truth outstrips the idealized human mind.” Others, most notably, Lucas (...)
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  • A Logical Journey. From Gödel to Philosophy.Hao Wang - 1998 - Philosophy 73 (285):495-504.
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  • Some remarks on extending and interpreting theories with a partial predicate for truth.William N. Reinhardt - 1986 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 15 (2):219 - 251.
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  • On the Question of Whether the Mind Can Be Mechanized, II: Penrose’s New Argument.Peter Koellner - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy 115 (9):453-484.
    Gödel argued that his incompleteness theorems imply that either “the mind cannot be mechanized” or “there are absolutely undecidable sentences.” In the precursor to this paper I examined the early arguments for the first disjunct. In the present paper I examine the most sophisticated argument for the first disjunct, namely, Penrose’s new argument. It turns out that Penrose’s argument requires a type-free notion of truth and a type-free notion of absolute provability. I show that there is a natural such system, (...)
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  • Some remarks on the notion of proof.John Myhill - 1960 - Journal of Philosophy 57 (14):461-471.
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  • Narrow Versus Wide Mechanism: Including a Re-Examination of Turing’s Views on the Mind-Machine Issue.B. Jack Copeland - 2000 - Journal of Philosophy 97 (1):5-32.
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  • Axioms for determinateness and truth.Solomon Feferman - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (2):204-217.
    elaboration of the last part of my Tarski Lecture, “Truth unbound”, UC Berkeley, 3 April 2006, and of the lecture, “A nicer formal theory of non-hierarchical truth”, Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Philosophy, Banff , 18-23 Feb. 2007.
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  • Epistemic theories and the interpretation of gödel's incompleteness theorems.William N. Reinhardt - 1986 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 15 (4):427--74.
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  • Knowledge, Machines, and the Consistency of Reinhardt's Strong Mechanistic Thesis.Timothy J. Carlson - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 105 (1--3):51--82.
    Reinhardt 's strong mechanistic thesis, a formalization of “I know I am a Turing machine”, is shown to be consistent with Epistemic Arithmetic.
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  • Mechanism, truth, and Penrose's new argument.Stewart Shapiro - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (1):19-42.
    Sections 3.16 and 3.23 of Roger Penrose's Shadows of the mind (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994) contain a subtle and intriguing new argument against mechanism, the thesis that the human mind can be accurately modeled by a Turing machine. The argument, based on the incompleteness theorem, is designed to meet standard objections to the original Lucas-Penrose formulations. The new argument, however, seems to invoke an unrestricted truth predicate (and an unrestricted knowability predicate). If so, its premises are inconsistent. The usual (...)
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  • Penrose's new argument.Per Lindström - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 30 (3):241-250.
    It has been argued, by Penrose and others, that Gödel's proof of his first incompleteness theorem shows that human mathematics cannot be captured by a formal system F: the Gödel sentence G(F) of F can be proved by a (human) mathematician but is not provable in F. To this argment it has been objected that the mathematician can prove G(F) only if (s)he can prove that F is consistent, which is unlikely if F is complicated. Penrose has invented a new (...)
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  • Modality and axiomatic theories of truth I: Friedman-Sheard.Johannes Stern - 2014 - Review of Symbolic Logic 7 (2):273-298.
    In this investigation we explore a general strategy for constructing modal theories where the modal notion is conceived as a predicate. The idea of this strategy is to develop modal theories over axiomatic theories of truth. In this first paper of our two part investigation we develop the general strategy and then apply it to the axiomatic theory of truth Friedman-Sheard. We thereby obtain the theory Modal Friedman-Sheard. The theory Modal Friedman-Sheard is then discussed from three different perspectives. First, we (...)
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  • Modality and axiomatic theories of truth II: Kripke-Feferman.Johannes Stern - 2014 - Review of Symbolic Logic 7 (2):299-318.
    In this second and last paper of the two part investigation on "Modality and Axiomatic Theories of Truth" we apply a general strategy for constructing modal theories over axiomatic theories of truth to the theory Kripke-Feferman. This general strategy was developed in the first part of our investigation. Applying the strategy to Kripke-Feferman leads to the theory Modal Kripke-Feferman which we discuss from the three perspectives that we had already considered in the first paper, where we discussed the theory Modal (...)
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  • Remarks on Penrose’s “New Argument”.Per Lindström - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 35 (3):231-237.
    It is commonly agreed that the well-known Lucas-Penrose arguments and even Penrose's 'new argument' in [Penrose, R. (1994): Shadows of the Mind, Oxford University Press] are inconclusive. It is, perhaps, less clear exactly why at least the latter is inconclusive. This note continues the discussion in [Lindström, P. (2001): Penrose's new argument, J. Philos. Logic 30, 241-250; Shapiro, S.(2003): Mechanism, truth, and Penrose's new argument, J. Philos. Logic 32, 19-42] and elsewhere of this question.
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