Results for 'Ángel Octavio Álvarez Solís'

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  1. Etica Multicultural y sociedad en red.Miguel Angel Perez Alvarez - 2017 - Dissertation, Unam
    This work was my theses to get the MA in Philosophy. Their focus is the ethics implied in digital culture and networked society. Themes are Ethics, culture, technology, political control, autonomous systems.
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  2. Estética de la confianza, de Lluis X. Álvarez[REVIEW]Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz - 2008 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):133-136.
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  3. Causalismo e impacto violentos en La ciudad y los perros.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2018 - Cuadernos Del Hipogrifo. Revista Semestral de Literatura Hispanoamericana y Comparada 9 (9):26-39.
    En el siguiente artículo tengo como finalidad aplicar el concepto de violencia, estudiado desde distintos abordajes de la psicología, como herramienta teórica para analizar la novela La ciudad y los perros (1963) del Premio Nobel de Literatura Mario Vargas Llosa. El tratamiento que tendrá esta investigación se basará en dos líneas temáticas que segmentan la actuación de un agresor o un violento: las causas y las repercusiones generadas. La primera abordará siete conceptos derivados, como el hecho de aprender a ser (...)
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  4. Kathrin Koslicki i el neo-aristotelisme per la defensa de la metafísica.Adrián Solís - 2019 - Filosofia, Ara! Revista Per a Pensar 2 (5):30-31.
    Actualment en Filosofia, tenim dues caracteritzacions canóniques sobre la naturalesa de la Metafísica, la carnapiana i la quineana, tot i que són dues tesis diferenciades, ambdues coincideixen en que la Metafísica és reduïda a qüestions d'existència. No obstant, Kathrin Koslicki considera que aquestes caracteritzacions de la naturalesa de la Metafísica són errònies i que comporten una crítica explícita a la Metafísica o redueixen la resolució dels problemes metafísics a un pragmatisme. Per això, Koslicki considerant que els desacords metafísics són legítims (...)
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  5. Actions, thought-experiments and the 'principle of alternate possibilities'.Maria Alvarez - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87 (1):61 – 81.
    In 1969 Harry Frankfurt published his hugely influential paper 'Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility' in which he claimed to present a counterexample to the so-called 'Principle of Alternate Possibilities' ('a person is morally responsible for what he has done only if he could have done otherwise'). The success of Frankfurt-style cases as counterexamples to the Principle has been much debated since. I present an objection to these cases that, in questioning their conceptual cogency, undercuts many of those debates. Such cases (...)
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  6. Remembering and relearning: Against exclusionism.Juan F. Álvarez - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies:1-21.
    Many philosophers endorse “exclusionism”, the view that no instance of relearning qualifies as a case of genuine remembering, and vice versa. Appealing to simulationist, distributed causalist, and trace minimalist theories of remembering, I develop three conditional arguments against exclusionism. First, if simulationism is right to hold that some cases of remembering involve reliance on post-event testimonial information, then remembering does not exclude relearning. Second, if distributed causalism is right to hold that memory traces are promiscuous, then remembering does not exclude (...)
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  7. The value of testimonial-based beliefs in the face of AI-generated quasi-testimony.Felipe Alejandro Álvarez Osorio & Ruth Marcela Espinosa Sarmiento - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):25-38.
    The value of testimony as a source of knowledge has been a subject of epistemological debates. The "trust theory of testimony" suggests that human testimony is based on an affective relationship supported by social norms. However, the advent of generative artificial intelligence challenges our understanding of genuine testimony. The concept of "quasi-testimony" seeks to characterize utterances produced by non-human entities that mimic testimony but lack certain fundamental attributes. This article analyzes these issues in depth, exploring philosophical perspectives on testimony and (...)
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  8. Individuant accions.Adrián Solís - 2021 - Filosofia, Ara! Revista Per a Pensar 2 (7):26-28.
    Com podem fer per individuar accions? Com determinem quines accions són diferents d'unes altres? El present treball discutirà dues teories sobre la individuació d'accions: la de Davidson i la de Goldman. Atenent a un clàssic escenari filosòfic sobre la individuació d'accions veurem les virtuds i defectes d'aquestes dues propostes.
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    Preambular Persuasion as Proleptic Engagement: The Legislative Strategy of Plato's Laws.Eric Solis - forthcoming - Classical Quarterly.
    In the Laws, Plato argues that legislation must not only compel, but also persuade. This is accomplished by prefacing laws with preludes. While this procedure is central to the legislative project of the dialogue, there is little interpretative agreement about the strategy of the preludes. This paper defends an interpretation according to which the strategy is to engage with citizens in a way that anticipates their progress toward a more mature evaluative outlook, and helps them grow into it. This paper (...)
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  10. Curable and Incurable Vice in Aristotle.Eric Solis - 2025 - Ancient Philosophy 45 (1):1-16.
    I argue that central to Aristotle’s account of vice is a distinction between two varieties of vicious person: those for whom character change is possible (the curable), and those for whom it is not (the incurable). Recognizing this distinction and drawing out the ideas which ground it shows why Aristotle’s discussions of vice in EN vii and ix 4 are not inconsistent.
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  11. How many kinds of reasons?Maria Alvarez - 2007 - Philosophical Explorations 12 (2):181 – 193.
    Reasons can play a variety of roles in a variety of contexts. For instance, reasons can motivate and guide us in our actions (and omissions), in the sense that we often act in the light of reasons. And reasons can be grounds for beliefs, desires and emotions and can be used to evaluate, and sometimes to justify, all these. In addition, reasons are used in explanations: both in explanations of human actions, beliefs, desires, emotions, etc., and in explanations of a (...)
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  12. Reasons and the ambiguity of 'belief'.Maria Alvarez - 2008 - Philosophical Explorations 11 (1):53 – 65.
    Two conceptions of motivating reasons, i.e. the reasons for which we act, can be found in the literature: (1) the dominant 'psychological conception', which says that motivating reasons are an agent's believing something; and (2) the 'non-psychological' conception, the minority view, which says that they are what the agent believes, i.e. his beliefs. In this paper I outline a version of the minority view, and defend it against what have been thought to be insuperable difficulties - in particular, difficulties concerning (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Reasons for action and practical reasoning.Maria Alvarez - 2010 - Ratio 23 (4):355-373.
    This paper seeks a better understanding of the elements of practical reasoning: premises and conclusion. It argues that the premises of practical reasoning do not normally include statements such as ‘I want to ϕ’; that the reasoning in practical reasoning is the same as in theoretical reasoning and that what makes it practical is, first, that the point of the relevant reasoning is given by the goal that the reasoner seeks to realize by means of that reasoning and the subsequent (...)
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  14. Una defensa de Robert Owen: para una nueva lectura del utopismo en la historia.José Ramón Álvarez Layna - 2007 - A Parte Rei: Revista de Filosofía 53 (53):1-76.
    ABSTRACT: In its historical deployment, socialist thought has attracted the attention of numerous experts and thinkers. The results reached from the above mentioned efforts, are quite irregular in fact. These studies are very often linked the marxist tradition, that shifted its identity to label previous social reformers as "utopian socialists". Specifically, our academic Spanish tradition has traditionally been dependant -historically and intellectually- on other Continental currents of thought. We state, that the preeminence and fundamental influence on our Spanish culture in (...)
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  15. Agents, actions and reasons.Maria Alvarez - 2005 - Philosophical Books 46 (1):45-58.
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  16. El nihilisme mereològic i l'estratègia de la paràfrasi: una avaluació crítica.Adrián Solís - forthcoming - Anuari de la Societat Catalana de Filosofia.
    En aquest article pretenc fer una crítica al nihilisme mereològic, al·ludint que les expressions «simples agrupats en-tant-que-F» tenen unes conseqüències desastroses per als seus compromisos ontològics. Primer, explicaré què és el nihilisme mereològic -que és part de l’eliminativisme- el qual pretén negar l’existència dels objectes compostos (objectes amb parts pròpies) i l’estratègia de la paràfrasi: l’ús que fan de les expressions «simples agrupats en-tant-que-F» per referir-se als objectes ordinaris sense comprometre’s amb l’existència d’objectes compostos, però posaré l’èmfasi en aquells nihilistes (...)
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  17. Spinozism and Native American on Pantheism and Panentheism.Joel Alvarez - 2023 - In Valera Luca (ed.), Pantheism and Ecology: Cosmological, Philosophical, and Theological Perspectives. Springer. pp. 159-171.
    Baruch Spinoza famously said, “Whatsoever is, is in God, and without God, nothing can be, or be conceived”. This form of Pantheism is quite like eastern Pantheism, where in Hinduism they assert that “everything is Brahma”, or in Taoism, where Lao Tzu says, “Heaven and I were created together, and all things and I are one”. Although the western and eastern world shared their respective ideas of Pantheism, Native Americans also contributed to such discussion. However, comparative philosophy between western and (...)
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  18. Mental Health and Emotional Intelligence of Senior High School Students A Correlational Study.Angel Adajar, Kimberly Mae Malenab, Aaliyah Chocolate Bairoy, Elysa Marie Rivera, Donna Daguay & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 11 (2):596-600.
    This study investigates the relationship between mental health and emotional intelligence among senior high school students in a public school. Thus, the study employed a correlational design to measure the relationship between mental health and emotional intelligence among 152 Grade 12 senior high school students in a public school. Hence, to measure the study’s variables - Mental Health Inventory and Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) were utilized. Based on the inferential statistics, the r coefficient of 0.32 indicates a low positive correlation (...)
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  19. Ángel Martínez Fernández, «Una nueva estela funeraria de Aptera (Creta)», Veleia 32, pp. 151-158. Vitoria, Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad del País Vasco, 2015. DOI: 10.1387/veleia.14985.Angel Martinez Fernandez - 2015 - Veleia 32:151-158.
    El autor del artículo edita y estudia una inscripción funeraria inédita de época helenística encontrada en Aptera (Creta) por la arqueóloga griega V. Ninioú-Kindelí. El texto de la inscripción dice así: A) Σώσανδρος | Βίτωνος. B) Ἀμφιμήδης | Σωσάνδρω.
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    Astrobiocentrism: reflections on challenges in the transition to a vision of life and humanity in space.Octavio Alfonso Chon-Torres, Julian Chela-Flores, David Dunér, Erik Persson, Tony Milligan, Jesús Martínez-Frías, Andreas Losch, Adam Pryor & César Andreé Murga-Moreno - 2024 - International Journal of Astrobiology 23 (e6):1-17.
    Astrobiocentrism is a vision that places us in a scenario of confirmation of life in the universe, either as a second genesis or as an expansion of humanity in space. It manages to raise consistent arguments in relation to questions such as what would happen to knowledge if life were confirmed in the universe, how would this change the way we understand our place in the cosmos? Astrobiocentrism raises a series of reflections in the context of confirmed discovery, and it (...)
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  21. Native American Epistemology Through Dreams.Joel Alvarez - 2023 - In Andrea Sullivan-Clarke (ed.), Ways of Being in the World: An Introduction to Indigenous Philosophies of Turtle Island. Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press. pp. 159-167.
    In Meditations on First Philosophy, René Descartes argues that one cannot trust one’s senses since they are not a reliable source of obtaining knowledge of the world. One of Descartes’s main contentions to support such an argument is from his explanation of dreams, where one can feel one is awake but instead one is dreaming. Native Americans, however, may argue that the experiences one has in dreams are real and are a source of knowledge of the real world. Although Descartes (...)
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  22. Agency and Two‐Way Powers.Maria Alvarez - 2013 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 113 (1pt1):101-121.
    In this paper I propose a way of characterizing human agency in terms of the concept of a two‐way power. I outline this conception of agency, defend it against some objections, and briefly indicate how it relates to free agency and to moral praise‐ and blameworthiness.
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  23. Letting Happen, Omissions and Causation.Maria Alvarez - 2001 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 61 (1):63-81.
    In this paper I consider whether it is possible to cause an event by letting it happen.
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  24. (1 other version)When Ignorance is No Excuse.Maria Alvarez & Clayton Littlejohn - 2017 - In Philip Robichaud & Jan Wieland (eds.), Responsibility - The Epistemic Condition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 64-81.
    Ignorance is often a perfectly good excuse. There are interesting debates about whether non-culpable factual ignorance and mistake subvert obligation, but little disagreement about whether non-culpable factual ignorance and mistake exculpate. What about agents who have all the relevant facts in view but fail to meet their obligations because they do not have the right moral beliefs? If their ignorance of their obligations derives from mistaken moral beliefs or from ignorance of the moral significance of the facts they have in (...)
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  25. Coreference and meaning.N. Ángel Pinillos - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 154 (2):301 - 324.
    Sometimes two expressions in a discourse can be about the same thing in a way that makes that very fact evident to the participants. Consider, for example, 'he' and 'John' in 'John went to the store and he bought some milk'. Let us call this 'de jure' coreference. Other times, coreference is 'de facto' as with 'Mark Twain' and 'Samuel Clemens' in a sincere use of 'Mark Twain is not Samuel Clemens'. Here, agents can understand the speech without knowing that (...)
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  26. Nietzsche on Language.Maria Alvarez & Aaron Ridley - 2005 - Philosophical Topics 33 (2):1-17.
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  27. El fenómeno de la xenofobia en Costa Rica desde una perspectiva histórica.Pedro J. Solís - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 47 (120-121):91-97.
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  28. La naturaleza y ejercicio del poder y la autoridad política.Pedro J. Solís - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 47 (122):49-57.
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  29. Critiques of God Edited by Peter Angeles. --.Peter Adam Angeles - 1976 - Prometheus Books.
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  30. La crítica de la modernidad en el pensamiento colonial.Jorge Álvarez Yágüez - 2021 - Res Publica 24:3-15.
    Resumen. El presente texto se centra en la crítica que el pensamiento decolonial ha dirigido a la cultura occidental, focalizada en la modernidad, como intrínsecamente violenta y respecto de la cual las culturas que sufrieron la colonización debieran cortar radicalmente. Con el objetivo de poner en cuestión algunos aspectos centrales de este planteamiento se analizan críticamente sus conceptos de modernidad, de geopolítica del conocimiento y de cultura. Palabras clave: modernidad; cultura; geopolítica del conocimiento. [en] The Critique of Modernity in the (...)
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  31. Time Dilation, Context, and Relative Truth.Ángel Pinillos - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 82 (1):65-92.
    I argue that truth is relative (in the sense recently defended by some prominent analytical philosophers) by focusing on some semantic issues raised by Einstein's theory of relativity together with our ordinary attributions of truth.
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  32. The Relationship between Academic Burnout and Academic Procrastination Among Grade 12 Senior High School Students in a Private School.Angel Joy Lacson, Chryss Anne Dimacali, Daniela Mora, Michelle Magos, Jacquelyn Salmorin & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 11 (2):429-434.
    Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, procrastination has become commonplace due to changes in teaching and learning, which trigger students' academic burnout. As a result, it has increased the intensity of procrastination among students who are enrolled in online learning programs. As a result, students have difficulty as a result of the rapid change from in-person learning to online learning. The study investigates the relationship between academic burnout and procrastination among 150 grade 12 senior high school students. Hence, this study employed (...)
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  33. Actos de rumoring y rumor-mongering: un análisis del rumor a partir del enfoque responsabilista en epistemología de las virtudes.Felipe Alejandro Álvarez - 2022 - Littera Scripta. Revista Filosofia 4:152-165.
    En este artículo exploro los vínculos entre la epistemología de las virtudes y la epistemología del testimonio a partir del análisis del rumor como fenómeno epistemológico. Para esto, en (1) se da cuenta del debate sobre la confiabilidad del rumor y de cómo este derivó en un debate sobre el carácter de los agentes en el intercambio de rumores; en (2) se analizan los actos de rumoring y rumor-mongering a partir de la noción de motivación epistémica; finalmente, en (3) se (...)
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  34. Hegemonía y totalidad ética. La dimensión antimoderna de la hegemonía gramsciana.Jorge Álvarez Yagüez - 2022 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 25 (3).
    Sostenemos la tesis de que el concepto de hegemonía que desarrolló Gramsci es deficiente en dos puntos claves: en dar cuenta de los modos de integración característicos de las sociedades complejas, y en su proyección respecto a la construcción de la sociedad futura. Los dos aspectos están relacionados en cuanto que uno y otro remiten a la concepción de una totalidad ética, vertebrada por una concepción del mundo. El concepto de hegemonía, según esto, debiera superar su honda dimensión eticista. Para (...)
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  35. Observaciones preliminares sobre la función de la imaginación en la filosofía ética Kantiana.María Carolina Álvarez Puerta - 2008 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 28 (2):119-128.
    En el presente trabajo se pretende reconstruir la noción de imaginación expuesta por Kant en la "Crítica de la razón pura", en su primera edición, y en la "Crítica del juicio" con el fin de poder dilucidar un posible papel de este concepto en el marco de la ética kantiana. -/- .
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  36. Conocimiento como respuesta mecánica al ambiente, acoplamiento y reflexividad: una alternativa al debate entre las propuesta epistemológicas de Kornblith Y Sosa.Felipe Alejandro Alvarez & Nicolás Alarcón Zambrano - 2021 - Revista de Humanidades 43 (1):265-291.
    En este trabajo pretendemos dar cuenta de cómo los criterios de delimitación entre el conocimiento animal y el conocimiento humano en la epistemología contemporánea no son adecuados para agotar la complejidad epistemológica del fenómeno. Buscamos, así, establecer una tercera vía de interpretación, proponiendo una taxonomía de niveles que satisfaga las necesidades de clasificación del conocimiento animal sin dejar de lado la particularidad propia del conocimiento humano, a saber, la reflexividad. De esta manera, se pretende reinterpretar cómo ha sido concebido el (...)
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  37. ""Crisis y reconstrucción" narrativa" en El compromiso (1969).Efrén Cuevas Alvarez - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 22:59-66.
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  38. El tejido de la racionalidad acotada y expresiva.Francisco Álvarez - 2002 - Manuscrito 25 (2).
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  39. Glock on analytic philosophy and history.Maria Alvarez - 2011 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy (I).
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  40. Thomas Reid.Maria Alvarez - 2010 - In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 505–512.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Active Powers Active Powers, Human Agency, and Liberty Agent Causation and Volitionism Conclusion: Agent Causation References Further reading.
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  41. Roboethics: Ethics Applied to Robotics.Gianmarco Veruggio, Jorje Solis & Machiel Van der Loos - 2011 - IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine 1 (March):21-22.
    This special issue deals with the emerging debate on robo- ethics, the human ethics ap- plied to robotics. Is a specific ethic applied to robotics truly neces- sary? Or, conversely, are not the gen- eral principles of ethics adequate to answer many of the issues raised by our field’s applications? In our opin- ion, and according to many roboticists and human scientists, many novel issues that emerge and many more that will show up in the immediate future, arising from the (...)
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  42. On the Possibility of Mental Extension.Jonathan Solis - forthcoming - Rutgers Undergraduate Philosophy.
    In this paper, I want to claim that there is an opportunity for redemption in the extended mind thesis’ core tenants. The aim of this writing is to revamp Chalmers and Clark’s (1998) thesis by demonstrating that it marries well with some of the contemporary literature found in cognitive science. The extended mind thesis is salvageable because its foundations are drawn from the folk-psychology used to describe the mental life in everyday human activity. I surmise that said phenomenon can be (...)
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  43. Epigrafia Paleocristiana de la Antigua Cisamo- Fortunatae 24.Ángel Martínez Fernández - 2013 - Fortunatae 24:83-10232.
    El autor del artículo, tras la revisión de las piedras, reedita —con aparato crítico, traducción española y un extenso comentario— ocho inscripciones cristianas de Císamo en Creta.
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  44. Ryle on Motives and Dispositions.Maria Alvarez - 2015 - In David Dolby (ed.), Ryle on Mind and Language. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 74-96.
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  45. Kong Zi on Good Governance.Moses Aaron T. Angeles - 2008 - Kritike 2 (2):155-161.
    This paper will delve into the problem of Good Governance in the light of Kong Zi. What makes up a Just State? What are the elements that constitute a prosperous Kingdom? What principles of Confucianism can we employ to achieve a just and humane society? These are the primary questions that we will try to investigate as we go along. The paper will be thus divided into three essential parts: The Notion of Li and the Sovereign, The ConfucianMoral Ideal, and (...)
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  46. Bank Cases, Stakes and Normative Facts.Ángel Pinillos - 2024 - In Shaun Nichols & Joshua Knobe (eds.), Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, Volume 5. Oxford University Press.
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    Aciertos e insuficiencias en la ontología de Markus Gabriel y Graham Harman.Manuel Ángel González Berruga - 2024 - Synesis 16 (2).
    El Realismo Especulativo, Nuevo Realismo o Realismo Postcontinental es una corriente ecléctica que viene a superar las aporías e insuficiencias de la filosofía continental desde una perspectiva a la que se le podrían achacar los mismos problemas que la perspectiva idealista y constructivista de los filósofos continentales. Para el desarrollo de la filosofía es importante entablar conversación los autores de este movimiento. En el presente artículo se presenta una aproximación a los aciertos e insuficiencias de las ontologías de dos autores (...)
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  48. Desde Robert Owen: contexto histórico y de pensamiento en la génesis del “socialismo utópico”.José Ramón Álvarez Layna & Pilar Centeno Galván - 2008 - A Parte Rei: Revista de Filosofía 55 (55):1-22.
    ABSTRACT: In this text, we are going to try to introduce a few brief notes - without excessive pretensions -, concerning those things that, from a historical and also from an intellectual and point of view, surround the figures of Robert Owen, Fourier or Saint Simon. Certainly, intellectually, our sources do not let us notice a very specific influence on the "utopian socialists" of the 19th Century. It will be very difficult to find historical evidence. However, what we can do (...)
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  49. Antecedentes inmediatos y algunos “socialistas utópicos”.José Ramón Álvarez Layna - 2008 - A Parte Rei: Revista de Filosofía 56 (56):1-36.
    ABSTRACT: In the present text, we are going to introduce a series of notes without excessive pretensions. In these pages, we will try to study figures like Cabet, Fourier or Saint - Simon, and we will do so in order to achieve better understanding concerning their own historical and their own intellectual context. Consequently and leaving our papers on Robert Owen behind, we plan to set special emphasis on the European Continent now. In a special way, we raise awareness on (...)
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  50. Moral Disagreement and the" Fact/Value Entanglement".Ángel Manuel Faerna - 2008 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 95 (1):245-264.
    In his recent work, "The Collapse of the Fact-Value Dichotomy," Hilary Putnam traces the history of the fact-value dichotomy from Hume to Stevenson and Logical Positivism. The aim of this historical reconstruction is to undermine the foundations of the dichotomy, showing that it is of a piece with the dichotomy - untenable, as we know now - of "analytic" and "synthetic" judgments. Putnam's own thesis is that facts and values are "entangled" in a way that precludes any attempt to draw (...)
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