Results for 'Tarik Bel-Bahar'

13 found
  1. Modal Realism and the PSR.Tarik Tijanovic - 2024 - In Yannic Kappes, Asya Passinsky, Julio De Rizzo & Benjamin Schnieder (eds.), Facets of Reality — Contemporary Debates. Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 772-779.
    Peter Van Inwagen argues that The Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR) either leads to contradiction or it leads to necessitarianism. Although I agree with Van Inwagen that the relationship between the PSR and necessitarianism is close, I argue that the PSR is compatible with innocent versions of necessitarianism. In this project my main argument is that modal realism can account for the PSR and integrate it within an innocent version of necessitarianism. My main claim will be that each fact in (...)
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  2. Smart Prototyping: From Data-Driven Mass-Customization to Community-Enabled Co-Production.Sina Mostafavi, Bahar Bagheri, Ding Wen Bao & Asma Mehan - 2024 - In Mitra Kanaani (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Smart Design Thinking in Architecture & Urbanism for a Sustainable, Living Planet. London: Routledge. pp. 633-642.
    Materialization practices in the architecture and building industry have evolved with the advancement of manufacturing and information technologies. This evolution is evident across various design and production phases, with a pronounced impact on prototyping. Advances in design and fabrication tools have empowered prototypes, integral in any production cycle, to furnish a growing array of information and feedback for designers and manufacturers. In this context, prototypes have transformed from merely showcasing data-driven building solutions to presenting socio-environmentally conscious systems. Innovation in prototyping (...)
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  3. THE PHILOSOPHY OF KAJAOLALIDDONG: A BASIC PATTERN OF LIFE AND CULTURE IN BUGIS AND MAKASSAR.Muhammad Hasyim & Teng Muhammad Bahar Akkase - 2020 - Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (12):1548-1552.
    This research aims to analyze the term Philosophy of Local History, which is conducted using secondary sources, in addition to primary sources in the form of data from informants domiciled in Bone Regency. This research is also conducted to find out about Kajaolaliddong as a role model who are honest, intelligent, and brave. Kajaolaliddong is known as a scholar, statesman, and a reliable diplomat, whose thoughts became the concept of pangadereng, which then metamorphoses into a basic pattern of royal government (...)
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  4. ¿BEL o Bypass? Dos teorías de la transparencia del autoconocimiento.Martin Francisco Fricke - 2020 - Tópicos. Revista de Filosofía 59:11-50.
    Alex Byrne and Jordi Fernández propose two different versions of a transparency theory of self-knowledge. According to Byrne, we self-attribute beliefs by an inference from what we take to be facts about the world (following a rule he calls BEL). According to Fernández, we self-attribute the belief that p on the basis of a prior mental state, a state which constitutes our grounds for the belief that p (thereby realizing a procedure he calls Bypass). In this paper, I present the (...)
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  5. I correlati simbolici tra il libro di Giobbe e i suoi antecedenti mesopotamici, con particolare riferimento al Lūdlul Bēl Nēmeqi (Il giusto sofferente).Donato Santarcangelo - manuscript
    La citazione di Rilke pare ben delineare gli ambiti “abissali” del rapporto di noi tutti con “Dio”, di “Dio” con l'abisso di se stesso, come Jung (ma non solo) ritiene, e in definitiva di noi stessi con noi stessi (Jung: ”L'uomo moderno deve perciò trovare altrove, nel suo profondo, le sorgenti della propria vita spirituale, e per trovarle deve individualmente lottare contro il male, confrontarsi con l'Ombra, integrare il demonio”). Il libro di Giobbe appare configurarsi come lo sforzo ultimo di (...)
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  6. À Propos de Pierre, Does He…or Doesn’t He?Nathan Salmon - 2023 - In Ernest Lepore & David Sosa (eds.), Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Language, 3. Oxford University Press. pp. 176-181.
    In Frege’s Puzzle (1986), Salmon analyzed ‘a withholds believing p’ in terms of a ternary relation BEL of x believing a proposition p under a guise g. The proposed analysis is the following: There is a proposition guise g such that a grasps p by means of g but a does not stand in BEL to p and g. Sean Crawford has made a proposal for Millians to evade propositional guises through second-order belief. Specifically, in effect, Crawford’s proposes to analyze (...)
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  7. Un monde sans passeports serait-il utopique?Speranta Dumitru - 2016 - In Hélène Thiollet (ed.), Migrants, migrations. Armand Collin. pp. 59-91.
    « Utopique » se dit d’un projet irréalisable, qui ne saurait exister. Or, un monde où les passeports n’étaient pas obligatoires pour traverser une frontière a bel et bien existé : c’est celui d’avant la Première Guerre Mondiale. Cet article résume l'histoire des efforts pour abolir le régime des passeports obligatoires après la Première Guerre Mondiale.
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  8. Transparency or Opacity of Mind?Martin F. Fricke - 2014 - Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 22:97-99.
    Self-knowledge presents a challenge for naturalistic theories of mind. Peter Carruthers’s (2011) approach to this challenge is Rylean: He argues that we know our own propositional attitudes because we (unconsciously) interpret ourselves, just as we have to interpret others in order to know theirs’. An alternative approach, opposed by Carruthers, is to argue that we do have a special access to our own beliefs, but that this is a natural consequence of our reasoning capacity. This is the approach of transparency (...)
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  9. L’inférence à la meilleure explication, l’induction et les agents épistémiques.Victor Tremblay-Baillargeon - 2023 - Revue Phares 23 (1):129-145.
    Cet article cherche à approfondir la conclusion de Hume selon laquelle l’induction, malgré son importance comme méthode inférentielle, est injustifiable. J’argumente en particulier que l’induction devrait être comprise comme un processus psychologique fondamental. Mon plan est le suivant : après un résumé du problème de l’induction humien, j’offre une rapide argumentation en faveur de la conceptualisation de l’induction comme une inférence à la meilleure explication (IME). Ensuite, je propose un argument original visant à montrer que l’IME est un processus psychologique (...)
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  10. O Capitalismo e a Formação do Pensamento Clássico.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva E-mails: [email protected] / [email protected] WhatsApp: (82)9.8143-8399 O CAPITALISMO E A FORMAÇÃO DO PENSAMENTO CLÁSSICO A partir do século XVI, inúmeras metamorfoses sociais divergentes entre si vêm moldando e caracterizando o sistema sociopolítico-econômico que hoje denominamos de capitalismo. A vida pragmática social ganhou novos moldes e formatos específicos, isto é, formas de produção e produtividade, de ignição, de cultura e de dispêndio foram moldados e constituídas ao longo dos últimos cinco séculos da humanidade, outorgando uma feição (...)
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  11. Considerazioni sui fondamenti della Meccanica Statistica.Sergio Chibbaro, Lamberto Rondoni & Angelo Vulpiani - 2012 - In Vincenzo Fano, Enrico Giannetto, Giulia Giannini & Pierluigi Graziani (eds.), Complessità e Riduzionismo. ISONOMIA - Epistemologica Series Editor. pp. 126-140.
    A differenza della meccanica quantistica, i cui fondamenti sono sempre stati al centro di un ininterrotto dibattito, gli aspetti concettuali della meccanica statistica non hanno attratto interessi così vasti; tra le eccezioni citiamo il bel libro di Emch e Liu. In questo breve contributo discuteremo alcuni problemi concettuali della meccanica statistica, in particolare il ruolo del caos e l’emergenza di proprietà collettive che appaiono quando il numero delle particelle del sistema è molto grande.
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  12. Heródoto E A Primeira Tipologia de Governo.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    HERÔDOTOS iniciou o estudo histórico, pois antes dele só havia logógrafos, ou seja, escritores gregos em prosa, que se limitavam a transcrever dados e a repetir os mitos e as lendas locais. A história, com esse autor, passou a ter um significado de pesquisa e estudo, contrapondo-se ao momento anterior, sem compromisso com a veracidade e a investigação. A vida pessoal do autor, fazendo inúmeras e interessantes viagens, permitiu-lhe escrever com um caráter novo, baseado no conhecimento efetivo. Houve, porém, muito (...)
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  13. Knowing What One Believes – In Defense of a Dispositional Reliabilist Extrospective Account.Michael Roche - 2016 - American Philosophical Quarterly 53 (4):365-379.
    We seem to enjoy a special kind of access to our beliefs. We seem able to know about them via a distinctively first-personal method, and such knowledge seems epistemically superior to any knowledge that others might attain of our beliefs. This paper defends a novel account of this access. The account is extrospective in that it explains this access in terms of our ability to think about the (non-mental) world. Moreover, it does not require the contentious claim that judging that (...)
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