Results for 'Observational learning'

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  1. Synchronous vs non-synchronous imitation: using dance to explore interpersonal coordination during observational learning.Cassandra Crone, Lilian Rigoli, Gaurav Patil, Sarah Pini, John Sutton, Rachel Kallen & Michael J. Richardson - 2021 - Human Movement Science 102776 (102776).
    Observational learning can enhance the acquisition and performance quality of complex motor skills. While an extensive body of research has focused on the benefits of synchronous (i.e., concurrent physical practice) and non-synchronous (i.e., delayed physical practice) observational learning strategies, the question remains as to whether these approaches differentially influence performance outcomes. Accordingly, we investigate the differential outcomes of synchronous and non-synchronous observational training contexts using a novel dance sequence. Using multidimensional cross-recurrence quantification analysis, movement time-series (...)
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  2. Expanding Observability via Human-Machine Cooperation.Petr Spelda & Vit Stritecky - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (3):819-832.
    We ask how to use machine learning to expand observability, which presently depends on human learning that informs conceivability. The issue is engaged by considering the question of correspondence between conceived observability counterfactuals and observable, yet so far unobserved or unconceived, states of affairs. A possible answer lies in importing out of reference frame content which could provide means for conceiving further observability counterfactuals. They allow us to define high-fidelity observability, increasing the level of correspondence in question. To (...)
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  3. Modulation of motor cortex activity when observing rewarding and punishing actions.Elliot Clayton Brown, Jan Roelf Wiersema, Gilles Pourtois & Martin Brüne - 2013 - Neuropsychologia 51 (1):52-58.
    Interpreting others' actions is essential for understanding the intentions and goals in social interactions. Activity in the motor cortex is evoked when we see another person performing actions, which can also be influenced by the intentions and context of the observed action. No study has directly explored the influence of reward and punishment on motor cortex activity when observing others' actions, which is likely to have substantial relevance in different social contexts. In this experiment, EEG was recorded while participants watched (...)
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  4. Learning Motivation and Utilization of Virtual Media in Learning Mathematics.Almighty Tabuena & Jupeth Pentang - 2021 - Asia-Africa Journal of Recent Scientific Research 1 (1):65-75.
    This study aims to describe the learning motivation of students using virtual media when they are learning mathematics in grade 5. The research design applied in this research is classroom action research. The research is conducted in two phases which involve planning, action and observation and reflection. The results of the study revealed that intrinsic motivation to learn is most prevalent in the form of fun to learn mathematics with virtual media. Other forms of intrinsic motivation include curiosity, (...)
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  5. Learning from errors in digital patient communication: Professionals’ enactment of negative knowledge and digital ignorance in the workplace.Rikke Jensen, Charlotte Jonasson, Martin Gartmeier & Jaana Parviainen - 2023 - Journal of Workplace Learning 35 (5).
    Purpose. The purpose of this study is to investigate how professionals learn from varying experiences with errors in health-care digitalization and develop and use negative knowledge and digital ignorance in efforts to improve digitalized health care. Design/methodology/approach. A two-year qualitative field study was conducted in the context of a public health-care organization working with digital patient communication. The data consisted of participant observation, semistructured interviews and document data. Inductive coding and a theoretically informed generation of themes were applied. Findings. The (...)
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  6. AI-Completeness: Using Deep Learning to Eliminate the Human Factor.Kristina Šekrst - 2020 - In Sandro Skansi, Guide to Deep Learning Basics. Springer. pp. 117-130.
    Computational complexity is a discipline of computer science and mathematics which classifies computational problems depending on their inherent difficulty, i.e. categorizes algorithms according to their performance, and relates these classes to each other. P problems are a class of computational problems that can be solved in polynomial time using a deterministic Turing machine while solutions to NP problems can be verified in polynomial time, but we still do not know whether they can be solved in polynomial time as well. A (...)
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  7. Evaluation of the Differentiated Learning Training Program at The Mathematics Subject Teachers’ Meeting (MGMP).Abdul Karim & Nurul Anriani - 2024 - Edunesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan 5 (1):569-585.
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the differentiated learning training program at the mathematics subject teachers' meeting (MGMP). A descriptive quantitative approach was used to identify the successes of the program and areas that require improvement. The sample included 21 mathematics teachers in Sub Rayon 2 of Lebak District. The instruments used were questionnaires in which data on participants' responses to resource persons, materials, and suggestions for future activities were collected, and the results of direct observations. Data (...)
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    Building Scalable MLOps: Optimizing Machine Learning Deployment and Operations.Vijayan Naveen Edapurath - 2024 - International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management 8 (10):1-5.
    As machine learning (ML) models become increasingly integrated into mission-critical applications and production systems, the need for robust and scalable MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) practices has grown significantly. This paper explores key strategies and best practices for building scalable MLOps pipelines to optimize the deployment and operation of machine learning models at an enterprise scale. It delves into the importance of automating the end-to-end lifecycle of ML models, from data ingestion and model training to testing, deployment, and (...)
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  9. HCI Model with Learning Mechanism for Cooperative Design in Pervasive Computing Environment.Hong Liu, Bin Hu & Philip Moore - 2015 - Journal of Internet Technology 16.
    This paper presents a human-computer interaction model with a three layers learning mechanism in a pervasive environment. We begin with a discussion around a number of important issues related to human-computer interaction followed by a description of the architecture for a multi-agent cooperative design system for pervasive computing environment. We present our proposed three- layer HCI model and introduce the group formation algorithm, which is predicated on a dynamic sharing niche technology. Finally, we explore the cooperative reinforcement learning (...)
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  10. Information, learning and falsification.David Balduzzi - 2011
    There are (at least) three approaches to quantifying information. The first, algorithmic information or Kolmogorov complexity, takes events as strings and, given a universal Turing machine, quantifies the information content of a string as the length of the shortest program producing it [1]. The second, Shannon information, takes events as belonging to ensembles and quantifies the information resulting from observing the given event in terms of the number of alternate events that have been ruled out [2]. The third, statistical (...) theory, has introduced measures of capacity that control (in part) the expected risk of classifiers [3]. These capacities quantify the expectations regarding future data that learning algorithms embed into classifiers. Solomonoff and Hutter have applied algorithmic information to prove remarkable results on universal induction. Shannon information provides the mathematical foundation for communication and coding theory. However, both approaches have shortcomings. Algorithmic information is not computable, severely limiting its practical usefulness. Shannon information refers to ensembles rather than actual events: it makes no sense to compute the Shannon information of a single string – or rather, there are many answers to this question depending on how a related ensemble is constructed. Although there are asymptotic results linking algorithmic and Shannon information, it is unsatisfying that there is such a large gap – a difference in kind – between the two measures. This note describes a new method of quantifying information, effective information, that links algorithmic information to Shannon information, and also links both to capacities arising in statistical learning theory [4, 5]. After introducing the measure, we show that it provides a non-universal analog of Kolmogorov complexity. We then apply it to derive basic capacities in statistical learning theory: empirical VC-entropy and empirical Rademacher complexity. A nice byproduct of our approach is an interpretation of the explanatory power of a learning algorithm in terms of the number of hypotheses it falsifies [6], counted in two different ways for the two capacities. We also discuss how effective information relates to information gain, Shannon and mutual information. (shrink)
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    Using Machine Learning tools to Calculate Multi Slice Multi Echo (MSME) Score for Alzheimer's Diagnosis.Yalamati Sreedhar - 2024 - International Journal of Innovations in Scientific Engineering 19 (1):49-67.
    Alzheimer's disease (AD) poses a significant public health challenge. The hippocampus is one of the most affected brain regions and a readily accessible biomarker for diagnosis through MRI imaging in machine learning applications. However, utilizing entire MRI image slices in machine learning for AD classification has shown reduced accuracy. This study introduces the novel 'select slices' method, which involves identifying and focusing on specific landmarks within the hippocampus region in MRI images. This approach aims to improve classification accuracy (...)
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  12. The Impact of Study Habits on the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students Amidst Blended Learning.Ava Isabel R. Castillo, Charlotte Faith B. Allag, Aki Jeomi R. Bartolome, Gwen Pennelope S. Pascual, Rusel Othello Villarta & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 10 (1):483-488.
    Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, several changes have been forcibly made and observed in various fields and areas of society, one of which include the field of education; the foundation of the formation of intellect and knowledge. After two years of studying indoors and private educational institutions holding virtual classes, the time has finally come for students to be re- adjusted once more to the blended mode of learning; a combination of virtual and in-person classes. Thus, this study aimed (...)
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    his study aims to determine whether the application of brain-friendly learning through whole brain teaching gives a positive effect on the creative character of students, to know the response of the students against the application of brain-friendly learning through whole brain teaching, and to find out if the student response against the application of brain-friendly learning through whole brain teaching correlates positively with the creative character of students in learning mathematics. The research method used that is (...)
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  14. Disease Identification using Machine Learning and NLP.S. Akila - 2022 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 3 (1):78-92.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are now widely used in a variety of fields to aid with knowledge acquisition and decision-making. Health information systems, in particular, can gain the most from AI advantages. Recently, symptoms-based illness prediction research and manufacturing have grown in popularity in the healthcare business. Several scholars and organisations have expressed an interest in applying contemporary computational tools to analyse and create novel approaches for rapidly and accurately predicting illnesses. In this study, we present a paradigm for assessing (...)
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  15. Teaching and Learning Philosophy in Ontario High Schools.Trevor Norris & Pinto Bialystok, Norris - 2019 - Journal of Curriculum Studies 8.
    Primary objective: This study represents the first large-scale research on high school philosophy in a public education curriculum in North America. Our objective was to identify the impacts of high school philosophy, as well as the challenges of teaching it in its current format in Ontario high schools. Research design: The qualitative research design captured the perspectives of students and teachers with respect to philosophy at the high school level. All data collection was structured around central questions to provide insight (...)
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  16. Reframing Remote Learning Assessment Practices Of Teachers': Input For School Based Testing Reforms.Resty C. Samosa - 2022 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 6 (1):4-20.
    Due to the unprecedented COVID-19 incident, basic education institutions have faced different challenges in their teaching-learning activities. Particularly conducting assessments remotely during COVID-19 has posed extraordinary challenges for basic education institutions owing to lack of preparation superimposed with the inherent problems of remote assessment. Descriptive-evaluation research was employed since the present study attempts to examines the assessment practices and competences on remote learning assessment of teachers in Graceville National High School. For the study, questionnaires were prepared and data (...)
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  17. Exploring the practices of secondary school teachers in preparing for classroom observation amidst the new normal of education.Kevin Caratiquit & Reynel Pablo - 2021 - Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education 1 (4):281-296.
    Purpose: This study aimed to explore the practices of secondary public school teachers in preparing for classroom observation amidst the new normal of education. The emphasis of this study was drawn from the central question, "What are the practices of secondary public school teachers in preparing for classroom observation amidst the new normal of education?". Research Methodology: This study used a qualitative research design. It employed a phenomenology design to explore the practices of secondary public school teachers in preparing the (...)
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  18. The Transmission of Cumulative Cultural Knowledge — Towards a Social Epistemology of Non-Testimonial Cultural Learning.Müller Basil - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    Cumulative cultural knowledge [CCK], the knowledge we acquire via social learning and has been refined by previous generations, is of central importance to our species’ flourishing. Considering its importance, we should expect that our best epistemological theories can account for how this happens. Perhaps surprisingly, CCK and how we acquire it via cultural learning has only received little attention from social epistemologists. Here, I focus on how we should epistemically evaluate how agents acquire CCK. After sampling some reasons (...)
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  19. Under Observation: Student Anxiety and the Phenomenology of Remote Testing Environments.Tyler Loveless - 2022 - In Aaron S. Zimmerman, Problematizing the Profession of Teaching from an Existential Perspective. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. pp. 73-90.
    As online learning becomes more prevalent, colleges and universities have increasingly turned to remote proctoring services that claim to detect and deter student cheating during exams. However, many students have begun to voice concerns about the discomfort and anxiety these services can cause. This chapter aims to illuminate the existential and phenomenological nuances present in student testimony by reevaluating the proctor's gaze as an objectifying and alienating force. Specifically, I argue that the anxiety students describe is a response to (...)
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  20. Digital-Based Roundtable Cooperative Learning Model on Narrative Text Teaching Materials.Ari Palupi, Miftakhul Huda & Dini Pratiwi - 2023 - In Ari Palupi, Miftakhul Huda & Dini Pratiwi, Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning and Advanced Education (ICOLAE 2022). pp. 259-279.
    This study aims to (1) describe the application of the roundtable cooperative model on narrative text teaching materials, (2) describe students’ responses to the application of the roundtable cooperative model on narrative text teaching materials, (3) describe the increase in students’ knowledge of narrative text teaching materials. The type of research used was classroom action research. Data collection techniques were observation, interviews, questionnaires, tests, and documentation. The data in this study were in the form of application, response, and increase in (...)
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    Under Observation: Student Anxiety and the Phenomenology of Remote Testing Environments.Tyler Loveless - 2022 - In Aaron S. Zimmerman, Problematizing the Profession of Teaching from an Existential Perspective. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. pp. 73-90.
    As online learning becomes more prevalent, colleges and universities have increasingly turned to remote proctoring services that claim to detect and deter student cheating during exams. However, many students have begun to voice concerns about the discomfort and anxiety these services can cause. This chapter aims to illuminate the existential and phenomenological nuances present in student testimony by reevaluating the proctor's gaze as an objectifying and alienating force. Specifically, I argue that the anxiety students describe is a response to (...)
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    Under Observation: Student Anxiety and the Phenomenology of Remote Testing Environments.Tyler Loveless - 2022 - In Aaron S. Zimmerman, Problematizing the Profession of Teaching from an Existential Perspective. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. pp. 73-90.
    As online learning becomes more prevalent, colleges and universities have increasingly turned to remote proctoring services that claim to detect and deter student cheating during exams. However, many students have begun to voice concerns about the discomfort and anxiety these services can cause. This chapter aims to illuminate the existential and phenomenological nuances present in student testimony by reevaluating the proctor's gaze as an objectifying and alienating force. Specifically, I argue that the anxiety students describe is a response to (...)
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    Situating makerspace curricula for students with learning differences within Vygotsky’s cultural historical psychology.Shantanu Tilak, Rachelle Viar, Beau Turner & Kadie Kennedy - 2024 - Universal Access in the Information Society.
    This mixed methods case study employed Vygotsky’s theory to show how peer and teacher contingent support created individualized zones of proximal development for three students with learning differences in a high school makerspace class at a special education institution. Our results expand extant literature by highlighting the intra- and interpsychological potential of makerspace curricula, specifically for students with learning differences. We employ mixed methods analyses of self-reported responses related to emergent problem navigation, a narrative of class fieldnotes, and (...)
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  24. Aesthetic Response to the Unfinished: Empathy, Imagination and Imitation Learning.Fabio Tononi - 2020 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 13 (1):135-153.
    This contribution proposes how beholders may internally process unfinished works of art. It does so by considering five of Michelangelo Buonarroti’s interrupted sculptures and pointing out their empathic and imaginative potential. The beholder focused on the surface, I propose, is inclined to mentally simulate the artist’s gesture that drafted the sculptures through the visible graphic signs of the chisels. This inner simulation takes place within the activation of various brain networks, located in the brain’s motor system. Renaissance authors associated the (...)
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  25. Basic beliefs and the perceptual learning problem: A substantial challenge for moderate foundationalism.Bram Vaassen - 2016 - Episteme 13 (1):133-149.
    In recent epistemology many philosophers have adhered to a moderate foundationalism according to which some beliefs do not depend on other beliefs for their justification. Reliance on such ‘basic beliefs’ pervades both internalist and externalist theories of justification. In this article I argue that the phenomenon of perceptual learning – the fact that certain ‘expert’ observers are able to form more justified basic beliefs than novice observers – constitutes a challenge for moderate foundationalists. In order to accommodate perceptual (...) cases, the moderate foundationalist will have to characterize the ‘expertise’ of the expert observer in such a way that it cannot be had by novice observers and that it bestows justification on expert basic beliefs independently of any other justification had by the expert. I will argue that the accounts of expert basic beliefs currently present in the literature fail to meet this challenge, as they either result in a too liberal ascription of justification or fail to draw a clear distinction between expert basic beliefs and other spontaneously formed beliefs. Nevertheless, some guidelines for a future solution will be provided. (shrink)
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  26. Level of Stress, Coping Strategies and Academic Achievement of College Students during HyFlex Learning.Ivy Pearl Morento, Analyn Sayson, Gaile Ursal & Manuel Caingcoy - 2024 - Diversitas Journal 9 (1):0108–0127.
    Effective stress management strategies correlate with improved academic performance in college students, yet inconsistent findings in existing research warrant further investigation. This study explored the intricate interplay between stress levels, coping strategies, and academic achievement in HyFlex learningenvironments. A stratified random sample of 111 students from five specializations within the Bachelor of Secondary Education program participated. Utilizing a descriptive-correlational design, data were collected through validated self-report questionnaires and a weighted general average. Subsequent descriptive statistics and bivariate correlation analysis revealed moderate (...)
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    Teacher Tech- instructor as an Aid to Independent Learning: Effect on Fourth Grade Learners’ Competence in Science.Kenneth D. C. Delos Santos - 2025 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 3 (1):232-241.
    This study is intended to determine the effects of using Teacher-Tech Instructor, a technology-aided intervention designed for independent learning sessions, on improving the scientific mastery of grade 4 learners of Mataas na Parang Elementary School. The intervention utilizes interactive presentations with basic programming features to facilitate and enhance the learning process. This study utilized the pretest-posttest single group design to determine the changes in the learning performance before and after the utilization of the intervention. Pretest and posttest (...)
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  28. Analyzing the impact of collaborative learning approach on grade six students’ mathematics achievement and attitude towards mathematics.Hans-Stefan Siller & Sagheer Ahmad - 2024 - Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 20 (2):em2395.
    This study investigated the impact of collaborative learning on mathematics achievement and attitudes in sixth-grade students, comparing it to traditional didactic teaching. A quasi-experimental research design was utilized in which sixth-grade students were randomly assigned to either control or experimental groups. Pre- and post-tests assessed mathematics achievement using curriculum-aligned tests. In addition, attitudes toward mathematics were measured using the ‘attitude towards mathematics’ inventory developed by Tapai and Marsh in 2004. Both groups exhibited similar pre-test levels. The experimental group received (...)
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  29. Why and how to construct an epistemic justification of machine learning?Petr Spelda & Vit Stritecky - 2024 - Synthese 204 (2):1-24.
    Consider a set of shuffled observations drawn from a fixed probability distribution over some instance domain. What enables learning of inductive generalizations which proceed from such a set of observations? The scenario is worthwhile because it epistemically characterizes most of machine learning. This kind of learning from observations is also inverse and ill-posed. What reduces the non-uniqueness of its result and, thus, its problematic epistemic justification, which stems from a one-to-many relation between the observations and many learnable (...)
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  30. Exploring the Parents’ Disciplinary Strategies to Promote Children’s Learning Interest.Kwenberlin Hambala, Enid Chloe Lopez, Dhianne Cobrado, Genesis Naparan, Geraldine Dela Pena & Alfer Jann Tantog - 2023 - Edukasiana: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan 2 (4):237-250.
    Discipline and interest are aspects of parenting that affect children’s behavior and academic performance. This study explores the parents’ disciplinary strategies to promote children’s learning interests. The researchers conducted this study due to society’s issue and observation that elementary pupils have a low interest in learning and manifested inappropriate behaviors inside and outside the classroom. The participants were the ten selected parents with children enrolled in 5th Grade in one of the private Catholic elementary schools in Pagadian City, (...)
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  31. Organizational Resiliency in the Implementation of Basic Education School Learning Continuity Plan in a Changing Educational Landscape.Liezel O. Martin - 2022 - International Journal of Open-Access, Interdisciplinary and New Educational Discoveries of ETCOR Educational Research Center 1 (3):143-155.
    Aim: This study attempted to assess the organizational resiliency in the implementation of Basic Education School Learning Continuity Plan and to design a resilient basic education school learning continuity plan. -/- Methodology: The study used mixed method which is quantitative and qualitative. The data for the quantitative part of the study were gathered through a survey with the 19 school heads and 345 teacher- respondents while the qualitative method was conducted through focus group discussion interview with 19 key (...)
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  32. Active Techniques Implemented in an Introductory Signal Processing Course to Help Students Achieve Higher Levels of Learning.Saharnaz Baghdadchi, Rebecca Hardesty, Paul Andreas Hadjipieris & Jace Hargis - 2018 - Papers on Engineering Education Repository.
    Holding students to high standards and assessing, measuring and evaluating their learning with challenging, authentic problems in the midterm and final exams is the goal of the professors who teach core signal processing concepts. However, the heavy reliance of these subjects on mathematics makes it difficult for students to genuinely grasp the concepts and relate to a conceptual framework. Specifically, analyzing the signals and the functionality of systems in Fourier domain; separating the system level analysis from signal level analysis; (...)
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  33. Learning to love’. Review of Richard Allen, David Hartley on Human Nature. [REVIEW]John Sutton - 2002 - Times Literary Supplement 5162.
    In a remarkable and utterly original work of philosophical history, Richard Allen revivifies David Hartley's Observations on Man, his Frame, his Duty, and his Expectations (1749). Though it includes a detailed and richly annotated chronology, this is not a straight intellectual biography, attentive as it might be to the intricacies of Hartley's Cambridge contacts, or the mundane rituals of his medical practice, or the internal development of the doctrine of association of ideas. Instead Allen brings Hartley's book, a psychological epic (...)
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  34. The Defense Of Oral Interaction In The Midst Of Whatsapp Use In The Learning Environment.Fernandes Arung - 2018 - Journal of English Education 3 (1):40-45.
    This research aimed to explain the defense of oral interactions in the presence of information and communication technologies such as WhatsApp (WA) as well as to explore some of the positive contributions of WA used in building the Real Life Communication, especially in the learning environment. By applying the Exploratory design, this research involved 4 participants from various educational backgrounds as a purposively selected data source indicated as WA users at once. Data were collected through Focus Group Discussion, Interview, (...)
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  35. Perspectivalism in the Development of Scientific Observer-Relativity.Lydia Patton - 2019 - In Martin Kusch, Johannes Steizinger, Katherina Kinzel & Niels Jacob Wildschut, The Emergence of Relativism: German Thought from the Enlightenment to National Socialism. London, New York: Routledge. pp. 63-78.
    Hermann von Helmholtz allows for not only physiological facts and psychological inferences, but also perspectival reasoning, to influence perceptual experience and knowledge gained from perception. But Helmholtz also defends a version of the view according to which there can be a kind of “perspectival truth” revealed in scientific research and investigation. Helmholtz argues that the relationships between subjective and objective, real and actual, actual and illusory, must be analyzed scientifically, within experience. There is no standpoint outside experience from which we (...)
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    Insect Classification using Custom CNN Vs Transfer Learning.Manish Sanjay Zalte Naumanurrahman Shaikh Mujiburrahman - 2020 - International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 9 (11):10485-10492.
    For Insect Classification there are many methods proposed. To find the more suitable classifier we have implemented two different methods of classification, Custom CNN and Transfer Learning. We observed the accuracy and loss parameters during training phase and validation phase on both Custom CNN and Transfer learning methods. In Transfer Learning we have created the base model from the pre-trained model MobileNetV2. This model is further trained on Imagenet Dataset which consists of 1.2M labeled images .We compared (...)
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  37. Effects of Game-Based Activities on Student's Social Skills and Attitudes toward Learning Science.Nestor Lasala Jr - 2024 - Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal 12 (1):181-194.
    This study evaluated the effectiveness of four game-based activities (GBAs) in teaching ecosystems to Grade 7 Biology students. Involving 69 students (34 control, 35 experimental), the quasi-experimental study used a mixed-methods approach. The researcher utilized a static-group comparison design for the quantitative phase and a thematic analysis for the qualitative phase. Quantitative analysis revealed significant improvements in the experimental group's social skills (p<0.05; Cohen’s d = 0.63) and conceptual understanding (p<0.05; Cohen’s d = 0.86). Descriptive statistical analysis also suggests that (...)
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  38. New Normal Education: Strategies, Methods, and Trends of Teaching-Learning on Students’ Perspectives and its Effectiveness.Jeffry Saro, Maynard Manliguez, Irene Jean Buar, Alfred Buao & Arcelie Almonicar - 2022 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 5 (1):259-265.
    Education is a developmental process that may be improved by using a range of strategies to develop engaging classes. It stands for the educators' personal philosophy and utmost aspiration. This study aimed to assess and identify the strategies, methods, and trends of teaching-learning on students’ perspectives and their effectiveness in the new normal of education. The study employed the descriptive approach with a quantitative research design in analyzing the strategies, methods, and trends of teaching-learning. The participants of the (...)
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  39. New Normal Education: Strategies, Methods, and Trends of Teaching-Learning on Students’ Perspectives and Its Effectiveness.Jeffry M. Saro, Maynard E. Manliguez, Irene Jean M. Buar, Alfred B. Buao & Arcelie S. Almonicar - 2022 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 5 (4):259-265.
    Education is a developmental process that may be improved by using a range of strategies to develop engaging classes. It stands for the educators' personal philosophy and utmost aspiration. This study aimed to assess and identify the strategies, methods, and trends of teaching-learning on students’ perspectives and their effectiveness in the new normal of education. The study employed the descriptive approach with a quantitative research design in analyzing the strategies, methods, and trends of teaching-learning. The participants of the (...)
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  40. Impact of Unprepared Competence and Difficulty in Competence of Mathematics Teachers During Online Learning.Jitu Halomoan Lumbantoruan & Hendrikus Male - 2022 - Jurnal Teori Dan Aplikasi Matematika 6 (4):876-892.
    The purpose of this study was to determine the form of teacher readiness and difficulty when implementing the mathematics curriculum in high school, measured from four teacher competency assessments. Schools in Indonesia are still 50% learning from home until 2022, this situation has an impact on the achievement of student learning outcomes. In 2020, the ministry conducted a survey of 4000 students and the results of the survey and out of 100% of the participants, 58% were of the (...)
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  41. Recurrent Neural Network Based Speech emotion detection using Deep Learning.P. Pavithra - 2022 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 3 (1):65-77.
    In modern days, person-computer communication systems have gradually penetrated our lives. One of the crucial technologies in person-computer communication systems, Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) technology, permits machines to correctly recognize emotions and greater understand users' intent and human-computer interlinkage. The main objective of the SER is to improve the human-machine interface. It is also used to observe a person's psychological condition by lie detectors. Automatic Speech Emotion Recognition(SER) is vital in the person-computer interface, but SER has challenges for accurate recognition. (...)
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  42. Cybernetic Musings on Open Form(s): Learning to float.Claudia Westermann - 2022 - Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design (Rsd11) Symposium.
    Second-order cybernetics conceives of human beings as agents and participants in the making of worlds, embedded in the design process. This conception of designing as a practice of living with and in a world grants it both urgency and hope. -/- The paper proposes that design practitioners, in the widest sense, can learn from design cybernetics when conceiving new methodologies for the post-Anthropocene era. Further, it proposes that these methodologies’ development can take advantage of comparative studies of design cybernetics and (...)
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  43. Lessons Tanzanian Elites and Policy Makers Can Learn From East Asian Tigers on the Idea of Developmental States.Salim M. Hamza & Salum Mohammed Ahmed - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 2 (6):1-9.
    Abstract: Over the past fifty years in developing world, the role of the state intervention in promoting economic growth and social progress has been a subject of disputing among political elites, international development experts and policy analysts. Recognition of the economic growth success of East Asia has led to new thinking on what developmental states idea should be accomplished. The observable optimism performance of East Asian Tigers on the contextual of developmental states is keen in the fact that economic growth (...)
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  44. Facilitating pre-service teachers to develop Regulation of Cognition with Learning Management System.Mary Gutman & Maria Gutman - 2017 - Educational Media International 54 (3):199-214.
    The object of the present study is to propose a technologically-based method for developing Regulation of Cognition (RC) among pre-service teachers in a pedagogical problem context. The research intervention was carried out by two groups during a Teaching Training Workshop, based on the IMPROVE instructional method, which was implemented in the Learning Management System (LMS). The first group (N=53) investigated the pedagogical problems with "dual perspectives (teacher and learner), and the other group (N=47) analyzed the same problems from a (...)
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    An investigation into the performances of the Current state-of-the-art Naive Bayes, Non-Bayesian and Deep Learning Based Classifier for Phishing Detection: A Survey. [REVIEW]Tosin Ige - manuscript
    Phishing is one of the most effective ways in which cybercriminals get sensitive details such as credentials for online banking, digital wallets, state secrets, and many more from potential victims. They do this by spamming users with malicious URLs with the sole purpose of tricking them into divulging sensitive information which is later used for various cybercrimes. In this research, we did a comprehensive review of current state-of-the-art machine learning and deep learning phishing detection techniques to expose their (...)
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  46. Infinitives vs. subjunctives: What do we learn from obviation and from exemptions from obviation? (2010).Anna Szabolcsi - manuscript
    Ruwet observed that subjunctives indicate a discontinuity between action and will, typically resulting in a disjoint reference effect known as obviation (unacceptable "Je veux que je parte"). In a certain set of cases, however, the attitude-holder can felicitously bind the pronominal subject of the subjunctive clause (exemption from obviation). This seminar handout examines the phenomenon in Hungarian, with additional data from Russian, Polish, and Romanian.
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  47. A Cognitive Computation Fallacy? Cognition, Computations and Panpsychism.John Mark Bishop - 2009 - Cognitive Computation 1 (3):221-233.
    The journal of Cognitive Computation is defined in part by the notion that biologically inspired computational accounts are at the heart of cognitive processes in both natural and artificial systems. Many studies of various important aspects of cognition (memory, observational learning, decision making, reward prediction learning, attention control, etc.) have been made by modelling the various experimental results using ever-more sophisticated computer programs. In this manner progressive inroads have been made into gaining a better understanding of the (...)
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  48. The Value of Ethnography: A pilot study of a class on pedagogical instruction.Rebecca Hardesty, Maxie Gluckman & Jace Hargis - 2018 - Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal 11 (2):1-17.
    Participant observation ethnography as a primary methodology, while common in other areas of social science, has been underrepresented in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) literature. In many studies, ethnography is used to supplement findings or address questions arrived at through other methodologies, whereas the present pilot study promotes its viability as a primary method. In the Fall of 2017, graduate student researchers (GSRs) and other staff at the “Teaching Center” (TC) used ethnographic methodology as a means of meeting (...)
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  49. How Not to Find Over-Imitation in Animals.Kristin Andrews & Jedediah W. P. Allen - 2024 - Human Development.
    While more species are being identified as cultural on a regular basis, stark differences between human and animal cultures remain. Humans are more richly cultural, with group-specific practices and social norms guiding almost every element of our lives. Furthermore, human culture is seen as cumulative, cooperative, and normative, in contrast to animal cultures. One hypothesis to explain these differences is grounded in the observation that human children across cultures appear to spontaneously over-imitate silly or causally irrelevant behaviors that they observe. (...)
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  50. Perceptual Expertise, Universality, and Objectivity.Casey O'Callaghan - 2023 - Philosophical Studies.
    Perceptual malleability and diversity can stem from perceptual learning, expertise, genetics, disease, or accident. Perceptual malleability and diversity force us to reject the claim that perceptual capacities, perceptual experience, and perceptual content are universal across subjects and times. And it casts doubt on the presumption of a universal human perceptual nature. However, it does not directly challenge perceptual objectivity, understood as the claim that one can perceive a world of things and features that are independent from oneself and one's (...)
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