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  1. Justice and the Politics of Difference.Iris Marion Young - 1990 - Princeton University Press.
    In this classic work of feminist political thought, Iris Marion Young challenges the prevailing reduction of social justice to distributive justice.
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  • Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex.Judith Butler - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    In ____Bodies That Matter,__ Judith Butler further develops her distinctive theory of gender by examining the workings of power at the most "material" dimensions of sex and sexuality. Deepening the inquiries she began in _Gender_ _Trouble,_ Butler offers an original reformulation of the materiality of bodies, examining how the power of heterosexual hegemony forms the "matter" of bodies, sex, and gender. Butler argues that power operates to constrain "sex" from the start, delimiting what counts as a viable sex. She offers (...)
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  • The psychic life of power: theories in subjection.Judith Butler - 1997 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    The author considers the way in which psychic life is generated by the social operation of power, and how that social operation of power is concealed and fortified by the psyche that it produces. Power is no longer understood to be 'internalized' by an existing subject, but the subject is spawned as an ambivalent effect of power, one that is staged through the operation of conscience. To claim that power fabricates the psyche is also to claim that there is a (...)
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  • Undoing Gender.Judith Butler - 2004 - Routledge.
    The book constitutes a reconsideration of her earlier view on gender performativity from Gender Trouble. In this work, the critique of gender norms is clearly situated within the framework of human persistence and survival.
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  • Ecrits: A Selection.Jacques Lacan - 1966/2005 - Routledge.
    First published in 1980. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  • Luce Irigaray: philosophy in the feminine.Margaret Whitford - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    Margaret Whitford's study provides the ideal introduction to Irigaray's thought, offering a sustained interpretation of her whole corpus, including previously untranslated French texts. Whitford suggests that Irigaray's work should be seen as "philosophy in the feminine," actively opposing the complicity of philosophy with other social practices which exclude or marginalize women.
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  • Sexual Subversions: Three French Feminists.Elizabeth Grosz - 1989 - Routledge.
    Introducing the work of three French feminists - Julia Kristeva, Luce Irigaray and Michele L Doeuff - "Sexual Subversions" provides access to the work of these writers. In doing so this book raises some key issues of relevance to feminist research, addressing debates around the nature of feminist theory; the relationship between feminist thinking theory; the relationship between feminist thinking and male-dominated areas of knowledge; the strategies appropriate for developing non-patriarchal or woman-centered knowledges. No book on French feminists would be (...)
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  • Contingency, hegemony, universality: contemporary dialogues on the left.Judith Butler - 2000 - London: Verso. Edited by Ernesto Laclau & Slavoj Žižek.
    In a series of memorable exchanges, three eminent theorists engage in a dialogue on central questions of contemporary philosophy and politics.
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  • Ethique de la différence sexuelle.Luce Irigaray - 1984 - Les Editions de Minuit.
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  • Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence.Judith Butler - 2004 - New York: Verso.
    In this profound appraisal of post-September 11, 2001 America, Judith Butler considers the conditions of heightened vulnerability and aggression that followed from the attack on the US, and US retaliation. Judith Butler critiques the use of violence that has emerged as a response to loss, and argues that the dislocation of first-world privilege offers instead a chance to imagine a world in which that violence might be minimized and in which interdependency becomes acknowledged as the basis for a global political (...)
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  • Jacques Lacan: a feminist introduction.Elizabeth A. Grosz - 1990 - New York: Routledge.
    Grosz gives a critical overview of Lacan's work from a feminist perspective. Discussing previous attempts to give a feminist reading of his work, she argues for women's autonomy based on an indifference to the Lacanian phallus.
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  • An ethics of dissensus: postmodernity, feminism, and the politics of radical democracy.Ewa Płonowska Ziarek - 2001 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    What kind of challenge does sexual and racial difference pose for postmodern ethics? What is the relation between ethical obligation and feminist interpretations of embodiment, passion, and eros? How can we negotiate between ethical responsibility for the Other and democratic struggles against domination, injustice, and equality, on the one hand, and internal conflicts within the subject, on the other? We cannot address such questions, Ziarek argues, without putting into dialogue discourses that have hitherto been segregated: postmodern ethics, feminism, race theory, (...)
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  • Ce sexe qui n'en est pas un.Luce Irigaray - 1977 - Les Editions de Minuit.
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  • A politics of impossible difference: the later work of Luce Irigaray.Penelope Deutscher - 2002 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Sexual difference as a basis of equality : an introduction to Irigarayan politics -- Irigaray on language : from the speech of dementia to the problem of sexual indifference -- Rethinking the politics of recognition : the declaration of Irigarayan sexuate rights -- Irigarayan performativity : is this a question of can saying it make it so? -- Sexuate genre : ethics and politics for improper selves -- Anticipating sexual difference : mediation, love, and divinity -- Interrogating an unasked question (...)
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  • Luce Irigaray and the philosophy of sexual difference.Alison Stone - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Alison Stone offers a feminist defence of the idea that sexual difference is natural, providing a new interpretation of the later philosophy of Luce Irigaray. She defends Irigaray's unique form of essentialism and her rethinking of the relationship between nature and culture, showing how Irigaray's ideas can be reconciled with Judith Butler's performative conception of gender, through rethinking sexual difference in relation to German Romantic philosophies of nature. This is the first sustained attempt to connect feminist conceptions of embodiment to (...)
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  • Read My Desire: Lacan against the Historicists.Joan Copjec - 1994 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    In Read My Desire, Joan Copjec stages a confrontation between the theories of Jacques Lacan and Michel Foucault, protagonists of two powerful modern discourses - psychoanalysis and historicism. Ordinarily, these discourses only cross paths long enough for historicists to charge psychoanalysis with an indifference to history, but here psychoanalysis, via Lacan, goes on the offensive. Refusing to cede historicity to the historicists, Copjec makes a case for the superiority of Lacan's explanation of historical process, its generative principles, and its complex (...)
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  • Contesting the Far Right: A Psychoanalytic and Feminist Critical Theory Approach.Claudia Leeb - 2024 - New York City: Columbia University Press.
    Why have so many people responded to the insecurity, exploitation, alienation, and isolation of precarity capitalism by supporting the far right? In this timely book, Claudia Leeb argues that psychoanalytic and feminist critical theory illuminates how economic and psychological factors interact to produce this extreme political shift. Contesting the Far Right examines right-wing recruitment tactics in the United States and Austria, where people discontented with the status quo have turned to far-right parties and movements that further cement capitalism’s adverse effects. (...)
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  • Transformations: Recollective Imagination and Sexual Difference.Drucilla Cornell - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    In a unique rethinking of political transformation, Drucilla Cornell argues for the crucial role of psychoanalysis in social theory in voicing connection between our constitution as gendered subjects and social and political change.
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  • Shadow of the other: intersubjectivity and gender in psychoanalysis.Jessica Benjamin - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Shadow of the Other is a discussion of how the individual has two sorts of relationships with an "other"--other individuals. The first regards the other as a s work apart is her brilliant utilization of a systematic dialectical approach to her subject, always maintaining the delicate balance between opposing tensions: masculinity and femininity, subjectivity and objectivity, passivity and activity, love and aggression, fantasy and reality, modernism and postmodernism, the intrapsychic and the intersubjective. Benjamin s work apart is her brilliant utilization (...)
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  • Julia Kristeva: Psychoanalysis and Modernity.Sara Beardsworth - 2004 - State University of New York Press.
    A comprehensive examination of Kristeva's work from the seventies to the nineties.
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  • History After Lacan.Teresa Brennan - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    Lacan was not an ahistorical post-structuralist. Starting from this controversial premiss, Teresa Brennan tells the story of a social psychosis. She begins by recovering Lacan's neglected theory of history which argued that we are in the grip of a psychotic's era which began in the seventeenth century and climaxes in the present. By extending and elaborating Lacan's theory, Brennan develops a general theory of modernity. Contrary to postmodern assumptions, she argues, we need general historical explanation. An understanding of historical dynamics (...)
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  • The Colonization of Psychic Space: A Psychoanalytic Social Theory of Oppression.Kelly Oliver - 2004 - U of Minnesota Press.
    We are, Julia Kristeva writes, strangers to ourselves; and indeed much of contemporary theory describes the human condition as one of alienation. Eloquently arguing that we cannot explain the developement of individuality or subjectivity apart from its social context, Kelly Oliver makes a powerful case for recognizing the social aspects of alienation and the psychic aspects of oppression.
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  • The Interpretation of the Flesh: Freud and Femininity.Teresa Brennan - 1992 - Routledge.
    The `riddle of femininity', like Freud's reference to women's sexuality as a `dark continent', has been treated as a romantic aside or a sexist evasion, rather than a problem to be solved. In this first comprehensive study, Teresa Brennan suggests that by placing these theories in the context of Freud's work overall, we will begin to understand why femininity was such a riddle for Freud.
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  • A passion for ignorance: what we choose not to know and why.Renata Salecl - 2020 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Drawing on philosophy, social and psychoanalytic theory, popular culture, and her own experience, Salecl explores how the passion for ignorance plays out in many different aspects of life today, from love, illness, trauma, and the fear of failure to genetics, forensic science, big data, and the Incel movement-and she concludes that ignorance is a complex phenomenon that can, on occasion, benefit individuals and society as a whole.
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  • On Anxiety.Renata Salecl - 2004 - Routledge.
    We frequently hear that we live in an age of anxiety, from 'therapy culture', the Atkins diet and child anti-depressants to gun culture and weapons of mass destruction. While Hollywood regularly cashes in on teenage anxiety through its Scream franchise, pharmaceutical companies churn out new drugs such as Paxil to combat newly diagnosed anxieties. On Anxiety takes a fascinating, psychological plunge behind the scenes of our panic stricken culture and into anxious minds, asking who and what is responsible. Putting anxiety (...)
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  • “Je—Luce Irigaray”: A Meeting with Luce Irigaray.Elizabeth Hirsh, Gary A. Olson & Gaëton Brulotte - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (2):93-114.
    The authors conducted this interview with Luce Irigaray in her home in Paris in May, 1994.
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  • Psychoanalysis and Feminism.Juliet Mitchell - 1974 - Pantheon.
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  • The Excessive Subject: A New Theory of Social Change.Molly Anne Rothenberg - 2010 - Polity.
    In _The Excessive Subject: A New Theory of Social Change_, Molly Anne Rothenberg uncovers an innovative theory of social change implicit in the writings of radical social theorists, such as Pierre Bourdieu, Michel de Certeau, Judith Butler, Ernesto Laclau, and Slavoj?i?ek. Through case studies of these writers' work, Rothenberg illuminates how this new theory calls into question currently accepted views of social practices, subject formation, democratic interaction, hegemony, political solidarity, revolutionary acts, and the ethics of alterity. Finding a common dissatisfaction (...)
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  • The Hysteric Rebels: Rethinking Socio-Political Transformation with Foucault and Lacan.Claudia Leeb - 2020 - Theory and Event 23 (3):607-640.
    In this article, I bring Lacan and Foucault into a conversation to show that both theorized the hysteric subject as the moment of the limit in power, where power fails to subordinate us. Moreover, both thinkers theorized the hysteric as the paradigmatic example of a political subject that not only rebels but radically transforms power structures. Next, I show that Freud's Dora case refers to a psychoanalytic discourse on hysteria, which turned into the master's discourse. Such master's discourse aimed to (...)
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  • New Scenes of Vulnerability, Agency and Plurality.Vikki Bell - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (1):130-152.
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  • Power and Feminist Agency in Capitalism: Toward a New Theory of the Political Subject.Claudia Leeb - 2017 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    According to postmodern scholars, subjects are defined only through their relationship to power. However, if we are only political subjects insofar as we are subjected to existing power relations, there is little hope of political transformation. To instigate change, we need to draw on collective power, but appealing to a particular type of subject, whether "working class," "black," or "women," will always be exclusionary. Recent work in political and feminist thought has suggested that we can get around these paradoxes by (...)
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  • Returning to Irigaray: Feminist Philosophy, Politics, and the Question of Unity.Maria C. Cimitile & Elaine Miller (eds.) - 2006 - State University of New York Press.
    Leading scholars examine the relation between Irigaray’s early writings and her later, more political work.
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  • Pour une morale de l'ambiguïté.Simone de Beauvoir - 1947 - [Paris]: Editions Gallimard.
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  • The Cambridge companion to Lacan.Jean-Michel Rabaté (ed.) - 2003 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Jacques Lacan is renowned as a theoretician of psychoanalysis whose work is still influential in many countries. He refashioned psychoanalysis in the name of philosophy and linguistics at a time when it faced certain intellectual decline. Focusing on key terms in Lacan's often difficult, idiosyncratic development of psychoanalysis, this volume brings new perspectives to the work of an intimidating influential thinker.
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  • Kristeva and the Political.Cecilia Sjoholm - 2004 - Routledge.
    Julia Kristeva is one of the most influential French thinkers of the twentieth century and is best known for her work in linguistics. Even though her work has been very influential, the political implications of her writings have so far been neglected. _Kristeva and the Political_ is the first book to explore the relation of Kristeva's work to the political and casts new light on her work, connecting her to recent developments in literary theory, political theory, and cultural studies. In (...)
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  • Bridging the Social and the Symbolic: Toward a Feminist Politics of Sexual Difference.Emily Zakin - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (3):19-44.
    By clarifying the psychoanalytic notion of sexual difference, I argue that the symbolic dimension of psychical life cannot be discarded in developing political accounts of identity formation and the status of women in the public sphere. I discuss various bridges between social reality and symbolic structure, bridges such as body, language, law, and family. I conclude that feminist attention must be redirected to the unconscious since the political cannot be localized in, or segregated to, the sphere of social reality; sexual (...)
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  • Like Subjects, Love Objects: Essays on Recognition and Sexual Difference.Jessica Benjamin - 1995
    In this book, the author discusses gender issues from the perspective of developmental psychoanalysis. Jessica Benjamin, a well-known psychoanalyst and feminist, makes a case for what she calls 'gender heterodoxy' - a highly original view of the similarities and differences between the sexes - and in the process she illuminates aspects of love, sexuality, aggression, and pornography. Benjamin elaborates and develops the psychoanalytic theory of intersubjectivity, taking up the question - What difference does it make when I consider the Other (...)
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  • Etrangers à nous-mêmes.Julia Kristeva - 1988
    Livre remarquable destiné à trois catégories de lecteurs: ceux qui en ont assez des étrangers; ceux qui sont eux-mêmes des étrangers; ceux qui se sentent étrangers dans leur propre pays.
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  • The Practice of Love: Lesbian Sexuality and Perverse Desire.Teresa De Lauretis - 1994 - Indiana University Press.
    "... a work that builds a substantial bridge between Freudian psychoanalysis and radical feminist thought, particularly on the subject of lesbianism.... Presenting a complex argument about an issue vital to the psychoanalytic endeavor as well as to feminist theory, The Practice of Love should stimulate a reconsideration of 'perversion' and the construction of sexual fantasy. The illumination of the fantasies that make lesbian desire distinctive will necessarily open up our understanding of all sexuality." --Jessica Benjamin, New York Times Book Review (...)
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  • La révolution du langage poétique: l'avant-garde à la fin du XIXe siècle, Lautréamont et Mallarmé.Julia Kristeva - 1974 - Editions du Seuil.
    Julia Kristeva est un phénomène : sa capacité de s'informer à des sources multiples (linguistique, sémiotique, littérature, philosophie, etc.) et de dominer son information, de l'intégrer dans une trame discursive (en vue d'une thèse) est admirable. Tout comme sa conviction profonde d'une compatibilité des "avant-gardes", ainsi que le note Pierre Pachet. L'objet du livre est le langage poétique comme "lieu où l'ordre symbolique est perturbé par la jouissance, où le code est travaillé de ruptures, de négativité". Mallarmé et Lautréamont sont (...)
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  • Revolt, Affect, Collectivity: The Unstable Boundaries of Kristeva's Polis.Tina Chanter & Ewa Plonowska Ziarek (eds.) - 2005 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores how the concept of revolution permeates and unifies Kristeva’s body of work.
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  • Envy and Gratitude and Other Works 1946-1963.Melanie Klein (ed.) - 1975 - The Free Press.
    This text collects Melaine Klein's writings from 1946 until her death in 1960, including two papers published posthumously. This was her last major work which introduces her theory of primary envy.
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  • (1 other version)The metastases of enjoyment: six essays on woman and causality.Slavoj Žižek - 1994 - New York: Verso.
    This text uses Lacanian psychoanalysis as the basis for a renewal of the Marxist theory of ideology. The author's analysis leads into a study of the figure of woman in modern art and ideology, and the links between violence and power/gender relations.
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  • Vital Signs: Nature, Culture, Psychoanalysis.Charles Shepherdson - 2000 - Routledge.
    First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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