Results for 'Erne Unzurrunzaga'

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  1. Andrew Ter Ern Loke. Evil, Sin and Christian Theism. [REVIEW]T. Parker Haratine - 2023 - Journal of Analytic Theology 11:700-704.
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  2. Finitism, Divisibilty, and the Beginning of the Universe: Replies to Loke and Dumsday.Stephen Puryear - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (4):808-813.
    Some philosophers contend that the past must be finite in duration, because otherwise reaching the present would have involved the sequential occurrence of an actual infinity of events, which they regard as impossible. I recently developed a new objection to this finitist argument, to which Andrew Ter Ern Loke and Travis Dumsday have replied. Here I respond to the three main points raised in their replies.
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  3. Abortrettighedernes historiske udvikling i Danmark og Polen.Philip Højme - 2024 - Eftertryk 1.
    DA: Denne artikel undersøger udviklingen af abortlovgivning i Danmark og Polen, hvor Danmark indførte fri abort i 1973 efter mange års debat, mens Polen tidligere havde liberale love, men siden 1990'erne har strammet sine abortrestriktioner markant. Artiklen belyser de politiske, etiske og sociale konsekvenser af disse ændringer og diskuterer muligheden for fælles EU-initiativer, som f.eks. en abortfond, for at hjælpe kvinder, der rejser for at få abort i udlandet. -/- EN: This article examines the evolution of abortion legislation in (...)
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  4. Externalizing psychopatholog yand the error-related negativity.J. R. Hall, E. M. Bernat & C. J. Patrick - 2007 - Psychological Science 18 (4):326-333.
    Prior research has demonstrated that antisocial behavior, substance-use disorders, and personality dimensions of aggression and impulsivity are indicators of a highly heritable underlying dimension of risk, labeled externalizing. Other work has shown that individual trait constructs within this psychopathology spectrum are associated with reduced self-monitoring, as reflected by amplitude of the error-related negativity (ERN) brain response. In this study of undergraduate subjects, reduced ERN amplitude was associated with higher scores on a self-report measure of the broad externalizing construct that links (...)
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  5. Neidüberwindung als Problem der philosophischen Lebenskunst.Ulrich Diehl - 2010 - In B. Harress, neid. Darstellung un Deutung in den Wissenschaften und Künsten.
    Der Neid wirft als Thema der philosophischen und psychologischen Reflexion eine ganze Reihe von Fragen auf, die theoretischer Natur sind. Dazu gehören die Frage nach der Analyse des alltagspsychologischen Neidbegriffes, die damit verbundene Frage nach der Abgrenzung des psychologischen Phänomens des Neides im Verhältnis zu verwandten Emotionen, wie z.B. Eifersucht, Habgier, Ehrgeiz, Wetteifer, Geiz, etc., die Frage nach dem Wesen des Neides als einem reflexartigen und unkontrollierbaren Affekt, als einer dauerhaften und unbewussten Stimmung, als einem momentanen, intentionalen und bewussten Gefühl, (...)
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  6. ACCEPTING VULNERABILITY: TOWARDS A MINDFUL SPORT PHILOSOPHY.Finn Janning - 2022 - Journal of Applied Sport Science 2:119-126.
    In this paper, I would argue for a mindful sports philosophy that stresses that wisdom does not emerge from abstract thinking; instead, it requires that we become attentive to what is concrete: our everyday life and how we spend it. Do we spend our life wisely or not? Answering this question requires that we know ourselves sufficiently — that is to say, have we explored and examined our own life by paying attention to it while we are living it? Am (...)
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  7. Diderot, l’éclectisme et l’histoire de l’esprit humain.Mitia Rioux-Beaulne - 2018 - Dialogue 57 (4):719-743.
    Les interprétations habituelles de l’article «Éclectisme» de l’Encyclopédie mettent l’accent sur l’idée que Diderot y annonce le programme de la philosophie moderne, dont il se ferait par le fait même un illustre représentant et l’un des promoteurs. Dans cet article, j’essaie de compléter cette interprétation en montrant que l’article est également porteur d’une réflexion de premier plan sur l’histoire de la philosophie, sur les effets de continuité dans sa pratique et, conséquemment, sur ce qui est proprement constitutif du discours philosophique (...)
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  8. Hvad kan man bruge Butlers tænkning til?Philip Højme - 2023 - Eftertryk 1.
    DA: I anledning af Judith Butlers forelæsning om klimasorg på KU er jeg blevet bedt om at besvare spørgsmålet om, hvad man kan bruge Butlers tænkning til i dag og om den stadig er aktuel. Min første tanke var at besvare spørgsmålet med svaret: Man kan bruge Butlers tænkning til ALT! Men for at fokusere mit svar, har jeg besluttet mig for at gennemgå Butlers tænkning i forhold til spørgsmålet om prekære liv og vold og ikke-vold, og hvordan disse emner (...)
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  9. Tagore and the academic study of religion.Abrahim H. Khan - 2016 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 6 (1):39-54.
    Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941), at about the start of the nineteenth century, was advocat‐ ing that the study about religion has to be included in university‐level education in the East. The university he envisioned and founded (Visva‐Bharati) included in its curriculum such a study. Shortly a er India’s regaining independence in 1947 and becoming a secular state, that institution was inaugurated as a central university with an advanced institute for philosophy and the study of religion. This essay answers whether his understanding (...)
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