Results for 'Schwarzschild '

12 found
  1. The Language of Indrajit of Orchā. A Study of Early Braj Bhāṣā ProseThe Language of Indrajit of Orcha. A Study of Early Braj Bhasa Prose.L. A. Schwarzschild & R. S. McGregor - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (3):636.
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  2. An Alternative to the Schwarzschild solution of GTR.Andrew Thomas Holster - manuscript
    The Schwarzschild solution (Schwarzschild, 1915/16) to Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity (GTR) is accepted in theoretical physics as the unique solution to GTR for a central-mass system. In this paper I propose an alternative solution to GTR, and argue it is both logically consistent and empirically realistic as a theory of gravity. This solution is here called K-gravity. The introduction explains the basic concept. The central sections go through the technical detail, defining the basic solution for the geometric (...)
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  3. Light and Clock Behavior in the Space Generation Model of Gravitation.Richard Benish - 2008 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 15 (3):222.
    General Relativity’s Schwarzschild solution describes a spherically symmetric gravitational field as an utterly static thing. The Space Generation Model describes it as an absolutely moving thing. The light propagation time-delay experiment of Shapiro-Reasenberg [1] and the falling atomic clock experiment of Vessot-Levine [2] provide the ideal context for illustrating how, though the respective world views implied by these models are radically di fferent, they make nearly the same prediction for the results of these experiments.
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  4. A reinterpretation of the cosmological vacuum.Thomas Schürmann - manuscript
    In this paper, we make a proposal for addressing the cosmological constant problem. Our approach will be based on a reinterpretation of two non-standard de Sitter solutions given by the Einstein vacuum equations with Λ>0. As a first result, we derive an uncertainty principle for both variants of the de Sitter space (Theorem). Subsequently, a decomposition of the cosmological constant in a pair of time-dependent pieces is introduced (Corollary). The time-dependence of the corresponding energy and dark energy density is discussed (...)
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  5. Geometric model of gravity, counterfactual solar mass, and the Pioneer anomalies.Andrew Holster - manuscript
    This study analyses the predictions of the General Theory of Relativity (GTR) against a slightly modified version of the standard central mass solution (Schwarzschild solution). It is applied to central gravity in the solar system, the Pioneer spacecraft anomalies (which GTR fails to predict correctly), and planetary orbit distances and times, etc (where GTR is thought consistent.) -/- The modified gravity equation was motivated by a theory originally called ‘TFP’ (Time Flow Physics, 2004). This is now replaced by the (...)
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  6. Colombeau Solutions to Einstein Field Equations in General Relativity: Gravitational Singularities, Distributional SAdS BH Spacetime-Induced Vacuum Dominance.Jaykov Foukzon (ed.) - 2019 - India . United Kingdom: Book Publisher International.
    This book deals with Colombeau solutions to Einstein field equations in general relativity: Gravitational singularities, distributional SAdS BH spacetime-induced vacuum dominance. This book covers key areas of Colombeau nonlinear generalized functions, distributional Riemannian, geometry, distributional schwarzschild geometry, Schwarzschild singularity, Schwarzschild horizon, smooth regularization, nonsmooth regularization, quantum fields, curved spacetime, vacuum fluctuations, vacuum dominance etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians of this area.
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  7. Scrutiny of Droste’s Original Solution (1917).Mohamed Elmansour Hassani - manuscript
    In 1916, Johannes Droste independently found an exact (vacuum) solution to the Einstein's (gravitational) field equations in empty space. Droste's solution is quasi-comparable to Schwarzschild's one . Droste published his paper entitled “The field of a single centre in Einstein's theory of gravitation, and the motion of a particle in that fieldˮ. The paper communicated (in the meeting of May 27, 1916) by Prof. H.A. Lorentz, and published in ʻProceedings of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. 19 (...)
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  8. Transforms for the early Kerr metric.Stephen Athel Abbott - manuscript
    The concept and usage of the word 'metric' within General Relativity is briefly described. The early work of Roy Kerr led to his original 1963 algebraic, rotating metric. This discovery and his subsequent recollection in 2008 are summarised as the motivation for this article. Computer algebra has confirmed that nominal transformations of this early metric can generate further natural algebraic metrics. The algebra is not abstract, nor advanced, and these metrics have been overlooked for many years. The 1916 metric due (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Interpretation of Singularities in General Relativity and the Information Loss Paradox.Cristi Stoica - manuscript
    When matter is falling into a black hole, the associated information becomes unavailable to the black hole's exterior. If the black hole disappears by Hawking evaporation, the information seems to be lost in the singularity, leading to Hawking's information paradox: the unitary evolution seems to be broken, because a pure separate quantum state can evolve into a mixed one.

    This article proposes a new interpretation of the black hole singularities, which restores the information conservation. For the Schwarzschild black hole, it (...)
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  10. An Overview of Black Holes.Arjun Dahal & Naresh Adhikari - 2018 - Journal of St. Xavier's Physics Council:8.
    Black holes are one of the fascinating objects in the universe with gravitational pull strong enough to capture light within them. Through this article we have attempted to provide an insight to the black holes, on their formation and theoretical developments that made them one of the unsolved mysteries of universe.
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  11. Distributional SAdS BH Spacetime-Induced Vacuum Dominance.Jaykov Foukzon - 2016 - Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science 13 (6):1-54.
    This paper dealing with extension of the Einstein eld equations using apparatus of contemporary generalization of the classical Lorentzian geometry named in literature Colombeau distributional geometry, see for example [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7] and [32]. The regularizations of singularities presented in some solutions of the Einstein equations is an important part of this approach. Any singularities present in some solutions of the Einstein equations recognized only in the sense of Colombeau generalized functions [1], [2] and not classically. (...)
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  12. New vs. Given.Angelika Kratzer & Elisabeth Selkirk - 2019 - In Daniel Altshuler & Jessica Rett, The Semantics of Plurals, Focus, Degrees, and Times: Essays in Honor of Roger Schwarzschild. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 157-160.
    This squib begins with an argument emphasizing that the grammar of English makes a distinction between constituents that are focused and those that are merely new, hence not given. If the distinction is made via features, we need two features: one indicating focus and one indicating either given or new information. Which one of the two? Semantically, the choice doesn’t matter: whatever information is given is not new and the other way round. For the phonology, there is a difference, however. (...)
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