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  1. A falsifiable statement Γ of the form "∃f:N→N of unknown computability such that ...", where Γ is a mathematical theorem when f is uncomputable.Apoloniusz Tyszka - manuscript
    We define a function γ:N→N which eventually dominates every computable function α:N→N. We show that there is a simple computer program which for n∈N prints the sequence {γ_i(n)}_{i=0}^∞ of non-negative integers converging to γ(n). We define a function f:N→N of unknown computability which eventually dominates every function δ:N→N with a single-fold Diophantine representation. We show that there is a simple computer program which for n∈N prints the sequence {f_i(n)}_{i=0}^∞ of non-negative integers converging to f(n). Let Γ denote the following statement: (...)
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  2. Statements and open problems on decidable sets X⊆N that contain informal notions and refer to the current knowledge on X.Apoloniusz Tyszka - 2022 - Journal of Applied Computer Science and Mathematics 16 (2):31-35.
    Let f(1)=2, f(2)=4, and let f(n+1)=f(n)! for every integer n≥2. Edmund Landau's conjecture states that the set P(n^2+1) of primes of the form n^2+1 is infinite. Landau's conjecture implies the following unproven statement Φ: card(P(n^2+1))<ω ⇒ P(n^2+1)⊆[2,f(7)]. Let B denote the system of equations: {x_j!=x_k: i,k∈{1,...,9}}∪{x_i⋅x_j=x_k: i,j,k∈{1,...,9}}. The system of equations {x_1!=x_1, x_1 \cdot x_1=x_2, x_2!=x_3, x_3!=x_4, x_4!=x_5, x_5!=x_6, x_6!=x_7, x_7!=x_8, x_8!=x_9} has exactly two solutions in positive integers x_1,...,x_9, namely (1,...,1) and (f(1),...,f(9)). No known system S⊆B with a finite (...)
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  3. Two conjectures on the arithmetic in ℝ and ℂ†.Apoloniusz Tyszka - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (2):175-184.
    Let G be an additive subgroup of ℂ, let Wn = {xi = 1, xi + xj = xk: i, j, k ∈ {1, …, n }}, and define En = {xi = 1, xi + xj = xk, xi · xj = xk: i, j, k ∈ {1, …, n }}. We discuss two conjectures. If a system S ⊆ En is consistent over ℝ, then S has a real solution which consists of numbers whose absolute values belong to (...)
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  4. Hilbert's 10th Problem for solutions in a subring of Q.Agnieszka Peszek & Apoloniusz Tyszka - 2019 - Scientific Annals of Computer Science 29 (1):101-111.
    Yuri Matiyasevich's theorem states that the set of all Diophantine equations which have a solution in non-negative integers is not recursive. Craig Smoryński's theorem states that the set of all Diophantine equations which have at most finitely many solutions in non-negative integers is not recursively enumerable. Let R be a subring of Q with or without 1. By H_{10}(R), we denote the problem of whether there exists an algorithm which for any given Diophantine equation with integer coefficients, can decide whether (...)
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