Results for 'Rudolph Carnap'

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  1. Experience and Prediction: An Analysis of the Foundations and the Structure of Knowledge.Alan W. Richardson & Hans Reichenbach - 1938 - Chicago, IL, USA: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Hans Reichenbach was a formidable figure in early-twentieth-century philosophy of science. Educated in Germany, he was influential in establishing the so-called Berlin Circle, a companion group to the Vienna Circle founded by his colleague Rudolph Carnap. The movement they founded—usually known as "logical positivism," although it is more precisely known as "scientific philosophy" or "logical empiricism"—was a form of epistemology that privileged scientific over metaphysical truths. Reichenbach, like other young philosophers of the exact sciences of his generation, was (...)
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  2. In the Mood: Why Vibes Matter in Reading and Writing Philosophy.Helen De Cruz - 2023 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 93:171-191.
    Philosophers often write in a particular mood; their work is playful, strident, strenuous, or nostalgic. On the face of it, these moods contribute little to a philosophical argument and are merely incidental. However, I will argue that the cognitive science of moods and emotions offers us reasons to suspect that mood is relevant for philosophical texts. I use examples from Friedrich Nietzsche and Rudolph Carnap to illustrate the role moods play in their arguments. As readers and writers of (...)
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  3. Verificationist Theory of Meaning.Markus Schrenk - 2008 - In U. Windhorst, M. Binder & N. Hirowaka, Encyclopaedic Reference of Neuroscience. Springer.
    The verification theory of meaning aims to characterise what it is for a sentence to be meaningful and also what kind of abstract object the meaning of a sentence is. A brief outline is given by Rudolph Carnap, one of the theory's most prominent defenders: If we knew what it would be for a given sentence to be found true then we would know what its meaning is. [...] thus the meaning of a sentence is in a certain (...)
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  4. Karl Popper și problema demarcației între știință și ne-știință.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Karl Popper, ca raționalist critic, a fost un oponent al tuturor formelor de scepticism, convenționalism și relativism în știință. În 1935 a scris Logica cercetării (Logik der Forschung. Zur Erkenntnistheorie der modernen Naturwissenschaft), traducând ulterior cartea în engleză și publicând-o sub titlul The Logic of Scientific Discovery (1959) considerată ca o lucrare de pionierat în domeniu. Multe dintre argumentele din această carte sunt îndreptate împotriva membrilor "Cercului Vienez", precum Moritz Schlick, Otto Neurath, Rudolph Carnap, Hans Reichenbach, Carl Hempel (...)
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  5. Le problème de la démarcation de Karl Popper.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Karl Popper, en tant que rationaliste critique, a été un opposant à toutes les formes de scepticisme, de conventionnalisme et de relativisme scientifique. En 1935, il a écrit Logik der Forschung. Zur Erkenntnistheorie der modernen Naturwissenschaft, traduisant plus tard le livre en anglais et le publiant sous le titre The Logic of Scientific Discovery (1959), considéré comme un travail de pionnier dans son domaine. De nombreux arguments de ce livre sont dirigés contre les membres du « Cercle de Vienne », (...)
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  6. Acquaintance and evidence in appearance language.Rachel Etta Rudolph - 2023 - Linguistics and Philosophy 46:1-29.
    Assertions about appearances license inferences about the speaker's perceptual experience. For instance, if I assert, 'Tom looks like he's cooking', you will infer both that I am visually acquainted with Tom (what I call the "individual acquaintance inference"), and that I am visually acquainted with evidence that Tom is cooking (what I call the "evidential acquaintance inference"). By contrast, if I assert, 'It looks like Tom is cooking', only the latter inference is licensed. I develop an account of the acquaintance (...)
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  7. The Elimination of Metaphysics Through Logical Analysis of Language.Rudolf Carnap - 1966 - In Alfred Jules Ayer, Logical positivism. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. pp. 60-81.
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  8. Talking about appearances: the roles of evaluation and experience in disagreement.Rachel Etta Rudolph - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (1):197-217.
    Faultless disagreement and faultless retraction have been taken to motivate relativism for predicates of personal taste, like ‘tasty’. Less attention has been devoted to the question of what aspect of their meaning underlies this relativist behavior. This paper illustrates these same phenomena with a new category of expressions: appearance predicates, like ‘tastes vegan’ and ‘looks blue’. Appearance predicates and predicates of personal taste both fall into the broader category of experiential predicates. Approaching predicates of personal taste from this angle suggests (...)
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  9. Comparing conventions.Rachel Etta Rudolph & Alexander W. Kocurek - 2020 - Semantics and Linguistic Theory 30:294-313.
    We offer a novel account of metalinguistic comparatives, such as 'Al is more wise than clever'. On our view, metalinguistic comparatives express comparative commitments to conventions. Thus, 'Al is more wise than clever' expresses that the speaker has a stronger commitment to a convention on which Al is wise than to a convention on which she is clever. This view avoids problems facing previous approaches to metalinguistic comparatives. It also fits within a broader framework—independently motivated by metalinguistic negotiations and convention-shiftingexpressions— (...)
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  10. Differences of Taste: An Investigation of Phenomenal and Non-Phenomenal Appearance Sentences.Rachel Etta Rudolph - 2022 - In Jeremy Wyatt, Julia Zakkou & Dan Zeman, Perspectives on Taste: Aesthetics, Language, Metaphysics, and Experimental Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 260-285.
    In theoretical work about the language of personal taste, the canonical example is the simple predicate of personal taste, 'tasty'. We can also express the same positive gustatory evaluation with the complex expression, 'taste good'. But there is a challenge for an analysis of 'taste good': While it can be used equivalently with 'tasty', it need not be (for instance, imagine it used by someone who can identify good wines by taste but doesn't enjoy them). This kind of two-faced behavior (...)
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  11. A closer look at the perceptual source in copy raising constructions.Rachel Etta Rudolph - 2019 - Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung 23 2:287-304.
    Simple claims with the verb ‘seem’, as well as the specific sensory verbs, ‘look’, ‘sound’, etc., require the speaker to have some relevant kind of perceptual acquaintance (Pearson, 2013; Ninan, 2014). But different forms of these reports differ in their perceptual requirements. For example, the copy raising (CR) report, ‘Tom seems like he’s cooking’ requires the speaker to have seen Tom, while its expletive subject (ES) variant, ‘It seems like Tom is cooking’, does not (Rogers, 1972; Asudeh and Toivonen, 2012). (...)
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  12. The Wonder of Wonders – Subjectivity as Non-Duality.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 2.
    This paper describes the contemporary phenomenological understanding of subjectivity as non dual awareness.
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  13. Phenomenology of the Healing Power of the Awareness Field.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 3.
    This paper focuses on the phenomenology of healing within the awareness field.
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  14. The acquaintance inference with 'seem'-reports.Rachel Etta Rudolph - 2019 - Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistics Society 54:451-460.
    Some assertions give rise to the acquaintance inference: the inference that the speaker is acquainted with some individual. Discussion of the acquaintance inference has previously focused on assertions about aesthetic matters and personal tastes (e.g. 'The cake is tasty'), but it also arises with reports about how things seem (e.g. 'Tom seems like he's cooking'). 'Seem'-reports give rise to puzzling acquaintance behavior, with no analogue in the previously-discussed domains. In particular, these reports call for a distinction between the specific acquaintance (...)
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  15. Undying and unborn and Unbound Base of Space and Light.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 1 (Awareness).
    This paper focuses on the base of awareness as space and light.
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  16. Truth and confirmation.Rudolf Carnap - 1949 - In Herbert Feigl, Readings in philosophical analysis. New York,: Appleton-Century-Crofts. pp. 119--127.
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  17. Contested metalinguistic negotiation.Rachel Etta Rudolph - 2023 - Synthese 202 (3):1-23.
    In ordinary conversation, speakers disagree not only about worldly facts, but also about how to use language to describe the world. For example, disagreement about whether Buffalo is in the American Midwest, whether Pluto is a planet, or whether someone has been canceled, can persist even with agreement about all the relevant facts. The speakers may still engage in “metalinguistic negotiation”—disputing what to mean by “Midwest”, “planet”, or “cancel”. I first motivate an approach to metalinguistic negotiation that generalizes a Stalnakerian (...)
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  18. Dzogchen is Self Liberation Through The Appearing of Appearances.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
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  19. The Visible and the Invisible 16 v1.Rudolph Bauer - 2011 - Transmission 1.
    This paper describes the non dual relationship between the visible and the invisible.
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  20. Heideggers Schwarze Hefte im Echo.Enno Rudolph - 2015 - Philosophische Rundschau 62 (2):141-154.
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  21. A Commentary on the Historical Unfolding of the Dzogchen Tradition within the Influence of the Heart Essence.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on the history of dzogchen within the heart essence tradition.
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  22. Phenomenological Contributions to Dzogchen.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on the contributions of phenomenology to Dzogchen.
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  23. Theophrast: Metaphysik.Gregor Damschen, Dominic Kaegi & Enno Rudolph - 2012 - Hamburg: Meiner.
    Theophrastus' treatise "Metaphysics" contains a compact and critical reconstruction of unsolved systematic problems of classical Greek philosophy. It is primarily about fundamental problems of ontology and natural philosophy, such as the question of the interdependence of principles and perceptible phenomena or the plausibility of teleology as a methodical principle of the explanation of nature. The aim of the critical Greek-German edition (with introduction and commentary) is to make visible the systematic significance of Theophrastus' critique of metaphysics.
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  24. Dzogchen as Self Liberation through The Ground of Wisdom Awareness.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on Dzogchen and self liberation.
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  25. Dzogchen as Presence.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on the essence of dzogchen as Presence.
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  26. Merleau Ponty: Subjectivity as The Field of Being within Beings.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 4.
    This paper relates Merleau Ponty's understanding of primordial subjectivity and the field of Being within beings.
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  27. The Luminousity of Language and Symbol.PhD Bauer, Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 1 (Awareness).
    This paper focuses on the relationship of language within the awareness field.
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  28. Guhyagarbha Tantra: Awakened Awareness and the Awakeness of Phenomena.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 3.
    This paper explores the nature of awakened awareness and awakened phenomena in the dzogchen tradition from a phenomenological viewpoint.
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  29. Winnicott and Lacan and The Lack within Subjectivity In the Context of Dzogchen.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on Winnicott and Lacan and the lack within subjectivity in light of dzogchen.
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  30. Heidegger: On Becoming Self Liberated Through the Manifestation of Appearance.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on Heidegger's presentation of becoming self liberated.
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  31. Radiant Embodiment.PhD Rudolph Bauer, Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 1 (Awareness).
    As the inner light of awareness increases and permeates our body, we experience our embodiment as spaceousness and light and energy.
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  32. Prajna: The Discernment of Direct Awareness Knowningness (Gnosis, Jnana).Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on Prajna and the discernment of knowningness.
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  33. Meditation as Becoming Aware of the Field of Awareness.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 4.
    This paper focuses in detail on the practice of meditation as becoming aware of awareness as a field vast and multidimensional.
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  34. Gazing as Dzogchen.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 2.
    This paper describes the phenomenology of gazing within dzogchen practice.
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  35. The Appearance of Emptiness Through Time.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 4.
    This paper focuses on the appearance of emptiness through time.
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  36. Phenomenology of Light.PhD Rudolph Bauer, Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 1 (Awareness).
    The foucus of this paper is on the unfolding of luminousity within the field of awareness.
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  37. Phenomenology of the Essence and Appearance in Merleau Ponty.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on the phenomenology of essence and appearance in Merleau Ponty.
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  38. Empty Mind, Transitional Space and The Dissolving of Self Object Function.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on empty mind, transitional space and the dissolving of the self object function.
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  39. The Realm of Omnipotence and The Power of Awareness: Lacanian Phenomenological View.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on the realm of omnipotence from a Lacanian viewpoint.
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  40. Awareness and Movement in Dzogchen.Rudolph Bauer - 2011 - Transmission 2.
    This paper focuses on awareness and movement in dzogchen.
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  41. The Path of Everyone Which is Always Taking Place, The Path of Appearance and Awareness.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on the path of appearance and awareness.
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  42. How to Read a Text, How to Hear a Text.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on the hermeneutic of reading text and hearing text.
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  43. Liberation as the Experience of Pervasive Radiance, the Pervasiveness of Radiance.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on liberation as the experience of pervasive radiance.
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  44. Views and Formulations within Eastern Philosophy that Negate Personalism and Humanism.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on the views and formulations of eastern philosophy the negate humanism and personalism.
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  45. The Phenomenology of TimelessAwareness as Vajra Kumara.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 3.
    This paper focuses on the phenomenology of timeless awareness.
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  46. Desire and Fixation.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 2.
    This paper focuses on the phenomenology of desire and fixation.
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  47. Seminar on the Fragmenting Body and the freeing of Luminous Spaciousness to be Embodied.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 2.
    This paper beginning with a Lacanian view point describes fragmentation and the unfolding of awareness in the process of embodiment within the understanding of dzogchen.
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    This paper focuses on the phenomenology of awareness as natural liberation.
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  49. Symbolization (Part 2) as the Purity of All Phenomena.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 3.
    This paper focuses on symbolization as purity and translucidity of phenomena.
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  50. Experiencing Subjectivity as Primordial Awareness Field.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 2.
    This paper describes subjectivity as the manifestation of the primordial awareness field.
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